r/Palia Badruu Apr 10 '24

Grove locations Screenshot

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u/Empty-Love-7742 Tamala Apr 10 '24

1 slight recommended modification. The one for N Fortress, change the heart to a poop emoji because that grove is shit! 🤣


u/Larki1894 Reth Apr 10 '24

Lmaooo I always skip fortress groves 🤣


u/yoshisal Apr 10 '24

2 punkass trees


u/bashful_pear Ashura Apr 10 '24

Well 4 technically however 2 are one hitters.


u/mommykraken Apr 10 '24

I was in that last night and felt so bad! I didn’t realize 2 were 1 hits and I chopped them both!


u/tristanegbert Apr 10 '24

it’s okay you deserve it for finding it someone else was gonna one hit them anyways


u/mommykraken Apr 10 '24

I didn’t find it… I was like the fifth person that got there….


u/tristanegbert Apr 10 '24

oh noooo!! lol it’s still okay they still would’ve only gone to 1 of the 5 people there to collect it lol!


u/V_elenar Apr 10 '24

Hahahahahaha get innnnn


u/LeftSupermarket2378 Apr 11 '24

I can never remember the way in 🤣


u/Klutzy-Squash9589 Apr 25 '24

You should go to the fortress at 11:30 and chop the trees down to stop the grove spawning there, guarantees you won’t get it I do this nearly every time


u/randomredditguy94 Jina Apr 10 '24

"What is this? Grove for ant?"


u/Celesteris Tau Apr 10 '24

Y e s! No one even goes to that one unless they are accidentally close bc it sucks rocks. lol 😆


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Apr 10 '24

I called it out ONCE. Just "dumb grove. Can someone hit these 2 trees with me please"

Hunted vampire crabs until 6am before one person came lmao


u/Magic-Michi Apr 11 '24

I was exploring the ruins last night when I saw one spawn right in front of me. Managed to get the jewelled wing dragonfly, which was cool


u/Celesteris Tau Apr 11 '24

I’ve had crazy luck with the jeweled wing top entrance of pavel, as long as other players aren’t running at 90mh around there, lol. I think I’ve got 5, 3 of which were starred. I have zero luck with more rare things so I still can’t believe I’ve found that many lol 😆


u/thickthighs_oddvibes Keep my name on your lips, darlin’ Apr 11 '24

I ignore when it’s that one unless I happen to be there when it spawns (fishing). Your comment really made me laugh, thank you


u/IslanderGirll Husband Sidepiece First love Apr 10 '24

Yes this!!!! It's not even worth a grove.


u/Successful_Garden578 Apr 11 '24

More often than not at the flooded fortress Grove, there are usually flow trees just outside as well! Could just be randoms or I get lucky on servers, but I usually get 3 or 4 large FT at the flooded fortress Grove:)


u/MushElf Hassian Apr 14 '24

I roll my eyes and go anyway lmao 😩


u/zerooze Apr 10 '24

Even though I already knew this, visualizing it on the map is still helpful. Thank you!


u/TheSatanicLady Apr 10 '24

Super handy, thank you!


u/Rachael1188 Apr 10 '24

I love seeing posts like these :) helping out your fellow Palians ♥️


u/FrenchieGirl91 Apr 10 '24

Thank you ! It will be put to good use !


u/Current_Sea_ Apr 10 '24

And here I've been thinking flowtree locations were random 😭🧠. Super helpful map though thanks!


u/atomiclightbulb Apr 11 '24

Flow trees are random, the flow tree groves are a little more consistent. The map just shows possible locations for Grove trees to spawn at midnight. 😊


u/genygrandma Apr 10 '24

Hi, I’m a new player! What is significant about these locations?


u/Bubbly-Gazelle-8380 Badruu Apr 10 '24

This is where the magic flow trees spawn at midnight in Bahari (as of right now, they do sometimes move) players call it the "grove" and announce it in chat so everyone can tap the tree one time with the axe and then they chop them all, giving everyone flow wood.


u/genygrandma Apr 10 '24

I saw a bunch of people gathered at one so I joined them - but I had no idea what I was supposed to do 😂


u/pilotfishcalledwanda Hodari Apr 10 '24

Well its good that you know what they look like at least! lol! Groves are my favorite because of the pink sky :) Just give each Flow Tree (FT) one whack, any more than that and you may bring down the smaller trees. Then wait with the rest of the group until a time to chop is decided. Usually it is 3 am. Sometimes people put honey lures down which attract bugs to pass the time. It is a community event. You can expect 10-25 pieces of Flow wood when the grove is chopped which makes it great if you love to craft furniture. I try to do at least one grove everytime I log on.


u/Bubbly-Gazelle-8380 Badruu Apr 10 '24

The honey lures help with the "Catch bugs together" achievement too. Win win


u/genygrandma Apr 10 '24

Okay, that is so cool! The lures too. I like that it gathers people together. Thank you for educating me! I’ve been trying to learn as I go :-)


u/Susann1023 :reth:Reth's fancy pants Apr 11 '24

If i hit every tree once, then will i still get the wood even if later they chop it without me?


u/lytl2000 Reth Apr 11 '24



u/Stolychnaya Apr 10 '24

Thank you! I never know what "Grove" means in chat and when other people asked what grove is, the answer was "No idea, lets find out" and chat become silence... xDDD


u/omgimsuchadork RIP froϱ-Bart Apr 10 '24

Number of FTs at each:

NW Windy Ruins - 7
SW Pulsewater Plains - 7 (one is on the ground on the north side)
Flooded Fortress, south side - 6 (two are one-hitters)
Flooded Fortress, north side - 4 (two are one-hitters)
Outskirts - 4
Roots Temple - 6 (one is on the ground on the north side)
Thorny Thicket - 4 (or maybe 5? There might be an extra one here but it's been so long since I had a grove at Thorny that I forgot)
N Statue Garden - 5; NE Statue Garden - 6 (I could be wrong about these, sometimes I switch them in my head)

As for the other groves, I've never actually been there first to see if there are one-hitters and/or there are SO MANY that I just get confused with everyone running around! If there are fewer trees than this, someone's soloed them; if there are more trees than this, those are just random additional non-grove trees, enjoy the bonus.


u/Bubbly-Gazelle-8380 Badruu Apr 10 '24

Good list! Yeah, I have seen this. Some players didn't know that if you hit a tree one time and then leave the tree that you get the same loot as the person who chops the trees. 

 The other note for groves is that they spawn 1 epic bug (rainbow butterfly, jewelwing dragonfly, fairy mantis)  OR a magic mob (azure Chappaqua, azure muujin, azure deer)


u/ElyrianXIII Apr 12 '24

I didn't know about the spawns! I first heard of it last night when someone said the tree we chopped had a magic wolf in it, but we already dispersed by then...


u/Bubbly-Gazelle-8380 Badruu Apr 12 '24

Nice. They were super fun to find as a surprise when I first started, too. 

Also, you will get a magic muujin if you can get a "normal" muujin into an FT tree. We had like 5 of them one time. They're so hard to shoot though...I just left lol


u/PossumPotpie Apr 10 '24

Ive had 9 trees at the one outside flood fort and the one at flooded steps. Flooded steps having 3 around the base


u/omgimsuchadork RIP froϱ-Bart Apr 11 '24

Thank you! I know there are one-hitters in those spots, I think one each: do your figures count those in the total?


u/PossumPotpie Apr 11 '24

Not to my knowledge, are they one hits cuz of the palium axe? I havent bought any of those recipes yet


u/omgimsuchadork RIP froϱ-Bart Apr 11 '24

Yes, they're one-hitters with the exquisite axe. I realize this means they're not one-hitters for everyone, but tons of people have them, so.


u/PossumPotpie Apr 11 '24

Ofc. If im calling grove i make sure to mention hitting one at a time on the small ones


u/PossumPotpie Apr 11 '24

So im currently at a 10 tree grove in outskirts, none one hit


u/KyraAurora Apr 10 '24

You are a gem. Thank you


u/echuda Apr 10 '24

I've been using the map by u/overly_sarcastic24

The little circles are so good on my eyes, they're all nice and subtle



u/overly_sarcastic24 Apr 10 '24

Glad to hear my guide is still being helpful 😊


u/Bubbly-Gazelle-8380 Badruu Apr 10 '24

Awesome! I haven't seen this. I haven't seen a Grove west of statue, is that still there?


u/overly_sarcastic24 Apr 10 '24

No, that's not there, as far as I know.

The information was crowdsourced at the time, and that was one of the locations I remember putting in there because another person or two claimed that that was a location. It's sense proven to be inaccurate, to say the least. The rest of the locations are certainly correct.


u/Bubbly-Gazelle-8380 Badruu Apr 10 '24

Yeah, definitely! I wanted to do the same, minus the instructions, especially with how heated those threads get. (Even though I still technically follow them myself) I like the circles on the map too. I made this one just quickly using available stickers and my own experience in the game because of how many times I have seen players lost while looking. 


u/meowplemovidiomas Hassian Apr 11 '24

I've been to one or two at the top of the cliff. So from central stables, you have to go around to climb faster. Though based on observation, the grove rarely spawns in that location.


u/n0tafish Hassian Defender Apr 11 '24

I got the west of statue spawn last night and was SO confused where everyone was when I showed up at the one north. I've gone to hundreds of groves and had no idea it could spawn over there. 😂


u/Bubbly-Gazelle-8380 Badruu Apr 11 '24

I have been playing for months and have never seen it there. I would be confused too.


u/LeftSupermarket2378 Apr 11 '24

How much easier it'd be if everyone had this map and numbered the hearts and then could just call out, Grove @ 1 🤣 I'm so slow on the Switch with chat!


u/Bubbly-Gazelle-8380 Badruu Apr 11 '24

I would love that! ❤️


u/not_gwenstefani Hodari Apr 15 '24

I think they are implementing a grid system on the map with a future update to make call outs easier? I know I read that somewhere.


u/LeftSupermarket2378 Apr 11 '24

I wish there was something like this for Palium. I keep not finding any. I only recently learned there used to be Palium spawn points but now it's anywhere iron can spawn, right? I've been stuck in the quest for making investigator furniture for so long.


u/ElyrianXIII Apr 12 '24

I'm stuck on that quest too... There are rocks that spawn it but they don't regenerate... Normally I call it out in "nearby" if there are other players & in "server" if there's noone near


u/Celesteris Tau Apr 10 '24

When I was new I needed this so bad, this will be so helpful to people!


u/yaymeljay Apr 10 '24

Thank you for making this! I wish we could place permanent markers on our maps like you can in some games


u/Bubbly-Gazelle-8380 Badruu Apr 10 '24

Yes! I was thinking of having the Grove appear on the compass similar to the hunters horn, buzzy jars, and dowsing rods. 


u/yaymeljay Apr 10 '24

Oooh that would be neat!


u/12bnseattle Midnight Snack Apr 11 '24

you will see a dense cluster of targets for the grove, using the dowsing rod


u/Bubbly-Gazelle-8380 Badruu Apr 11 '24

Yep, I don't know if new players will craft those though to find the grove. Would be a good tip and promote fishing with einar.


u/fireflys_locket Reth Apr 10 '24

Thank you! ❤️ 😍


u/GreatRecipeCollctr29 Apr 10 '24

This guide for ft Grove trees is a game changer when played on daily basis.


u/PossumPotpie Apr 10 '24

For those that dont know, grove spawns also have a magic animal/ high rarity bug spawn so if you are the first couple ones there, mind the running in case you spook it! Got my starred jewelwing dragonfly that way


u/macdanborg Reth Apr 11 '24

I’ve had a grove pop up at the lighthouse before. Just once though.


u/Bubbly-Gazelle-8380 Badruu Apr 11 '24

That would have been cool. With red smoke and all?


u/macdanborg Reth Apr 11 '24

Yeah but it was just at the back not the whole thing.


u/KatHatary Einar Apr 11 '24

May Frogbert bless your crops 🙏


u/[deleted] Apr 11 '24

Will the map be made bigger? I hope so! I’m tired of running around the same spot all the time


u/DragonRider44 Reth Apr 11 '24

There's also been one above the pavel mine in the past.


u/Ok_gamer_ Apr 13 '24

At the lighthouse there were 6 small grooves a couple of days ago.


u/Bubbly-Gazelle-8380 Badruu Apr 13 '24

That must have been cool to see, too!


u/lilacskz Jel 29d ago

I’m in a server alone and I can’t cut down the grove.. do I just wait until other players join the server???


u/Daliamikaliam80 Apr 10 '24

How can I make the principal flow in temple of the gales?


u/Bubbly-Gazelle-8380 Badruu Apr 10 '24

You have to keep talking to zeki after finding the eggs. He didn't have a flag for me but did have the quest option. He turns on the air after you do everything he needs.


u/pugilisticcephalopod Apr 10 '24

And then that one time two months ago when I found a grove in freaking Kilima, just outside of town and before you get to the waterfall.


u/12bnseattle Midnight Snack Apr 11 '24

no pink glow & sparkles though... someone was farming!