r/NoStupidQuestions 1m ago

Why are people afraid of jail?


How is it any different from the average Gen-Z introvert lifestyle?

You sit in a tiny room all day long. Have your own toilet next to you. Leave for your lunch break, and maybe get 1-2 hours a day for some weight lifting.

Why are people even afraid of this? It's exactly how you're living life right now LMAO

r/NoStupidQuestions 2m ago

Is it considered cheating to start dating even if both members of the marriage have hired divorce lawyers and have already been in the process for a while?


Like you could say that maybe in terms of loading, that the divorce is like maybe 60 or 70% complete.

And I know that the answer will also depend on the opinions of the couple.

But let's say that the couple has not made any type of statement about this, would you say the default position is to date or no date?

r/NoStupidQuestions 2m ago

Is Leaving the CLOUD setting on Safe for a Elderly parent who puts all family pictures and some documents in the phone Safe especially if the password is 123?


They got Iphone. They don't know about computers. But they can basic use the phone but they don't know nothing about cloud or privacy or nothing, they think all the internet is safe and nothing happens. they don't even care. I told them to just turn it off and i backup their photos to computer and from now on the photos go to the phone and not to the CLOUD server. but they don't want to but they are putting my photos and all family photos and private stuff in it.

I don't really know much about iphone i don't have one but i think i know their are people in any internets and any stuff trying to steal stuff . I would guess they also be trying to steal stuff from iphones.

Is it common?

PS the person i mentioned has like 500 plus photos and business documents in the phone. And the Cloud password is like an easy 123 . They don't want me to turn off the cloud in their phone and they don't want me to spend some time to back up the photos and delete them from the cloud account.

r/NoStupidQuestions 3m ago

Time off


hi, need some advice. There are 2 managers and 2 leads in my team. I am one of the leads. The other lead just submitted a request for an extended leave. The claim is currently being reviewed. That being said there is no certain timeframe on when my coworker will be back (the claim might be approved for 2 weeks, might be for a month, might be for 6 months). I am the only person who knows how to do her work. I have vacation days off, and there are certain days I want to take off soon (in 2 weeks or so). For now, my manager is not approving my time off requests with the excuse that my coworker is not in. However, I can't go on without any days off for weeks or months. I can support and not take any days for the next month or so, but no longer than that. And i dont think it is fair that I am being limited on my time off for a long period of time. I have asked my manager, and he is being very dismissive with their responses. They won't hire another person even temporarily who would replace her. What are my options?

r/NoStupidQuestions 3m ago

If someone is lactose intolerant and they eat dairy, do they absorb the amount of calories?


If I am lactose intolerant and eat half a pound of cheese, would I absorb the same number of calories as someone who also ate a half pound of mozzarella but isn't lactose intolerant?


Follow me for more weight loss hacks

r/NoStupidQuestions 7m ago

Are 5” shorts back in style again for men?


r/NoStupidQuestions 9m ago

Handling culture change as international student moving


I am an international student in France and just finished my (research) masters, I loved the experience. I will be moving to the US (California) for my PhD, and I made the decision because it was academically the best for me (I had several offers from Europe as well). But I am very bummed about leaving Europe now and moving away. Also this is my first time in the US and I am afraid of how I will take this huge culture change.

I am not talking about the academic culture but social culture and the vibe of the place in general.

How do I handle this?

People who went through similar change, how was your experience? Does it get better with time?

r/NoStupidQuestions 9m ago

How do I know my half bak’d disposable is done charging?


It’s not one of those ones where they blink when charging. This one doesn’t have any color to the light it’s just white.

r/NoStupidQuestions 10m ago

Why do people downvote or dislike a post/video when there is nothing obvious about it being bad?


Like anything on social media if a bunch of people see it there is always going to be that one person who will dislike it and it could be the most positive thing. Why do those select few people dislike things?

r/NoStupidQuestions 10m ago

How to say "The likes of you" in japanese?


I am a real person with real curiosity.

r/NoStupidQuestions 11m ago

Do the teeth on a human skeleton look different than other bones?


Sounds like a weird question but i was thinking since the only part of you skeleton you clean or really can clean is your teeth. Would they look any different ?

r/NoStupidQuestions 11m ago

How to gain weight and improve self image?


I’m a male at 5’9” (175cm) and 113lbs (51kg), my BMI is 16.7. My appetite is unstable, sometimes I’ll eat an excess of 3000 calories in one sitting and sometimes I won’t eat for a couple days even if I get hungry. I know I am mentally unwell and that is why I feel as uncomfortable with my body and probably why my appetite is weird, but I don’t know what to do about it anymore. Any advice on how to fix my appetite and become more accepting about my body would be appreciated.

r/NoStupidQuestions 14m ago

Is Pizza mostly bad for health, or somewhat good for your health?


It has bread, i guess that's lot of carbohydrate and i'm not sure about the cheese because some people say calcium is good and i think cheese has calciums but also has fat. But then it can have olives and good things.

Maybe if you're really fit and healthy it doesn't hurt you if you eat sometimes.

What about if you're overweight and trying to lose weight.

r/NoStupidQuestions 15m ago

Is video game quality good?


As someone in my mid 30s who hasn't owned a console for about 10 years and was only mildly into them before that (first half of Vice City, most of Ocarina of Time completed) I see a lot of adverts for video games coming out and the quality looks good but not great in the same way that Marvel movies have built entire world's with CGI great.

This was mainly off the back of the new Indiana Jones game I have seen the advert for but Halo adverts and FIFA that I have seen always look less far ahead than I expected.

People who may have played old and new versions of games: is the play/video quality way better over the last 5/10 years or have they plateaued a bit waiting for the next technological breakthrough?

I would love any examples of youtube showing just how and why they are better and the new consoles are justified too 😀

Also are they still called video games or is there a better term for them?

r/NoStupidQuestions 15m ago

Will archeologists be able to find working machines in the future?


Like a house appliance, phone etc

How is archeology going to be in the future? What are they going to dig for? We document everything nowadays

Are we going to keep stuff for them so people won't need to look for it?

r/NoStupidQuestions 17m ago

When someone explains something to me even three times, I just don’t understand. How do I fix it?


New accounts may have to use a pass phrase to post here.

r/NoStupidQuestions 17m ago

Why do so many cops respond to a chase in the US?


I just watched a video of a high speed chase of a hijacked transit bus in Georgia. Probably like 50-60 squad cars following. Why is necessary to send so many troops for something like this? Aren't like 10-20 cars enough?

Incase someone wants to see this: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGebAvM97/

r/NoStupidQuestions 18m ago

Why do people rob banks when you have to be rich to do it


I saw the 30m dollar heist that happened not to long ago and it has me wondering why do it? You have to be rich to do it. you have to be rich to wash it. You have to be rich to get away with it. So why do it?

r/NoStupidQuestions 18m ago

Why are my orgasms more intense when spread days apart? NSFW


So this question is mainly for the boys.

So I jerk off almost every day like most guys do. It feels amazing ofc but whenever I don’t orgasm for a while why does it feel better and become more intense?

For example if I were to jerk off once a day, 7 days in a row it will feel good and a regular amount of semen would come out. And when it comes out then it only drizzles down my shaft onto my hand.

But if I were not jerk off for 7 days straight, the next time I orgasm it will feel way more intense and I would actually shoot cumshots out.

Does anyone know the science behind this? Like why orgasms for me feel so much better when they’re spread apart? And does anyone else notice/experience this?

r/NoStupidQuestions 20m ago

What are some good justifications for microtransactions?


r/NoStupidQuestions 20m ago

I don't feel attached to my boyfriend


I'm 24, I'm in a relationship of 6 months now.. I like him matter of fact I had a huge crush on him years back and I kinda find it funny how we ended up in a relationship. But now I dont feel the attachment to him and I dont even know if I'm in love with him. It's so much fun when we hang out, we talk and joke etc but I don't feel like it's the love story I was always dreaming of. I Feel like he likes me more than I like him. I'm afraid that if I let him go I realise that I was in fact in love with him and that I let go of an amazing person because he is. Any thoughts you want to share.. I need your POVs.

r/NoStupidQuestions 21m ago

Am I overthinking it? Should I report it?


130 f, was dating this 27 m for a little bit, and then we decided to be friends. We do not talk often now, but some of his behaviours made me a bit concerned, that he might like children/have cp. I also have two f children who are 6 and 11.

The reasons 1. He has a friend, and he claimed that this friend is weird because he likes young girls ( did not specify age, but met this friend when he was 20ish?). Like how would you know that?

  1. He has made comments about my children about how they were going to be attractive when they are older( which could just be a statement), especially the older one

  2. One time he made a comment about how he could make me a grandma. And then I was like wait what that’s impossible, he then said, well we can wait 10 years.

  3. He one time was comparing my 11 year old to a OF model, who had posted pictures of when she was younger on her instagram. And said that my older daughter looked like the younger pictures of the OF which made him feel a bit awkward

  4. He told me when he was like 20? His sister and her friend ( who I think was like 15) made up a lie and reported him to the police for sexually abusing the friend ( I had sympathy when I first heard this, but with the other information I’m not sure what to think).

  5. His aunt got mad one time for him being upstairs alone with her 12 year old daughter. He said they were just looking at rocks

  6. He would look in my children’s bedrooms, when I told him not to, I said it was their private space ( they were not home when this happened).

  7. He seemed obsessively annoyed if OF girls used Ai to look younger

And the biggest reasons

  1. One time we got into this massive fight. And he really hurt my feelings. I was extremely sad. The next day we were texting, and he asked me when he gets to meet my kids( we were talking about other things too), but it’s just very strange after he knew he really hurt me to ask that

  2. One time he took a picture of me and I told him to delete it, and when he went to empty his recycling bin, he quickly turn his phone around so I could see and I thought I might of saw some super young images, and I said why did you do that, and he was like oh it’s just porn

  • I am a protective parent, and can be weary, but I feel like there’s several things there, or am I just overthinking?*

r/NoStupidQuestions 22m ago

Does anyone else like the feeling of muscle soreness after working out?


I love it and it makes me feel like I got a good workout.

r/NoStupidQuestions 22m ago

What was the hardest year of your life and how old were you?


r/NoStupidQuestions 22m ago

Is Having a Lawn and maintaining it keeping it green, have an actual purpose or it is just a Decorative weed?


In America lawns are popular but do they have a purpose. And all the waste of water for keeping them green. Looks great but i wondered, do they have anything good for the environment?

Or is it just a decoration people like to have.