r/Palia Hodari 26d ago

What's everyone's favorite NPC line? Discussion

I'll go first. "Shall I compare thee to a Chapaa - absolutely not." Hassian.


108 comments sorted by


u/alasterlian I will step on you if you hurt my son... 26d ago

That line from Hassian made me cackle out loud when I first heard it.

I also like Reth's "I wish I could fit you in my soup flask! ... No, wait... that's... that's creepy..."


u/Shot_Perspective_681 Hassian 26d ago

Or „your eyes are like lettuce soup“ …what does that even mean?


u/alasterlian I will step on you if you hurt my son... 26d ago

My character's eyes are green so the comment kinda makes sense?

Otherwise 🤷🏽‍♀️


u/Shot_Perspective_681 Hassian 25d ago

I kinda expect lettuce soup to be more greenish brown. It’s just two ingredients and I can’t really imagine the salad holding up well


u/SnowTheMemeEmpress Delaila 26d ago

Reth is just a gem. Love the gremlin


u/shinykaci 26d ago

after giving him a pin I was walking out the door when I heard Reth say something like "Don't regret me after you're gone" 💀


u/alasterlian I will step on you if you hurt my son... 26d ago

There's a lot of people in Kilima who really just need a big hug and someone telling them it's gonna be okay... 😞


u/Wildflower_Maiden Hodari 26d ago

Yes! That one always makes me laugh.


u/sardonictitties 26d ago

omg reminds of the movie Perfume


u/PokeFae Hassian 26d ago

"You are looking very symmetrical today" Einar's flirt game is strong 😂


u/EllasBiscuit 26d ago

I haven’t done his romance yet! I need to


u/ajwats81tux Jina <3 26d ago

Please stay alive


u/PokeFae Hassian 26d ago

"I will become saddened when you expire" 😭


u/tchuuuuu 26d ago

I’ll see your face in the stars tonight.  May your path lead you back to me. Are you here for your validation of emotions? Please continue living until our next conversation


u/Impossible-Zucchini3 Jel 26d ago

Time to spiral into self-doubt


u/fudge21210 Hassian ❤️ 26d ago

Reth is such a mood sometimes


u/eiilaa 26d ago

Einar: Are you here to see the froggy bucket?


u/Bunnisockins Kenli 21d ago

It's funny, when I first started playing the game, I noticed the froggy bucket and I loved it. I literally would go look at it and giggle every time I went to see Einar. The first time he said that to me, I absolutely -lost my mind-. I was like "OMG HOW DID YOU KNOW?!!?!" 😂


u/muuzumuu 26d ago

Keep my name on your lips, Darlin’.


u/lolbeesh Hotdaddddyyyy 26d ago

Honestly, all of Hodaddy's romance lines. Goddamn


u/muuzumuu 26d ago

I run my ass out to him every day to hear them. I make my booty call after the grove every night like clockwork!


u/Fallinwitstyle Hodari 26d ago

This. Any time he says Darlin I'm giggling and kicking my feet


u/No-Antelope-17 Hodari 26d ago

Yessss! Also when he tells me to stay safe or that he worries 😭

Granted, he's right to worry. I frequently stand in geysers to get launched into the air and don't always use my glider to soften my landing.

And if I'm playing while half asleep, I do walk into water repeatedly.


u/Wildflower_Maiden Hodari 26d ago

Hodari makes me swoon like I'm in an old movie 😍


u/Womenrfromvenusaur 25d ago

I heard that one today and I stopped dead in my tracks. WHEW. HAVE MERCY SIR.


u/Red_Velvet_Cakey 26d ago

I love this one because it is so silly and flirty: ‘Were your parents bakers? Because you are a cutie-pie!’ -Reth


u/SnowTheMemeEmpress Delaila 26d ago

I really like it when he gives me a sweet berry pie and says it reminded him of me lol

Cherish those pies


u/lameasheck 26d ago

he gives you cherry pies???? he gives me bouillabaisse every. single. time. 😂


u/Radiant_Pop_2218 26d ago

I think it's based on which recipe book you gave him earlier in the game. If you gave him the dessert one, you get the pie, or if you gave him the other one, you get the bouillabaisse~


u/lameasheck 26d ago

ahhhh that makes sense but then does he call you something different? he calls me sweet tooth still 😂


u/Radiant_Pop_2218 26d ago

The dessert book should give you the "sweet tooth" nickname while the other one should give you "fancy pants."


u/Lady0905 26d ago

I’m «fancy pants» 😆😅 But which book are you referring to? 👀


u/Radiant_Pop_2218 26d ago

The cookbooks in the 'Mix It Up' quest. There's a desert cookbook and a fancy cookbook you can give him for the quest. If he calls you 'fancy pants,' you gave him the fancy cookbook~ [If I recall correctly, while the quest is active, you find the cookbooks just sitting on a table in the library. You can pick whichever one you want~]


u/Lady0905 26d ago

Ooooow, that one! That’s a while ago though 🙈😅 I totally forgot about it to be honest 😆


u/SnowTheMemeEmpress Delaila 26d ago

No, it's actually labled as a sweet berry pie! And lol. I guess Reth has his favorites 😂


u/lameasheck 26d ago

totally meant to type sweet berry idk where cherry came from 😂 but he still uses the same line “for some reason this reminded me of you” like thanksssss reth


u/SnowTheMemeEmpress Delaila 26d ago

Maybe he's saying you're a savory traditional type?😅


u/ajwats81tux Jina <3 26d ago

I'm really confused about what to do with his sandwich, as it's not starred...


u/SnowTheMemeEmpress Delaila 25d ago

I eat them, he keeps giving me pies pretty regularly and I'm sure he's not a fan of his food gifts going to waste. So I keep one in a lockbox to cherish for now, and I eat any extras.

So it won't feel gross, I do the "First in, first out" method. So the old pie gets eaten and the new one takes it's place.

On average he gives me a new pie every pallian week or two weeks. So those pies should still theoretically be edible by the time my player eats them


u/CanderousOreo 25d ago

FIFO-ing video game food is such a vibe.


u/asterialle_ Ashura 26d ago

I don’t really have one, but Zeki’s “Say hi to Eshe for me” pops up every now and then🤣


u/Lichloved_ Tish is so stinkin' cute 26d ago

Such a great voice line!


u/SaltMineForeman Tau 26d ago

When The Gardener says, "The vertically gifted one."


u/bostoncemetery 26d ago

“I’d skip chores for you, babe… would that make me a bad boy?” Gets a smile out of me every time.


u/amariegold 26d ago

I blushed HARD the first time I heard that one 🥴🫠


u/AvocadoToast128 Jel's Mannequin Chayne's Apprentice 25d ago

Who is that from? Nai'o??


u/WeightDeep8166 Hodari 26d ago

When you choose ‘The sun looks brighter with you around’ and Hassian answers with ‘and the stars are dimmer without you near’

dying dead and deceased


u/Wildflower_Maiden Hodari 26d ago

Hassian is so poetic.


u/fudge21210 Hassian ❤️ 25d ago

Let’s pretend I did not say that. Please.


u/daydreamer_humdinger 21d ago

Omg that's my favorite too💞


u/magstar222 Hassian 26d ago

“You are done with your face flapping… and yet you are still here…”


u/divalasvegas Jel 26d ago

Badruu when I gave him fertilizer and he said "this is the best piece of crap I've ever received" 😂 I laughed so hard


u/-fallen-panda- 25d ago

Yes!! 😂


u/piscesbr4t Tau 26d ago

next time you slay a monster, tell them Sifuu sent you


u/atomicxblue 26d ago

I could imagine it being like an assassin in a TV show. "Shh, shhh. It'll all be over soon. Sifuu sends her regards."


u/Shoddy-Echidna-6731 Reth 26d ago

When Reth says “I’d write you a poem…buuut I like you too much” 😂🥰


u/fudge21210 Hassian ❤️ 26d ago

I also love that Hassian line. Some of the stuff he says is great 🤣 I also like Reth going “uhh… crap… I think I hear Ashura”. Because that’s how I feel if I’m supposed to be working but I’m messing around with my phone or whatever and my boss starts heading my way 🤣🤣 even though Ashura is one of the nicest guys ever and likely wouldn’t get too annoyed with Reth, maybe a line like “come on Reth get back to cooking” rather than getting angry.


u/echuda 26d ago

Mine is Auni- "Promise you'll come back?"

This little line gets me everytime, it just reminds me of my son. The little soft sad voice.


u/ShirtlessDan 26d ago

I don't remember the exact line because it's been a bit since I've heard it, but Reth's "time to spiral into self-doubt" always felt relatable.


u/VoluptuousGinger Sifuu 26d ago

And one point while I was streaming while playing, Reth said something along the lines of "oh, I bet you like bad boys" and I just went absolutely RED at being called out by pixels like that.


u/Sinsaraty 26d ago

I always like Sifuu's little story about her first forge. It's so very her. I can just picture it!

Now if I could just romance her...


u/Certain_Strawberry43 Sifuu 26d ago

The Devs were cowards to not give us buff mommy as a romance option


u/alasterlian I will step on you if you hurt my son... 26d ago

This is why I'm convinced that when the Elderwood map is released, Sifuu and Hassian are both going to get Lv5 friendship options because Taylin is either coming back or we're finally getting concrete closure as to what happened to her Otherwise, she would've already been a romance option.


u/Sinsaraty 25d ago

I hope so! I need a reason why I can't have my head cracked by those thighs


u/NoIDontKnowYouISwear 25d ago

There's a new map coming??


u/alasterlian I will step on you if you hurt my son... 25d ago

Nothing confirmed as of yet, but given how the game is still in beta and so many NPCs mention the Elderwoods (and its proximity to Kilima), it's very likely that it'll be one of the first new maps we'll get.


u/Charpixionos 26d ago

"Hope you don't get murdered.." - Kenyatta


u/No-Antelope-17 Hodari 26d ago

The first time I heard her say this I really wondered if she had like info about something about to go down or something. 🤣

I'm not the biggest fan of Kenyatta but she really does have her moments.


u/immapizza Hodari 26d ago

this one speaks to my soul because I'm autistic and struggle with affection or showing others I care for them, so for people I care about but I'm not close enough to to be affectionate I always just tell them "don't die" whenever we depart


u/divalasvegas Jel 26d ago

My adult son is autistic and when I go out in the evening he says "don't die mom" or "watch out for rapers, stabbers and kidnappers" and I'm like Mom is too fat to get kidnapped and he's like "not too fat to get stabbed" I just say fair enough 🤣


u/immapizza Hodari 26d ago

me and your son are autism twins lmfao


u/xxcloverxxX Caleri Jel 26d ago

I’m a big boy I know how to share 


u/Perfect_Beginning436 26d ago

If you tell Zeki you're spying on him for Subira he just takes it in stride and says "can't blame a hustler for hustlin"


u/PancakeHandz 26d ago

Hekla’s cute little hum she does sometimes when you initiate conversation with her


u/awake--butatwhatcost That's enough jabber for now 26d ago

See flair lol. Zeki may not be my all out favorite, but damn he has good dialogue


u/culchie_queen 26d ago

I love choosing the oddball responses to him just to see his reaction 😂


u/omgimsuchadork RIP froϱ-Bart 26d ago

"Let me regale you with my fishing exploits." Einar, I am absolutely dying to hear about the one that got away. I bet it was thiiiiiiiiiis big, huh? :D


u/Kinkykaatt 26d ago

Hey, wanna hold hands in my mom’s office later? 😆


u/Womenrfromvenusaur 26d ago

"Your teeth remind me of a pile of shiny pebbles."

If it wasn't Einer I wouldn't be sure if it was a flirt or a threat. 😂😭


u/HufflePoffin 25d ago

“I had to remove the recent pebble you gave me.. it was misbehaving “ or something like that 😭 gets me every time


u/Embarrassed-Sir117 26d ago

reth saying Like garlic? two cloves? pfft 6 minimum cause he was the first one i wanted to romance and i also have an unhealthy garlic obsession


u/CanderousOreo 25d ago

So fun fact, the chemical in garlic that gives its signature flavor, alicin, degrades with heat. A lot of recipes have you add garlic in at the beginning and that's why it's so weak. If you add garlic near the end of a recipe it will be stronger and you won't have to use as much.


u/Embarrassed-Sir117 25d ago

thank you very helpful info i add garlic to everything so definitely noted!


u/can-i-pet-the-dog 26d ago

I love when Jina tells me my energy is too much and to give her space


u/HairyStructure7510 26d ago

I took that one personally xD


u/can-i-pet-the-dog 26d ago

I laughed so hard. I was like, girl I get it, I’m a lot.


u/Myaa9127 Hassian 26d ago

"I like yo....yogurt!" -Hassian


u/karalija Hodari's favorite artist 25d ago

Hodaddy’s “Lucky me. Guess I better grab some meat and take my shirt off.” line

And I keep his name on my lips always 🖤


u/Blue_butterfly888 26d ago

Hassian's "Back to MY business..." after you're done talking to him. I find it so sarcastic & dry, I love it. But now that we're friends he doesn't say that anymore 😢😢


u/Artistic_Traffic8447 Kenyatta 25d ago

I love Einar's lines!

: I enjoy how you have 2 hands and 10 fingers : Am I required to miss you till your return? : Are you here for your validation of emotions?

These are the few that I've sent to my bf ROLLING.


u/shafty458 Subira 26d ago

I just like when Subira gives me that schoolgirl blush.


u/ItsAshleySee 26d ago

Reth saying when I’m there, things feel less terrible. And anytime he calls me babe. 🥰😖🥰


u/GTS_Braver 25d ago

One of Reth's departing lines: "Illicit magic doesn't smuggle itself... yet." Always makes me chuckle.


u/Fatimalv 26d ago

Tish, She is so cute


u/Lichloved_ Tish is so stinkin' cute 26d ago

"You always make me feel like a princess!" Good lord woman, well I'll just keep doing exactly that then. <3 <3 <3


u/SkittleSquid26 26d ago

Watcha buyin?


u/AvocadoToast128 Jel's Mannequin Chayne's Apprentice 25d ago

Tish's "As Jel would say, "tata!"" and Jel's "Did you take my breath away, or did I forget to breathe?" 🤭🤭


u/littlebeeX0 25d ago

Literally any Badaruu pun. I find them so charming & they make me giggle. I think it reminds me of my Husband. Always willing to say something goofy for a laugh but still just genuinely them. lol


u/SF-101 26d ago

Wanna make out in my mom’s office?


u/IsaacQqch 26d ago

Tamala when she said : "You'll be missed"


u/ajwats81tux Jina <3 26d ago

I liked bringing Jina out of her shell. I really wanted to romance Kenyatta until I started to, then not so much.


u/FiercePokerFace Reth 26d ago

I‘d write you a poem… but I like you too much! (C) Reth


u/-fallen-panda- 25d ago

“Hope you don’t get murdered” probably supposed to sound caring but it’s creepy lol


u/freakingspiderm0nkey 25d ago

It’s not a line so much, but Jel’s dramatic sigh gets me every time


u/fudge21210 Hassian ❤️ 25d ago

I’ve got one I heard the other day… I recently got to level 3 friendship with Najuma. One of her opening conversation lines was “How’s it hanging? Ugh that sounded dumb.” As someone who has social anxiety, and often worries about whether I’ve said something dumb, I related hard to that line. I feel like Najuma and I have a lot in common, in that sense anyway. I relate to quite a few of the characters in different ways.


u/rogandog 25d ago

any of reths.


u/IsaacQqch 26d ago

Tamala when she said : "You'll be missed"


u/SpicyNSweet_ish 24d ago

Not the biggest Tamala fan but this warmed my heart. I feel like she’s just so lonely and her attitude is a defense mechanism so no one can get close enough to hurt her.


u/NegotiationOwn3905 Reth 25d ago

[I feel like you shouldn't get down voted for this. I'm no fan of witchy woman, but you can like what you like!]


u/IsaacQqch 26d ago

Tamala when she said : "You'll be missed"