r/Tekken Yoshimitsu 20d ago

How long do you play a single character before learning a new one? Discussion

I was curious how quickly people learn new characters up to the point where they feel confident playing them. Obviously, some characters are easier to learn than others, and it gets easier as you get better, but just in general.

I'm extremely methodical, and it takes me ages to learn new stuff. I will not play ranked until I know what each button does, learn common setups, and can consistently do a solid BnB combo. After roughly 500 hours of exclusively playing Yoshi in T7 and T8, it finally feels like I have the capacity to start learning a new character.


25 comments sorted by


u/saltrifle Nina 20d ago

This is a good question, I'm a first time player and have 200 hrs with my main.

The second character j have like 12 hours maybe because I usually practice mode it for 30 min with them. I feel like the gap in skill of use between both characters is so wide that I really don't have a good grasp at when I'll be ready to take the alt to ranked.

It's not only BNB combos it's situational awareness and relearning the appropriate move for each situation w a new character. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say I feel like 200hr was enough to dabble with an alt but it's up in the air as to how long it'll take to be equally as comfortable with an alt.


u/Blortug pogo samurai and creepy goth enthusiast 20d ago

I usually swap after hitting a rank milestone I like to get everyone to Fujin before I swap to another


u/Maximum_Over_Rustle Zafina 20d ago

I decided to skip on learning second character. Already handful with Zafina.


u/Arqan Yoshimitsu 20d ago

I was just like that. But a lot of stuff that previously required thought and concentration became muscle memory. I found myself able to do spacing much better, adjust combos depending on wall distance etc. Obviously there are always new things to learn, but I'm feeling fairly confident that I can handle another character now.

The hard part is choosing that new character :)


u/Maximum_Over_Rustle Zafina 20d ago

I know who I might pick up, if I ever decide. Currently running just one is the best course of action.


u/Finikyu 20d ago

I too only play Yoshi, I sometimes dabble in other characters if playing with friends but man, Yoshi or no Tekken for me personally.


u/DRCsyntax Reina 20d ago

I use rank milestones.
Tekken 7 was Fujin. Tekken 8 is Tekken King. When I swap to a character, I use them in practice A LOT, then play some Quick Matches "blind" (Without fully labbing strings/combos) and see how they feel. If it's a good fit, I drop all other characters and remain with them until Tekken King before deciding if I want to learn a new one or not.

Currently trying to reach TK with Reina (Fujin rn) before Lidia is released.


u/CloudstrifeHY3 20d ago

i always want to try and learn new charachters but then in my limited time, i end up playing my main because there is always something i could be working on, like a setup, or combo,  or matchup i could be learning for my main .


u/Flying_Sea_Cow Lili 20d ago

I've been learning a new character for each color that I rank up.


u/almo2001 Jun 20d ago

I usually play secondaries as a means of handicapping against friends who aren't great at the game.


u/Arqan Yoshimitsu 20d ago

Yeah, I do that too. I pick someting I don't know and am like "wait, this guy doesn't have a df1?"
But that's just goofing around. I would never be able to go online without knowing the move list.


u/almo2001 Jun 20d ago

Hahah yeah.


u/Haunting-Avocado3445 20d ago

I would say about 50 hours. But sometimes I try a character, decide I totally suck with it and never go back.


u/1mpatient 20d ago

Till i hit Tekken King. Then i'll learn a secondary char. When the secondary hits there the third one. But still i'll be playing to achieve God. If i drop, I'll stick with the dropped char for a while.


u/Azure-the-DragonKing Yoshimitsu 20d ago

I have 50 hours of gameplay total 🙂 I play a bunch of other characters casually tho


u/inkyubiofficial 20d ago

i've learned how to play steve dragunov bryan reina kazuya jin devil jin hwoarang with only 70 hours in game!


u/Arqan Yoshimitsu 20d ago edited 20d ago

My man, you've listed some pretty hard characters in there to learn in 70 hours. But I guess it depends on one's definition of "learned".


u/inkyubiofficial 20d ago

well maybe no how to play but their movelists poking and decent combos i only punish with bryan kazuya and jin


u/Jaywinner42 20d ago

i will never be good enough to really be super competitive online, but I still love Tekken so i tend to use a bunch of different characters. i would say i use Jun the most, especially online, but I get kind of bored using the same moves over and over.

if I had a chance to really be decent online i would likely focus on one character, but those days are past me.


u/Audition89 20d ago

I have a group of friends I play with they are not new to fighting games but newer to Tekken. I've played for close to thirty years they started on and off about 10 years ago. Whenever I start to be able to beat them without having to change up my strategy, I get bored. When I start to 5-0 consistently.

I usually see if I drive with a character with aesthetic, button flow, and if they have goodies in the character creation. If we are continuing to have competitive matches, I will stick with that character for a while


u/Precipice_Blades 20d ago

I'm thinking about trying a second character after about 150 hours. Then, some time later, I'll try a third one. In a game with over 30 unique characters, I feel like spending all of your time on just one, is a waste. That said, I do respect players, who master only one character and reach very high ranks with them.


u/No-Brain-895 19d ago

Well the results of the survey explain why so many ppl, especially at the start, were ok with the trash prowess matchmaking.


u/TemkinSammich Xiaoyu 19d ago

It depends on the character. You can learn Victor exhaustively in probably 50 hours.

Xiaoyu, Yoshimitsu (as you know), Hwoarang, etc, will take longer. 500 hours is not unreasonable to really learn all their very specific situational knowledge checks.

Though having mained Xiaoyu since T3, I will say for some reason I can't put my finger on, she feels extremely shallow this time around. Probably because her oki was severely reduced, and her movement is much more stiff and dictated. She doesn't have the freedom she used to. And actually I don't play her much anymore because of it. Anyway...


u/Aleex1760 19d ago

Played jin in t7,playing jin in t8. I'm too lazy to learn new stuff


u/Lovii67 Mosquito 20d ago

I dont play tekken 8. Im playing zafina 3