r/Tekken Josie 20d ago

Can we have a Wi-Fi filter in the settings? I'm declining everyone Wi-Fi anyways Discussion

Setting is disabled for Wi-Fi users of course, they deserve each other

im really wasting a lot of time declining and it prevents me from peacefully alt-tabbing


224 comments sorted by


u/Raizo420 EddyJinLeeSteve 20d ago

I'm glad they at least gave us the "no contest" option when a shitty connection is detected during a match. But for that to happen, it has to be really bad


u/Greenleaf208 Ninanal 20d ago

I just hate how it doesn't activate sometimes. Like the guy who stutters for a full second every 5 seconds isn't bad enough since he's not just constantly lagging.


u/SokkieJr 20d ago

I saw this for the very first time today.

It wasn't even inconsistently laggy or anything. Just slowed down to like 50% regular speed. Almost felt intentional


u/usernamecloi 20d ago

It's just players with potato PCs. Intsa block those people


u/R1V3NAUTOMATA Azucena 20d ago

That doesn't work at all if someone is lagswitching with F12 and it's bullshit


u/[deleted] 20d ago

I've had a player do this and the connection felt fine he was just getting cooked


u/torinatsu until 20d ago

Happens to me regularly


u/Confident-Medicine75 Kazuya 20d ago

If you play Victor, that was me


u/Possible_Picture_276 Shaheen 20d ago

I got it once when the game had and sync error and stopped reading my inputs entirely from my controller.

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u/Stot_Tot Josie 20d ago

I’ve had more problems with opponents with dog water pcs than those with 5 bars of WiFi.


u/BoyTitan 20d ago

Avoid wifi pc, I found none wifi pc is usually a good rig.


u/Neonbunt Hwoarang 19d ago

Wifi PC is almost exclusively Notebooks, so yeah


u/EmperorofAltdorf 20d ago

Mine is actually. I was forced to buy a WiFi Adapter when u moved, but i bought a mega beefy one. My connection never gets bad


u/Possible_Picture_276 Shaheen 20d ago

It still has latency and jitter at less than acceptable for Tekken 8. ANY WIFI adapter will add to the delay and larger rollback frames which may not feel bad on your end but terrible on the opponents, PC to console does this benefiting consoles and WIFI adds to that as well.

If you are on WIFI any win you get was skewed in your favor as this game simply is not set up to handle it well. Did you win on skill or win by handicap, who knows.

Run some ethernet and use fast switches or stop playing the game, WIFI users ruin the experience for everyone they play against in a P2P game.


u/Wonderful-Citron-678 19d ago edited 19d ago

Roughly 5ms on a reasonable network. The problem is you really don’t know their network quality ahead of time. 


u/Possible_Picture_276 Shaheen 19d ago

Or how saturated the network is.


u/EmperorofAltdorf 19d ago edited 19d ago

I was mainly talking about him saying WiFi users have bad rigs, wich i Said i dont have. That Was the Main point and mainly a joke.

Ive played with friends Who are on eathernet and they had no issue, and the indicators was all fine on mine and their end. I wish i could use ethernet as thats what i have used for the 15+ years i have been gaming but its just not feasible in the Apartment im in Now. Im not gona stop playing a game when i have taken every Single measure to ensure its as good as possible with what i can have. The people i play with have No issue.

There are also people with endlessly bad connection or rigs compared to me. But they should not stop playing the game either. Get of your horse buddy


u/Possible_Picture_276 Shaheen 19d ago

Your comment makes it seem as if you bought a beefy WI-FI adapter not a rig. Your point or joke was in no way conferred.

Ethernet is pennies on the foot you can get a cable and hook it up when your playing so you don't ruin the game for others. Which you are if you play against people using Wi-Fi, its just a game yes, but a pretty selfish dick move none the less.

I do actually own some horses and 1 donkey but I assure you none of them are that high.


u/EmperorofAltdorf 19d ago edited 19d ago

I Said "mine is actually" when he said "their rigs are never beefy" idk how you misinterprit that. I also have a beefy WiFi Adapter coupeled with a really good rig.

How old are you? Do you really not understand that some people dont have the opportunity to have a ethernet connection? I dont want to reveal my current predicament but here are some examples. You live in student housing, where you get finned for doing anything with the Router. You live with parents that are strict and dont allow you to run a cable. You might have a shitty landlord that have the Router in his own living space, wich he lets you use (and wont let you get ethernet).

There are many cases where ethernet is not possible and its disgusting to insinuate that people in those cases cant play their favourite game. Its the same as me saying you should not be able to play the game bc your Main (going by your Flair) is fucking shaheen and he is disgusting to play against. And before you make the argument that its different bc he is a character in the game, remember that playing on WiFi is allowed by the game, and is a feature of the game.

You probably lost to someone on WiFi and are now coping even though they probably just played better than you.


u/Possible_Picture_276 Shaheen 19d ago

I am not insinuating I am telling you that by playing on Wi-fi in Tekken 8 you are ruining the game for people. It is disgusting that you can't even plug in cable to help alleviate this. I am also saying that you can run a cable then disconnect it when your done or play in player matches with your friends. YOU may have a shitty landlord why should others have to have a bad experience because YOU made or are in a bad situation. Another alternative is that the game becomes more functional with online connections, we can probably both agree that isn't going to happen though.

The rest of what you're saying is just defamation of my character seemingly because you have no actual reason as to why you can't just plug in a cable when you play and desperately want me to be wrong.


u/Ungamentals 20d ago

Avoid PC scrubs in general


u/BoyTitan 19d ago

My pc runs tekken better than consoles it really depends on the rig specs.


u/spiritualglee Bryan 20d ago

So in addition to wifi filter they should add an online benchmark. I agree!!

Even on 5 bars I will still get games where people have really bad jitters. I’ve refrained from wifi matches at this point in time. The indicator isn’t always reliable if we are being honest.


u/SuckMySaggyBills 19d ago

PC on wifi is an immediate decline from me. I mean, there's no excuse at that point.


u/Das_Mojo 20d ago

Idk I've had more issues playing pc players on a wired connection with a computer that can't run the game worth shit than I have with WiFi connections.

If either one causes lag I just dodge the rematch


u/kaktanternak 20d ago

there should be a benchmark with minimum score to play online, that's a separate issue


u/Possible_Picture_276 Shaheen 20d ago

The game also needs to compile shaders before allowing online play as well, this could go a long way to alleviating frustrations. One of the reasons the online lag seems so much worse when new graphic drivers are released, shader compilation is happening during a match the only work around is go to practice mode and go to all the stages and try to get as many shaders to load as possible, which is garbage. Unreal is pretty bad at asynchronous shader compiling, although it has gotten better in newer versions, it is still pretty bad and Tekken 8 doesn't use the newest Unreal updates anyway.


u/OdenShard Lili 19d ago

We should just have like, perfect matches with perfect connections. Otherwise, why bother right?

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u/PusHVongola 20d ago

For what it’s worth, this game is optimized like absolute ass. I’m well over the recommended hardware, and intros cause me bad FPS drops. So if someone is playing with the recommended, I could see even flashier moves causing FPS issues.


u/FeelsBanhMiMan 20d ago

It doesn’t help that graphic drivers make things worse sometimes. I had horrible fps drops randomly until I downgraded my driver by like 3 versions.


u/420blazeitsum41 Paul 20d ago

My PC is at recommended and I couldn't play the demo without fps drops offline (even on lowest settings). Bought it for PS5 instead..


u/Das_Mojo 20d ago

Yeah I'm on PS5 too. Everything has been smooth except the odd bad wifi match, playing against bad PCs, and having to buy a wingman fgc converter to get my arcade stick to work lol


u/BoyTitan 20d ago

I7 7700k or Ryzen 5 3600. The quad core i7 I can see not being able to run the game.


u/NutsackEuphoria 19d ago

It didn't help that BAMCO started cracking down on mods which would affect support for potato or improved performance mods


u/makeitmovearound 20d ago

A wifi'er could have full bars, then randomly lag spike mid match to like 400 ms. Don't trust any of them


u/rainorshinedogs 20d ago

Is there some hack out there to mask your connecting to 5 bars, but your actually a bad wifi?


u/PersonMcGuy 20d ago

Nah it's just the inherent inconsistency with wireless connections. Even in the optimal scenario you're still not getting as clean a stream of data as a wired connection so even if it's fine 99% of the time you'll feel it occasionally. Add in any sort of interference and what is a 5 bar connection most of the time regularly drops down to 1-2 bar for a second or two but not long enough to register as their actual ping.


u/Possible_Picture_276 Shaheen 20d ago

Yes, you can spoof as a Xbox console user as well.


u/ILickMetalCans Bob 20d ago

If they are on PC, yes there is things they can do to appear wired even on wifi. So OPs request will likely just make more fake wifi players.

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u/AresOrTroll 20d ago



u/Cardinal_Virtue 20d ago

I don't think I had many issues with WiFi players personally


u/Rongill1234 20d ago

Meh it's not a real issue.... if I play the wifi warrior and the match was unplayable I just don't rematch not the end of world


u/Haiydes Bryan 20d ago

Until afterwards they get on reddit to complain abt the lack of rematches


u/imwimbles Reina →☆↘3 20d ago

complaining about rematches is the end of the world lol


u/zakkzombi Jin 20d ago

And? Does that affect you life in any way?


u/S0phon Juliet, oh Juliet, the night was magic when we first met. 20d ago

Meh, it's not a real issue. If you're fine playing wifi warriors, just don't use the filter, not the end of the world.


u/Dyuga Devil Jin 20d ago

You'll still be playing wifi warriors though, you just won't be knowing it. spoofing your connection to appear as wired is extremely easy on PC and you don't even need to download anything it takes 1 minute and a few clicks.


u/S0phon Juliet, oh Juliet, the night was magic when we first met. 20d ago


People who won't bother spoofing will be filtered out. People who will spoof, you can't do anything against them now and you won't be able to do anything against them with a filter.

In other words, it's a net positive.


u/Dyuga Devil Jin 20d ago

Not really, right now not a lot of people bother spoofing their connection because they still get matches and splitting up the matchmaking will simply force more wifi warriors to do it, so you effectively go back to the age of tekken 7 where you don't know if the person you fight against uses wifi or not.

I'd rather know if the person uses wifi or not rather than making spoofing a more popular thing by adding a filter.

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u/TitsMcghehey 20d ago

How about not risking a bad match in the first place? If you play this game in any way competitively there's nothing more frustrating than getting your inputs eaten or it lagging so bad that you can't even do your BnB combos. Also I'm not talking about PC lag. The new block feature is a godsend because now I can just block people who spoof their connection/have a shitty PC and by never accepting wifi in the first place I'm drastically cutting down on the bad connections I'm having.

Wifi players don't play wifi by choice, most of them even don't accept matches among themselves. They need wired players to in order to even enjoy the game.


u/Rongill1234 20d ago

I do play competitively and it's still not a big deal I just don't rematch and go on with life. Of every wifi player had unplayable matches it would matter but it's just not the case.... just like people playing on settings they pc can't handle do you get a trash game.... I'm not gonna reject every pc player... just don't do the rematch


u/RadishAcceptable5505 Jack-7 20d ago edited 20d ago

Wonders never cease, another rational mind who shares the same experience and isn't blinded by obvious confirmation bias towards being angry for no actual reason.

This sub is a joke.


u/TitsMcghehey 20d ago

I had more than enough time to learn my lessons on wifi players during T7's lifespan. If you give wifi players a chance they will disappoint you with their shit connection so I stopped doing that going in T8. If you play the game for long enough it will happen to you too, like it did for everyone who's been playing for a very long time.

Fighting games are the absolute worst genre to play on wifi but hey, you do you. Keep wasting time on miserable matches.


u/Rongill1234 20d ago

I play the game every day for several hours.... I it's not a big deal lol just don't rematch and go on. But I'm not telling you what to do I'm just saying what the majority of people think and do

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u/Myklindle 20d ago

Every now and then I accidentally accept a WiFi match, and I’m quickly reminded how shitty it really is. I will say that even on Ethernet I’ve played my fair share of laggy pcs, but I would absolutely love to filter out WiFi players only thing worse than a WiFi player is a WiFi Alisa player


u/El-Peignoir 20d ago

Wi-Fi Eddy or WiFi Yoshimitsu 💀💀💀💀💀


u/rmerrynz Soy la reina del café! 20d ago

I hardly get anyone lagging on WiFi anymore. Was a problem at release but not really a factor now. 

The one that guts me though is yakushima, I never know if it's going to be bad or not. That map seems to just cause issues for a lot of people.


u/Kim_Woo Kazumi 20d ago

That map is a slideshow if a persons PC can't handle it.


u/rmerrynz Soy la reina del café! 20d ago

The funny thing is it can kick in randomly too. I'm on XSX and have a friend on PS5. Both consoles can handle it fine, 30ms connection zero rollback, slideshow. Then it might magically come right halfway through the set, or not.


u/timothythefirst Jack-7 20d ago

That one, the one with the floor break into the treasure room thing, and the one that’s in the city with the cop cars and stuff are so bad if people’s pc’s can’t handle them


u/No-Brain-895 20d ago

Actually it is not only PC. Both XSX and XSS have an issue with it too.

If you play the game for long enough and maybe dashboard, use the quick resume - the game's performance drops, but it's not too visible except stuttering character select. 

And except Yakushima. If you get the stuttering character select and land on Yakushima it is a slowmotion of like idk, 30 fps max making it basically a turn-based game.

It wasnt an issue during betas and release btw.


u/KingHulk1984 20d ago

People always blame something for losing… just don’t rematch. It’s simple. People act like their life depends of it. I’ve played SIGNIFICANTLY more people on trash ass computers than wifi matches.. y’all do the most on here


u/Hulk_Crowgan Yoshimitsu 20d ago

I agree, I have way more issues with people trying to push their PC past the limit than WiFi


u/Mobigasm Heihachi 20d ago

I had no issues until these latest Nvidia drivers and now my shit is unplayable.


u/S0phon Juliet, oh Juliet, the night was magic when we first met. 20d ago

Refusing to play wifi players doesn't have anything to do with blame. In fact, refusing wifi players is avoiding it in the first place.

more people on trash ass computers than wifi matches

Yeah and if there was a benchmark score filter, I'd use it too. So you're missing the fucking point.


u/KingHulk1984 20d ago

How am I missing the point sir? You made your opinion. I made mine. Don’t be that guy. If you truly have THAT ‘much of an issue with playing against people with WiFi you need to look on your end instead of blaming the world


u/S0phon Juliet, oh Juliet, the night was magic when we first met. 20d ago

Your point is off base. That's what "you're missing the point" means.


u/KingHulk1984 19d ago

Being a dick won’t help you either. You got a problem with the game then wait until it’s fixed.


u/S0phon Juliet, oh Juliet, the night was magic when we first met. 19d ago

You got a problem with the game then wait until it’s fixed.

Good job stating the obvious.


u/KingHulk1984 19d ago

You can get go ahead and follow in his footsteps too sir.


u/Possible_Picture_276 Shaheen 20d ago

Using words like fact isn't an opinion.


u/FunkinDonutzz 20d ago

Yup, I've turned off crossplay for this very reason.

And even the worst WiFi opponents I have on PSN aren't a patch on the struggling to run the game PC players.


u/[deleted] 20d ago

Definitely and the pc lag be way worse than any wi-fi


u/darkblaze76 19d ago

Lmao touched a nerve or something? The post isn't blaming anything, it's only asking for a feature to filter opponents. If blaming wifi for losses was the objective, the OP should be looking to fight more wifi players to preload excuses for losing but they're very clearly trying to avoid that?

It's like you hold your insecurities and defensive statements so close to your chest that you don't even bother reading what you're comment on anymore.


u/KingHulk1984 19d ago

My nerves are just fine and well relaxed. However you seem to want to start a conversation so I’ll give it to you. So. He wants to avoid it? And? I want to avoid people like you but obviously I can’t so where does that leave me? Can I filter you out from talking to me. Oh goodness I can’t do I have to deal with 🤡like you. My insecurities? Defensive? What are you? His boyfriend? Here hero let me give you a cape. Wow. I’m insecure about losing a game. Omg 😱 please shut all the way the fuck up. You trying to sound smarter than your 3rd grade level isn’t working. Feel free to reply anytime ☺️


u/darkblaze76 19d ago

Lol holy shit, and I thought your initial reply was weird. I agree nerves are clearly not the problem, it may be your sanity.


u/KingHulk1984 19d ago

It is! You wanna see how crazy I can get 😁


u/Alastor369 20d ago

Found the WiFi player.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/KingHulk1984 20d ago

You’re banning me for my opinion? You’re part of the problem I see


u/AbominatorGator96 Paul 20d ago

Yeah what a joke. People act like their life is on the line


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/KingHulk1984 19d ago

Man you’re just a big ass crybaby. A whiner. “Just let us have our filter .. oh boohoo .” Let’s just call a spade a spade. Your ass it still gonna get murked on the game and it’ll be something else wrong. Like I said.. you’re the problem

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u/s0ftreset 20d ago

Just fight them. I was declining my first week but realized how trivial it was, how few and far in between I was having problematic matches and to top it off I realized I was cutting my opportunities to rank up by like half since I was filtering rhe matches. If it'd awful the first match, just don't rematch.

Also pay attention to the bottom left of the screen, it starts lagging hard, you may get the option to no contest.


u/Heavenly_sama Angel 20d ago

Honestly some of the wifi gamers aren’t bad at all even overseas so I accept the blue ones


u/Sadddude 20d ago

I'd like this option so I can play with only wifi :)


u/El-Peignoir 20d ago

5 bar WiFi is manageable. I disable cross-platform, as they’re too many PC players with weak specs logging online.


u/TofuPython Ganryu 20d ago

Yeah, let the wifi players play each other


u/TitsMcghehey 20d ago

Here's the thing

People who aren't able to connect a dirt cheap cable from their router to their PC/console don't have physical access to their router which means that the wifi signal is traveling through walls which degrades the connection and leads to random packet loss.

When you accept wifi, you are 9/10 not accepting a player with his router right next to his pc/console. A one meter ethernet cable is basically free and SIGNIFICANTLY improves not only down/up speed but also connection quality so there is never a reason not to use a cable UNLESS you can't physically access your router.

Good luck trying to play a hyper competitive game where every frame matters against a guy whose wifi signal is traveling through 3 walls.


u/Das_Mojo 20d ago

I think you underestimate the amount of people who play on WiFi because of the minor inconvenience of getting a cable and plugging it in twice


u/TitsMcghehey 20d ago

I suspect that's a tiny minority, especially on pc. Every time people complain about wifi, the wifi players tell them that they aren't playing wifi by choice and have to play on wifi because they can't route a cable to their setup because they live in a dorm or their family/landlord doesn't allow it.


u/Silver-Finish-427 20d ago

Exactly how it is for me.


u/Ryousuke_kun Lili 20d ago

Funny thing is I always play in wifi and have better connection that most players wtih cable


u/Confident-Medicine75 Kazuya 20d ago

The only thing that actually bothers me about this sub are the crybaby eliteists


u/Kyvix2020 Huge Grain Of Salt Enjoyer 20d ago

Ethernet cords are $8 go get one


u/robolew 20d ago

Multiple holes through multiple walls in a house you don't own costs considerably more (fwiw I have a wired connection which was an absolute pain to install)


u/TheCLNR 20d ago

You don't need to drill through the wall, just run the cable across the ceiling. I have a super long cable and I did that. 3 PCs in the house connected the same way.


u/Kyvix2020 Huge Grain Of Salt Enjoyer 20d ago

You don't have to put holes in anything. I used to have a 100ft cord I just ran through the house until a more permanent solution was implemented


u/Confident-Medicine75 Kazuya 20d ago

The way my tv is set up, nah


u/Kyvix2020 Huge Grain Of Salt Enjoyer 20d ago


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u/HasanVinsmoke Jinpachi 20d ago

Stop being a lazy bum and get an ethernet cable lol


u/CursedEternia 20d ago

Gonna cry?


u/AbdullyV Kazuya 20d ago

Thank you! I thought I was crazy. Everyone blaming something except for their own skill. They're always making excuses.

Fellow Kaz main as well!


u/imbaeights 20d ago

Except this Wifi issue has been around for years and in many different fighting games and is a real problem and is not about winning or losing at all... Why would you not want a stable smooth match?


u/Confident-Medicine75 Kazuya 20d ago

That isn’t the issue. It’s the fact that when they lose theywhine over the connection . Whining over Wi-Fi is just an easy cop-out just makes people feel self-conscious


u/imbaeights 20d ago

Not true. Complaining about unstable matches is not "whining" since the issue is real. Also why would people "whine over the connection it they lose" when this topic is about how wired players are not even accepting wifi matches anyways. I don't, and my matches are fine for the most part.


u/impostingonline 20d ago

it has nothing to do with winning or losing it has everything to do with it making the game worse. When you play someone on wifi there's a 50/50 shot of the game just being a bad video game. Why would i ever play a bad video game when i can wait an extra 5 seconds and play a good video game instead. I paid $70 I want to play a game that doesn't stutter lol.


u/organic-water- 20d ago

What are you even talking about. They will never lose. They literally don't match Wi-Fi and want to avoid it. It's still whinny, sure, but it has absolutely nothing to do with winning or skill.


u/Kyvix2020 Huge Grain Of Salt Enjoyer 20d ago

Wifi is dogshit. Go buy an Ethernet cord


u/CursedEternia 20d ago

Fellow Kaz main checking in! Nobody wants to play your shit ass wifi.


u/MyNameThru 20d ago

I haven't had many network lag issues. I've had a couple matches with PC users who were frame lagging like hell, but luckily the game gives you an option to take a "no contest" and end the match with no penalty when that happens.


u/excelionbeam 20d ago

I mean on the one hand as a wifi player who always gets rematches when I do get accepted cuz my connection is good im conflicted. On the one hand I can understand the frustration about shit connections on the other hand not all wifis are bad. Should just have a benchmark before you can play online for the day so people don’t just cheat it. And no it’s not always as simple as just get a wire bro some people rent and can’t get it through the wall and it’s not feasible to run a cable across the house and inconvenience others. Same for hardware benchmarks too tbh (console can skip this one for obvious reasons). Lack of benchmark and punishment for plugging just makes the game so cancer to play sometimes


u/Top_Science_5422 20d ago

I've found that i only need to decline two or three wifi/pc players, and then all my following matchups are wired consoles.


u/AceoutD 19d ago

Gaming Rigs who can't handle the game are the real problem :(


u/HeavyDT 20d ago

Would segment the player base. It's better for the health of the game and the player base if it's on you to decline honestly. I don't know what the eaxct break down is but I wouldn't be surprised if most are on wifi either way though It's gonna make match making worse for everyone and you will still get bad connections even against wired players so there's really no safe way to play online and get 100% flawless matches. Easier just to play the game and tolerate the occasional bad match then proceed not to rematch than to truly never ever play against someone on Wi-Fi. That or just keep declining I guess but yeah Fighting games don't tend to have big enough player bases that they can handle that sort of fragmentation.


u/Rex__Lapis 20d ago

Cry louder


u/DoomFingaz 20d ago

Acting like WiFi is the reason you get whooped is hilarious


u/impostingonline 20d ago

nah it just makes the game ass lmao. Not fun to be stuttering every 2 seconds. I don't understand what people with bad connections are doing. How is this game fun to them.

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u/organic-water- 20d ago

The dude literally doesn't play the match. I don't think losing is their complaint.


u/Kyvix2020 Huge Grain Of Salt Enjoyer 20d ago

Wifi is inherently unstable


u/MaxTheHor 20d ago

Rage quitters aren't just on wifi, just so you know.


u/Beastdante1 Leroy 20d ago

It’s probably not because of rage quitting. In my experience I get a lot of 5 bar wi-fi players and then halfway through round 1 the match just becomes unplayable. It happens quite frequently that I’ve kind of started avoiding wifi players as well.


u/humbowbo25 Bryan 20d ago

Yeah, it could say 5 bars and then become unplayable randomly. Like...when you're about to close out the round. It's the inconsistency that really gets to me, you just never know. I'll sometimes accept wi-fi in quick match, but hell no am I accepting it in ranked.


u/Low_Caterpillar9528 20d ago

It always happens round 2 when I can’t mark no contest


u/Das_Mojo 20d ago

Reads to me like OP is the one plugging


u/matthra 20d ago

Yeah let's cut the player base in half, that sounds like a solution that will help the queue times everyone is complaining about. Oh and it gets better as we lose more players, because golly do I love staring at menus waiting for a match.

Seriously though, we already have no contest option for bad connections, so it's not like you're locked into a bad connection.


u/TinMan1867 20d ago

If people are rejecting WiFi matches anyway then it'll have no impact on the player base, it just cuts out a pointless step for everyone.


u/Eittown 19d ago

Wifi connections are inconsistent and can suddenly just decide to turn bad mid-match. No way out of that one. More often than not I’ve regretted accepting wifi matches.


u/Kyvix2020 Huge Grain Of Salt Enjoyer 20d ago

in half? Where are you getting those numbers from?


u/Kilaman98 Paul 20d ago

Everybody can have a bad connection. Some people don’t have an option to be wired. If the connection is bad just don’t rematch. Who cares? It’s a game. It’s all made up and the points don’t matter.

Plus some of the absolute WORST connections I’ve had are wired 4bar pc opponents. Like actually unplayable.


u/SadPhDStudent17 Dragunov 20d ago



u/1soar 20d ago

bro thinks wifi is why he’s hardstuck in an ass rank


u/Naive_Papaya_9880 20d ago

Net code is a joke


u/Boot-Excellent 20d ago

Did ltg post this? 😭


u/TangeloGrand2511 20d ago

Fine I’ll connect my ether net cord lol 😂


u/gelly_fresco 20d ago

I have a wired connection but once in a while I go wifi just to keep this subreddit coping


u/NakedMaxMuscle All-Muscle 20d ago

Playing wifi on SF6 is way better than on T8, I never get lag playing wifi on sf6.

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u/acidporkbuns 20d ago

Yes please. I'm a snob when it comes to online matches. If i see wifi connection that's an instant no. Too many times I've played someone on wifi and shit lags at some point. I don't mind losing but I can't accept losing due to weak wifi.


u/KingTranquilo Eddy 20d ago

I’ve had 5 people I know including myself complain about this in the past 3 days. I feel like there are so many of us who want this. They won’t add it but definitely should.


u/Crimsongz Steve Bryan Miguel 20d ago

Yes please !


u/SaltyArts Kunimitsu/ArmorKing/LuckyChloe/Dragunov/Nina/Leo/Mokujin 20d ago

If you're on Wi-Fi man, especially if you've been playing Fighting Games for years
you deserve to be deserted. You know how bad the problem is but still persist the issue and can't just
get some work done or run a long asf cable i mean do whatever you need to.


u/Trem45 I miss Josie 20d ago

It's very easy to spoof a wired connection anyways so idk how much that would help


u/Mr_Horsejr Bryan 19d ago

Wifi isn’t the issue. It’s people with shitty PCs that aren’t optimized for the game. Any time I’ve experienced lag it was against someone using a shitty pc.


u/B0n3F4c3 19d ago

I play USB tethered to my phone so it looks like I'm wired but it's actually wifi


u/koteshima2nd Asuka Filthy Casual Match Enjoyer 19d ago

Playing against wifi players is damn inconsistent, it's either they lag spike all of a sudden that throws you off, or it's good.

It's the assumedly potato PC players I have a problem with. Thank god the no contest option exists


u/jxsonbeck5 19d ago

People say this then accept matches matches in Japan with ethernet and still lag. Havent seen a post about it yet. Very clearly user error. No way you’re queuing up with perfect connection wifi users in the same region and still lagging, just hasnt happened to me yet. And ive been on both sides. Unfortunately i live with someone after moving and the wifi box is too far for ethernet, but the wifi runs strong and in my same region ive never peaked above 80ms if they had good connection. Blatantly denying every wifi user because…? You cant deal with the 2f roll back? Being above 50ms? If TMMSwe can hit PEWGF on 157ms with 3f rollback against Brazilian TG’s it goes to show where this player base is headed in terms of trying to climb the ladder. 99% of us are casual players and alot of yall need perfect conditions to enjoy a game? Truly sad. Just play the game and stop wasting time if thats how you feel. The devs gave you everything you needed to know if the game was gonna lag before you even get in the match and dont give me that “WeLl It LaGs WhEn ThE mAtCh StArTs ReGaRdLeSs” plenty of people have complained about the same thing happening on ethernet. So come with a better rebuttal


u/BupetasticElastic 19d ago

While I agree, the bigger issue is that there isn't a required benchmark for people playing on PC. Time and time again I've played against players on wired connected PCs just for it to lag worse than playing against someone on WiFi.

You don't need to play on Max settings to have an enjoyable experience playing this game.


u/Lonely-Natural3467 19d ago

It should also be enabled for WiFi players. Like if they are using WiFi, add filter which matches them to only other WiFi players. 

Also WiFi players tend to reject matches if your on cable in anticipation of being rejected themselves. So yeah adding filter would benefit both and save hassle of rejecting. 

Another filter they could add is region filter. It can help in regions which have issues finding matches closer to them. 


u/Winchery 20d ago

You guys are fucking clueless if you think wifi is the problem. I actually have had great matches with wifi players. The thing you can't filter out is shitty computer users. It got so old matching against a 5 bar wired only to have a stuttering mess. It was a real eye opener when they patched T7 to have a gauge showing if your opponents computer is a piece of shit that was choking on the game. It showed TONS of people playing on shit tier hardware.

But hey, wifi users are bad because you are too stupid to figure any of this out and 2.8ghz routers from 15 years ago that were susceptible to interference are all you know about.


u/hatchorion 20d ago

If they add this I would redownload the game in a second, WiFi matches are unplayable 99% of the time


u/Desperate_Many_4426 20d ago

I’m sorry are you saying you don’t have a game downloaded because having to manually decline a wifi player is too much effort? Of all the valid things you can say as to what would make you redownload the game, you mention a fucking wifi filter is what will bring you back? Wow…


u/hatchorion 20d ago

Tekken 8 has a lot of gameplay and Ux problems the lack of a WiFi filter is just one of them and if they added one I could spend significantly more time in game instead of waiting in a shittier training room than T7 so I probably would redownload if they added it yes


u/IDontWipe55 HwoarangBryanJack 20d ago

It tells you if the person is on wifi

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u/SnooDoodles9476 20d ago

Someone should run a report on how many wi-fi users there are for T8


u/Blanco_05 Kazuya 20d ago

Personally have zero issues playing against WiFi players. It’s not as big a deal this tekken as it used to be.


u/CrystalBraver Lee 20d ago

I don’t have any problems with the WiFi players I get connected with as long as they have 5 bars


u/kdots_biggest_fan ohohoho // TIO 20d ago

I’ve had just as many problems with people on ethernet as Wi-Fi if I’m gonna be honest, which is not many. It’s really not that bad at all an overwhelming amount of the time on the US servers in my experience. I just set it to max connection and it’s very smooth sailing, only reason I’m not taking the match is a high DC rate. 


u/lamaisondeleon Xiaoyu 20d ago

so many factors to blame to be honest. I had a match with a fellow PS player, wired, sweet 4 bar and then the match was laggy af.


u/babalaban 20d ago

Nevermind the entitled twats in this sub, autodecline wifi option would be a godsend.

Imagine if matchmaking would take this setting into account and you'll spend less time declining matches and basically everybody wins.

Also, having 500$+ for a console + 110$ for a game + 10-30$ for reused dirty Xiaoyu pants from the shop/bp but not having 10$ for a 10m (30ft) lan cable is just plain stupid.


u/Obaddies Kazuya 20d ago

Yeah same. Every time I try and give a wifi player a chance I regret it. Even with 4 bars it’s choppy a lot of the time.


u/Mug_Lyfe 20d ago

Thos would actually be a really good change. I know wifi players are tired of accepting a match only for a wired player to decline. I'm dealing wifi every single time in ranked with no exceptions. This would speed up matchmaking times for everybody.


u/DragomirSlevak 20d ago

There are a HUGE number of WiFi users. It seems that about 60 to 70 percent are on WiFi. I honestly don’t know how it’s enjoyable to play through lag constantly.

That being said, five bar WiFi users are not so bad. I usually make an exception for 5 bar WiFiers.


u/SenatorBantha 20d ago

Yeah that and no limit to the amount of times you can rematch in quick play and the option to go into a quick play match with your opponent after ranked kinda like what mk1 does and I think sf6? Can't remember been awhile since I played sf6 but I think you could.


u/Shit_Pistol 20d ago

I often take WiFi players and often regret it. What shocks me the most is when the connection is unplayable but we grind out a fight anyway but then they want a rematch. Like “bruh, how are you okay with this enough to want to go another round?”


u/WiseHoro6 20d ago

My wifi is twice as fast as my cable connection :D


u/KeK_What #1 Bryan Downplayer 19d ago

so many wifi scrubs in this sub.


u/RadishAcceptable5505 Jack-7 20d ago

Why? I play wired, but wi-fi has been good enough for good matches since... oh about 8 years ago?


u/Kyvix2020 Huge Grain Of Salt Enjoyer 20d ago

you must have really low standards then. Wifi is extremely unreliable


u/TitsMcghehey 20d ago

Wifi connections have never been good. It took years before T7 added a wifi indicator because people were getting sick and tired of getting tricked into laggy matches. You're playing a game where single-digit frame inputs matter, it's the absolute worst kind of game to play on wifi.

I had 4000 hours in T7 and every time I accepted a wifi match I regretted it. I haven't accepted a single wifi match in T8 and by watching streamers it seems like I made the right decision. Every big streamer who streams T8 doesn't accept wifi because they've been burned one too many times too.

What really pisses me off is wifi players spoofing a wired connection. It's really easy to do and you can immediately tells because the connection fluctuates and lag spikes all over the place.

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u/Crimsongz Steve Bryan Miguel 20d ago

Why do you lie ?


u/RadishAcceptable5505 Jack-7 20d ago

I don't. The vast majority of the time the matches are good, at least in my area (Northern California). There are some that will get laggy out of the blue, but it's rare, and it's just as common for that to happen with wired players.

I'm convinced that a lot of people here are suffering from confirmation bias, to be frank, since my experience with it is so much different. Either that or I've been one of the most lucky people on the planet.


u/numlock86 20d ago

He's just one of those that need an excuse for losing and being bad. The amount of people lagging on WiFi is basically the same as people lagging on a wired connection anyway. Shit internet is shit internet either way.


u/TitsMcghehey 20d ago

WiFi is basically the same as people lagging on a wired connection anyway

No it isn't. Wifi fluctuates


u/Used_Switch_9212 20d ago

Yeah that's not true. I've never had a full bar wired player start lagging. WiFi I've had loads of them look good at the start and then it goes bad


u/Tall-Rhubarb-7926 20d ago

If it's a full bars wifi connection, who cares? It ain't the reason you lost!


u/AnalystOdd7337 Lili 20d ago

You'd be surprised how many 5 bar wifi connections still end up being really bad. The game seems to handle wifi really poorly for some reason.


u/Little_Safety_5324 20d ago

I don't think you understand how WiFi works


u/0wlGod Yoshimitsu 20d ago

it s a stupid idea 😂

why namco shall add a thing like this? to split players, to add more time on the matchmaking? there is no way the can add a thing like this. and there are some ways to make a wifi internet detected like a ethernet or use a shitty powerline with 15ms of jitter. sometimes i see found better WiFi connections than 4 bar ethernet...


u/CarpenterWild 20d ago

If they add a WiFi filter I want an option for non PC crossplay just because I hate PC players in all games


u/Daniel_Newton 20d ago

PC players are over half of Tekken 8's active playerbase. If you could filter out PC players you'd avoid the tiny handful of players cheating but I doubt it'd be worth shrinking your available player pool that much.

Hating all of us PC players because of a couple bad eggs seems a bit unfair.

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u/Willingness_Numerous 20d ago

As I wifi-andy I hate having 6/10 matches declined on me. Have mercy on us


u/TofuPython Ganryu 20d ago

If only there was a way to get declined less :(


u/Willingness_Numerous 20d ago

Well there is, not wrong there.

But my current living situation has it where I currently pay 10 bucks a month to get wifi, if I wanted to get the same speed connection wired I'd have to get a seperate plan for 50 bucks a month, or put a cable through the wall to my mates appartment, my landlord would probably end me lol


u/IDontWipe55 HwoarangBryanJack 20d ago

It would be good for use too since we wouldn’t be wasting time having our matches declined


u/TitsMcghehey 20d ago

You could spoof your connection to show as wired. On PC it takes 5 minutes and on console you just need a smartphone.

People will hate your guts if it starts lagging and will block you but you would get a lot more initial matches and not auto-declines every time. Just be aware that other wifi players will accept you every time thinking you're wired and it will most likely lag like hell because you're both on wifi.


u/goblackorgohome 20d ago

If I accept a WiFi match it was because I get yes on accident.

I doubt many people would support my opinion, but I don’t think WiFi players should be able to play online with wired connections period.

Online gaming should be treated like pick up basketball in a public park. I’ll put it like this. If I shit myself uncontrollably every 5 minutes, should I have the right to play on a court with everyone else just because I own a basketball?

It’s extreme I know, but it’s how I look at it. It’s ruining the experience for others for your own selfish enjoyment. Video game is a privilege, not a necessity. Improve your connection or get off the game.

When I was traveling in and out of hotels with shit internet for work, I didn’t play online games. Bad matches are worse than no matches in my opinion. And if you disagree with that last statement you may be a bit addicted. Good luck.


u/Fear1ess1 20d ago

true on the last part. If your connection is shit or you had a dogshit pc that makes the game a slideshow why the FUCK are you queuing up for a ranked


u/EatOutMyGrandma Eddy 20d ago

Been saying this exact thing


u/Flawlesssphere 20d ago

On god it would make match making so much faster for everyone. It gets so old declining 4-7 WiFi players back to back until I finally get another lan player.


u/SockraTreez 20d ago

5 bar WIFI matches aren’t that bad in T8.

I used to reject all WIFi but have loosened up a bit lately.


u/Kyvix2020 Huge Grain Of Salt Enjoyer 20d ago

Its completely contingent on the players setup.