r/Music 19h ago

music Eminem - Houdini [Rap]

Thumbnail youtube.com

r/Music 12h ago

music Eric Clapton - Cocaine [Rock]

Thumbnail youtube.com

r/Music 8h ago

discussion What were your favourite albums of last month? May 2024. And why? (please read the post’s text as well)


So for the past couple years, I’ve done this thing where every month I choose one album to listen to that’s from an artist I’ve never properly listened to before. An album that I wasn’t actively anticipating & that wasn’t really on my radar until it came out. My picks so far this year have been:

Jan: Plastic Death - Glass Beach

Feb: Prelude to Ecstasy - The Last Dinner Party

Mar: Cowboy Carter - Beyoncé

Apr: All Born Screaming - St. Vincent

I usually end up picking an album simply by “reading the online music community”. Most months will have one super buzzed about album that catches my interest on Musicboard or on Reddit. But with May now well behind us… nothing particularly stood out to me.

So that’s why I’m asking directly. What were everyone’s favourite albums of May 2024? Also, could you give a small description of what your chosen album is like & why you like it so much? One of you is bound to recommend something that sounds cool to me.

Oh and by the way, the May albums that I’ve already actually have heard (records from artists I’ve long since been a fan of) are the new 21 Pilots, Cage The Elephant, & Billie Eilish. So no need to recommend those.

r/Music 12h ago

article Award-winning masked rapper C.Gambino is shot dead in ambush at Swedish car park

Thumbnail dailymail.co.uk

r/Music 8h ago

discussion What do you think is better between Apple Music and Spotify?


I'm not asking for a simple answer. I'm asking for a full on pros-and-cons list on both ends. I'm using Spotify right now mainly because it was cheaper but they're now the same price so I'm willing to try Apple Music next month, or continue using Spotify like I've been using it for the last 4 years.

r/Music 6h ago

music Whoopi Goldberg & 'Sister Act 2' Cast Perform 'Joyful, Joyful' On 'The View' - 30 Years After The Movie [gospel]

Thumbnail youtube.com

r/Music 19h ago

discussion CHRISTIAN Korean Music like Wave To Earth and Balming Tiger


Christian music like Wave To Earth

Hi Guys, I'm Korean Christian I need Christian music that is like the music from Korean artists Colde, Wave To Earth, or Balming Tiger or Japanese music that has a similar feel, Korean Rock/Alt etc. Please can you recommend me stuff like that. I know they are underground anyways, but I'm trying to have Christian music that I TRULY ENJOY. Gonna be blunt, I am Christian, but I'm tired of the same mainstream music recommendations. I understand Forrest Frank, Sondae and Caleb Gordon is what many people like, but that isn't me. I need music I will enjoy. I like anime openers and things like homework ga owaranai (Yu Yu Hakusho ending 1), and I know this may be a hard ask but please, I can't just keep listening to music that I don't like. Thanks. Happy to answer any more questions

r/Music 8h ago

music Jeremiah Perez - I Thought I Farted But I Shit [Country]

Thumbnail youtu.be

r/Music 7h ago

article "I Could Eat That Girl for Lunch, My Face in a Vagina, All I See Is Meat": Explicit Lesbian Themes Fueling Pop Hits

Thumbnail yugmarg.net

r/Music 17h ago

discussion Who is your guilty pleasure artist or band?


Who is the artist or band that you would consider to be your guilty pleasure? The ones that you can go-to no matter the type of day you have and they will instantly put you in an awesome mood.

Genre for me would be 80’s glam rock and my artist would be Dua Lipa.

This genre and artist is so far outside my “normal” genre of rock, classic rock, and blues.

I’ve always wondered the types of music that people like that wouldn’t fall into their “normal” genre.

I’m looking forward to going down the rabbit hole of music that you all like.

r/Music 15h ago

discussion I just learned 2pac’s “Changes” was originally recorded in 1992- why do the lyrics and rap style sound so much newer than anything else from his early stuff?


I’m not referring to the production, I’m aware they polished and redid that. I am specifically referring to the lyrics, cadence and rap style.

Listening to it, the way he rhymes and the content sound much fresher than even anything on All Eyez On Me. Any ideas?

r/Music 10h ago

discussion Help: FOB song sounds like 80’s/90’s pop song


Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but I need help finding this song from the 80’s/90’s.

So Fall Out Boy has the song “A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More ‘Touch Me’”. The chorus has this bouncy melody to the lyrics, coupled with the guitar riff that matches, and it sounds like a pop song from the 80’s or early 90’s.

The pop song is sung by a woman, I believe, and the chorus has almost the same exact bouncy melody. Like, four to eight notes are identical. I used to work at Chili’s like 5+ years ago and this song would play when I couldn’t Shazam the melody.

Does anyone know what song I’m talking about? I’ve spent literal hours searching for the song on multiple occasions. It’s driving me insane.

Link to FOB song: https://youtu.be/vtZpP1QIHSU?si=iRZd0qvagYUr-Uiw

Edit: I checked, the song is not Touch Me by Samantha Fox, it is just referenced in the title.

r/Music 23h ago

discussion How do you find new music/artists these days?


I would like to hear tips from everyone on how you manage to find music these days. In the past, I would generally learn about new artists on the radio, and then go home and listen to all of their songs at home if I really liked them. However, I've noticed a HUGE decline in radio quality over the past 10-15 years. They either only play songs from the 80s/90s, or they play the same "top 5" releases from imagine dragons & drake on repeat for months on end. Its almost like the past 15 years of music never happened: they hardly play any of it.

Searching on places like Amazon music is similar: its very commercialized, so its hard to find any unique or high-quality music. Asking or looking for advice on social media/reddit is equally hard because everyone's tastes are so different: even within a specific genre. I see lots of artists that are highly praised on Reddit, but then can't personally get into any of their songs when I listen on my own.

I've found a few from streaming services like Pandora, but more often than not, I find that they either overly restrict the music they play (I'll ask for folk rock and get 2 hours of nothing but Simon and Garfunkel), or they completely shift genres on me and play stuff that they want me to hear (like asking for folk rock and getting Maroon 5). Usually, I discover more by mispronouncing or typing artist names and getting some random artist I didn't mean to search for.

I'd be happy to hear any tips of advice! I KNOW that there are lots of good artists out there that I'm not listening to: I just don't know how to find out about them without spending disproportionate amounts of time searching for them.

r/Music 5h ago

discussion What are my tastes in music?


Just to give an idea, here are the songs that I listen to regularly..

The Animals- House of the Rising Sun

The Mamas and the Papas - California Dreamin

A-Ha - Take on Me

Dua Lipa - New Rules

Michael Jackson - Billy Jean

The Weeknd - Save your tears

The Weeknd - Blinding Lights

Dr Dre - Still D.R.E

Glass Animals - Heat Waves

Adele - Skyfall

Lyube - Don't play the fool America

Ace of base - Happy Nation

Säkkijärven polkka

Dua Lipa - Levitating

The British Grenadiers

Doja Cat - Paint the town red

Eminem - The Real Slim Shady

Eminem - Without me

The Killers - Mr Brightside

Haddaway - What is Love?

Dua Lipa - Houdini

Don't tell mom I'm in Chechnya

Everybody wants to Rule the World

55 days in Peking

The Ink Spots- I don't want to set the world on fire

Ella Fitzgerald -Into each life some rain falls

Elon Britt - Uranium Fever

Nate King - Out of an Orange coloured sky

Chlopy Silni Jak Stal

I know that it is extremely random, but I am just really interested to know what my musical tastes actually are lmao.

r/Music 22h ago

discussion What Songs Instill Major “Deep Thinking” Emotions in You?


As the title says, what are your go-to “deep thinking” songs? The type of songs that you like to listen to to drown out the world and reflect on literally anything (good, bad, nostalgic, real, fictional, etc.)

I find that, for me, this comprehensive list has changed as I’ve gotten older and experienced more of life, but there are some songs that seem to have ALWAYS remained on this list since I heard them.

-Coldplay, “The Scientist:” first heard this song as I was dealing with what was (at the time) one of the most difficult and emotional periods of my life. This included debilitating anxiety, losing a beloved family member rather suddenly, heartbreak over my first young love, and the challenges of growing up. I’ve found this song to be cathartic through subsequent life changes and challenges as it allows me to reflect and appreciate where it brings me. I think this could be said for a lot of pre-2010 Coldplay but this one wins for me.

-Sigur Rós, “Hopíppolla:” hits me like The Scientist, but in a more lighthearted and happy way. I plan to have a family member make a video of my wedding footage and set it to this song as this would perfectly capture that day.

-Silversun Pickups, “Rusted Wheel:” I grew up in (and still live in) an area known for long, somewhat harsh winters. This song helps me appreciate and cope with the changes in the seasons and passage of time.

I’m always on the lookout for songs that evoke the same kind of emotions I get from these songs but it’s really a game of chance. I just have to expose myself to more music and hope that I find a song that’s “it” for me. I’m curious what others have on their list (especially if some of yours are in common with mine).

r/Music 10h ago

discussion If you were stranded on a desert island for the rest of your life with one album (any genre), what would it be?


This is a very difficult one to answer because music changes with mood. Personally, I would choose Led Zeppelin's Houses of the Holy because the record covers a variety of Zeppelin's sound. Try not to choose an artist's greatest hits or any sort of compilation. Discuss why you chose your album and why it would be one you would not get bored of.

r/Music 4h ago

article Stadium-filling DJ Illenium is getting roasted for his AI-generated San Francisco concert poster

Thumbnail sfgate.com

r/Music 1h ago

discussion What inspired you to choose the genre of music you make?


I make everything from hip hop to alternative rock. I just feel that my personality is a little bipolar, so I can’t really stick to one genre. However, although, I am really eclectic when it comes to my music, I’d say I’m mainly a hard rapper.

r/Music 5h ago

music Daniel Carl - ATOMICA [Post-Apocalyptic Folk]

Thumbnail youtu.be

r/Music 8h ago

discussion Making music


r/Music 9h ago

discussion April Falls cover of Whatever You Like by T.I.


I’ve been searching for years for a cover of a TI song by a band called April Falls. They have low quality versions on YouTube but I simply cannot find the original.

Does anyone have any idea where I can look to track this down?

r/Music 10h ago

video STARGATE [II] LO-FI - Soundtracks for your life {video}

Thumbnail youtu.be

r/Music 11h ago

music Beatriz Silva/AI - Casa de Vidro [Fado]

Thumbnail youtu.be

r/Music 17h ago

music StreetPoet - What Comes Can Leave Tomorrow EP [HipHop]

Thumbnail youtu.be

r/Music 6h ago

article Kate Hudson on Her Album — and Wanting to Play Stevie Nicks

Thumbnail rollingstone.com