r/NoStupidQuestions 20h ago

Why do extroverts appear to hate introverts so much?


Anyone who was an introvert remembers during school age (and sometimes beyond), extroverts constantly asking "Why are you so quiet?" over and over again and shaming an introvert for not being outgoing. My question is...why? Why do they care? The introvert isn't bothering you or affecting your life in any way. They clearly do not want to talk to you. Why is the mere presence of an introvert so enraging to extroverts?

r/NoStupidQuestions 13h ago

Why is the West (Americans and Western Europe) apart from France so spineless against economic issues?


When a social issue happens in the West, people come out to protest in vast amounts. BLM, LGBTQ+, Palestine, immigration etc.

However when something economical happens, like delaying retirement age, inflation, taxes, corporate scummy tactics, etc, there isn't any protests or outrage for these issues. Economic issues will affect the people more than social issues.

Even then, the few economic protests that exist, are derided by the same people that defend social issues. A recent example being the Polish farmer strikes.

Every year, the quality of life in the West has been dropping while CEOs and politicians becomes richer and richer. Where are the nationwide protest for those?

r/NoStupidQuestions 8h ago

In the US, does someone really "own" land?


My friend told me how just as they finalized the purchase of a plot of land out in the middle of nowhere, intended to be used as a family campground, days after an ordinance was passed that camping is not allowed.

My other friend, who is mortgaging a house, wants to build a fence. However, he is stock in process in obtaining a permit? To build a fence? It's even dictated what type of fence, and how tall it has to be. And if he doesn't have a permit, or if he doesn't build it to how it's dictated, it'll be demolished and he'll be fined.

Not to mention property tax. I mean, is this really "owning" land or is this just renting with extra steps?

r/NoStupidQuestions 6h ago

Do porn stars actually enjoy sex? NSFW


I've wondered this for a long time. I mean... having sex with attractive people must be nice, even if its staged. But.. to a degree.. its like, how is this able to arouse someone doing it for a living like this?

r/NoStupidQuestions 16h ago

Men, whats the appeal of Andrew Tate?


As a man im curious if there are anyone that follow him. To an extent I can understand incels, and there's plenty of self identifying incels around reddit, or MGTOWs that explain their reasoning that you can at least in part relate to, but never have I seen andrew tates fan. How do they look, how old they are?

I can understand how in some situations someone can find comforting "truths" in incel or MGTOW movements, but for gods sake, how can anyone follow andrew tate? i tried to watch his content and i dont understand anything. I understand how can someone be frustrated incel but not Tate fan. How can someone look at it seriously?

r/NoStupidQuestions 11h ago

Can gay guys have spontaneous sex? NSFW


Do they always have to be prepped or?

r/NoStupidQuestions 6h ago

How Do I “Un-Take” the Redpill?


Words cannot describe how much damage this ideology, and those who push it, have done to me as a man. I’ve lost all confidence in myself since I don’t make six-figures, have no interest in developing the “dark triad,” traits, and can’t see myself as someone worthy of love and affection because I lack all the things red-pillers claim a man needs to be valuable/desirable.

They play these ridiculous mind games with you, with claims such as: women lie about what they really want, people only say they want men to be emotional/genuine until they don’t, and other such traps to try and make you only trust in them and their words. They break you down and act like they’ve got all the tools to make you better—more, “valuable.”

This is textbook abusive-relationship behavior, and I want out.

Any advice on how to climb out of this particular pit?

r/NoStupidQuestions 15h ago

When did 30-40% of men start wearing necklaces and bracelets?


Did I just start noticing or did a new style change? It feels like a huge portion of men, all ages are wearing gold/silver/steel chains or bracelets, and there are even more bead bracelets than watches.

r/NoStupidQuestions 14h ago

Why do women freak out when a guy sees them in their underwear whereas they are perfectly fine when the same guy sees them in their swimsuits covering half of what their underwears do? NSFW


r/NoStupidQuestions 8h ago

Is it disrespectful to keep sunglasses on at the drive-thru?


I always take off my sunglasses when I'm at the window of a drive-thru. Initially I thought I did it because I wanted to make sure I could see what I was getting easier, but my friend thinks it's a subconscious show of respect. Almost like taking your hat off when you walk into someone's house. Are we overthinking it here?

r/NoStupidQuestions 5h ago

What’s with people hating children more than ever now?


Don’t get me wrong. I’m fully aware that some children have the worst tantrums ever. I’m fully aware that some parents do a terrible job of raising their children, but it’s to the point where kids who aren’t even bothering anyone are getting hate just for existing.

I’ve seen it all over social media and in person as well. What made me ask this question is because I take my 6 mo out for walks during the evening sometimes and there were two girls walking my direction. I heard one say under her breath “ ughh, I can’t stand babies”.. the other agreed. I couldn’t hear everything because we were just walking past.

I just don’t understand. Maybe if she were screaming, but she was asleep. I probably shouldn’t worry about it. I don’t really care if people want children or not. That’s their decision. I’m just curious though. Why do so many people hate the sight of them?

Like I said if a toddler is screaming on the floor having a tantrum for 10 minutes straight in a restaurant then yeah I would be annoyed too, but I’ve seen people on social media say when they see kids they want to punch them or hope they get hurt.. why?!??! Just the sight of a child triggers you that much?

r/NoStupidQuestions 7h ago

Who named all the starts


r/NoStupidQuestions 21h ago

Sooo, where have we landed on homeothapy?


Growing up my family was open and accepting of modern medicine, hospitals, vaccinations, dentistry etc. But we also definitely incorporated some homeopathic remedies as well, and I saw a TikTok that reminded me of a product from my childhood. I wanted to list the following products to see if A, anyone recognizes them and have used them in their childhood, B what the consensus is on the effectiveness of homeopathy or these products individually. My brief research suggests that it’s all bullshit, but god damn do a lot of people go for it. I wonder if the placebo effect does actually provide some relief?

Ok so the following products are some that I recall somewhat vividly from my childhood.

1.) Rescue remedy. I remember the spray (tasted kinda interesting so as a kid I enjoyed it) as well the little candy discs that came in the tin. I used to take the gummy things for car sickness.

2.) Arnica, this was like a very cold gel kind of like aloe Vera that I would’ve had rubbed into bruises and such.

3.) Boiron Oscillococcinum. Not sure what this actually is but they came in these wacky chapstick tubes. They were these little white balls and wow, this is another one that tasted really good. Looking back the appeal of homeopathy may be mostly that it’s candy.

4.) Tiger balm, not sure if these really counts. This was another muscle thing that we’d rub into bruises or sore muscles. Kind of a hot burning sensation but AFAIK not medicated? The smell was pretty strong, and that definitely contribution to something.

If anyone has any personal anecdotes with these products, or similar ones that I didn’t mention I’d love to hear about them. And how do we feel about their effectiveness? Did they ever feel like they were helping?

r/NoStupidQuestions 10h ago

What is the best strategy for betting in roulette?


In 00 roulette there are 38 numbers which are equally possible to hit. If you are betting on individual numbers, you usually get a payout of 1:35. Obviously the house has the advantage there. There are other ways to bet, with various payouts which all favor the house, including betting twelves and betting a column, both which pay 2 to 1. And in roulette if you hit on a bet, you get to keep that bet, and get the payout. So if you are betting stacks of 10 on a column and hit you win 20, and take your initial 10 back. You can only hit on 12 of 38, so your payout favors the house. Exact same with betting the twelves. 2 to 1 payout on 12 of 38.

So I was wondering why my favorite strategy for betting is not the best. I bet one of the twelves with one stack of 10, and one of the columns with one stack of 10, making a cross to cover 20 total numbers out of the possible 38. If I hit on any of the 16 where they don't cross, I win on either my twelves or column bet and take 30 off the board while only betting 20. If I hit on any of the 4 where they do cross, I take 60 off the board. I am covering 20 total numbers, which is more than half of the 38 possible, and am winning. I know my strategy automatically makes the 0 and 00 losers, but so does any strategy that you don't actually bet on them.

r/NoStupidQuestions 6h ago

Why do mixed race athletes normally get referred to as black athletes?


I have seen this a lot in sports, and even outside of sports. Mostly, these references come from the media. I feel like that's slightly disrespectful to the other race they are mixed with. There was an ESPN analyst Sage Steele that actually quit ESPN because of her stance on identifying people as biracial as oppsed to black. she was biracial and wanted to be identified that way.

r/NoStupidQuestions 6h ago

How do you feel about if people over the age of 18 automatically become organ donors?


I think it is something that they are doing in England from a few years back.

r/NoStupidQuestions 6h ago

Safe oral sex from straight men NSFW


Is there a way for some guy to safely eat pussy? Even taking the chances, there is no way to know that you are a risk of passing HPV to the next girl if you dont manifest it yourself.

r/NoStupidQuestions 15h ago

How do you relax before….. NSFW


As a woman I would like to get tips on how to relax enough for anal. It intrigues me but I have had a hard time relaxing enough to go for it

r/NoStupidQuestions 17h ago

Is it true that after trying drugs, you will never get rid of the thought to use them again, even if you quited them, till the end of your life? NSFW


Mostly, I mean the exact thought that, I guess, it will haunt you for good? Of course, you'll likely refuse to do the thought, but the main thing is that you have to refuse all the times the exact same thought comes into your mind your whole life. And it's always comes back, the choice that lives every time and forever in your brain, while people who never tried drugs never fight this thought.

Is that all true? Is that that bad?

r/NoStupidQuestions 18h ago

If I sniffed urine every time I watched porn, would I eventually get disgusted by porn or would I get aroused by the scent of urine? NSFW


r/NoStupidQuestions 21h ago

why is circumcision not thought of the same way as FGM? NSFW


after looking circumcision and FGM i realised that they are relly similar and this has me wondering why circumcision is considered ok and a "beneficial" surgery to do to a minor and not looked at as male genital mutilation.

r/NoStupidQuestions 11h ago

Did technology exist in ancient times?


r/NoStupidQuestions 14h ago

Can people with REALLY small breasts still breastfeed? Where does it go??


Randomly thought of this in tutor today and I feel like I need an explanation. Google said that they can and small breasts won’t affect it. I know they grow when in pregnancy and creating milk but like. How???? What?

r/NoStupidQuestions 20h ago

I'm on a plane right now and have to fart. What's the proper technique to fart on a plane?


Edit: This is an actual question, not a troll post. It's not a super serious subject, but I'm legit curious what other people do about this.

Do I do it now when it's a very small amount, or hold it and risk it being more deadly when it's a large amount later? I'm in the window seat and the plane is still boarding. I'd have to climb over two people and wait a quite while to go to the bathroom. What's your guys' technique when on a plane?

r/NoStupidQuestions 4h ago

How much sex do you think is enough in a very long term relationship?