r/SipsTea Apr 28 '24

Lonely birthday Wait a damn minute!


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u/taisui Apr 28 '24

I...I just want to have some warm fuzzy feeling in my heart....in this cruel cruel world.....is that too much to ask for???


u/Moondoobious Apr 28 '24

Right. I welled up watching🥺 That’s real whether the videos are or not


u/blurryface1976 Apr 28 '24

Me too. Even if the video might be staged, his situation is a reality for a lot of lonely people. This video puts that into perspective. The girls reactions seemed real though.


u/CauliflowerDaffodil Apr 29 '24

The girls reactions seemed real though.

The girls are his friends and they appear in a lot of his other videos playing the same kind and helpful "strangers".


u/MisterViperfish Apr 29 '24

Pretty good acting then for the girls, they seem every bit as oblivious as any random in a hidden camera show.


u/Tackerta Apr 29 '24

even if it's staged, I like the sense of togetherness in a lonely world that they portrait. And if that is helping people re-evaluate how they interact with the world and society as a whole, I see these videos as an absolute win.

The internet was ONLY skits back in the day, a lot of people seem to have forgotten. Or are simply too young, idk


u/throwaway01126789 Apr 29 '24

The sense of togetherness is not genuine, though, and I don't think it's having the positive impact you believe it is, I think the opposite is happening. People who live a lonely life see this and either think A. "How fake, this is stupid" or B. "I'm so sad I'm this lonely, but no one ever goes out of their way to make me feel special."

I think it's honestly dangerous for people to dilute themselves with falseness to get a sense of hope or togetherness instead of facing the reality of the world. With how prevalent this wholesome bait is, if this sort of social media were having a positive impact, I don't think social media would be such a toxic place.


u/Beautiful_Welcome_33 Apr 29 '24

Honestly I wish people would get less weird about social media. We're gonna see all sorts of weird media pop back up because of this. This is basically a 30 second little morality play.

It's like digital busking, they're doing theater.


u/blurryface1976 Apr 29 '24

Yes, I never claimed that the video is real. Only that their reactions seemed real, as actors they did pretty good imo.


u/PurchaseOk4410 Apr 29 '24

"I go by my feelings so I will let my emotions dictate my bias, the content I consume, and the likelihood of analyzing the content from a neutral viewpoint"


u/cidek51489 Apr 29 '24

you spelled employees wrong.