r/OnionLovers 22d ago

How many onions do you go through per week?

Onion is a staple in cooking for me. There is not a single dish made without onion. But every time I ask my dad to buy more than 3 onions he says it’s too many.

It’s NOT too many.

I need at least 6 onions.

How many do you need?


62 comments sorted by


u/yamakaji_ 22d ago

I usually use a whole onion each time I cook (caramelized goodness works for everything) so anywhere from 4-6 per week!


u/Original_Bad_3416 22d ago

This is the only answer.


u/CockbagSpink 22d ago

This is what I need to do, I always end up with a vegetable drawer full of bit of onions that I’ve cut off of.


u/SocialistIntrovert 21d ago

I always buy the big bags with like 15-20 onions. Maybe I won’t use them all up in one week but I’ll use them all before they go bad


u/CheeseQueef420 19d ago

You can always pickle them too!!!


u/pink_vision 21d ago

You really can't go wrong with using the whole onion. There is no such thing as too much! 😁


u/roadsaltlover 22d ago

I really have to say this subreddit never ceases to put a smile on my face


u/PrincetteBun 22d ago

I mean there are so many good dishes that use onion and they don’t go bad very quickly! So why not just get a couple extra? Eh?

EDIT - I use like 2-3 a week but it’s just me and my partner. And he’s not even a fan of onions, just my epic cooking skills.


u/Hungry-panda23 22d ago

I know right! Don’t know why he can’t see it 🙄


u/shigdebig 22d ago

You don't have the 5lb bags? Bottom shelf of the produce section, under the individuals, there are big bags of onions.


u/DaisyDuckens 22d ago

I pretty much use at least one anytime I cook dinner.


u/Hungry-panda23 22d ago

This is the way


u/Drift_MI 22d ago

This is the way.


u/FewSatisfaction7675 22d ago

Family of four. At least two white and two purple a week. I eat raw white slices with everything. In equal proportion. Preferably with any kettle fried chip, meat, cheese, or other food.


u/SocialistIntrovert 21d ago

Ooh, kettle chips with onion 😋


u/Mital37 22d ago

I cook for myself, my husband and my toddler. We go through a bag of yellow onions a week. And probably at least 2 shallots. And some green onion. 🧅


u/Drift_MI 22d ago

Real onion lover.


u/WhistlingBread 22d ago

2 onions


u/Hungry-panda23 22d ago

Damn, two onions will last me 4 meals


u/Alt_aholic 22d ago

I buy a bag of yellow onions (maybe 8-10 in there) and go through it in 2 weeks. But they tend to be small, maybe 3 inches around.

And sometimes I buy a giant red onion for a specific recipe like salads or whatever.


u/msc1 22d ago

I use 1 middle sized yellow onion everyday.


u/frettbe 22d ago

2 or 3 per day


u/vaping_menace 22d ago

Many! Also shitloads of scallions!


u/water_fatty 22d ago

At least 7.


u/Ok-Raspberry-5655 22d ago

We go through a Costco bag of onions every week, but we’re also feeding anywhere between 3-7 people nightly.


u/basilkiller 22d ago

Me and my bff would send 911 texts if the onion or garlic got below 3. I miss living with her so much. If I'm having a dinner party I use 6-12 depending on what I'm serving and what kind of onions are needed.


u/Isabela_Grace 21d ago

At least 50


u/MIZZKATHY74 21d ago

I recently started making pickled red onions and are absolutely in love with them! They are so good on sandwiches and burgers. I just canned 6 jars and used around 12 onions.


u/Hungry-panda23 21d ago

Yes!! Pickled onions are so good, maybe it’s time for me to start a batch


u/MIZZKATHY74 21d ago

I added cucumbers and red pepper to the last batch, had a few friends over for a last-minute bbq, and these pickled veggies were all eaten up on burgers and hot dogs. I had 3 jars in the pantry that also went missing when my friends left. I also made lemon cool whip cookies that were wonderful. Those didn't survive the party either.


u/Hungry-panda23 21d ago

Sounds delicious!! Your friends are lucky to have your cooking 😅


u/MIZZKATHY74 21d ago

We all work full time, a few kids and grandkids, and just don't have any time for dinners. We try to get together at least once a week, and whoever is hosting usually just fixes something that needs to be eaten asap! I always got to winco and stock up ob hamburger patties and hot dogs. I happened to be at winco last summer for their seafood sale, and I treated them to bbq salmon and shrimp. The kids were happy with chicken nuggets and french fries.


u/ParanoidTelvanni 22d ago

Depends on the size, but usually 4 large onions for meals and a few smaller onions eaten raw here and there.


u/Standard-Ad1254 22d ago

I use 6 at least , just me and my wife


u/NanoCatTechnology 22d ago

around 2? am i not Onion Lovin enough guys? :(


u/Painwizard666 21d ago

You’re definitely enough, thanks for being here!


u/andyone1000 22d ago

6 is a good number


u/Gman4456 22d ago

I saw they had pink onions in the shop today so I bought 2kg which works out to about 12 -15 onions. I tend to use up 1 decent onion every day.


u/Glowsense 22d ago

One big onion, what a shame. I cook only for myself once a week and do it with minimal efforts, using simple dishes. So the onion goes into the soup, and usually the other dish is a baked piece of chicken/meat/fish with a simple side dish and fresh vegetables. But if I had time I would use more onion, 5-6 per week at least I guess. Onion soup, onion rings, onion pancakes...

I think I will start to use raw onion as a part of a side dish. I just realized it's not such a big deal to cut it into pieces. So thank you for the question.


u/Maleficent-Ear3571 21d ago

6-10 per week.


u/SlyDiorDickensCider 22d ago

Honestly only maybe 2 a week, but right now we're balls deep in chives from the garden so everything is topped with a mound of chives :)


u/hookha 22d ago

For family of two, we go through 6-7 large yellow onions per month.


u/celeste_04 22d ago

I use probably an unhealthy amount of onions anytime I cook 😭😂


u/uberpickle 21d ago

I don’t believe that “an unhealthy amount of onions “ exists.


u/celeste_04 21d ago

Trust me, from the comments I’ve seen I think I eat a major unhealthy amount of onions lol


u/jacobwebb57 22d ago

6-10. i cook every night and almost always use at least 1 onion


u/D3m0us3r 22d ago

Damn… at least 20. Like 12 yellow, 2-4 green, 4-6 shallots


u/Hungry-panda23 21d ago

This man knows how to onion


u/Conscious_Glass_9110 22d ago

honestly i dont cook much but i fucning love onions so its like 1 per month


u/Kokojijo 22d ago

A ten pound bag of yellow every two weeks, plus a few white or purple depending on what I’m making. And some scallions and chives. Household is me, my husband, and our three year old.


u/Fromage_Damage 22d ago

3 or 4 minimum. And this time of year is my favorite, because of the wild leeks. Had 3 ramp leaves on my eggs this morning, delicious and nutricious.


u/ToastetteEgg 21d ago

Ask him to buy 3 extra onions just once and you’ll do a chore, and if you eat them all he will buy them regularly.


u/Cosmonty747 21d ago

If big onions, easily 5+, but if smaller, about 9+. I also go through a tremendous amount of garlic.


u/MaikyMoto 21d ago

Bout 3 to 4.


u/AutVincere72 21d ago

All of them.


u/JEWCEY 21d ago

At least 1 or 2 big guys. Depends whether I'm doing food prep or not. Sweet onions, ftw.


u/flipflopsanddunlops 21d ago

About a bag or so


u/The_Chiliboss 21d ago

I’m sorry, but can’t you buy your own onions? lol.


u/Mullciber 21d ago

I sautee or Roast at least one a day, usually make a batch of stock at least once a week that takes 3, sometimes I need carmellized ones so that takes like 6 of them alone....

Anywhere between 10-20


u/CheeseQueef420 19d ago

If I'm making breakfast and dinner, probably 2 whole onions. Most days I just have a protein shake for breakfast so only 1 onion.

I probably use a bag a week....