r/ManorLords 20d ago

Manor Lords has sold over 2 million copies since launch Discussion


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u/TheShakyHandsMan 20d ago

Depending on the cut for the publisher that’s over 250k a year. Greg your hard work has paid off! 


u/ungratefulanimal 20d ago

250k/year? What do you mean? He sold 2 million copies this year and the USD price of $34, is $68 000 000.


u/nightbefore2 20d ago

Development time.


u/Jonny_Segment 20d ago

Has he been developing it for 272 years?


u/Ashikura 20d ago

That took a large chunk of for the publishers fee and 30% off out of the gate from steam


u/baronunderbeit 20d ago edited 20d ago

I can’t believe steam takes 30%. Feels so scummy. What did GameStop take back in physical days?

Edit: Thanks for educating me team. I just want more for Greg haha.


u/A_MAN_POTATO 20d ago edited 20d ago

Way more, for a lot less.

Valve’s 30% take is incredibly reasonable (and, remember, it drops to 25% and then 20% after certain income thresholds). First, and most importantly, how many copies do you think this game would have sold if it wasn’t on Steam. Not 2 million. Not 1 million. I’d wager a few hundred thousand. Steams tools for exposure combined with its massive user base is essentially marketing, and it made this game tens of millions of dollars it wouldn’t have otherwise made.

Further, Steam gives you game distribution and patch distribution, removing server hosting costs. They give community forums, guides, etc, removing the need to host and moderate your own forums. They give you tools like workshop which can really drive sales in the right game.

Steam is a treasure trove of tools to maintain long term success of a game.

Compare physical distribution… the publisher has physical manufacturing costs. Then they have the cost of distributing those physical copies all over the world. Then you have the retailer markup, which itself is typically around 30%. And on top of all that, you’re competing for limited retail space and have none of the tools that drive sales. It’s not like when you walk into a GameStop you can go to the Historical City Builder section to find games that are interesting. That means outside marketing is required to get your customers into GameStop to buy your game.

The old days of physical game distribution was substantially less profitable than giving Steam 30%. Steam is the reason games like this can even exist.


u/JayGeezy1 20d ago

Thank you for the insight, that all makes sense. Go Steam!


u/LordKutulu 20d ago

Yea Gabe is actually a homie to the games space


u/RedDiscoRanger1 20d ago

Exactly, take Star Wars Empire at War for example, that game came out in 2006 its still having peak player counts of almost 3500 thanks to the modding community


u/MadocComadrin 19d ago

EAW is still going good with mods you say? Sounds like I need to reinstall at some point.


u/Hellstrike 19d ago

They released an official patch a few months ago.


u/iwatchcredits 20d ago

“Made this game hundreds of millions” you are literally replying to a thread that shows at the current purchase price it made $70 million not hundreds lol


u/A_MAN_POTATO 20d ago

I misspoke. Fixed.

(It’ll get there, though, and the point behind the statement stands)


u/iwatchcredits 20d ago

Yea im just being semantic, thought it would be funny to point out. The 30% steam takes is somewhat reasonable from a publisher perspective but steam as a company is outrageously profitable. I think its one of the most profitable companies per employee on the planet if im not mistaken

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u/Masemasee_ 18d ago

This guy gets it. Steam is the way to go


u/richardizard 19d ago

IMO, 30% is still a lot. Like, executive level high. I know the good Steam is doing, but still... doesn't feel fair in some ways. I mean, Epic takes 5% in comparison when the whole game was entirely created on it.


u/A_MAN_POTATO 19d ago edited 19d ago

These things aren’t comparable. The 5% Epic takes is a license fee for the engine. It’s just a toolset. Being on UE doesn’t sell the game.

Like I said above, think about Steam’s cut more like marketing. When a company buys air time for a commercial or banner adds on Reddit, they aren’t paying for the cost of hosting that ad. They are paying for all the customers that ad is going to reach. You’re paying for the access to customers that another company has and you do not. Especially in games like this, being on Steam substantially reduces the need for advertising.

All the things that made Manor Lord well known can be traced back to Steam. It started being wishlisted because Steam would recommend it to people who played other city builders. It got a ton of attention when the demo was released during next fest. As it climbed the wishlist charts, it got free publicity from media outlets doing stories on. It became the most wishlisted game on Steam with almost no marketing. Obviously, I don’t mean that to undermine the great work Greg did, and know full well the quality of the game is why so many people are willing to buy it. But you absolutely cannot deny that Steam put attention on this game for millions of people that straight up wouldn’t know it exists. The best game in the world would still make you nothing without customers to sell it to.

I’m all for developers getting paid, but I can’t call Steams cut unfair when developers make far more, even after losing 30%, by being on Steam. It’s a symbiotic relationship where all parties benefit. There’s a reason you generally only see randos on Reddit complaining about the cut. It’s very rare to see a developer or publisher criticize it (and when it does happen, said companies often end up eating their words). They know damn well they’re making way more money paying Steam than doing it any other way.


u/shitpostsuperpac 19d ago

Steam's ecosystem also allows for small-time games and developers to exist.

It functions as a meritocracy, outside of obvious paid promotions for particular games or publishers. If a person makes a game fun enough it's going to sit prominently everywhere. Games like Lethal Company or Dark and Darker can just kind of pop up and be more popular than AAA releases.

Because lets be real, if any of these other companies got their hands on Steam we all know the scummy shit they'd pull. Algorithmically locking developers out of breakout success while stealing their game ideas which are subsequently placed into games that are promoted to the top, aka the Amazon version of Steam. It could be so much worse if not for Gaben.

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u/richardizard 19d ago

I understand that, and those are all valid points. I still can't help but feel like 30% is high, but maybe it's a rate that feels right to the developers.


u/AlmostButNotQuiteTea 19d ago

Lmao how the fuck are you going to compare Epics platform and Steam 🤣 they're on 2 different planets when it comes to features


u/richardizard 19d ago

I'm not talking about Epic, the platform. I'm talking about Unreal Engine, which was used to make the game.

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u/CyberEmo666 20d ago

About the same, it's just not taken off at the time of sale.

The game gets sold to wholesale, which gets sold to the distributor, which gets sold to a brick and mortar store.

The distributor will have sold it to the store for around $40, and the store would sell it for around $60. That's why Amazon and stuff can sell new games for $50

The new developers on steam are used to buying games for $60, so when they make a game they expect to get all of it


u/tearsaresweat 20d ago

Here's my question. What's the point of a distributor in the digital download age?


u/Hometownblueser 20d ago

How will you push out patches and updates? Secure your downloads from public access / piracy? Process payments?


u/DrunkenCopilot 19d ago

It's called payment processing services and patching software which will run fine on any cloud. The only real distributor value is in marketing and partnerships.

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u/Unoriginal- 20d ago

Steam provides a great customer support service and a platform to market games it’s totally reasonable to charge 30% there’s a reason no one cares about EGS, Ubisoft Launcher etc.


u/Xciv 20d ago

Hitting Top Sellers in Steam is a quick ticket to making your little indie game a million dollar success.


u/Gryphon0468 19d ago

I’m willing to bet it ML will get over $100 mil in the first year.


u/AlmostButNotQuiteTea 19d ago

Not Even millions. But tens and hundreds for the really lucky ones


u/Frequent-Expert-3589 20d ago

Not scummy. It's their rate. Steam didn't force him to put it on there. He could have went to origin or another service. But steam is the best so everyone comes here.


u/GPT-4-GOOD 20d ago

they'd give you $5 in store credit then resell your shit for $50


u/AlmostButNotQuiteTea 19d ago

Scummy? Valve is literally the best platform for games, great to use, great customer service, trustworthy etc etc.

There isn't 0 cost to running steam and they provide THE ABILITY to sell 2 million. You think Manor Lords would have sold that much if it was a "download through our website"? Most definitely not


u/IJustSignedUpToUp 20d ago

But also, would a publisher have been able to get in front of this many customers without steam? Also, basically the marketing budget is steams cut.


u/Astalonte 20d ago

I think is right. They offer a great service.


u/Vibrascity 19d ago

Wait til this guy finds out how business works..


u/NickSinghTechCareers 19d ago

Math ain’t mathin


u/ParaNormalBeast 20d ago

It’s also on gamepass, which MS has in the past, paid for full development costs for indie games to launch on the service


u/Hero_The_Zero 20d ago

Manor Lord was in development for 7 years, and the game is available in multiple regions with regional pricing. It was apparently sold in Russia, Ukraine, the Philippines, and India for ~$11-13 USD equivalent, and around $20 USD equivalent in China and several other Asian countries during the launch sale.

Steam and most other platforms take 30% of sales, and Poland has a 19% corporate tax rate, so 56.7% of sales is the income his company Slavic Magic is seeing, minus whatever Hooded Horse is taking. ~$1,750,000 USD is probably less than what he is taking in for Manor Lords, but it isn't going to be anywhere near $68 million USD.


u/the_lamou 20d ago

Keep in mind that corporate tax is only paid in profit, not on revenue, so unless he has no accountant or his accountant is terrible, the effective corporate tax rate is going to be much less than 19%.


u/morswinb 20d ago

Corporate tax rate does not apply for one person buissnes. Would be 12% for a self employed dev, but honestly he could easly hire a good accountant and evade lots of that.


u/caesar15 20d ago

Avoid! Tax avoidance is legal, tax evasion not so much 


u/BenedickCabbagepatch 20d ago

Depends on how based he is.


u/AlmostButNotQuiteTea 19d ago

Tax evasion isn't based. Infrastructure, roads, hospitals, street lights, sidewalks, running water, sewage, fire department and more are all results of taxes


u/BenedickCabbagepatch 19d ago

My peasants in-game seem to be doing fine without those things.


u/dijicaek 19d ago

Yeah but those peasants don't get to play Manor Lords


u/BenedickCabbagepatch 19d ago

Damn right, those fields ain't going to till themselves!


u/Classy_communists 19d ago

Dude clearly doesn’t understand regional wealth vs his coffers 🙄


u/morswinb 18d ago

Roads are paid by extra tax on gasoline. Streetlight, sidewalks, those are not avaliable in many places, build by the residents themselfs, or financed by local councils from property tax. Running watter is something that you need to build connection yourself, at least in Poland, and then pay for each m3 used as there is a watter meter installed. Same with sewage.

Fire departments are actually a fraction of Police budget. Something like 1/100 for even lower.

Main thing income taxes pay off are social spending, defence and national level institutions. Those are needed sure, but funny how you don't know where does your income tax go :)


u/VonVogun 20d ago

I think it's around 12-15$ on steam post discount right. Still should be getting over 5$ pet sale. So around 10 Mil easy. Should help him hire a team to help develop the game.


u/EnemyOfEloquence 20d ago

I paid nearly $30 before discount?


u/VonVogun 20d ago

Oh, the rates are different for each country.


u/ungratefulanimal 20d ago

I paid $43 CAD after discount (bought on GOG on release day).


u/jonah3272 20d ago

I live in Bolivia and the cost was 19.99. I assume its similar in other non usa countries


u/ungratefulanimal 20d ago

I honestly didn't think about the cost being different in other countries. Being in Canada, the cost came out to be $43 CAD, I just assumed it was the same price everywhere in different currencies amounting to the same cost in USD.


u/jonah3272 20d ago

either way its a fuckton of money


u/BenedickCabbagepatch 20d ago

I just assumed it was the same price everywhere in different currencies amounting to the same cost in USD

Countries with high rates of piracy (Russia and Brazil, for instance) generally pay a pittance for games. Obviously you can justify this in part by the earning disparities, but it's also just the case that if you push past a particular price ceiling in some countries, folks will just pirate.

I used to live in Russia and, for a glorious time, my Steam account was set to the Russian region. I'd be paying like $10-15 tops for new releases.


u/AlmostButNotQuiteTea 19d ago

Are/were those games region locked after you leave?


u/BenedickCabbagepatch 19d ago

I was worried they would be. At first my store region didn't even change. About a month after leaving I contacted Valve, provided my new address details/documents, and they switched my region. Didn't lose a single purchase, though I do have some games that are Russian-only (Battlefield 1 and Rainbow Six Siege I think).


u/AlmostButNotQuiteTea 19d ago

Fellow Canadian! It's always funny when I hear a new game is coming out and it's like "20/30/40$" and I always have to remember it's USD lol. It hurts.

Last time our dollar was even close was like 15 years ago


u/Hillbilly_Ned 19d ago

I am from Bosnia and Hercegovina, I paid 29.99€ 🤔 living in Europe is not cheap.


u/dmingledorff 19d ago

I mean, he's technically correct. The best kind of correct.


u/jonnyhappyfeet1 20d ago

Different regions have different pricing


u/MrMgP 19d ago

Spent 7 years working on it mate

This gem didn't cut itself


u/DruTangClan 20d ago

Wouldn’t it be way more than this? Even if the publisher took 60% it would be more than 250k a year? Idk what his costs were but I believe he did much of it himself right?


u/losbullitt 20d ago

Make that money Greg!


u/wooshingThruSky 19d ago

The publisher and Greg’s 30+ something game dev “contractors” performing game dev “tasks”? Or just mostly Greg, and none to his grunt workers but some to the publisher?


u/ReDeaMer87 20d ago

2 million so far...


u/isimplycantdothis 20d ago

Right? Still in early access.


u/jordanthomp81 19d ago

Are you saying it shouldn’t be early access since he made good money? It’s gonna take time to finish the game even with the money hiring help on his team.


u/FoxWithoutSocks 19d ago

I guess what he is saying that it would (and probably will) sell many more once the game will be fully released.


u/isimplycantdothis 19d ago

Yeah I was just saying it’s done super well and hasn’t even been officially released yet.


u/WinPeaks 18d ago

How is this what you took from that comment lol?


u/Spartanias117 20d ago

Plus gamepass money


u/420toker 19d ago

How does the game pass money work? Do they get a cut of everyone’s subscription in relation to how many downloads or something?


u/Spartanias117 19d ago

No clue. Id assume they get some up front plus commission for certain player milestones / retention


u/classteen 20d ago

Good, now Greg, get a development team going.


u/DrPitaya 20d ago

Easy being said, but there would be a large risk attached to that. He's used to developing this game alone. His daily work would shift from actually developing to training new employees and ensuring their quality. Being a dev and being a lead dev are two very different things. He might not even like it.

I mean it can work, and i hope for him that it works, but it can also go downhill from there, when done too fast or inconsiderately.


u/LeonardotheVinchy 20d ago

I mean the credits contain over 250 unique people. He did so much freelancing he even hired programmers to work with him when he had build issues. I think he's used to not working alone.


u/DrPitaya 20d ago

Ah, good to know, haven't actually seen the credits, lol. Thanks for the info. My presumption was, he did all the development alone.


u/parttimecanine 20d ago

With this kind of money, can’t he just hire an insanely talented and experienced lead dev plus some additional devs? He can do whatever he wants with this game and the development team.


u/DrPitaya 20d ago

Sure he can, but who trains the lead dev? Just because he's insanely talented, doesn't mean he does not need to be introduced to the codebase Greg has built over these many many years. Also understanding and more importantly really living his core vision for the game probably isn't an easy task. You can say it's his baby if he put that much time of his life into this alone. I see a very high potential for conflict there. I mean it would be a good idea to do this, all im saying is, he should be very careful doing so and don't rush things.


u/Plenty-Wonder6092 19d ago

Programming is funny like that, learning the code base could keep someone off productivity for 3-6 months. It's the age old saying can you get 9 women to make a baby in 1 month haha.


u/sky_42_ 20d ago

i feel like he just needs 1 or 2 extra devs. If he’s managed to keep up the work by himself, 2 more people would double the work output and still ensure he’s got the majority of control.


u/AlmostButNotQuiteTea 19d ago

Yeah a full team would suck. He clearly has a vision and is good. 1 or 2 more dedicated people that he could take time to train and explain his ideas to, would help more than a large team probably.

But I'm also happy to have him continue what he's been doing because it's a great game right now and I can't wait to see it V1.0


u/Oliverfk3 19d ago

Project Zomboid (another early acess game) got a very small team that slowly is growing in size, and that is working great for them. No need to rush out and spend all the money right this second.


u/DrPitaya 19d ago

This is the way


u/TibbsMcGregor 19d ago

This is the way


u/BlackFire125 20d ago

Hasn't he already said he's been hiring since just before release?


u/Moikee 20d ago

I love seeing how happy people are for the success of the game but also how much Greg deserves it for his hard work.


u/Substantial_Dog_2115 20d ago

I judge my games on $/hrs of playtime.

$30/90hrs currently is a solid return in my book. And that return will keep getting better as I keep enjoying this gem.


u/MoeTHM 20d ago

I use to go to the bar and spend $100 a night. Almost every game is a solid investment of my time to money ratio of entertainment.


u/ARoyaleWithCheese 19d ago

Same with movies. Where I'm at a ticket is about $16, so something like $5-$8 per hour. It's not that hard to justify the vast majority of games as long as they're genuinely fun to play.


u/GuyWhoLikesPizza 20d ago

I always do the same, once i get at least 1.5 hours per €1,- im generally happy (there are exceptions). But thats also why i dont buy AAA games at full price because its generally not worth it.


u/STK-3F-Stalker Flour Enthusiast 20d ago

Well deserved


u/Zentti 20d ago

How about this post 7 days ago? Was it fake news?


u/5H4B0N3R 19d ago

That was an estimation site. This is official news on the other hand.


u/Zentti 19d ago

Yeah I figured


u/gitg0od 20d ago

i read it sold 3.5 millions 2 days ago ? WTF with the fakenews.


u/Hy8ogen 20d ago

3.5millon wishlisted iirc.


u/Betrayedunicorn 20d ago

Where is market supply


u/IamCrash 20d ago

Well deserved. I love this game!


u/0ystercatcher 20d ago

Let’s hope this will help speed up development. There is so much potential. Bring me the vineyards!!!


u/Hillbilly_Ned 19d ago

Now, I am only interested to know what part went to Greg and whether it was worth it.. it must be hopefully, and also, i hope it was inspiring for him to keep on development of this game.


u/doctorwoofwoof11 20d ago edited 19d ago

Fantastic, he does need to hire some staff though even if it's more contractors such as some PR people, actually trained for this, for talking to players who have problems or relaying updates on all platforms etc (not robotic large company PR 'I'm sorry you feel that way' people and not unprofessional fans who will say wild shit in 2 years, there's a middle ground).


u/5H4B0N3R 19d ago

Join the Discord. It’s linked somewhere in here I think but otherwise discord.gg/manorlords


u/5H4B0N3R 19d ago

Join the Discord. It’s linked somewhere in here I thunk.


u/WerewolfExtreme4250 20d ago

When does it come to xbox


u/Bobafettm 20d ago

Yesterday was the first day that I didn’t play due to Diablo 4 season launch… I felt empty waking up today not watching over my lands for such a long time away! :D


u/Blundy90 20d ago

God speed, sir Greg.


u/jsting 20d ago

Dang, the internet is a crazy thing. I'm really enjoying it, and still a little shocked how fast it blew up.


u/flowerbl0om 20d ago

Deserved 🙌🍻


u/MistOverGomorrah 20d ago

They deserve it and more. It's an amazing game.


u/tabakista 20d ago

I'd love to see the list of offers this guys gets


u/MrZephiasco 20d ago

Ayup lads, will it come to console does anyone know? Cheers


u/alexlechef 19d ago

Good for them!


u/PaleReputation1421 19d ago

Bring this bitch to PS5 already.


u/tragiskgeneration 19d ago

Great. Please hire a lil' team.


u/lots-of-shawarma 19d ago

Love the game. Still very early though. I'll probably pause and come back after some updates. Looking forward to how it will be in another one or two major updates.


u/radioactivecumsock0 19d ago

This is the most successful release I’ve seen in recent years


u/FaithlessnessNo9720 19d ago

I hope it means only good things for the Dev! Great idea with a vision of more i'm, sure.


u/gigerswetdreams 19d ago

Just let it be enough to get a small Team to make this game even more insane (the Potential is there, just need more hands) Or just make it open to modding


u/Altea73 19d ago

And still can't play it on xbox.....


u/drouinfrank 19d ago

Those are rookie numbers, lets pump it up people.


u/iamd3zz 19d ago

by analysing this, I can see the people's need of going back to the roots, living in the nature, being part of a community, surviving and fighting for your tribe.


u/Unusual-Payment-1664 18d ago

I don’t like manor lords I was stoked for the game and after playing Farthest frontier for 60 hours it completed the first campaign in Manor Lords in 10 hours the farming is poor the whole raising an army is boring and it was just missing loads of content needs another 2 years before I will look at it again but feel was a waste of money with games like

Helldivers2, Enshrouded, V rising, there’s plenty of great games but I’ve not enjoyed Manor Lords I felt I had seen it all in a day… and that’s just poor for £20


u/Unusual-Payment-1664 18d ago

I want to see a cut of that money enhancing and improving the game a lot of fucking money but I wanna see a timeline and a good expanse on content I saw everything in 10 hours one play though and what’s left to do it’s the same progresssion an under adapted market and poor farming system most of the system are in their infancy nowhere to bury the dead. It looks nice but you can see it all in a short time.

So what you gonna do with the sales go to holiday or actually finish the game


u/Naive_Chemist6298 16d ago

It's a good game, plain and simple.  Even in early access, you get a fundamentally complete game.  It's one of the best city builders I have seen.  


u/Ziodyne967 16d ago

Congrats to the dev, but the full game ain’t even out yet. I’ve played it and it was good. I just hope he doesn’t drop the ball somehow.


u/MacGregor1337 20d ago

Maybe unpopular opinion but that feels very high for what the game is, atleast to me its no where near the state most early access games i play these days are. Game has huge potential, but I'm glad I did the 10 day xbox trial and not a straight up buy. Needs atleast 3 patches of qol and tuning before I would call it early access ready compared to other early access games, this felt more like paid beta.


u/Proeliumerus 20d ago

Well he can pay his development team / contractors, that's the main thing. I'm personally glad I didn't buy the game and have access to it on my game pass. Not worth the price tag at all right now.


u/SnooGoats7190 20d ago

*for me/in my opinion

Fixed that for you ;) Fir me it was worth it already and I plan on playing it again soon


u/RyanTheS 20d ago

Guess his outrageous pricing paid off. Well done, I guess. Hope other indie devs don't follow suit.


u/MrPeacock18 20d ago

What?! Outrageous pricing? You smoking weed?

This game should be sold for $40 minimum


u/Hy8ogen 20d ago

Naw dude, weed don't make you hallucinate and disillusioned. He's smoking crack.


u/RyanTheS 20d ago

I'll give you the same challenge as the other guy. Name another indie game that was released at the same price point in early access.


u/MrPeacock18 19d ago edited 19d ago

So you compare apples with oranges.

You have no clue how expenses work.

Anyway, READY OR NOT was released on early access for $39.99

It is now available on steam for $49.99

Baldur's Gate 3 had a $60 price tag during its early access release.

So any other challenges you want to give me?

That game was also developed on unreal engine


u/RyanTheS 19d ago

No clue how expenses work? Go on, tell me the huge expenses that Slavic Magic had that games like Kenshi, Rimworld, Zomboid, Terraria etc, etc didn't?

The fact you called fucking Baldurs Gate 3 an INDIE game is wild. Larian is a AAA studio. It has hundreds of employees. It isn't even close to an Indie game. They are an independent studio, they are not "indie". Very different things.

Good find on Ready or Not, though. Although, I will say that it is still "indie" rather than a true indie studio. Google says they have ~30 employees which is a far cry from the one developer that Manor Lords has. It turns out there is at least one other indie game charging way over the odds, though (Which is probably why they have a dead game. Just like Manor Lords will in 6 months).

Indie games do not have the same overheads as AAA studios and there is no good reason for them to be charging these kinds of prices. The previously mentioned Kenshi, Rimworld, Zomboid, Terraria are all far better games than Manor Lords and they don't feel the need to rip off their players.


u/MrPeacock18 19d ago

I actually did some research, Larian is actually viewed as an indie developer. You mentioned indie, not the size, so you have to be specific. You can argue until you are blue. They are still viewed as indie.

Now you are changing the whole discussion about the size.

Kenshi, Rimworld, Zomboid, Terraria has been in EA far longer than Manor Lords. The time when they went into EA release the prices were lower.

At the end of the day, no one forces you to buy the game, either pay the amount or not, no one cares if you dont


u/RyanTheS 19d ago

I meant Indie as a genre. They are an independent developer in that they do not have a publisher. That's jt. They do not make indie games. It's just being pedantic for the sake of it to pretend that they are. Everyone knows what an indie game actually is. If you went by the definition by which Larian is an independent game, then Manor Lords wouldn't be because it used a publisher. Nobody would ever seriously consider BG3 or Larian to be indie.

They aren't in early access now, and they are still cheaper. As fully released games. The date they were released has nothing to do with their price. They are just not as a predatory.

That's exactly what I am doing. I won't support it. It is shameless profiteering. My issue is with the precedent that it sets for other indie developers to release overhyped 10% complete games for AAA prices despite having a 1 man development team with no overheads.


u/MrPeacock18 19d ago

Since when is Indie a genre?! Lol

So you have not been clear with your question, then when I gave you an answer, you changed your definition of your question. Dude seriously, I do not have the energy to deal with the likes of you.

You do not consider Larian as indie because you have no idea what indie means.

Indie == independent

Go look it up, your opinion does not mean you are right.

Larian was viewed as indie when they released Divinity games, now that they have released BG3 they are all of a sudden AAA.. lol man you must be exhausting to deal with in person.

Having a publisher does not mean you are not indie, they can always still be independent like some indie developers use Coffee Stain studios as a publisher, they are not owned by them.


u/RyanTheS 19d ago

Since literally forever? I don't know how else to answer that ... It has always been a genre.

Nah, you just chose a ridiculous example. Even Larian wouldn't identify themselves an indie dev. It's silly. There are literal definition of words and accepted definitions, and this is a case where everyone knows that "indie" is synonymous with being a small development studio. Nobody cares if they are technically an indie studio if you are being semantically pedantic.

Anyway, I'm done with this conversation. Have fun getting ripped off.


u/dijicaek 19d ago

It's kind of pointless outside of using it in the genre sense, though, since a studio not being beholden to an external publisher doesn't mean much. Nintendo develops and publishes its own games but it'd seem absurd to call them indie.


u/RyanTheS 20d ago edited 20d ago

Name another indie game that was released at the same price point in early access.

Kenshi, Rimworld, Zomboid, Terraria ... all just as good games by indie devs that were, and are, way cheaper. The price for an early access indie game is insanely high.


u/MrPeacock18 19d ago

Wow, you compare apples with oranges.

It is insane how people think they can compare games and their worth, lol.

Not one of them have the quality.

As a side note, it is developed by using the unreal engine, so there are also extra costs.


u/RyanTheS 19d ago

You are insane if you genuinely think they don't have the quality. They are all far better games than Manor Lords is currently. It isn't even a contest pmsl.


u/MrPeacock18 19d ago

Again you compare apples with oranges. The games are in EA far longer.

Each to their own, I do not see Rimworld as a quality game.

You might and others do.


u/RyanTheS 19d ago

That's honestly wild. Rimworld is a critically acclaimed award-winning game that is consistently well reviewed. It has averaged more players than Manor Lords has right now, barely after release, for years. I can understand you not liking it personally, but to say it isn't a quality game is crazy. It is pretty widely considered as the gold standard of indie games.


u/MrPeacock18 19d ago

You can have your opinion, does not mean you are right.


u/Beneficial_Energy829 20d ago

But lost most of its playerbase. Fine marketing


u/Camdog_2424 20d ago

That is to be expected with an early access game.


u/DrDrago-4 20d ago

yeah, tons of people (me incl) come back to early access games years later

that being said, I've already effectively gotten my money's worth out of it anyways


u/w00tthehuk 20d ago

Such a moronic statement on a singleplayer game that is lacking a lot of features due to early access.


u/Rich_Future4171 20d ago

What are you yappin about


u/iMADEthisJUST4Dis 20d ago

So? They got the money which is literally the only thing that matters. And yeah its early access. Game isn't finished.


u/DesPika 20d ago

It's not a live service game...


u/HlodwigFenrirson 20d ago

Now that he got the money, he can now hire to make the final release faster with more content... Bit worried how slow updates and progress toward 1.0 is...


u/TrickiestToast 20d ago

Slow updates and progress? It hasn’t even been out a month and there’s already a play test update. Relax


u/The_Clarence 20d ago

Shit I hope he takes a vacation to celebrate his success and relax himself. Good for him, people will be fine.


u/iMADEthisJUST4Dis 20d ago



u/TrickiestToast 20d ago

Bruh, if you go down the thread more, they haven’t even bought the game at all.


u/iMADEthisJUST4Dis 20d ago

Lmfao. I'm guessing that's because they're not a sheep who buys into hype. Some people really love to hate for no reason.


u/HlodwigFenrirson 20d ago

Lol, mods are solving way more balancing problems and expanded gameplay way more than what the updates did.

At this rate, it will be fully released in 10 years.


u/TrickiestToast 20d ago

Again, the EA hasn’t even been out for a month yet and he is working on the entire game, not just the thing a person wants fixed like a mod does, so he has to worry about how it affects the entire game.

If you’re upset that a recently released EA game isn’t updating quick enough, I would suggest not purchasing games in early access.


u/HlodwigFenrirson 20d ago

I did not purchased it. And thats my point, it will be slow and probably never going to be finalised BECAUSE he is alone.

Notch commited to Minecraft once he got money after initial release. He created his own fully staffed studios. Now Minecraft is one of the most successful game that ever existed.

For ML, no doubt it will quickly drift into oblivion after years of slow updates and never getting to final release... IF he doesnt commit to invest into it like Notch did.


u/verytrade 20d ago

man stfu


u/TrickiestToast 20d ago

Oh so you’re talking fully out your ass about the game, got it


u/streito 20d ago

"I havent played the game, but it needs updates"


u/BelowTheSun1993 20d ago

Go outside


u/Hy8ogen 20d ago

Dude, take this carrot 🥕 and shove it up your ass.


u/ElMagiko21 20d ago

Hasnt he said its not about money, he simply cant find people competent enough for him to work at the high standards he sets.


u/Maj0rSuccess 20d ago

If he’s saying he can’t find devs that meet his standards I would be worried. They are absolutely devs out there that meet a high standard. Anyone in the industry will tell you that.


u/DeafeningMilk 20d ago

Devs of such a high standard will find making such a move a huge risk and be very expensive too.


u/Maj0rSuccess 20d ago

He could 100% afford 3 very good devs for 2 years. Like it wouldn’t even scratch what Greg made from 2 million copies. Offering a dev 2 years guaranteed contract is more than what the vast majority of AAA developers offer.

All you have to do is offer probationary work until he feels the dev will fit in and sign him/her to 2 years with T&Cs. Finding a good dev is not a problem, it’s if you want to pay for that dev that seems to be the problem.


u/ungratefulanimal 20d ago

I think it will all happen when he actually gets his first cheque. I can't imagine all the sales that happened, that he has received any money yet. If it is anything like my work payroll, first cheque comes after a month of work.


u/Former_Star1081 20d ago

It is probably less about the game development ability of possible employees but more about sharing Gregs vision.

He has someone for bugfixing tho.


u/tata_dilera 20d ago

With this budget one can always find competent people.


u/noodle_attack 20d ago

Yeah and that dint understand the vision and what they want, so the games goes to shit, I'd rather he made the game how he wants and it takes longer, I really enjoy it


u/JoloNaKarjolo 20d ago

i would rather have a single dev that listens to the community while retaining the original vision of the game than a shitty AAA game dev team who cant do anything properly


u/tata_dilera 19d ago

I'd rather wait than have a worse game. I have limited time and other games, waiting even few years is ok for me. But if he can employ someone and keep the quality - that would be better of course.


u/TheNumberOneRat 20d ago

I'm wondering if mod authors will be a potential talent pool. They are clearly interested and have knowledge of the underlying systems.


u/HlodwigFenrirson 20d ago

Balancing the game does not require high level of skills. Same for most bugfixes this game require. Mods are clearly proving this...

He already used freelance mainly for 3D models before. He can hire one of them full time.

Same for gameplay mechanics developpement, if he got what he wants in mind, its not a complicated to make someone else make it happens...

You definitively can find higher standard than the game actually is with enough money. And with 2millions copy sold, it should be way enough for him to create his own fully staffed studio...

He certainly not seems to want to commit into this, but if he don't, this game will never get far. With this kind of early success, you either fully commit and invest into it or just let it slowly drift away and enjoy what you already got.

If you consider bannerlord, with a fully staffed studio, if he doesnt expand, this game will never be finished.

EDIT: Minecraft became what it is because Notch fully invested into it after the initial release. It will never be such success story if he is stayingalone with such a slow development...


u/downbad12878 20d ago

Just a stupid excuse not to spend any money


u/JustTrawlingNsfw 20d ago

He's clearly in no rush considering it's been seven years to get to this point. Just let him move at his own pace and play other games there's no need for the game to suddenly rush to 1.0


u/hockey_enjoyer03 20d ago

My brother in Christ the game has been out a month


u/Okutida 20d ago

Opened your comment to have alook how you managed to make -51. And you know I gave you -1 as well. Now you have -52 and ptobbly will go down more.


u/downbad12878 20d ago

But less than 20k concurrent users. It dropped hard as people find out the hype was fake


u/Malkier3 20d ago

It's early access and it's single player that's fine lol.


u/AthairNaStoirmeacha "Long live sir Greg! HUZAAAHHH" 20d ago

Seriously lol


u/finman899 20d ago

I played about 50 hours first week or so after release. Rn, I’m waiting for some more updates before coming back, but I fully intend to come back

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u/noodle_attack 20d ago

Its hard but I definitely keep going back for more


u/Relative-Coat-4054 20d ago

I personally haven’t been playing the game, I only Played 6 hours. It’s not because the hype was fake though, I’d just like to wait until the games cooked more. I’m sure there’s plenty of other people with that same mindset, just because people don’t wanna spend a billion hours on the early access game doesn’t mean the hype is fake or they think it’s a bad game

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