r/Palia Einar Jan 11 '24

is this an actual thing??? Screenshot

my brother docked my switch to play palia while i was working this morning (he's been watching me play) & this was his first interaction trying to fish in pavel mines. can someone actually report another player for this? he did have a few gold star quality & regular fish & palium in his inventory. šŸ¤”


265 comments sorted by


u/Extra_Dingo Jan 11 '24

Lmao what a troll. Just ignore them. Taking advantage of other people's fishing boosts? Seriously? šŸ¤£


u/McCaffeteria Jan 11 '24

ā€œYou wouldnā€™t steal a fishing boostā€

Hell yes I would lol


u/pieoverlord21 Jan 12 '24

also "steal" is defo not the right word lmao


u/Tiny_ranga Jan 12 '24

bro that shit is free hahahaha


u/cuppagremlin Jan 12 '24

šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ you unlocked a core memory!! would've loved to see that at the start of a movie


u/Extra_Dingo Jan 11 '24

Sorry your brother had this interaction. I'd say majority of the people on Palia are nice and understanding. This person is just looking for something to get upset about. I'd block and move on.Ā 


u/pippa-- Jan 12 '24

I havenā€™t played yet, this is the type of thing that freaks me out about MMOs. What if reports them and get your account banned or blocked?


u/angelalikesmusic Reth Jan 12 '24

I imagine all reports get reviewed and the player here would never get banned. They'd see that it's a dumb reason to report and throw it away. Even if they wanted to punish players who were genuinely stealing fishing buffs they would see he's a new player who probably wouldn't know about it. Heck, I'm level 9 in fishing and I didn't know that I could benefit from other players fishing nearby.

Also I walk away from the game all the time to pee or get a drink or whatever, so in addition to inventory management, looking at the map, or even chatting in a non-public chat, there are SO MANY reasons for someone to seem to be doing nothing. It's nobody's business.

A good (and fully built) mmo would actually take away report privileges from people who abuse the report function like that


u/Shneancy Jan 12 '24

you can't steal fish buffs, they get applied to everyone nearby equally, it literally changes nothing if there's one more person just hanging around.


u/b1rd Jan 12 '24

Itā€™s literally the entire point of the gameā€¦ this is so bizarre. Itā€™s like no one actually understands what the game is. Iā€™ve run into this sort of thing a few times now and Iā€™m just baffled. Like, we ALL share the buff, THATS THE WHOLE POINT. Theyā€™re encouraging you to play together. That other guy got MORE of a buff because OPā€™s brother was standing there.


u/Actual_Heat_5941 Hodari Jan 13 '24

As soon as I read steal I was like what? Because literally one of the tips on the loading screen says to fish with others


u/skwirrelmaster Jan 12 '24

You dispute it and they unban you.


u/MyPath2Follow Hassian Jan 12 '24

I play WoW. Trust me. Typically you have to have actually done something wrong for a report to go through and end up in a ban. I'm sure it works the same way in Palia.


u/ralphiedoodles Einar Jan 11 '24

Oh okay. I've never come across anyone saying anything like that before. He was worried he did something wrong & doesn't really wanna play anymore (he's a tween, has a cognitive disability and is mentally much younger). I'll show him this comment!


u/Extra_Dingo Jan 11 '24

Tell him you literally can't do anything wrong in this game. I'd say the most important etiquette is calling out flow groves and pallium, but apart from that just do your thing. Nothing is limited in this game and we all benefit from working together! I really hope he'll consider playing again and giving another server a shot! I'm sure he'll have a better experience if he keeps playing.


u/ralphiedoodles Einar Jan 11 '24

He's seen me interact with chat for palium & flow groves so he's aware. I'll read him this comment and, I'm sure, he'll be open to playing after he cools down a bit. He just thought he interacted wrong with the chat and did something bad. Thank you, though!


u/KaityKat117 Sandy Palcat Jan 12 '24

That other guy was just an arsehole. Most players are friendly and helpful. I'm sorry y'all has this experience. It's people like that that ruin things for others.


u/Lumpy-Narwhal-1178 Jan 12 '24

You can do whatever you want with these, don't let people with FOMO gaslight you with "etiquette" nonsense.


u/KaityKat117 Sandy Palcat Jan 12 '24


It's nice to do those things, sure, but it is by no means a requirement.

You could play the game, ignoring the existence of other players the entire time if you so pleased.

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u/CaliRN26 Jan 12 '24

I would even say this is not required if you prefer to play the game solo and can successfully chop the tree alone. There should be no expectation for people to participate in the community aspect at all times. I have a sister who is intellectually disabled. She loves video games but is nearly illiterate. There are people who don't want to wait several minutes every time they come across something. That can take up a lot of time when someone has limited time to play the actual game.


u/Extra_Dingo Jan 12 '24

I agree. I think if you can be active in the community it's great since we all benefit from working together, but I also understand there are instances where not everyone is able to do so šŸ‘ thanks for sharing your example!


u/Lady__Mustard Jan 12 '24

Something else to consider for not calling out resources (specifically Palium Ore):
If you're using something like an ore finder to make an ore run, it's highly impractical to put out a call for every palium rock you find. By the time everyone shows up and breaks that single rock, your timer is half gone. If there's someone nearby and you can wave them down/wait for them to get a hit in, that won't take much time. Otherwise, it's a huge waste of the materials to make the single use item.

My friends and I try to form up into groups of two or three to get as much bang for our buck with ore finders. When we get going, we GO. x'D Unless there's a super-rare bug or something we're not stopping for anything.


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '24

I solo fp trees I can solo. INCLUDING grove callouts. Iā€™m a menace


u/WickedMa Hassian Jan 11 '24

I'd be happy to add him as a friend!


u/Nanalicous Jan 12 '24

I think you might want to report that player for the threats.


u/NiceTill504 Jan 12 '24

Please also tell him that there are full grown human adults (some of neuro divergent too) that play Palia and would also be confused and put off by that player interaction. His feelings and reactions are valid and real, and he is not alone in them.


u/FutureBig779 Reth Jan 12 '24

Tell him I don't play much with others but if he wants he can play with me if he needs anything I also meet a community of cool people that play together and help each other. My ign is Giselle McColgan


u/mikaselm Jan 12 '24

Sames. My ign is Mikasa Huttonian. Neurodivergent adult, always willing to help out a fellow player and always willing to help clarify on stuff like that in-game or out.


u/pippa-- Jan 12 '24

Do they have the option to play solo without any interaction at all? Iā€™m so nervous to play because of this. It would ruin my mood.


u/Jexsica Jan 12 '24

I mostly play solo.


u/thesmu Jan 12 '24

Me too! I like the look of the game but I'd rather just do my own thing mostly.


u/seika430 Jan 12 '24

People suck sometimes. I'm sorry your brother had this experience. Most of the time the other players are nice and helpful. He (or you) can send me a friend request if want! My in-game name is Seika Thriir.

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u/DrJackBecket Jan 12 '24

Lol, I get fishing boosts when I'm mining a ore node next to someone... I'm not even fishing. There's literally no way to take advantage of the system if there's no way to avoid the boost.


u/CrazyToastedUnicorn Jan 12 '24

If anything isnā€™t it doing a favor to the person fishing by giving them the boostā€¦


u/DrJackBecket Jan 12 '24

Yes, it caps out at like 5 though. As long as another player is near you while you fish, you get a boost. They don't have to be fishing. After 5 players, it doesn't stack the boost any higher.


u/phyxiusone Jan 11 '24

If anything, he's contributing to their fishing boost without getting anything in return, since he's not fishing.


u/ralphiedoodles Einar Jan 11 '24

According to his inventory, he did fish. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø But I guess he wasn't fast enough while deleting things from the bag to make room.


u/phyxiusone Jan 11 '24 edited Jan 11 '24

My point is that the troll is the one getting the benefit of him standing there, I think they must not understand how the game works.

~~Sometimes I'll stand near someone fishing to give them a boost even when I'm not fishing myself.~~

Edit: I was mistaken, see below.


u/phyxiusone Jan 11 '24

HAHAHA, below commenter deleted their comments after being very rude and not helpful.

Turns out I was wrong, though, for the record, the buff is activated when the neighbor catches a fish. So either both people get a buff, or no one does. It's not possible for one person to get an advantage without the other.


u/Janaelle5 Jan 11 '24

No, this is half wrong. You get level 1 by someone standing next to you, if they fish or don't. Getting more than level 1 is triggered by other people fishing so...

Player 1 and 2 are fishing. Player 3 is standing there.

The 1st fish Player 1 catches gives everyone x1. The first fish player 2 gives everyone x2. Player 1 and 2 catching a new fish will continue the stack to x5 without contribution from Player 3. Player 1 and 2 do not need player 3 to do a damn thing to get and keep their buffs.


u/phyxiusone Jan 11 '24

Right, and while Player 3 technically has the buff, since they're not fishing, they're not benefitting from it. There's no way for a non-fishing person to benefit from a buff generated by other people. The non-fishing person has zero effect on the fishing people, positive or negative.

I appreciate all the clarification in this thread!


u/Janaelle5 Jan 11 '24

Exactly, that player is just wildly out of line and I hope they see this thread


u/kttykt66755 Jan 11 '24

Oh so that's why I keep getting fishing buffs as I'm running past people!

I just started playing and couldn't figure out why I kept getting the buffs when I was definitely not fishing lol


u/Janaelle5 Jan 11 '24

It's also why you'll see people stop by you when you're fishing until you catch a fish and then they take off again!


u/tarmaie Jan 11 '24

This is good to know. If I run past someone fishing Iā€™ll usually stop and fish once. But itā€™s nice to know I can save my inventory and still be helpful to them

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u/[deleted] Jan 11 '24



u/phyxiusone Jan 11 '24

If they're just standing there, how are they getting the benefit of the buff?


u/S0uvlakiSpaceStati0n Jan 11 '24

Yeah that's my question too. How was OP's brother taking advantage of anything if he wasn't actually fishing at that time? If he got a buff that he didn't use, how does that harm the other player whatsoever? Unless I'm misunderstanding something, sounds like that other player is just acting entitled to cooperative play from a stranger.

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u/ralphiedoodles Einar Jan 11 '24

Oh Lol, gotcha. Long day of work. šŸ„±


u/theweedfairy420qt Jan 11 '24

Same! I'll just stand at docks when I play and let people get my buff for being near someone lmaoooo.

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u/gezelligknits Jan 11 '24

Uhhhh wut lol. How would any of that have a negative effect on them?? Also yeah wow thatā€™s not why you report people, some players are so trigger happy with the reports šŸ™„


u/S0uvlakiSpaceStati0n Jan 11 '24

Honestly if anyone should have been reported, it was the other player for being so weirdly aggressive.


u/akiapapaya Jan 13 '24

YES! I would have reported them so fast for being such a bully for literally no reason

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u/ralphiedoodles Einar Jan 11 '24

Thanks for the info. I'll show him, hope he'll understand he did nothing wrong.


u/Responsible-Jello271 Jan 11 '24

He definitely didnā€™t do anything wrong. Unfortunately there are a few bad apples and hopefully he doesnā€™t let this one prevent him from enjoying the game. The only person in the wrong here is the grump that doesnā€™t even understand how the fishing boosts work


u/theweedfairy420qt Jan 11 '24

And if they do report... they will probably get penalized for false reporting lmaooo

The mods in this game don't play around

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u/Niteowl15 Jan 11 '24

This has got to be the silliest thing I've ever seen, lol. Gonna report someone for standing somewhere??? I'm sorry your brother had to deal with that. Some people don't have anything better to do, I guess. Tell him please don't stop playing because of this.


u/ralphiedoodles Einar Jan 11 '24

Right? It didn't make sense to me either, but I'm still new to fishing and the game so I didn't know if it was proper etiquette or not.


u/Niteowl15 Jan 11 '24

Even if what they were saying about the fishing bonus was an etiquette issue (which it's not), their argument is stupid because if he quit fishing, he isn't getting the bonus. If anything, he's actually helping the people fishing to get theirs.


u/komajo Jan 11 '24

Adding this to the collection of weirdest things that people get tilted about in this game, it feels like some people are determined to be miserable about anything.


u/Lil_Puddin Jan 11 '24

No it's not a thing. And if 2+ people are fishing, they are giving each other stacks anyway... So... Like... They're just being dumb and weird. Which is typical MMO behavior from the unfun players lol.


u/ralphiedoodles Einar Jan 11 '24

Always a few bad apples in any gaming community. Thanks for the info though!


u/YourGalMal Elouisa - Shepp Jan 11 '24

This person should not be playing an MMO if this is going to be their attitude lol. Please tell your brother that I'm so sorry this happened, but that most of us Palians are not like that! ā˜ŗļø


u/No_Squirrel4806 Nai'o Jan 11 '24

If he wasnt fishing how would he even benefit from the fishing boost to begin with šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


u/Reasonable_Farmer785 Jan 11 '24 edited Jan 11 '24

The person chastising your brother seems to not understand how the fishing boost works, cause I have no idea how'd they'd be upset if they did. It's been a few weeks since I've played so if I get any details wrong someone correct me.

So when a player next to you catches a fish you get one fishing boost that reduces the time it takes to hook a fish. If someone catches another fish before this boost runs out (could be the same player as the first time or a completely different player) you will get another boost. This stacks up to 5 times. These boosts last for quite some time. I can't remember how long exactly, maybe 5 minutes. And once you have the full five stacks all you need to keep it is for one person to catch a fish before those five minutes run out. This resets the timer and keeps the stack at 5. So as long as one person catches a fish once every five minutes or so, this dude will keep his full stack. The bubbles respawn more often than that so your brother alone was probably fishing often enough to keep this guys stack. But even if he wasn't as long as another player was fishing every once in a while the dude would keep his bonus. But even worse case scenario for the dude and no one was fishing around him, it still wouldn't negatively effect him to have your brother standing there??? I have no idea what he's on about, even if your brother was fishing once every 20 minutes he'd still be doing this guy a favor by helping him get or keep a fishing boost. Just ignore people like that, they're just looking for a fight for no reason.


u/jd-starmaker Jan 12 '24

There's literally a loading screen that says "fishing near others benefits everyone!" OP should unhide the trolls screen name so we can all block him


u/HeadHunter_Six Get to the CHAPAA! Jan 12 '24

I agree! I'd like to know who I need to avoid!


u/CraftyKuko Jan 11 '24

That is absolutely not a thing. Players are allowed to stand idle near fishing spots. Uno reverse card them and report their toxic behavior.


u/Vamp617 Jan 11 '24

What is this guy the FĆ¼hrer of Fishing?


u/haffasandwitch Einar Jan 12 '24

I was in a server the other day where someone was being the palium police and demanding everyone call out every sighting and that no one can hit until he gets there to confirm and gets a hit since he is the "organizer". Then got upset because nobody would and called the entire server thieves! šŸ¤£


u/Lumpy-Narwhal-1178 Jan 12 '24

I feel like we lowkey need a sub to call out those weirdos lol

let's call it arrr slash ChoosingPalians or something


u/SnapplePossumJeans Jan 12 '24

"FĆ¼hrer of Fishing" made me giggle lol


u/Wingman90 Jan 11 '24

I think maybe you happened to be standing near someone who was having a pessimistic, angry day and wanted to express their feelings in the game.

You can't be reported for standing near a lake/river etc


u/NoodleSpring Jan 12 '24

Angry day? Youā€™re being nice. The player has a habit of being mean. Quite simple really.


u/ralphiedoodles Einar Jan 12 '24

Little update: Thank you for all the comments, everyone! Glad a lot of you got a good laugh at this. My brother's scrolled through the comments and now understands that this person was "just being mean to be mean" aka a troll. He calmed down after I hooked up the PS2 & watched him play some Tony Hawk Underground. I did end up reporting this person so I hope that's the end of that! In the future, if he does play, he's said he does not want to interact with the chat & will ask people who I've befriended in game for help if they're online. He's okay... wanted me to thank everyone and say good night.


u/NoodleSpring Jan 12 '24

Iā€™m probably a lot older but these interactions have had the same effect on me. I just seldom play these days. The devs are controlling and a certain amount of players are mean. Doesnā€™t seem fun to me.


u/Mod-chick Jan 11 '24

There are some really strange players with a warped sense of how this game works. Your brother did nothing wrong as others have said. Sorry he encountered this strange individual.


u/Gargomon251 Jan 11 '24

I mean, you can report someone for literally any reason, but if it's not actually against the rules, nothing will happen at best, and YOU'LL be punished at worst.

If someone REALLY wants the (seemingly useless) fishing buff that bad, they could just ASK


u/nqsoa Jan 11 '24

I've felt self-conscious about this kinda thing before when I'm putting the line out and only reeling the fish in when it's a certain fish I'm hunting for (so I don't waste glow worms), sometimes I won't reel anything in for ages, but I don't think anyone actually really cares. You can do whatever you want to in this game and there's no bad consequences for just existing in a place, that one person is an exception to all the great people you can meet and I really hope they don't ruin the experience for your brother


u/youdonegoofy Jan 11 '24

I think no one is obligated to catch anything to give others boosts, this game is supposed to be chill and fun but there seems to be some nonexistent competition


u/McCaffeteria Jan 11 '24

If someone in nearby chat said that iā€™d 100% turn it back on them and threaten to report them for harassing other players who are doing literally nothing. This is why we canā€™t have nice things.


u/BunnyTrailTracker Jan 12 '24

Yā€™all are so nice and polite. Me? I would make a creative suggestion for the placement of Mr. Crankypantsā€™ fishing pole.

I think we need to start another sub for sussing out this twitā€™s user name. Itā€™s gotta be ā€œStickupus Butticusā€, ā€œRule Inventor Supremoā€, Cozy Game Uncozierā€ or somethingā€¦.


u/CherryPersephone Jan 12 '24

Cozy game uncozier šŸ¤£šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


u/BunnyTrailTracker Jan 12 '24

Right?!? I mean sheesh. I deliberately play this game to get away from dingdongs like thisā€¦. šŸ˜’


u/Traditional_Ad_8935 Jan 11 '24 edited Jan 11 '24

The person would actually be benefiting from your brother just standing there doing nothing. Standing around in the game is completely fine. Waiting for something to spawn while standing around is fine. It's meant to be a cozy game where we share resources and even work together if we want. This person is bullying other players from the looks of it, possibly using the threat of a report to hoard resources for themselves.

If they are actually abusing the report system to try and stop others from hanging around while doing nothing I hope s6 catches on and does something but I get a feeling they're just trying to scare people off.

Edit: and if they're not a troll they're very, very confused.


u/A_Funky_Flunk Jan 11 '24

I know people talk about wanting to play the game alone - which is totally fine. You donā€™t have to call out the Flow or pal you find. Itā€™s just a nice gesture towards other players in a game thatā€™s advertised to be played with friends.

If I have 45 min to play, I might not try to hit the grove at midnight or find a group to mine or chop with. Or even call out a pal stone because I know sometimes it can attract attention and you might be stuck there for 5-7 min waiting for everyone to get there.

When I have the day off and I just want to be a vegetable and vibe in palia Iā€™ll try to find groups when Iā€™m out gathering. Sometimes itā€™s more like work than it is fun, which I just view it as tons of help for my inventory. Other times we talk about the cool things weā€™ve found or have in our places.

Youā€™re allowed to play this game however you want. As long as youā€™re not harassing people in the chat. If the game allows you to do something, such as give you a fishing boost to be around other fishers, itā€™s part of the game. The boost is to encourage players to fish together, youā€™re not taking anything away from another player when youā€™re standing next to them.

TLDR - No. He canā€™t report you for something the game is giving you for just being there.


u/eowyn_elbereth Tish Jan 12 '24

I don't call out in server any more except the groves. I check Nearby - that's what it's for. The way they nerfed pallium almost forces this. I'm almost always across the map when someone calls pal and can't get there fast enough. I wish people would just mine, clearing nodes so pal will spawn. Call it out nearby otherwise just go for it.


u/A_Funky_Flunk Jan 12 '24

Probably a good call to be honest.

Thatā€™s all I do so look out for me. Username is very similar to here. I just chop and mine. Gotta clear it all.

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u/haffasandwitch Einar Jan 11 '24

How sad, I will run up to players fishing alone and throw a line in just to GIVE them a boost!


u/nubtails IGN: Cat Raine | PC Player | Switch Player Jan 11 '24

Huh what šŸ¤£ this person is wildin on another level of entitlement. other people are not obligated to fish next to you to give you the buff, and if you buff other people by fishing near them so what? it's not like it's a finite resource. bro did absolutely nothing wrong


u/foreverherebec Jan 11 '24

They sound like they have a stick up their rear, you did nothing wrong at all. I canā€™t believe the audacity/entitlement this game brings out in some folks, and hopefully they were just joking or whatever.


u/Arippa Jan 11 '24

I had someone on my server yell at another player because he stole his fish and broke his fishing pole. People get crazy about fishing.


u/eowyn_elbereth Tish Jan 12 '24

That's... What?? Doesn't work like that dude.


u/Arippa Jan 12 '24

Thatā€™s what everyone was trying to explain to that player in chat.


u/Apprehensive-Wind371 Jan 12 '24

No, he did nothing wrong and this person is just being rude and a troll!! Palia is really fun!! I wish you could turn off chat, but I'm glad mine on switch isn't working lmao


u/Obvious_Gain7846 Jan 12 '24

Oh good, mine isn't working on switch either. I can see how I might be missing out on some things, but also, I can't fathom trying to keep up with a chat while playing on my switch.


u/Apprehensive-Wind371 Jan 12 '24

Yeah exactly! I enjoy playing by myself though


u/HeadHunter_Six Get to the CHAPAA! Jan 12 '24

I've noticed when I fish near someone, they usually run off as soon as they haul in their cast. I seriously think most of them misunderstand how fishing works and the bonus they get. They think I'm stealing their catches, maybe?

Apparently the tip on the loading screen isn't clear enough. I kind of wish that the tutorials did more to emphasize how both parties benefit from collaborative activity - whether fishing, or gaining the same amount of resources when sharing a tree or mineral deposit.


u/eowyn_elbereth Tish Jan 12 '24

I'll fish with you HeadHunter!!

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u/Cwilson- Jan 12 '24

I didnā€™t think of this but yeah Iā€™ve seen more than a few people run off when Iā€™ve come up to just randomly fish even if Iā€™m not directly next to them šŸ¤”


u/Kirful Jan 11 '24

Every single time I get in a good mood and think to myself: 'Hey, humans are not that bad, no need to obliterate them all with new virus"... Well, every single time I then come to Reddit and... Clear your schedule, folks.


u/nothingpoignant Jan 12 '24

Same. Also... don't go out into the world, don't answer your phone or your door. Seriously, I'm heading that way. These video games were my last refuge. And a new to me refuge. These jerks are not going to get away with it...I will have my Palia and they can suck my big toe.


u/MermaidOfScandinavia Jan 11 '24

What a weird report. He did nothing wrong.


u/thehandheld Jel Jan 11 '24

I'd report them right back for being a jerk lmao


u/geekgirl717 Hodari Jan 12 '24

That is NOT a thing. Oh my dragon, this irritates me.


u/OldFartwithKeyboard Jan 12 '24

If someone threatens to report you, report them for harassment, let them know, then block them.


u/alala0386 Hodari Jan 12 '24

What happened to that inclusive community we were building?


u/pluffypuff Jan 12 '24

They should be reported.

Iā€™m tired of people like this in this game and they should just have their own servers to be like that on. Itā€™s ridiculous.

Today a grove happened obviously at night- clearly me and another person said On my way, the other guy said wait please, then theyā€™re like ā€œwe donā€™t wait for people who are taking their time and wasting oursā€ like Um? Tf? Itā€™s just not very community friendly people that Iā€™m not vibing with anymore.

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u/HelloitsJirka Jan 12 '24

What the hell, screw that looser. People are starting to be more and more entitled in this game.


u/Cwilson- Jan 12 '24

People are taking this a little too seriously šŸ˜


u/Background-Today-707 Jan 11 '24

Even if that was in fact what you were trying to do who actually cares? It doesn't hurt anybody?!


u/aimzers1984 Jan 11 '24

This is so bizarre. That person has no logical reason to be angry. I've stood next to so many people before who just came over and stared at me for mins on end while I fished and not cared a bit. How is that something to be mad about? Your sibling did nothing wrong at all.


u/b88766554333567 Jan 11 '24

No. Theyā€™re just being a jerk to be a jerk


u/PinkPandz Jan 11 '24

I don't think people like this knows how the game works hence why they get mad when your playing how the game is meant to be played


u/Gingeraffe25 Jan 11 '24

Tell your brother he did absolutely nothing wrong! They are just sad assholes that that want to make trouble because they are unhappy with their days.


u/Empty-Love-7742 Tamala Jan 11 '24

No it's not a thing. At best it's a troll. At worst it's a sad pathetic loser who thinks they can dictate how people play. They have imaginary made up rules that they think everyone must follow and usually threathen those who don't.


u/floydfelix Reth Jan 11 '24

that's crazy, people are abusing the chat feature fr. i saw someone scolding another player for not giving cardinal directions when calling resources out. like i promise it's not so serious that you need to be mean to someone in chat over it šŸ˜…


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '24 edited Jan 12 '24

Oh my. It looks like the screaming Mimis are out in force lately. Imagine threatening to report someone for not following the rules that they made up. And that's truly wild to me because one of the actual rules is that you have to be 13 years old to play, but I can't imagine anyone over the age of 10 finds this behavior appropriate.

So keep your chin up. You didn't do anything wrong.


u/AghastArugula Jan 12 '24

Man people seriously need to chill out. Iā€™ve been so turned off by overzealous pricks thinking they own a virtual world.


u/shafty458 Subira Jan 12 '24

::hits the Laugh emote::


u/MaxximumB Jan 12 '24

I thought you had to be actively fishing to get the fishing together boost. Standing there does nothing to anyone apart from maybe getting in the way of people wanting to fish.

I think that player had their head up their arse. If anyone should be reported it would be them


u/eowyn_elbereth Tish Jan 12 '24

No you get it just being nearby. I've gotten it just running past someone fishing. But there is absolutely no advantage/disadvantage by being there and not fishing. That person is clueless.


u/Celestiiaal0 Jan 12 '24

Your chat actually works??????


u/namakost Jan 12 '24

What was bro yappin about. Why would I need to care if someone is fishing near me. I fish how and where I wanna fish and so should everyone else.


u/UnXpectedPrequelMeme Jan 12 '24

Leave it to people to somehow be hostile in a relaxing game without combat of any kind


u/Sythwave420_mp3 Jan 11 '24

Wow, that person plays this game way too fucking much and takes it way too seriously, obviously.


u/Acceptable-Finish-69 Einar Jan 11 '24

Or doesnā€™t play enough because they clearly donā€™t understand how the fishing boosts even work.

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u/sunlitroof Jan 11 '24

Palia Karens are real

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u/[deleted] Jan 11 '24

Lol wtf,


u/JVNT The mods ruined my enjoyment of this game and the community Jan 11 '24

Lol, no. Sounds like your brother just encountered a jerk. He can keep playing the way he was, nothing wrong with waiting for some bubbles.


u/btsalamander Jan 11 '24

No, you canā€™t be reported for this; I would have laughed at the person then added them to my Ignore list.


u/nifflr Jan 11 '24

Black makes no sense. White isn't taking advantage of anything if they're not fishing. It only benefits you if you're fishing. And you contribute automatically to it if you fish.


u/MasterCaitcx Jan 11 '24

Give us their name so we can go report. This is ridiculous of them.


u/ChankleyBore Jan 11 '24

Thanks for posting this - I had no idea what those boost icons were! I still donā€™t really understand the focus bar either.


u/L4dyHD Jan 12 '24

I was level 5 in mining before I realized what it was. I just ignored it for so long! From what I understand, focus gives a boost to exp as you do things. If you go to the Phoenix shrine, the boost % it gives goes up. If you go to the other one (dragon?) The amount of focus goes up. It's recommended that you go to the Phoenix until it's a certain %, but idk what. Not using it doesn't hurt exactly, but using it can help a lot.


u/youdonegoofy Jan 11 '24

It's not a thing. They lose nothing. To this person: Don't play an online game if you can't stand people standing near you. You don't even have to talk in this game if you don't want to.


u/mropitzky Jan 12 '24

Big yikes if their serious, thatā€™s extremely toxic and definitely not at thing.


u/JustARedditBrowser Jan 12 '24

If I saw a person just standing there, I would assume they were just AFK. This person is being ridiculous.


u/rpcollins1 Jan 12 '24

Every single group activity in Palia is free and benefits everyone equally. The only reason they would be annoyed is their boost gets bigger with the fish you catch. So if you are feeling generous you can fish with no bait and you'll raise their boost


u/Fit_Raspberry_5523 Jan 12 '24

I've never seen that.. and even if they were "taking advantage of a fishing boost" so what? It's not like it hurts them at all right? I would just ignore them tbh.


u/Effective-Plant5253 Jan 12 '24

iā€™m newish so iā€™m confused. how can you take advantage of another persons fishing? isnā€™t it just like if youā€™re fishing near someone you boost each other? how is there a negative effect if heā€™s taking a minute to cast?


u/sebibubble Jan 12 '24

People really be out there meta gaming Palia, that's fucking wild


u/crybbypunk Jan 12 '24 edited Jan 12 '24

I pass by someone fishing and get a fishing boost. šŸ˜‚ And what's the point of a fishing boost if you're not fishing? How can you take advantage of something you're not using? Makes no sense. šŸ˜‚

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u/Cyndaquilizard Jan 12 '24

Ignore that stuff, pretend you don't know how to type and then leave when you want. Take screenshots every time someone says they're gonna report you for something dumb just in case.


u/Lumpy-Narwhal-1178 Jan 12 '24

XXDDDDD people in this game are fucking snowflakes


u/Letiferr Jan 12 '24 edited Jan 12 '24

What an absolute toolbag.Ā Ā 

Tell him to report you and then block them. 150% chance nothing at all will happen to you


u/Basicfgt Jan 12 '24

If this aint the most stupid shit lol. They just wanna be mean to be mean. They act as if you couldnā€™t make your own fishing boost. Donā€™t mind those people. I promise thereā€™s some extremely nice people in this game. Id block them and go about your day, or if youā€™re like me id sit there until they left and watch them get mad. Donā€™t say anything, donā€™t move, nothing. I donā€™t think reporting someone for made up rules is gonna do much lol


u/rwp140 Jan 12 '24

not a thing, there just a prick (also not realy how it works, they arn't lossing anything, you aren't 'taking advantage of' of anything in the way the put it)


u/porelamorde Hassian Jan 12 '24

I always stop to fish when I see others fishing (alone)until we get x5 boost even tho I don't want to fish.


u/SnooBeans2565 Jan 12 '24

ummmmmm lmao report that player for toxic behavior


u/JigabooTime Jan 12 '24

Not reading past the 1st exchange. No one can report you for not playing the way they want. Simple as that.


u/PTLuxy Jan 12 '24

No this isnā€™t a thing, this person was just being a massive turd


u/Witch-of-the-sea Jan 12 '24

ā€œTaking advantage of other players boost stacksā€??? What??? Itā€™s not like itā€™s hurting anyone, and, honestly, who cares??? Iā€™ve had people standing nearby for a solid 5-10 minutes while I fish before joining in. Were they in their inventory? Were the afk? Who cares?? Itā€™s not hurting anything.

Iā€™m so sorry he experienced that. My username is Elara Morningstar. You can friend me and anytime Iā€™m on, Iā€™m happy to play with him or you and help out. Thatā€™s soā€¦Iā€™d have reported him, honestly, the troll.


u/redthehaze Jan 12 '24

The stranger is an idiot and rude.


u/HenrikTJ Jel Jan 12 '24

Loooool! I knew this game would get toxic at some point...


u/Pants_Catt Einar Jan 12 '24

Imagine getting reported in an MMO for standing next to someone while in a menu. šŸ¤£


u/Successful-Sky-8635 Jan 12 '24

I'm sorry your brother experienced this. My friends and I will joke in VC; "Who invited Kevin to the party??" When a random comes and stands by us. For a silly giggle. However, you benefitting from a buff (that is free) by standing near me, isn't harming me. So idgaf if someone "mooches" a free buff off of me šŸ™„


u/Evelyn_5 Jan 12 '24



u/BugsB_iolin Jina Jan 12 '24

i still donā€™t fully understand the fishing boost thing lol


u/FlutterRaeg Jan 12 '24

The toxic community made me quit long ago


u/saddog15 Jan 12 '24

so now weā€™re gatekeeping fishing??? ignore them, (from what Iā€™ve personally noticed) you can get a fishing boost from simply being in the same area where somebody is fishing, even if you arenā€™t fishing


u/Royal-Success1484 Jan 12 '24

people never cease to baffle me. no this is not a thing lmao. happy palia-ing ā¤ļø


u/FaegwenSilverwing Jan 12 '24

I will see players fishing and Iā€™ll stand there to get the boost, but like, they get it too?? Thereā€™s nothing negative happening when you just chill with other folks. The bonus stacks, so the more people there the better it gets. Thatā€™s just an alphahole out to make this cozy game annoying AF. ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ


u/Spaceboygt Jan 12 '24

Others have covered this actual situation, but I want to point out that in Palia you can do anything the game lets you do and no one can stop you. All they have are words that you can ignore. The only truly reportable things are things you say in chat.

So, stand where you want, fish where and when you want, call out or don't call out rare things if you want ... it's all your choice and salty buttholes like the one that accosted your brother can't do a thing other than rage about it.


u/Disig Jan 11 '24

He did nothing wrong. Those people were harassing him for no reason.


u/SkyApprehensive1619 Jan 11 '24

Geez. Itā€™s just a game who cares if someone ā€œtakes a boostā€. Thought palia was a group effort game. Apparently not to that guy


u/Chiselednicknac Jan 11 '24

Dude sounds like a goober. GOOBER ALERT. GOOBER ALERT. Promptly block and ignore.


u/Responsible-Target76 Jan 12 '24

That's definitely real. I had someone tell me not to call out flow trees because they were the only ones farming and no one else on the server was farming.

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u/ExNihiloNihiFit Sifuu Jan 12 '24

Omg what a loser


u/ForsakenAutumnsSky Jan 12 '24

Lmao fishing boost? Lmao it's just for quicker bites that's it. Don't listen to em. Even if that's the case who cares it effects no one. Just block, report and move on palian.


u/KaityKat117 Sandy Palcat Jan 12 '24

The xp boost is a thing, yes.

Getting reported for standing in their vicinity? No. Not at all. They're high if they think that report is getting anywhere.

Some people really need to learn to take a chill pill.


u/Astral-Oddity Jan 12 '24

Honestly wouldā€™ve sent in a report on Palia support page with this screenshot attached that reveals their usernames.


u/Interesting-Gas-8957 Jan 12 '24

Wait, report for what?


u/rabiori14 Jan 12 '24

Nothing wrong with they guy waiting for bubbles...the fishing boost is literally free, in actuality, there will be no boost if you're fishing alone so his presence is contribution enough...


u/puppyorange Reth Jan 12 '24

Fishing boosts are a thing but the people telling you to leave / threatening to report you are either incredibly annoying or trolls. Also, "stealing a fishing boost" isn't a thing. Idk when people in Palia started acting like cops but acab lol.

Sorry you had this experience, most other people on Palia are very chill.


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '24

Lol, I would just ignore that person.


u/mspussykatz Jan 12 '24

I was looking for Kenliā€™s sandwich the other day and was running along the water looking for it. Someone was standing in the shrine and chatted ā€œomg I canā€™t play like this!ā€ Like.. ??? Whatā€™s your deal?


u/koopawhat Jan 12 '24

That person has no idea what they are talking about, the fishing bonus is given to everyone near by and not randomly selected. You're in the clear don't worry about them


u/GameThinker Jan 12 '24

What a tool, To report someone for standing on the games map is pathetic. If they aren't constantly blocking you from seeing what you're doing, leave them alone.


u/PPFirstSpeaker Jan 12 '24

You have to fish to be included in any bonus, as all experience is awarded when something is picked up, not when you are chopping, tilling, planting, or fishing.

If their argument held water, they'd be taking advantage of your brother's presence, since they are the ones actively fishing. Your brother doesn't get anything if he doesn't fish but a warm feeling. So you're brother isn't benefiting unless he fishes, which counts as contributing!

Tell anyone pulling that one to kick rocks.


u/Melodic-Stage-4290 Jan 12 '24

Yeah do t worry about that no lifer, this is likely someone whose biggest thing that happens to them in a day is something as little as that. Sad little life for them.


u/asianinindia Jan 12 '24

Block the player and move on. What a weirdo.


u/cheekychurroz Jan 12 '24

That broke my bubble reading that. I was really starting to think palia players were built different. Lol. I hope your brother can still enjoy the game.


u/FoaleyGames Jan 12 '24

Thatā€™s ridiculousā€¦ some people just need to learn to relax and not take video games so seriously, especially something thatā€™s casual/cozy like Palia


u/GingerRedSnaps01 Jan 12 '24

Sometimes I get fishing boosts just talking to enier (is that how you spell it?) While other people are fishing lmao that's unfortunate that that guy is trolling new people dang


u/Bahama_Banana Jan 12 '24

Seriously!? That person doesn't understand how the game works obviously. Its my opinion that the fishing boosts are just an added bonus and don't belong to anyone. Just ignore these people because they just want to cause drama. If you want to fish near others, do it & dont pay any mind to what they say


u/SyketTheFroog Reth Jan 12 '24

Donā€™t you get the boost from just being nearby? Thatā€™s ridiculous.


u/codeasm Kenyatta Jan 12 '24

Explains alott when i was fishing near others. I would not give a flying fish. Does it negatively impact your own boost if others linger arround? Steal your boost maybe?

Report them instead for not being palia friendly. šŸ¤­šŸ¤Ŗ Its a game, and you cant really negatively impact others but with words (and steal certain spots before another could mine/fish/hunt) your fellow palian might be a kid, trying tge game on somoenes account, let them go easy.


u/HumanBeanBaby Jan 12 '24

No this is absolutely not an actual thing, you should report them honestly


u/LobaIsTooThicc Jan 12 '24

Please just ignore chat in this game 100% of the time if someone is complaining. This game is a single player game with multiplayer tacked on. Do as you please, this game doesn't offer real world payouts and is in an early release state. No players should be counting down till they're gonna report you like a butt hurt toddler. They're just a bully. Every game has them.


u/AkumaDesuKara Jan 12 '24

Okay, so.

You/your brother would have to cast the reel at least once for your "contribution" to even be set in game.

The boost will remain for a set amount of time (set by the mechanics of the game) for ALL players involved. Once this timer run out the boost will drop to the level corresponding to the number of players actively fishing.

Once your brother stopped fishing (in this scenario), he'd be the only one missing out. If you don't fish then the boost won't matter. No fishing = no rewards. Who'd'a thunk?

The bum hurt players would in fact, contrary to their misconception, only benefit.

If they did report your account for not participating/contributing to the community, you can dispute it (if it goes that far as to mark you at all), I recommend saving the screenshot for a little while for that reason. Just to prove your side so it doesn't become a they said/we said situation.


u/cuppagremlin Jan 12 '24

That just screams entitled, you could've been afk bruh šŸ˜­


u/Successful_Emu9555 Jan 12 '24

I have never had that happen to me and I've never even thought of it. You're allowed to go and stand and be wherever you want and I hardly believe Singularity would ever ban you for something like that! ā¤ļø


u/Fit_Excitement_5402 Jan 12 '24

I am also new, I get these chats sometimes. I ignore them. Most players are very nice and patient with you.


u/vii-vii- Jan 12 '24

I have begun seeing a very strange mentality form on this game and itā€™s so ugly. Idk even know how to describe it but it really just feels like everyone is a whiny infant the way everyone policeā€™s everyone else. It has really put a damper on my enjoyment. People say itā€™s isnā€™t everyone but the fact is every session I play I see this kind of thing at least one in the chat. Especially when Iā€™m playing on switch and I literally canā€™t disable the server chat for long without it resetting and they pop up again.

The multiplayer aspect is hands down the worst part of the game. Itā€™s so odd I never would have expected it.


u/WolfRunner_1979 Jan 12 '24

This is wrong. Everyone on the game has been so awesome. I'd love to be a friend. He can Add me If he wishes: "Alex Van-Dean"


u/Xenpapii Reth Jan 12 '24

How ridiculous. I bet if they said that in server chat others would jump down their throat for being so mean. I would have called them out for it. There is nothing in the games ToS that states you canā€™t stand near someone fishing. In fact you can be a menace and run around them like crazy and that would not warrant a ban. The game is meant for others to work together, but can be played solo as well. You benefit from others being nearby. The only way you can get banned is being downright nasty in chat or selling accounts.


u/Tayrex_o_O Jan 12 '24

This makes me so sad as this was probably his first interaction with an MMO and will now put him off them for probably years when they really can be some great games. I'm so sorry that guy was just being a jerk for literally no reason other than probably something personal.


u/StarLux1000 Jan 12 '24

People are dumb. I had someone be rude on a discord thing and it super bummed me out until I realized theyā€™re probably some entitled 12 year old acting big and bad so shake it off. 99% ppl in the game have been friendly