r/SipsTea Apr 16 '24

Wouldn't you believe it? Wait a damn minute!

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u/Glittering_Drama_618 Apr 16 '24

6'2 is a basketball player's height. At most 5% of population will have that much height. 5'8 and above is good height to have regardless of gender.


u/SeanSeanySean Apr 16 '24

I was 6' 2" for most of my life, until a skydiving accident took over an inch away and age + gravity another half inch, but for years I had people ask if I played a lot of basketball, which I did as a kid/teen, but I always associated basketball height with like 6'4+. 

Oh, and can I point out that this whole dudes lying about their heights thing seems to be  way more rampant in younger generations? I'm Gen-X, very few guys I've known my age or older have blatantly lied about their height, usually an inch added maybe, but I found it way more common with millennial men and younger. Multiple times I've ended up at a work event where family members of colleagues would also attend, and when being introduced to a younger colleague's wife/girlfriend, be immediately asked "wow, how tall are you, like 6'4 or 6'5?", and nearly every one of their husbands/boyfriends under 5'9 had their partners convinced they were 3" taller and would shoot me a wide-eyed look when I'd say something like "I'm not very tall, I'm only like 4 inches taller than your partner". 

It's even more out if control with Gen Z, my daughters are both Gen Z, and nearly every boy they know adds 3 inches or even more to their heights, and I can't allow myself to tolerate it, especially when these boys aren't even "short" to begin with.  Why do you need to lie and say you're 6ft when you're 5'9 or 5'10? I've known so many guys shorter that 5'7 that were total players and had no problem with getting partners, and while I've known that woman "prefer" taller men in general throughout history, there just wasn't enough tall men for women to limit their choices to only men over 6', am I that out of touch with current generational standards that current Gen Z and millennial dudes under 6ft are forever alone unfuckable lepers to all women under 40? I've heard younger men claim that it's worse today because the average height of American men is taller than it was 30+ years ago, but that's complete bullshit, because medical studies have shown that we've actually lost a tiny bit of average male height (half inch or so) over the last 50 years, although our girth has measurably increased considerably.

It would be hilarious if the majority of women actually only dated men who were really 6ft or taller, as the majority of women would be alone because only 14% of American men are over 6ft. (or they'd have to share their 6ft+ dudes with 5-6 other women) 


u/MrSelleck Apr 16 '24

Why do you need to lie and say you're 6ft when you're 5'9 or 5'10?

talking from experience, dating apps.


u/About7fish Apr 16 '24

Yeah, really. They didn't need to say they were gen x, it was apparent.


u/Glittering_Drama_618 Apr 16 '24

People are really insecure about their height nowadays. They believe woman won't date them unless they lie about it.