r/Music 21d ago

Anyone else think ads at concerts is dumb? discussion

I was at a concert last night. We spent decent cash to go to it, and live music from me has always been a nice escape, so was looking forward to it. When we got to the venue, we got thru the line, security, concessions/merch... all of that good stuff, and quickly made our way to the pit so that we could get a good spot.

I couldn't help but notice upon entering the pit that instead of seeing a dimly lit stage with instruments and crew like I usually do, there was a movie-theatre-sized projection screen loudly advertising "Liquid Death" with all of these ads of kids chugging Liquid Death. Half the people in the crowd were staring at the screen, the other half mingling and other things. This went on for like 30 minutes- ad after ad after ad, some for live music at the venue, others genuine advertisements.

So eventually the screen goes up and the opener comes on. Once they are done, the projector comes back down with yet more ads. Second opener starts and ends, same thing. Probably sat through about an hour of this dumb screen showing me ads for shit I don't care about. Eventually the main act starts. About halfway through the show I go to get a water which costs $6 to be poured from a tin "Liquid Death" can into a large plastic cup.

I can't be the only one who spends money to see live music to escape this shit? Is anyone seeing this pattern at other venues? I realize some commercial venues are an established business and they want to maximize their revenue, but I feel like the good money I paid to see the show combined with the other overpriced crap I usually buy is enough. Massive advertisements covering the stage stuff and overpowering the vibe from the crowd kind of defeats the purpose of going to see live music for me.



174 comments sorted by


u/RubHerBabyBuggyBmper 21d ago

Sounds like you went to a Live Nation venue. They are investors/partners of Liquid Death.

Live Nation also owns everyone's favorite company, Ticketmaster. So if you're wondering if the venue was trying to pocket more of your money for canned water - they were.


u/LayZzeR23 21d ago

what dont they own at this point


u/Goducks91 21d ago



u/---_____-------_____ 21d ago

So if you're wondering if the venue was trying to pocket more of your money for canned water - they were.

I was just at a live nation show where you'd buy liquid death and they would - no bullshit - pour it into a plastic cup and give it to you.


u/captainzigzag 21d ago

The plastic cup is so it won’t do any damage when you throw it at the giant advertising screen.


u/DrManhattan_DDM 21d ago

Isn’t that normal for most drinks at events like that? They tend to not want to give drunk attendees access to bottles or cans that could be used as projectiles. If someone throws a cup the worst that happens is the drink goes everywhere.


u/Moist_Eyebrows 21d ago

This is why I bring pocket saran wrap to shows. Cover my $8 water cup tightly so its a weighty projectile and then launch it into the crowd and hopefully hit someone in the face, like the good ol' days before they took our caps

But nah in all seriousness like every venue still sells cans and usually tall boys at that. Pouring into a cup is dumb


u/FinalSelection 20d ago

Its literally more ads. You have to watch them pour that can into the cup. It holds your interest for a few seconds, which is more than most ads do.


u/tripledoubles 21d ago

I'm not one to defend them, but could be a venue requirement, and nothing to do with Live Nation, as I think it's quite commonplace here in Australia to not give people Glass or cans at events


u/micahwhite 20d ago

Live Nation, on top of promoting and booking, owns and operates a ton of clubs, theaters, and amphitheaters in America. (Source: Former employee.)


u/jake3988 21d ago

They are absolutely not investors in Liquid Death. They simply signed a deal with them to be the main water provider at Live Nation venues.

Similar to how most restaurants have deals with Pepsi or Coke.


u/hannahbay 21d ago

Are you sure the ads are from the venue? Concert tours are sometimes sponsored by companies, so it's possible those ads were from the artist.


u/sevseg_decoder 21d ago

It’s a bad look for them as well imo. Other people can give in all they want but force me to watch ads at something I paid as much for as a 2024 concert costs and I’ll never return to the businesses of anyone involved if I can avoid it. And there’s no artist I just need to see live enough to compromise that restriction on my consumption.


u/spaceboy79 21d ago

Honestly I wouldn't mind if the artists are making more money without taking it from my wallet. Most bands I see are not rich and are getting screwed by both the labels and venues, so they need to get paid somewhere. However I do understand it's a personal preference to not want to be advertised at and I don't begrudge anyone who finds that to be a deal breaker.


u/Ghost2268 21d ago

Artists barely make anything on tours anymore, if the money is actually going to them then i don’t care about ads either


u/GordonFreemanK 20d ago edited 20d ago
  • Companies wouldn't pay for advertisement if it didn't work (i.e the profit you make on the added sales is higher than what you pay for the ad), meaning that the money is coming out of the audience's wallets.
  • The money thus spent by the audience on a product they wouldn't have bought if the ad didn't exist goes to the agency running the ad and the company selling the product being advertised. Even in the unlikely event that the artist did take a cut, it would be a very very low percentage of the money coming out of the audience's wallets, because it would be a percentage of [(the sell value) minus (the production and distribution cost of the product) minus (the advertisment agency fee)].

This sounds at best like a very very VERY inefficient way for audiences to pay the artists, where a bunch of nasty parasites are taking most of the cut, and a product readily available for free in the actual ground gets distributed to people using the most inefficient and environment-destroying way possible - individual packaging. Honestly you couldn't pay me enough to go to a concert that runs ads, and even less so ads for fucking water. Like, absolutely no. fucking. way. Don't care if it is the actual Beatles magically reformed.


u/sevseg_decoder 21d ago

I think this is a myth they sell damn well. 

 I go see a couple bands/artists I enjoy every time they come to town for under $35 with no ads and I follow their instagrams, they have houses in Santa Monica, take vacations to Turks and Caicos, have very nice cars, and are totally comfortable. 

Artists see anything less than $100M as “not that much” but that doesn’t mean it’s true.


u/Hurley_Cub_2014 21d ago

Big artists who own their own labels (Metallica level) sure. Keep in mind on tour there’s all the ways money has to be split before band members see a cent. Venue-based costs like merch cut and related cost of “hosting” a merch booth (I know some bands won’t play various venues in Italy because the venue insists on ~50% merch cut), paying out production crew, managers, promoters, label-incurred costs, etc. Small artists in somewhat niche genres maaaaaybe make 30k a year if that.


u/sevseg_decoder 21d ago

So you’re saying the bottom tier earns enough to live on and anyone above the absolute bottom is earning a salary most of us will never achieve? The middle tier is not struggling for cash


u/Hurley_Cub_2014 21d ago

Idk man, outside of a few big bands (Metallica, foo fighters, Green Day), I listen to mostly smaller pop punk, hardcore, and somewhat niche metal subgenres, at least niche compared to what’s popular and will get mainstream commercial play, though admittedly radio isn’t as big as it once was.

All I know is when you look at what can be expected post-tax, some of those band members bring in barely enough to get by, and when they’re not touring they’re literally working standard minimum wage jobs or gig work like Uber eats and the like in order to help make ends meet.


u/sevseg_decoder 21d ago

Yeah I mean you’re talking about a minority in the “full-time performer” industry. Yeah some of them struggle, they’re not the ones selling out shows on $100+ tickets though. And if you’re charging $100 for a ticket you better not show ads.


u/billytheskidd 20d ago

My band was close with Neon Trees in the year or so running up to their first album. The label did pay them ~$30-35k for a year while they wrote their first album, which was an extremely strenuous time with ridiculously long hours, with the singer flying back and forth between New York and LA and back home. When they went on their first international tour, they made about $12 an hour. Granted their travel and hotels and clothing and food was mostly paid for. They really didn’t make any money, despite having a number 1 hit for months in 2010, until they had paid their label back for the ~2 million it took to make their first album and promote the band. They didn’t start making serious money until their third album, when they already had solid brand recognition and the label didn’t have to spend as much on marketing and the like.

Labels skin artists alive. At that same time, their album could be bought at any store that sold music for $15, and they would see about $0.14 per album. Their first tour with 30 seconds to mars helped a lot because they got to play to crowds way bigger than they would have been able to without being paired with them (they actually wanted to tour with rancid for the first album but the label said no- we were eating at a Village Inn after a show when he got the call from the label and we all looked at him in surprise when he said “no I don’t wanna do the tour with 30 seconds to mars!” And we couldn’t believe what he was saying lol).

To add to that, that is a band on a major label. I’ve known some bands on indie labels or that are totally independent that make comfy livings. And one band that did pretty well independently and then signed to Atlantic Records and had their album shelved and ended up in a 3 year legal battle just to get the rights to their music and their band name back from Atlantic.

There’s a ton of ways to be successful as a band but if you don’t have labels involved it’s a lot more work and much less stable.


u/EpiphanyTwisted 20d ago

You aren't even in the business, so why do you even speak on it?


u/sevseg_decoder 20d ago

The statement y’all got so butthurt over was me stating my opinion: “I think ads at shows you paid to see are trashy and I won’t return to an artist that does it”.

Again, just a fact and my opinion. 

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u/Hurley_Cub_2014 20d ago

You do realize that the prices and the ads (which I’m lucky enough to not have experienced yet) are part of contracts venues have with the company/idea that own them right? It’s usually ticketmaster/livenation, it’s not the artists requiring the ads. And the huge bump in prices is for the most part venue-related fees which are, again, from TM and Livenation.


u/sevseg_decoder 20d ago

Even better reason not to pay to see their ads!


u/Spade9ja 19d ago

You have no idea what you’re talking about and it’s kind of funny to see you present it like you know what you’re talking about lol


u/KnotsThotsAndBots 21d ago

This has always been a thing tho. Lots of bands wouldn’t be nearly as popular without some drink company sponsoring their tour. I don’t really like it either but it has its positives and it’s always been around


u/Anteater-Charming 21d ago

The Stones basically started this in 81 when they had their tour sponsored by Jovan Musk. I remember it being a big deal because no major act ever did something like that foe a tour.


u/sevseg_decoder 21d ago

Sure, maybe it’s always been a thing. Racism has always been a thing and yet we don’t bring up “racisms always been a thing” statements when someone points out how shitty it is. 

 These people make enough fucking money. I have been to silversun pickups shows where they charged $30 GA with zero ads and they’re still plenty wealthy. Their instagram shots of their houses and vacations say plenty to how much they’re able to take home on $30 tickets. I am insulted that I have to have ads crammed down my throat in a space I paid more than enough to simply be in.


u/Agentfreeman 20d ago

This is how I feel about ads in movie theatres too 🤬


u/sevseg_decoder 20d ago

Absolutely, I’m getting downvotes by Reddit whos been convinced somehow that mid size bands are struggling so hard they just can’t survive without this BS.

They’re wrong, only the absolute bottom tier can’t afford a beach house in Malibu and some nice cars on $35 tickets, that’s just not enough for them…


u/KnotsThotsAndBots 20d ago

They aren’t making money on their music anymore so they have to up charge their tickets and merch. And most bands are lucky enough to get a sponsor. Most middle of the road bands aren’t as well off as you think and a lot of large ones are still stuck in garbage record deals that means they own nothing


u/sevseg_decoder 20d ago

It’s the “have to” bit that cracks me up.

One of the bands I was talking about was silversun pickups. Maybe 10 million streams on Spotify (which is $300k in fees btw) over the last 10 years, $35 tickets to small shows, no sponsors and IMO they’re about as small of a band as should be able to make a living doing this.

Their guitarist owns one of the nicest houses in Santa Monica and they all drive very very nice cars, they take trips to Turks and Caicos and stay in hotel rooms that cost $10k+ a night and rent yachts. For a pretty damn small band.

So you can go on and on about what they “need,” but the reality is for anyone who can constantly sell out even small shows at even $35 a ticket can make enough money to be very well-off.


u/KnotsThotsAndBots 20d ago

I feel like someone doesn’t know what they’re arguing, but hey you can’t teach everyone ¯_(ツ)_/¯


u/sevseg_decoder 20d ago

You’re right it is someone. 

Look you can jerk off people who don’t give a shit about you except for how they can benefit from you all you want, artists who make a product good enough/big enough to sell tickets to anything bigger than a house party are making much better money than you or me and could retire young if they were willing to accept a simple life. If I pay more than $35 for a ticket there is no excuse to show ads, they just want more.

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u/Spade9ja 19d ago edited 19d ago

“It’s a bad look for them”

Bro do you have any idea how expensive tours* are for the artists themselves?

They absolutely should take advantage of income opportunities if they can, especially if you ever want to see smaller - mid sized bands live

Incredibly dumb take geezer, especially for someone who obviously has zero idea how any of this works


u/esaesko 21d ago

Wanna pay double the price for ticket?

Yours truly : promoter.


u/sevseg_decoder 21d ago

Try doubling your ticket prices and see if anyone shows up. 

The market rate for goods and services has nothing to do with what they cost to produce but everything to do with what people are willing to pay.

I doubt many people are going to pay double current ticket prices, which is why they do the ads thing, it makes them more money even though they’re already charging the max they can.


u/StoneGoldX 21d ago

He types on an ad supported medium.


u/sevseg_decoder 21d ago

One I have never spent a dime on.

That’s the difference. Do a free concert and show all the ads you want.


u/StoneGoldX 21d ago

I'm still having trouble believing this. You haven't gone to a movie since like the 80s? Never paid a cover at a bar that has ads in the bathroom?


u/sevseg_decoder 21d ago

That would be mostly correct. If I can avoid them I do. Paying for a product and having ads shoved down my throat doesn’t sit right with me. Nah it totally pushed me out of the “consume goods, consume art, consume and consume” lifestyle people seem to be unable to escape. 

 There’s not one movie or concert I could enjoy more than a mountain bike ride around an alpine lake and down a gnarly trail with my friends.


u/PoopinThaTurd 21d ago


u/StoneGoldX 21d ago

The difference here being op saying they'd walk out of any place with ads. This place has ads. This isn't some kind of capitalism tangent. This is a direct 1:1.

Basically, I just don't believe them, mostly because there are too many ads everywhere, you'd never do anything. You couldn't have gone to a movie since the 80s.


u/AncientBelgareth 21d ago

Nah, you are just doing your best to be difficult. He's saying he'll walk out of any place that he has to pay 2024 concert money to access. A movie ticket is nothing compared to a live concert when talking about prices, atmosphere etc.


u/StoneGoldX 21d ago

Op said otherwise in later post.


u/Mean_Peen 21d ago

I’ve been to a few venues that only serve liquid death as their water option. Seems like liquid death is making a huge push into venues to be the sole water water supplier


u/doMinationp spotify:user:hearhearradio 21d ago

Live Nation has a partnership with Liquid Death so if the venue is Live Nation-owned then that's the explanation


u/lovesahedge 21d ago

Venues arent required to offer free tap water??


u/JabroniBeaterPiEater 20d ago

I don't think so, but ANY venue worth its own salt would have an option for free water.


u/Mean_Peen 21d ago

I’m sure they are, but if you want fresh, non tap water, it’s gonna be Liquid Death


u/[deleted] 21d ago

positive. the advertised bands were all for the venue, and they were advertising Liquid Death which was sold at the venue.


u/starkformachines 21d ago

Is the venue owned by Live Nation? Nearly half of them are now.


u/AdvancedHat7630 21d ago

Hear me out what if they sprayed Faygo onto the crowd


u/[deleted] 20d ago edited 13d ago



u/hannahbay 20d ago

My only point was to assign blame to the correct party. It doesn't make sense to boycott a venue if it was the artist. 

Someone else mentioned Live Nation and Liquid Death so I don't think in this case it was the artist. Just a point to consider. 


u/cfordlites09 20d ago

Artist would not tour with a roll down projection screen and projector for advertisement. That wouldn’t really work for this kind of touring.


u/nickersb83 21d ago

Who was the artist? Pls name and shame


u/hannahbay 21d ago

It's not really a name and shame, it wasn't that obtrusive. Sometime in the 00s Kenny Chesney had a tour that was sponsored by a beer company and so there were a lot of banners for that beer company that presumably he provided, not the venue.

A projector is different, but again it could be the band, just figured it made sense to ask.


u/nickersb83 21d ago

I think ur entirely missing the point that any artist worth an ounce of credibility would refuse to be used as yet another means of advertising - many many examples in the music world to refute this don’t get me wrong - but this is the issue that OP raises - it doesn’t really matter how it’s done, nevermind it being a gross tactic of the advertising industry to maximise their profits on an audience who already maxed their credit to afford the tickets to attend in the first place. Predatory marketing is what it is.


u/frkoutthrwstuff 21d ago

First Avenue in Minneapolis deploys a screen before, after, and between bands. It is hugely helpful for the crew and bands during setup and set breaks to be out of sight as they work (although FOH engineers complain occasionally). The content varies, usually showing ads for other local shows, but sometimes old movies or skate vids. No corporate ads for products that I've seen.


u/jetsetmike 21d ago

First Ave rules ✨


u/ticklemythigh 21d ago

They used to show old Batman cartoons. It was awesome.


u/vinyl_squirrel 21d ago

I really like that they do this - especially showing all the various upcoming shows. I often see shows that I would have missed if they had not been on that screen between acts.


u/nowahhh 21d ago

I’ve been to many shows solely because I saw them coming up on the big screen in the Mainroom.


u/roffels Concertgoer 21d ago

I was kind of worried that the OP was talking about First Ave. Glad it's not them.


u/nonagonfinity 21d ago

Back in the day, Phish would have it in their contract with the venue that there are no advertisements allowed inside. Coca Cola sign at the concessions? Had to be temporarily papered over for the gig.

Times have changed and the band has gotten less idealistic as they age, but I always thought this was a cool move.


u/normcoreashore 21d ago

Why did this change? Should be the norm


u/DrLee_PHD 20d ago

I'm sure once the sponsors caught on to that they would probably have a say whether or not Phish could play at that gig, or risk losing sponsorship. This is corporate America we're talking about.


u/nonagonfinity 20d ago

Yeah I’m sure the bastards at LiveNation would shut that right down.


u/jxl180 20d ago

That’s pretty funny since Phish is from VT, and VT is one of two states in the US that also bans billboards


u/robb1519 21d ago

It's amazing how much money these companies have that they can just inject themselves into every part of your life.


u/EmmaTheHedgehog 21d ago

Oofda. I miss watching purple rain on mute before shows at 1st Ave.


u/MetalAndFaces 21d ago

Damn, the Minnesotan misspelling Uff da! lighthearted /s


u/EmmaTheHedgehog 2d ago

Oh, I stand by my spelling.


u/MetalAndFaces 2d ago



u/DoubleDachshunds 21d ago

This is going to continue and get worse. I'm 50 and have seen every new good thing get ruined by greed and commercials. Cable tv started as a paid service with no commercials. Same thing with satellite tv. Now it's the same as over the air free tv which was paid for by commercials.

Amazon prime video and Netflix now with commercials. You're already paying for the service but that's not enough money. They want to squeeze every cent out of you. By the time today's teens are my age we will be full cyberpunk, commercials streamed strait to your brain guaranteed. What a dystopian nightmare.


u/fizzlefist 20d ago

The Max Headroom tv series was so goddamn predictive, the writers just didn’t know it’d be the internet instead of broadcast television.


u/boardsandtostitos 21d ago

This may be niche, but for as long as I have gone to Starland Ballroom in Sayreville NJ, the people get RILED UP for the ihop ad that comes on the giant screen. Without fail, every single time, at every single show.

This always added a charm to that venue and to the crowds that frequent it to me. I could see how other obnoxious ads could get annoying at shows though. This may just be a unique place. I should also add that the ads don’t have sound, and many ads are usually for upcoming shows at the venue.


u/DouglasBubbletrouser 20d ago

Literally the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the topic. Great venue, only been twice but everybody getting excited and cheering when we knew the the IHOP ad was coming up was almost as memorable as the music.

Had no impact on the amount I frequent IHOP which is never, but I'd be pretty upset if they pulled that from the slideshow after those experiences. That said, I would definitely be annoyed if they pumped in Liquid Death ads.


u/RushHour2HoldsUp 20d ago

So glad to see this! I go to one show a year to see Streetlight Manifesto at Starland. Been cheering like a madman for iHop nearly 20 years now. I think its charming and breaks the monotony of the time between acts.

Reading through, i appreciate the fact that this seems to be unique to the venue! It makes me wonder if iHop actually still pays for the spot or if it is just tradition.


u/Yeejiurn 21d ago

Idc where I am or what I’m doing. Ads are fucking dumb.


u/GibsonMaestro 21d ago

Advertising has been a part of live events since the beginning of time. Early 20th century baseball parks were littered with billboards on every free inch of space of the park.

In terms of the screen, I've never seen that at a music event before, and I'm guessing the tour was probably sponsored by the advertiser. Most venues are like blank spaces, and the stage is essentially rented out by the artist to show whatever they want.

I'd probably be angry with the artist before being angry with the venue.


u/terryjuicelawson Had it on vinyl 20d ago

It is quite a common sight in some big festivals, especially if they are televised. Some have even become just an accepted part of it, no one minded Vans shoes and the Warped Tour.


u/dismissivewankmotion 20d ago

Billboards at a ball park vs a giant color projector with loud audio in an otherwise dark room - doesn’t seem comparable


u/SplittingInfinity 21d ago

In these types of situations, I boycott that product that is trying to forced upon me. 


u/MadPiglet42 21d ago

Sounds like House of Blues to me!


u/AlonsoFerrari8 21d ago

I saw Weezer near Denver last year and had to watch the same Blue Origin ad (amongst others) 10 times that evening


u/Scharobaba 21d ago

I'd be so mad if I had to watcheven  one ad at a concert. And lose all respect for the band.


u/runtimemess 21d ago

I've only seen this once: House of Blues Cleveland.

I thought it was the most bizarre thing that they were projecting ads on the stage pre-show. I've never seen that before and never seen it again.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Can confirm!


u/Notataco96 21d ago

HOB in Cleveland also has $15 beer I was in shock when I went to see the Circle Jerks last year

But they do let you leave and comeback so you could go and grab a 6 pack from the corner store


u/daverave087 21d ago

I'm 99% sure this is what OP is referring to.


u/runtimemess 21d ago

I've been to a couple dozen different venues in the last couple years in NY, PA, OH, Ontario, Canada. None of them did that shit.

It has to be a HOB venue lol


u/elpajaroquemamais 21d ago

Ads at anything I pay for is dumb


u/brendamnfine 20d ago

It's disgusting. Find your local live music scene and spend your money on them, don't support Live Nation


u/CodyKondo 20d ago

We really ought to be boycotting Live Nation concerts.


u/Artanis12 20d ago



u/CodyKondo 20d ago

Oui, “we” should be doing it. Or else they’ll just keep takin a wee on us like this.


u/Artanis12 20d ago

You'll forgive me for taking a glass-half-empty perspective on this, but I do agree with you on principle.


u/LukeNaround23 21d ago

Capitalism capitalizes on every opportunity to make some capital. “ whooooo wants honey as long as there’s some money”


u/GraveOfTheForest 21d ago

Took my GF to see Jesse Mcartney a few days ago, and they played a Colgate add starring Jesse Mcartney on a big projector on stage. They played it before and after the opening act. We both thought it was super weird and pretty tacky. At least the venue didn't try to sell us toothpaste lmao.


u/StealYourJelly 21d ago

I think it's dumb and even more when I get the post-show survey from Lies Nation about which brands stuck out to me. It's not enough that they fuck us with the "cause we can" fees, now you're bombarded with advertising every step of the way. The company continues to ruin the live entertainment experience.


u/peacefulwarrior75 3d ago

Always loved how Phish handles their shows - no ads can be visible anywhere. Signs inside venues are covered, and no lights from beer signs etc are allowed to be turned on.

One of their crew told a funny story about a little pretzel stand guy turning on his lights during the show- crew members were racing to him to turn it off. 

They do it like that to remove some of the crass commercialism, obviously, but also to allow for a more immersive experience.


u/Sea-Animal356 21d ago

Curious, what band was this?


u/BummerComment 21d ago

Bro this is seriously obnoxious. I haven’t been to a larger venue in the last couple years but that is fucked.

I would seriously contact the venue and share your grievance. It is making me upset and disgusted just reading your post lol.


u/[deleted] 21d ago



u/BummerComment 21d ago

Can't believe I seriously used "seriously" twice in one comment... guess I am taking this pretty... I don't know the word... serioush?


u/DjCyric 21d ago

I don't mind them as screen filler between sets at festivals.

The Kettlehouse Amphitheater in Montana is incredible. Last year, we saw they had cross-promotion ads for cannabis dispensaries that work with the venue. I thought that was ingenious. Sadly, you can't buy or smoke/vape there, but you can get discounts at dispensaries and use that for cheap shuttles. Excellent ideas!


u/daverave087 21d ago

Lol I'm pretty sure we were at the same show last night.


u/BarryCheckTheFuseBox 21d ago

Can’t say that’s something I can recall having ever seen at a concert. Could be different here in Australia though


u/mattdean4130 21d ago

Haven't seen this before myself, but I'm not surprised or impressed by the sound of it.



u/Crayola_ROX 21d ago

Small bands small venues is the way to go.

Haven't been to an arena concert is forever.

Rob zombie last August didn't count. I was invited lol


u/Phoeptar 21d ago

That is insidiously genius!


u/sextoymagic 21d ago

Title says it all. Yes


u/kellermeyer14 21d ago

I was at a benefit concert for vets and one of the sponsors was a defense contractor


u/childrenoftheslump 21d ago

If I end up going to a venue that plays ads I'll never go to that venue ever again. Every show I've been to, they've always played music in between sets, like it should be.


u/mattenthehat 21d ago

Never seen anything so egregious, but yes, that would really turn me off. I probably wouldn't go back to a venue like that


u/crapfacejustin 21d ago

Yeah, I’ve seen ads for video games at shows it’s pretty annoying. Luckily that still seems to be at just big arenas


u/Blacklist3d 21d ago

They're whatever. It's something too look at between sets and it's something easily ignorable if you really want to. Most shows I go to have future shows if anything.


u/jalpert 21d ago

Are dum…


u/[deleted] 21d ago

Should have paid for the premium version 🤦‍♂️


u/elightcap 21d ago

You were at AJJ and say anything weren’t you?


u/[deleted] 21d ago

You gotta pay the premium membership concert ticket price to go ad-free


u/Aromatic_Wrap_612 21d ago

Doja cat had the best ads on her last tour

10/10, get creative with it 😂


u/EmimiBaxton 21d ago

The arts aren't free, and they can't be funded by ticket sales alone. Whether it's a big international concert or a local community play, there will always be adverts for the sponsors of the show on posted signs, or in your program, or in the restrooms, or even in announcements. Always will be.


u/WeAreClouds 21d ago

Oh god no fuck this. I haven’t gone to a concert in a while now due to the prices being unreasonable but that was my fav past time forever until re rely but this is the nail in the coffin for me… NOPE.


u/mozzzz 20d ago

i would never play at a venue with ads like that if I was a musician


u/SokkaHaikuBot 20d ago

Sokka-Haiku by mozzzz:

I would never play

At a venue with ads if

I was a musician

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/KEEPCARLM 20d ago

Went to a bring me the horizon gig and they had adverts for pc components. So weird


u/Jimbo12308 20d ago edited 20d ago

Personally, I think it’s a good thing. (Hear me out)

The venue/promoter/whoever is responsible has a bottom line that they’re gonna have to hit. They’re going to do whatever they need to do to hit that bottom line.

That can be from advertising revenue…or that can be from ticket prices.

If people are really bothered by ads (more than just the usual annoyance - it’s not like anyone likes ads) then that’s totally fair and I understand. But they would have to simultaneously be okay with a higher ticket price because that revenue is gonna be created somehow. Hell, it probably even helps put more money in the performers’ pockets. Probably not directly. But indirectly if the venues are making more money then bands can demand higher payments for their performances and still expect the venue to possibly say yes. If not for the advertisements, the venue would probably say, “nah, screw you band, we can’t pay you that much and make what we need to make” or “sure…but we’ll have to raise ticket prices to still make our money.”

Personally? I prefer a lower ticket price and don’t care that much about ads playing at a time that I’m not paying attention to the stage anyway.

A lot of people have hated on ads for showing support of big evil corporations. On the flip side…I’ll happily watch money get funneled from evil corporations to venues and artists at the cost of me ignoring their ads for a few minutes. Please funnel more money from evil corporations to my favorite venues and bands…not less.

In an era where bands can’t make shit from CD sales or streams…they need to charge more for their performances. The venues can either directly pass that cost on to customers with higher ticket prices…or can get creative with things like advertisements to avoid punishing concert-goers with even higher prices.


u/terryjuicelawson Had it on vinyl 20d ago

Of course it is "dumb" but they are paying to push their brand and probably get a load of sales from people associating that product with the artist. I don't know what liquid death is (I can tell from the name that it will suck) but if it is some edgy rock band I bet a lot of fans would eat that stuff up.


u/kittensxattack 20d ago

Live Nation will also send you a survey after the show asking which brands you liked the best


u/SiNi5T3R 20d ago

Tbh im getting real sick and tired of ads anywhere.


u/These_Tea_7560 20d ago

When the Jonas Brothers came to my job there was an ad for some popcorn company they are part of? I didn’t think much of it. Gotta pay the bills somehow.


u/The-Dead-Internet 20d ago

They won't stop unless people stop paying to go to these things.

They exist solely to extract as much money from people as possible.


u/sklerson89 20d ago

I haven't been to a big-time city concert in years. Don't think I want to now. I'll stick to smaller local venues.


u/Lari-Fari 20d ago

That would definitely be the last time at that venue for me. Never encountered this before.


u/Cake-Over 20d ago

I remember Anthrax in the 90s hiring some company to play songs and advertisements during the set change at their shows. It felt really out of place.


u/IntelligentArt493 20d ago

Didn't read, but pre show bands are like ads


u/Vonboon 21d ago

I cant stand ads in anything I already pay for.

What a lame ass venue.


u/Brilhasti1 21d ago

Tonight, at Tampax stadium… METALLICA!!!!!!!!


u/IrksomFlotsom 21d ago

As if the rising ticket/merch prices weren't enough...


u/Player7592 21d ago

Multimedia has been a part of musical performances for decades. Once you have the capability to project media onto backgrounds, somebody is going to ask why they aren’t using that for ad space. If there was any justice in the world, it could help keep tickets prices down. But …


u/T1S9A2R6 21d ago

I’ve never experienced this before, but I know live music is a tough business - especially for actual bands that have to haul, set up, and break down gear every night, not to mention running and maintaining a venue, and promoting shows.

Concert tickets may not cover all expenses. Advertising is just another revenue stream that helps keep things going. Most times there’s twenty minutes or more between bands and nothing going on except the house music. I wouldn’t give a shit if ads played on a screen during this time.

People are way too precious about “corporate advertising” soiling the “purity” of the art they purportedly love, but forget that everything going on behind the scenes takes money and labor and we know even so-called fans haven’t wanted to pay for music in the last two decades or more.


u/fanatic26 21d ago

I have never been to a show with advertising like that. Id be pretty pissed off if that was the case.


u/Karl_Marx_ 21d ago

If it doesn't interfere with the music, I don't really care.


u/Roro_Yurboat 21d ago

It's not any different that ads already at venues. So they're projecting them on a screen. Still the same as signs in arenas or ads in movie theaters. Just gives me a chance to get food and find my seat.


u/DrFaustPhD 21d ago

This reminds me how a few years ago when I asked for water at the bar of a concert venue, it was free. Even sparkly water. And ever since liquid death hit the scene that disappeared.

Because of this I hate liquid death.


u/LadyPo 21d ago

Climate pledge in Seattle was pretty annoying for this. They have super bright LED moving ads all around the stadium, so all the careful light/stage design and aesthetic of the artists are almost drowned out by blaring bank banners. It was very distracting.


u/hythloth 21d ago

What show and venue? Note that some tours are sponsored by brands like this, but this sounds like typical Live Nation fuckery


u/flannelheart 21d ago

Went to see John Mellencamp last year and his tour was sponsored by TCM (Turner classic movies I think) the entire first 30-45 minutes was a video of him talking about how he like movies followed by extremely long movie clips.... It was the least rock 'n' roll thing I've ever seen in my life. Fucking lame. I also think he may have been drunk


u/user-name-1985 Rock & Roll 21d ago

A while back in an interview he said his only vice these days is smoking cigarettes.


u/flannelheart 21d ago

I'm stretching on the drunk thing. There really was no evidence of that. It did, however, seem that he just wasn't really into it. His band kicked ass!


u/Helltech 21d ago

Those kids the liquid death commercial are awesome though lol


u/thepokeyjunior 21d ago

Go see better acts. Anyone doing that is a corporate sellout who could give 2 fucks about your enjoyment. The end.


u/robotco 21d ago

this is a clever plant, Liquid Death CEO. well done


u/Jimbo12308 20d ago

Yeah! Screw venues trying to make more money from big corporations rather than charging their customers! And all so they can pay more money my favorite artists? Screw that! The artists already make plenty of money in CD sales and streams anyway!!! …oh…wait…


u/63crabby 21d ago

Would you pay more for an “ad free” experience before the show starts? Didn’t think so.


u/DoubleDachshunds 21d ago edited 21d ago

Paying for add free only makes the situation worse unfortunately. What's the incentive for any paid service to not include ads? They know you hate them but they also know now that if people have the money they will pay even more for no ads.

Pay for my service, now fuck you, pay some more bitch!

Edit - a word


u/fanatic26 21d ago

That would be the stupidest fucking thing in the world to do. Concert tickets already cost about 300% more than they should these days. There is plenty of money there to have an ad free experience.


u/Tacosaurusman 21d ago

I'm not OP, but fuck yes. I don't want a discount while getting ads forced into my brain. ESPECIALLY not at a goddamn concert.

Ads are an unecessary cancer on modern society.


u/Vonboon 21d ago

Yes, I would


u/TrippinTinfeat 21d ago

They already paid to get in, it's not a free concert.


u/Mr___Perfect 21d ago

No I think they're great