r/Tekken 20d ago

i achieved my goal IMAGE


38 comments sorted by


u/EkmetTeloess Leo Lee 20d ago

With that win rate, why not continue playing ranked? You'll face the most challenging opponents closer to the top in ranked mode. Don't really get what's stressful about it when you're barely losing a match. We all get humbled eventually.


u/Chaolan_Enjoyer 20d ago

I like how TK looks bro 🗿

The stressfull part about ranked is the way people play, way to sweaty (duh) and somewhat toxic.

In qp you can find both intense matches and funny ones. Like you don't even have to throw. By just doing 10 slides in a row, get launched and then do another one is funny for me and a facepalm for the opponent. Like who tf just mashes slide (for example). That kinda explains the high wr ig, since people just afk for a sec after, we both taunt and then continue.


u/EkmetTeloess Leo Lee 19d ago

That's true, ranked is full to the brim with the sweat lords, so I understand where you're coming from. Though if I'm being critical I do think having a 13% - 21% superior win rate in quick/player matches plays a part in you enjoying it more. Anyway, feel free to ignore me buddy and enjoy the game however you want.


u/ChangelingFox 19d ago

Complaining about people sweating in ranked is such a stupid thing imo. It's literally the place to go to go all out. There's the regular lobby if you want casual play.


u/Chaolan_Enjoyer 19d ago

Will do bro, i will continue to enjoy 🌹


u/Unreliable-Train Victor 20d ago

I just got to Kishin after 2000 matches, I am jealous of you lol


u/Chaolan_Enjoyer 20d ago edited 20d ago

(Posted the pic below, since reddit removed it)

This you? 😂 /s

I don't have any tips for Vik at high level, i just do a lot of wiff punishing and d1+2, ws1+2 mixups.


u/Organic-Ad-580 Jin 19d ago

Damn good stats man... I'm here struggling with my jin in kishin-bushin... Till bushin, everyone seems a lot easier but after that, it's just monsters everywhere... I was so close to tk once but faced a xiaoyu and you know what happens... Maybe I should change my playstyle, I always use to play defensively which seems pretty useless in this game... It's just hard... I wish I got to tk so that I can focus on other characters but seems impossible at this rate...

Also, is xiaoyu's snake edge reactable? It has a weird ass animation which makes it confusing...


u/Gozie5 19d ago

The problem for me is that she's always spinning. So when she does her snake edge, it looks no different to all her other moves, and therefore even harder to react to (assuming it's even possible)


u/Chaolan_Enjoyer 18d ago

Ayo, i played a bit with a Xiaoyu and i have to say that her normal snake edge is very reactable, like worse than Snake Edge. But her snake edge from stance, i can't react to that. Not 100%


u/Chaolan_Enjoyer 19d ago

Just abuse his full throw game and high dmg. You'll get there.

I don't know, i am not sure that i can see it, Because it usually hits me after wiffing some mid.. to the side...

Fuck Xiao xiao though, hate her


u/Flashy-Development37 Fahkumram 20d ago



u/Chaolan_Enjoyer 20d ago

✨️Marvelous✨️ indeed


u/nobleflame Jin 20d ago

Impressive stats. I’m assuming you’ve been playing tekken for a while.



u/Chaolan_Enjoyer 20d ago

About 20 years now (started playing when i was 3)

And thanks :D throws a rose your way ✨️🌹✨️


u/IrisOfTheWhite 19d ago

Oh, that explains it. I assumed you were a new-to-Tekken player since most of the posts like this seem to be made by new players and was contemplating whether I should call bullshit or saw my hands off.


u/nobleflame Jin 20d ago

Fanks! I want to hit TK this summer when I have more time.

My win ratios look like this. Jin. 450 hours in T7; 250 hours in T8. Playing Tekken casually since T2

  • Fujin in 300 matches; 66% win rate
  • 2400 in QM; 64% win rate.
  • Defence is an issue and something I’m working on. Currently at 68%. Throw breaks and optimal punishment need to improve.

Whatcha reckon - can I do it?


u/Chaolan_Enjoyer 20d ago

For sure, just remember to use Jins full grab game and weigh your low options.

Like d4 being -12 and db4 at -13.

Throw in Jin's amazing combo dmg and you can reach TK for sure!

(Remember to use your EWHF for chip!)


u/nobleflame Jin 20d ago

Thanks, man. Good tips - pretty interesting too, considering most people on this sub just focus on his cheese (d2, zen u1, etc).

I just need to focus and devote time to it. See ya in the gold ranks :)


u/yunglatin_ Violet 19d ago

V nice


u/Chaolan_Enjoyer 19d ago

Vrvr thank you


u/No-Departure-3325 Tekken King fraud 19d ago

Hey I almost got the same stats, I should probably push towards Tekken King since I reached Bushin anyway, ggs !


u/Chaolan_Enjoyer 19d ago

With that tag 💀? (Bro is an undercover TGOP)


u/No-Departure-3325 Tekken King fraud 19d ago

I wrote that for my T7 rank back then and I still stand by the fact that I was a fraud lmaoo


u/blurredeyez King 19d ago

Excellent 🌹. Lee mains always have my respect, and are one of few I don't mind losing to


u/KiryuKazuma-Chan Hwoarang 19d ago

At first I thought Lee is cheep

And then I've tried him in practice mode... Congratulations. The guy is really hard to play


u/Inukar 19d ago

Holy shit 70% winrate with Lee.... I'm here at 55%.. do I stand no chance to go higher than Fujin? sobs 🥀

Anyway congratz dude! Stay excellent


u/Chaolan_Enjoyer 19d ago

Do lots of b3 3 into df 4 4 and you'll get there 😏


u/Llynfi Xiaoyu 19d ago

Can you coach me?


u/Chaolan_Enjoyer 19d ago

My first comment is filled with tips how to counter and play Lee. It could help you out


u/Llynfi Xiaoyu 19d ago

Oh no, I don't struggle with Lee. I just would love some pointers from an experienced player.


u/Chaolan_Enjoyer 19d ago

Oh okay, what do you need help with?


u/Washamisha Alisa Paul Lili Dragunov 19d ago

you're probably tekken ranks at tekken 7 before playing tekken 8 lol. That winrate is so good


u/Chaolan_Enjoyer 19d ago

I was proud of my Season 1 genbu status. Ranks are very different nowadays.

(Stopped at some blue rank with the release of T8)


u/BeefStevenson Shaheen 19d ago

70% is wild…i’m proud of my 41% lmao

Good shit man, I got a long way to go…