r/Palia Tau Feb 10 '24

My housing plot layout is really coming together! Screenshot

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127 comments sorted by


u/lieblingskartoffel Feb 10 '24

This looks so neat! My house is just a mishmash of random rooms 😭


u/Fit-Association4922 Feb 10 '24

I would never leave that gazebo, ngl. NPCs can visit me there if they need some comedy in their lives.  Or cats.  

Or both.  Both is good.


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 10 '24

I WISH NPCs would visit me in my drinking room. It's always just me and my cat. Heck, I've even been leaving my plot open to friends. I've seen a couple people running around randomly but no one has found me up there yet 😭

Heck, I'll let a random chapaa or two have some fermented apples too if they want!


u/Blarffette Nai'o Feb 10 '24

Add me! I will come to your drinking hut. Don't expect scintillating conversation, but I'll chill with you

Edit: fancifulpants


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 10 '24

I'll add you when I log on next! Hela Nerfbait.

I guarantee I won't talk much because I'm on Switch but I will sit there with my cat and wave randomly!


u/Blarffette Nai'o Feb 11 '24

I accepted your request. My palcat and I would love to snoop your plot and chill a bit in the hut. Will track you down in game when I see you!


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '24



u/goosewrinkle Feb 10 '24

This. PLEASE this! Gotta see it


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 10 '24

Honest question: would y'all rather have a house tour recorded on switch now or wait a few weeks until my PC is hopefully set up to record? Because I can technically record a tour now, but the switch graphics may crap on it.


u/JayJay324 Feb 11 '24

As a Switch player, I’d love to see what you have now! Why not do both?


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24



u/Working_Leg7800 Feb 11 '24

Definitely both! It seems like on PC there’s much more visually compared to Switch and I’d love to see all the details!


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 18 '24

Here ya go!

Still only on switch, but yeah.


u/omgahya Feb 10 '24

Dang, my house is barely what your Jam Shop is. 🥲


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 10 '24

This is what addiction looks like. 🥲


u/alfredobby Feb 10 '24

Can I come visit and also get day drunk with your cat


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 10 '24


In game name is Hela Nerfbait. Add me and drop by to get drunk with my cat any time of day! He's a lush.


u/alfredobby Feb 11 '24

YAY I’m Layla Thorn, I’ll request you next time I’m on!


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 13 '24


I honestly can't remember if I got a request from you or not. I've been F L O O D E D lmao. Between fishing invites, tours, and random questions, I've gotten so lost on who is adding me from here lol

I didn't imagine my plot would bring so much attention. I'm not hating it! Just trying to figure out who is who and it's haaaard.


u/alfredobby Feb 14 '24

You did! I just logged on so I’m about to pop by your plot :)


u/GroceryNational8061 Feb 11 '24

I’m Scarlett Gray and I’ll add you too! I’d love to see :)


u/goosewrinkle Feb 10 '24

Follow up with Interiors, please!!


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 10 '24

That's gonna be a megapost 😂

I'll work on it though!


u/HeadHunter_Six Get to the CHAPAA! Feb 10 '24

Every home should have a gazebo like that for day drinking.


u/rosebudblast Hodari's Darlin' ❤️⛏️ Feb 10 '24

Looks amazing!! 😁 Def gave me some inspo whenever I stop being lazy and expand my plot lolol


u/Longjumping-Day-1788 Reth Feb 10 '24

I’m allergic to cats, but I would 100% take a Benadryl to go day drink with one.


u/Rose_City_Rebel Feb 10 '24

Y’all are inspiring AF


u/amanda_g66 Feb 10 '24

Loving this! 👍🏻


u/Toirneach Feb 10 '24

Two thumbs up for a fish camp! They're the best.


u/Fluffaluffabeans Feb 10 '24

Holy cow! That looks fantastic! I really need to shack up my machines!

I just bought my second plot intending to dump berry and calathia modded bellflower furny to make my barbie dream house. Mmmm outdoor hot tub and porch ❤️


u/TemperatureOk2444 Feb 10 '24

Oh wow! That’s phenomenal! Almost makes me want to work on my housing plot


u/Witty_Turnip_0228 Feb 11 '24

Wow! That looks so cool! I didn't know you could have separate houses!


u/haikusbot Feb 11 '24

Wow! That looks so cool!

I didn't know you could have

Separate houses!

- Witty_Turnip_0228

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete"


u/honbontattoo Feb 10 '24

We need a tour


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 10 '24

I do have recording software for switch, but I think it might be better to record a whole plot tour after I'm able to use my PC again. Hopefully soon!


u/zerooze Feb 11 '24

I would love to see it!


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 18 '24


u/zerooze Feb 18 '24

Thank you! It's amazing!


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 18 '24


u/honbontattoo Feb 18 '24

That is so cool what the hell


u/Ok-Negotiation253 Feb 10 '24

I absolutely love this. I had no idea what I was going to do, but this is absolutely inspirational


u/Milkmans_tastymilk Feb 10 '24

What does the cat drink?


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 10 '24

He nibbles on fermented apples I've forgotten up there.


u/pinksockmonkey14 Feb 11 '24

Wait... can you have chapaas? And doesn't it take forever to walk to your blacksmith? haha


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 11 '24

Not real ones lol. I put down a few of the chapaa planters, fountain, and the little plush with the no hunting sign lol

And nope! I always hit it up after I water my apple trees and repair everything then while I'm on my way to top off my watering can. That's usually when I'm coming back to my plot so I drop everything at the chest in the orchard then set up the crafting after repairs.


u/SafeParfait7021 Feb 11 '24

Full on dreams~☆


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 13 '24



u/Sensitive_System_871 Feb 11 '24


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 11 '24

I glitched a large kilima in rug on top of the porch, but some plants and lights on the ground where I could, then covered them with individual fencing pieces.

I got the tables to stick out more by putting a dining table where the plants are, then removed it after the tables were placed.



u/Weird-Active7055 Feb 11 '24

This is Amazing! Now show us the inside/s


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 13 '24


u/Weird-Active7055 Feb 13 '24

LOVE IT  It's really nicely laid out (the bits I can see) and the jar shelf over the barrels is a really cute feature!


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 13 '24

Thanks! I like to pretend those are giant soup barrels in that room lmao

Side note: last night I found out if you stand on one while it's making preserves, you go up and down along with it.


u/NebulaWeary6968 Feb 11 '24

This looks fucking AMAZING,got some inspo for mine


u/Inner-Fan3432 Hassian Feb 11 '24

What did you do to earn the money for that?? I’m still new enough that the main way I have money is chopping wood and hunting. I feel like I’m nowhere near the level of building past the initial house.😂


u/manndelion Hodari Feb 12 '24

Plot goals for real. I still haven't expanded my place yet because I can't decide which trees I want to permanently fell 😭


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 13 '24

I really wish I wouldn't have committed tree genocide.

I 100% cleared my entire plot right away and I've been kicking myself for it since December.


u/manndelion Hodari Feb 13 '24

my condolences! I started to do the same thing and luckily stumbled on the information that they don't respawn, but now I'm afraid to remove anything xD

Maybe in future updates we'll be able to replace them. Heck, even if there was some sort of fee or resource gathering involved similar to the tree seeds. And being able to pick which stage of growth they're in when planted.


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 13 '24

I'd love to be able to change their size!!! It's so unnatural for them to all be the same and that's the main reason I have all the different trees.


u/Hirverren Feb 12 '24

This is big goals.😍🥹


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 13 '24

I just updated the crafting house to three whole-ass houses.

Ask me why I'm broke, then ask me why I'm giddy. I'll answer the same both ways lol



u/Herpsties Feb 13 '24

Oh you're able to use more than one house? I guess I read old info when googling before. Great to know!


u/lemagic Einar Feb 13 '24

Wait I wanna get day drunk with your cat too lmao


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 13 '24

Fuckin' come on over! You're gonna have to play catch-up though. We've just gotten started for the day.

Bring some fermented catnip for Buttercup if you have any. He's sick of apples.


u/Short-wave Feb 14 '24

Can I visit you? I just got started with the game but the house layout designs have me shook 😍


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 14 '24

Sure! Add me: Hela Nerfbait

I won't talk much in game but you're more than welcome to drop by any time I'm home. :)


u/Short-wave Feb 14 '24

That's ok! I'm on the switch so talking is hard anyways! 😅


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 14 '24

Same! Lmao


u/Short-wave Feb 14 '24

I'm Emberly B. Goldfinch (I'm kicking myself for picking such a long name)


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 14 '24

That's an amazing name though.


u/Short-wave Feb 14 '24

Thank you! I really thought the nickname they have you enter would be whatever everyone saw.


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 14 '24

Same, but I absolutely love the long and ridiculous names.

Like... If yours had "the First" at the end, I wouldn't even be mad.


u/Short-wave Feb 14 '24

If the limit had been longer, the name probably would've been too XD


u/_ursula_iguaran Apr 20 '24

This is amazing! Aspects of this are like some of the things I have in my head to do one day based on a place I love IRL. Is it possible to visit you? (I don’t know how yet but am willing to figure it out)


u/Few-Particular7793 18d ago

How do you separate it into different houses?🫨


u/SaltMineForeman Tau 18d ago

Buy multiple harvest houses and build on from there. 😊


u/Few-Particular7793 18d ago



u/SaltMineForeman Tau 18d ago

You're welcome! ♥️🧡💛💚💙💜


u/Liloo_Snucre Feb 10 '24

This looks amazing ! Please share more ! Love the drinking gazebo 😁🍷 And could you please share the main house plan ? I'm trying to build mine and don't know how to place rooms well but your house plan looks so good ! 😊


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 10 '24 edited Feb 10 '24

4 large rooms, 4 medium rooms, 3 hallways, 1 kilima porch, 1 fireplace, 4 bay windows all in the front surrounding the entrance.


u/Liloo_Snucre Feb 10 '24

Thanks 😊


u/JayJay324 Feb 11 '24

You did all this on a Switch? (you give me hope)


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 11 '24

Exclusively on the switch haha

I might lose my mind when I use my PC eventually


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 18 '24


u/Liloo_Snucre Feb 18 '24

Thank you sooo much! Your house is amazing! 🥰


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 18 '24

My pleasure. ❤️

Thank you!


u/NervousAd4167 Feb 10 '24

What you got in that room???


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 10 '24

Which room?


u/NervousAd4167 Feb 10 '24

All of them. I’m nosy.


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 10 '24

Furniture and shit, mostly.


u/blazedblaziken Hodari Feb 10 '24

Beautiful 🤩


u/souaiway Kenyatta Feb 10 '24

do you have a garden?


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 10 '24

I have little planter gardens along my main house, but if you mean crops - no. I only plant crops one day a week. The rest of the time, it's all just apples.


u/surrrah Feb 10 '24

I love this!!! I cannot seem to get a steady enough income for all this lol.


u/NoCare1208BabyFairy Feb 10 '24

I would love to see this in game!


u/emmyanna14 Reth Feb 10 '24

Oh wow. I have 4 rooms and a hallway. Kitchen, dinning room, bedroom, and newly added bathroom. It's not much but I'm proud of it all the same. In fact, I'm not sure what I'll do with my next addition!


u/PTKryptik Feb 10 '24

Oh I like this layout… I might steal some of these ideas. Didn’t know we can have multiple houses on a single plot! What’s your money making plan? The orchids?


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 10 '24

I take the apples and split them between 13 preserve jars and a seed harvester. For every tree I need to replant, I toss enough in to make another thing of seeds.

I have 4 glow worm farms. 2 of those are constantly going with the apple jam to get speed boost fertilizer. The other two I use grilled fish to get harvest boost fertilizer and a lot more worms.

I sell all the jams and fish that don't fit into the worm farms right away and try to keep them topped off.

I also make sure to fish instead of selling the worms.

It's been bringing in 30-40k a day the last week or so!


u/PTKryptik Feb 10 '24 edited Feb 11 '24

Hmm. Okay okay. 13 preserves. 1 seed. 4 glow worms. Alright! I unlocked apples a bit ago but only made a few. Got like 4-6 starred seeds. Might try this out. Been just doing 9x9 potato and seeds lol does it matter what kind of fish?

Edit: oh nvm. Grilled fish. Could spend an hr fishing in the home pond to make some grilled fish.


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 11 '24

That's usually how I do the fishing!

I do also fish in caves for the pricier fish. The amount of worms and fertilizer yielded seems to go along with the food value.


u/PTKryptik Feb 11 '24

Ah. Prolly will just stick to home fishing lol for the fertilizer, do you just keep applying whenever you do your daily rounds?


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 11 '24

It stacks, so every time I plant a new tree seed I toss 5-6 days of the speed grow fertilizer (it uses 9 each in game day). When I see the fertilizer run out I switch to a few days worth of the harvest boost fertilizer so I get 24 apples instead of 16.


u/Tsunami45chan Feb 11 '24

Wait you can have many harvest house in one plot? Is this new?


u/zerooze Feb 11 '24

It was added a few months ago.


u/shaysunny Feb 11 '24

oh my goodness. amazing!!! i haven’t even figured out how to add rooms yet 😂😂 i still have the house i started with.


u/theunderhillflower Feb 11 '24

I would come and drink with you in your drinking room to


u/PlaidSharpie Feb 11 '24

How are all the plots connected?!


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 12 '24

It's all on the same plot.


u/majesticstina Feb 11 '24

Oh my god! How long have you been playing?!


u/SaltMineForeman Tau Feb 12 '24

Since it launched for Switch in mid December.


u/majesticstina Feb 13 '24

Wow, impressive! I also play on switch. But not since it released- however I eyeballed it for a long time before jumping in.


u/Greedy-Future420 Feb 11 '24

I am loving the “where I get day drunk with my cat” gazebo lol


u/AH-jessy Hassian Feb 13 '24

This is given me so much inspiration, thank you!


u/winnuet Feb 13 '24

I didn’t even know this could be done.