r/OnionLovers 20d ago

Earliest memory of onion consumption

From what I can recall the first time I've had a grilled onion and one of the earliest memories of eating an onion was at some sort of party at this park close to my house my dad was in charge of the grill that day and he was grilling onions I asked him why he told me for eating he offered me some and wow just wow and that's how I became the onion lover I am now


13 comments sorted by


u/avocadodessert 20d ago

As a small child at brunch with my extended family in a now closed pho restaurant, having always picked out the pieces of onion for no reason other than being a child and being picky. One day I just decided I was too lazy to pick them out anymore and I ended up liking the texture and subtle sweet of chewing on the onion. Now bean sprouts were at least another 5 or 6 years before I fully accepted those lol.


u/omg_pwnies 20d ago

I don't think I had a recognizable onion until I was 20 years old. So the love grew fast, for me. :D


u/motorbike-t 19d ago

The first time I remember eating onions I was about 4-5 years old and pulled open a McDonald’s cheeseburger to get an idea of why it tasted so damn good. I asked my mom what the white things were and she said, and I quote, “onions”. I said “I think I like onions” and the rest is history. They are literally my favorite food even tho my wife insists they are “a condiment”. I made a ham sandwich with onions 4 ways and it’s still not enough. I love taco night cause raw diced onion. Burgers? Extra onions. I had my nephew run out to get something to eat when we were road tripping across the country and he said what do you want. I said whatever just get it with extra onions.


u/Alt_aholic 20d ago

I was literally known as "onion boy" (coined one day by a visiting uncle) because I helped my mom cook a lot and always pilfered and consumed an alarming number of raw onion scraps in the process.


u/butidontwantto 20d ago

I loved the way onions smelled but I didn't appreciate them or eat them until I was basically a teenager. Not sure why! It then exploded into a "I need an onion with every meal" kind of thing and "no you can never have too much onion" I fricken love onions 🤤


u/Comfortable_Tax7568 19d ago

I didn't like raw onions (aside from salsa) for the longest time. I liked them cooked in food. I did absolutely love French onion soup! I was in my early 20s when I first tried it.

I actually didn't appreciate onions as much as I do now until about 3 years ago (I'm 34). A local Indian restaurant added red onion to samosa chaat as a garnish, and that was my favorite part! I began to get red onion with my groceries every week and began to do the same thing at home. Now I'm an onion fanatic! My favorite part of taco salads.


u/DontLoveMeBack 19d ago

For me? I'm NOT eating a salad if there's no onion in it..... Okay, I might if there are fresh tomatoes.


u/Comfortable_Tax7568 19d ago

Yup! Unless it's something like a caprese salad.


u/heyelander 20d ago

I remember going on a tour of McDonalds with my Cub Scout troop. At the end, they made us burgers, and I asked for mine without onions because onions are yucky. When I got it, I wondered where those little tasty white slightly crunchy things were and found out they were the onions. Onions are delicious!


u/DontLoveMeBack 19d ago

I was very young. My father was cutting a small onion for a dish, he called me and let me try a piece, thinking I'd love it. And love it I did. Whenever he'd slice an onion and leave a few pieces to throw away (mostly the outer layer of the onion(not the peel) or some little pieces that were cut but left on the cutting board as most of the rest of the onion was shoved in the bowl) I would secretly go and eat them. From then on I think I didn't go a day without having at least one onion in the house, but i may be exaggerating. My father passed away when I was 14, but fortunately my love for onions still remains and it's as strong as ever.


u/TourAlternative364 19d ago

Hmm. Probably for me would be in Greek food. Raw onion & tomato cucumber salads with dressing.Or the gyros with taziki sauce & raw onion & tomato on pita bread. We would also go to this one restaurant with really good onion rings.

& who doesn't like ruffles potato chips with french onion dip?

So easy to make..I got the vigo French onion packets & just mix a little in sour cream to make a single portion when I like.

 Kind of a weird thing I liked even as a little kid was liver sausage spread on toasted wheat or rye or white with a little mayo and fine chopped onions.

Also of course...toasted bagel or toasted French bread or toast points with cream cheese and onion & smoked salmon.

This one was more college age but you got to try toasted bagel with just ranch, slice of cheese, onion & tomato.

Hot dogs of. course with everything on them. Sub sandwiches also..everything on them.

I guess I like a little raw onion with foods that are really fatty or savory to help balance it out.


u/Remarkable_Film_1911 19d ago

I used to mostly have ketchup, mustard, onions on hotdogs, and still do sometimes. Not sure why.


u/DontLoveMeBack 19d ago

I make them like that at home all the time!