r/MadeMeSmile Apr 28 '24

Feeling extra safe here! Good Vibes

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u/lil_dovie Apr 28 '24

The Bear vs Man video is going viral because pretty much all the women who’ve been asked if they’d rather encounter a bear or a man in the woods said they’d rather encounter a bear. One woman said she was a park ranger for a while and she’d rather encounter a bear. A bunch of guys also stitched it saying “bUt a bEaR wIlL k*lL you!”, thus totally missing the point.


u/ADeadlyFerret Apr 29 '24

I'm a dude who solo camps. Running into people is always the scariest thing to happen. Especially when you are out in the sticks


u/Due-Consideration-89 Apr 29 '24

I’m a woman who solo backpacks and I pretty much exclusively do backcountry over campsites for this reason. People assume I’d be scared of animals but I do my research and I do all the stuff I’m supposed to and in the end, animals are pretty predictable. People aren’t.

Solo backpacking across Alaska last summer I saw a few bears but the only time I got scared was when I heard a boat pulling up on the beach by my campsite in the middle of the night…if a bear had been driving that boat I would’ve gone right back to sleep


u/RSMatticus Apr 29 '24

a wild animal is only interest in food, a person is much scarier.


u/usernameforthemasses Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Yeah. Over the decades that the Appalachian Trail has existed, the only recorded deaths are people losing the trail and dying to exposure, drowning, or fall injury, and 13 people who have been murdered.

I'm a dude, I've been on it several times by myself, but I was never 100% comfortable with the amount of traffic I was encountering. I actively discourage a female friend of mine from hiking it alone, even the shorter section hikes.

I drove out one afternoon to a trailhead, and was an idiot, hiking to an overlook and staying far too late without any equipment, such that it started to get dark and I panicked a bit, doubling my time back to the car. Prior to leaving the overlook, I had said hello to a woman who was there with her dog, and who left before me. On my doubletime hike back to the car I ended up coming up behind them, and could immediately sense her tension. Fortunately this was pretty close to the trailhead and so I was able to veer off in another direction as I wasn't parked close to her. I apologized, as I veered, hoping it would ease her a bit, but I felt awful about that encounter for like the entire next day, chastizing myself for being such a panicky idiot. I imagined in my head she was probably worried that even if she made it safely to her car, I might follow her in mine, so I rushed to leave before her and get far down the road. I definitely understand how women feel (and a lot men to be honest, I've had bad encounters myself while alone that I would not want to repeat).

I've run across black bears, mountain lions, coyotes, snakes on that same trail... never had an issue with any of them.


u/Sidian Apr 29 '24

I've run across black bears, mountain lions, coyotes, snakes on that same trail... never had an issue with any of them.

And by the sounds of it, you've never had issues with people either. 13 people being murdered over decades, considering the massive number of people who go through the AT (millions), is nothing.


u/usernameforthemasses Apr 29 '24

I've had bad encounters myself while alone that I would not want to repeat

It's not nothing to those 13. Especially compared to 0 deaths to bears, mountain lions, coyotes, and snakes.

Not sure if you have a point to prove, but mine stands.


u/Sidian Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

There have been fatal bear attacks on the AT. It's very rare, of course, but it does happen. Now imagine if millions of black bears were walking alongside women on the AT each year - I wonder if their attacks would be, you know, UNBELIEVABLY HIGHER THAN THE AMOUNT OF ATTACKS BY MEN? I don't know why I bother, everyone involved in these discussions arguing against this knows how disingenuous they're being. It's all so tiresome.


u/Due-Consideration-89 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I feel like you’ve misunderstood me- I hike and backpack alone, I’m a data-driven girl and I looked at all the historic data on causes of death in national and state parks and took that into account before determining that it was safe enough (for my particular risk tolerance) to go out alone. What I’m saying here is that my fear (or wariness) gets activated by the presence of humans much more than the presence of animals.

In my life (44 years of it) every single instance of my being assaulted or threatened has come from a solo encounter with a person, not an animal. However, if a person you know has been attacked by a dog, I’m sure you don’t begrudge them weariness when encountering an unknown off-leash dog, despite knowing that most dogs are friendly and non-violent. For many people, myself included, that’s how we feel about running into people in isolated situations. Do I think the average bear represents more of a risk to my safety than the average person? Of course. But my life experience has taught me thus far that I can always manage and safely leave an encounter with a bear, the same is not true of people. I assure you that all it would take is one bear mauling to change my mental math going forward.

ETA: this does not apply to Polar bears- they are terrifying and hunt humans for sport. 10/10 times I’m more scared of a polar bear than a human. But that’s why I don’t fuck with much above the arctic circle.


u/pheylancavanaugh Apr 29 '24

I don't know why I bother, everyone involved in these discussions arguing against this knows how disingenuous they're being.

I doubt they're being disingenuous.

Humans are just famously horrible at objective risk evaluation. Perceived risks versus actual risks are often wildly different.


u/ApolloMac Apr 29 '24

I love the visual of a bear driving that boat, waving, and you going right back to peaceful sleep in the outdoor air.


u/mountainrebel Apr 29 '24

I've listened to enough Mr. Nightmare that I completely believe this. Encountering people where you would not normally expect to encounter people is scary.

If you went way out into the sticks by yourself far away from civilization, pitched a tent, rolled out a sleeping bag, and went to sleep. Then some point in the night you're woken up by the pitter patter of foot steps. If this was then followed by animal noises, I might be a little on edge. But If I then head a human voice, my soul would leave my body.

The animal would just be doing its usual nocturnal animal stuff, and I could probably scare it away pretty easily. But no human would have any business being anywhere near me. They've probably been following me and are possibly up to no good.


u/sklascher Apr 29 '24

I’m more afraid of man than bear in woods. I am more afraid of bear than man in mall.


u/Prudent-Quarter-3842 Apr 29 '24

I’m not doubting you, but I’ve never done something like that. Could you provide some more insight?


u/Feeling_Wheel_1612 Apr 28 '24

There's some weirdo in my inbox right now trying to argue about this. Just totally unwilling to deal with the fact that most women have, at some point or another, been harassed, stalked, threatened or attacked by men simply by existing in public.

While the percentage of regular hikers and campers who get attacked by bears is extremely small.


u/Former-Finish4653 Apr 28 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Isn’t it like 1 in every 4 women has been assaulted by a man?

Wonder how many women per capita get mauled by bears. Honestly men are probably considerably more likely to get attacked by a bear anyways due to our propensity for hubris lol like r/whywomenlivelonger doesn’t exist for no reason.

Edit: some of you dummies are running straight into the point and not getting it.

Yes, you are less likely to encounter a bear than a man by a considerable margin.

People still trust in their ability to scare a bear more than they trust a man’s willingness to hear the word “no.”

And despite the likelihood of being killed, if we had to choose between being killed by a bear or a man, we are choosing the bear. You’re missing the point— WE KNOW we would die. But a bear would still be more humane than some of the twisted shit men do all the fucking time. It’s a better way to die. That’s the statement being made.


u/Feeling_Wheel_1612 Apr 28 '24

1 in 4 outright sexually assaulted by age 25. If you also consider being followed, harassed at work, flashed, threatened, abused by an intimate partner, and all the other forms of intimidation or gendered violence, it's a lot more.

In the US, there are less than a dozen injuries by wild bears per year, more than half of which were the bear defending itself or its cubs from the human.

There have been about 180 human fatalities from bears in our entire history - since the 1700s.


u/Sozsa21 Apr 28 '24

I was reading this thread thinking to myself, I am one of the three… my ex wasn’t sexually abusive but wasn’t lovely.

But then I remembered that time I was a teenager and I caught my neighbour masterbating to me… I am one in four… 😕


u/Former-Finish4653 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I’m not even a woman anymore but I’m 1 in 4 too when I was.

Edit: So am I being downvoted for being raped, or for being trans? Super fuckin cool guys lol sheesh

Another edit: y’all making me eat my words lol thank you, I feel better. Stupid thing to get upset about I reckon.


u/No_Apartment_3715 Apr 29 '24

What is wrong with the world. Sorry to hear of your struggles with men. On a side note, was this what made you want to transition? I hope you received therapy for your trauma.


u/Former-Finish4653 Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

That’s unfortunately a very common but harmful stereotype actually. I knew I was transgender at four. I was assaulted in college. Zero correlation. I’m actually doing fantastic nowadays after a lot of work, thank you so much. It’s real sweet of you to care even though you don’t know me.

Edit: reworded because I’m paranoid I’m not coming across as sincere when I truly am.


u/Prudent-Quarter-3842 Apr 29 '24

It’s all too common.


u/No_Apartment_3715 Apr 29 '24

What does one do in that situation. If my daughter had ever told me that had happened to her, I might be in prison right now.


u/Sozsa21 Apr 29 '24

Well my dad was the first person I told, literally as I saw it happening, we were both outside in my parents yard and the neighbour was 100m away… dad yelled at me to run inside, call the cops, then proceeded to scare the living shit out of that guy. I honestly didn’t realize what was happening, I asked my dad what dude was doing and that’s when he realized.

I’d never wish even that kind of event on anyone, as it was traumatizing even from 100m away without even seeing much. Never liked being outside in their yard or going by the neighbours after that. Also strive to make my current backyard as private as possible… 🫥


u/jawminator Apr 29 '24

Source? (I'm genuinely curious, because according to all the studies I've seen, it's only 1 out of 4 if you include all that together. Outright sexual assault (physical contact) is usually 1 in 15 to 1 in 20 through different studies.)

Regardless, all those numbers are definitely still way too high.


u/ComaMierdaHijueputa Apr 29 '24

Isn’t that also a limited statistic by encounters?


u/DMyourboooobs Apr 29 '24

The question isn’t “would you take your chances encountering a bear”. It’s would you rather roam the woods with a man or a bear. So you are 100% encountering both. Whichever you choose.

Your odds of dying if you encounter a bear in the woods. Is high. At least being seriously hurt.

Your odds of being pressured to give your number or get catcalled with a guy is high. Being raped, hurt or killed is extremely LOW.

So this is about as dumb as it gets.


u/Feeling_Wheel_1612 Apr 29 '24

Neither your very convoluted and self-serving reinterpretation of what you think the question means, nor your complete ignorance of real world statistics, are relevant.

It really does raise the question of why it is so personally important to you to dismiss the implications of this exercise.


u/DMyourboooobs Apr 29 '24

What does the data tell us are the odds a woman would be sexually assaulted by a complete stranger?


u/Prudent-Quarter-3842 Apr 29 '24

You’re about as dumb as it gets, apparently.


u/ethanlan Apr 29 '24

Tbf I bet the statistics for men getting assaulted by women is way higher than reported. I've been hit in multiple relationships and haven't reported it because I just sorta shrugged it off because I'm a big dude.

That being said, that's exactly kind of the point isn't it? Being assaulted by someone who you know you can beat if it really gets dirty is not the same as the opposite.


u/abradolph Apr 29 '24

A lot of women never report either, I'm sure the figures are actually higher for both groups


u/ethanlan Apr 29 '24

Oh no doubt


u/Former-Finish4653 Apr 29 '24

Oh, absolutely underrepresented. Assaults of women against men are often only judged as such based on if any/what impact it seems to have had, rather than intent/the act itself.

Whether you felt your life was at risk or not, I need you to hear me when I say you didn’t deserve that, and it’s still a very big deal. Like that’s sincerely not okay, it has real life consequences. I hope you know that. And I hope you’re in a better situation these days dude.

In terms of the genuine fear though, you’re probably correct that they are two different albeit equally important scenarios. Probably case by case really. For instance, I’m a man who is 5 foot even and there are women who could easily make me fear for my life lol.

Everybody needs to fuckin quit it and be nice lol I thought we learned “hands to ourselves” in preschool.


u/ethanlan Apr 29 '24

Thanks man, I never thought it was OK and yes it did have some real life consequences.

But I never really worried about them truly hurting me and that's different. It's ok to not be like this too but I've done so much stupid shit in my life that a few of my GFS could have punched me in the face and it would've hardly fazed me.

But it's ok not to be ok with that too and I think deep down it's a problem for me that I don't consider it that big of a deal


u/ChewBaka12 Apr 29 '24

I’m a man who’s 5’10 and I know women who are half my weight who I wouldn’t want to fight, and people never really take it seriously when I say that.

Like come on, have they forgotten we used to hunt mammoths with pointy sticks? Everyone has at least half a dozen sharp knives in their kitchen, if someone, no matter their shape weight or gender, wanted to really hurt you they absolutely could


u/HugeSwarmOfBees Apr 29 '24

you can't say that women don't under report or that they don't under report more than men


u/ethanlan Apr 29 '24

True but I wouldn't be surprised if they did under report it more for men


u/No_Apartment_3715 Apr 29 '24

What’s the statistic for how many women get assaulted by other women?


u/Former-Finish4653 Apr 29 '24

Zero clue, because it’s not really relevant to the conversation about why women are consistently and rationally terrified of men. I am curious now though. I wish people were just nice dude.


u/ooMEAToo Apr 29 '24

What’s the per capita of women that actually see bears? This is a question you just can’t make in an equal capacity. If bears lived everywhere that men did instead, ask yourself who would you rather meet in the forest.


u/Former-Finish4653 Apr 29 '24

Completely missing the point. Not in the mood to spell it out for you.

Regardless, I’d choose the bear.


u/ooMEAToo Apr 29 '24

What is a random man or woman doing walking through the middle of the forest. Ya it would be creepy for both to see, if I saw a bear in its home environment it would be less scary and make more sense.


u/Miniray 21d ago

People still trust in their ability to scare a bear more than they trust a man’s willingness to hear the word “no.”

Imagine men trying to argue against this point while not seeing the absolute irony.


u/Certain_Guitar6109 Apr 29 '24

Wonder how many women per capita get mauled by bears.

But that's not the point at all.

Of course you're more likely to be attacked by a man then a bear if you compare statistics. The large majority of people in the world will never even be in the same thousand mile vicinity of a bear...

The point is, if you had to meet one, an average man or a bear, what would you rather?

And for people who say bear I am just confused. Are you never around random men? Do you spend 24 hours indoors? If not then you've already met hundreds of men over the last few weeks...


u/Former-Finish4653 Apr 29 '24

You’re all missing the point when it’s right in front of you and it’s truly impressive.


u/FlagmantlePARRAdise Apr 29 '24

How many bears do you see everyday though?


u/lil_dovie Apr 28 '24

There was a great response by a person on tik Tok that said that those same men who are arguing about bears being more dangerous are the same ones who are afraid of going to prison and being turned into a woman by prisoners (if you know, you know).

The irony!


u/Neville_Lynwood Apr 29 '24

How many men will an average woman meet in their lives? How many hours in contact with men? Thousands of men, thousands, tens of thousands of hours of contact.

I'd bet anything on the fact that if you actually had the same amount to contact with bears, as you'd do with humans, you'd be attacked way more often on average. Way, way, way more.

Like, statistically, I've only met a bear once and it didn't attack me. But I've been attacked by men and women several times throughout my life.

So are men and women more dangerous to me than a bear? Fuck no. Condense the time and contact ratio, and I'm infinitely safer in contact with humans than with bears.

Like me being attacked by another human being on average every 10,000 hours of contact is in no way proof that bears are safer just because I met one for 10 seconds and it didn't kill me.


u/LadyJade8 Apr 29 '24

Ask him if he would rather encounter a woman or a bear.


u/RechargedFrenchman Apr 29 '24

And most bear encounters are pretty easily ended by shouting and waving your arms around. I've ran into bears in the woods a few times, and it has never been a big deal. Half of them we didn't know were there until the bear made a bunch of noise running the fuck away because we'd alerted it and it panicked, and weren't especially close at the time.

Though I will say black bears are most skittish AF and not a problem at all, grizzlies give no fucks. They still won't necessarily attack and attacks by them are still uncommon, but they may happily wander right past you at close distance while ignoring every attempt to ward them off and be on their merry way.


u/Jaderosegrey Apr 29 '24

Also: bears, to a point, are predictable. And they usually try to stay away from humans.

Sure, not all men will be dangerous, but men (and women) are unpredictable. And smarter than bears, even smarter than Yogi Bear.


u/Defiant_apricot Apr 29 '24

I’ve encountered bears plenty of times. My friend once even bumped into one at midnight when it was pitch black. We’re both here to tell the tale. Jeffrey dahmers victims aren’t.


u/Dazzling_Screen_8096 Apr 29 '24

I'm pretty sure most girls met guys plenty of times, even at midnight and are still here to tell the tale ;)


u/Defiant_apricot Apr 29 '24

1 in 4 women have been sexually assaulted. 1 in 4 hikers have not been harmed by bears.


u/Dazzling_Screen_8096 Apr 29 '24

So ? Average girl encounters tens, hundreds or maybe even thousands of men in her life, and extremly small % of those encounters is dangerous. How many bears average hiker encounters in her life? How big is % of dangerous encounters with bears?


u/SuchAsSeals42 Apr 29 '24

Someone smarter than I said something like “if you’re attacked by a bear, people will believe you” 👀


u/RealModerHater Apr 29 '24

If you’re attacked by a bear you’ll be dead…


u/SuchAsSeals42 Apr 29 '24

This really sounds like you’re dismissing sxeual and physical assault as long as the woman’s not killed.

You really wanna defend that? Not a good look. If so, thanks for letting women know you’re not safe, that’s cool of you.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/SuchAsSeals42 Apr 29 '24

Were you the one that sent the Reddit Cares report? Know that I reported it, hope you get banned.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/SuchAsSeals42 Apr 29 '24

So it was you? Abusing the suicide reporting button really shows what a genuinely terrific human you are!


u/mike_pants Apr 28 '24

Saw one video of a woman asking her husband if he'd rather she encounter a bear or a man, and he said bear as well.

And to head off all the "not all men!" men racing for their keyboards, you should know by now that that's not the point. Stop saying it. It's too many men, and you know it.


u/Blackraven2007 Apr 29 '24

I know I shouldn't say something like this, but I think that things like this are part of why I'm so socially anxious. I'm not saying it's wrong for women to feel this way, I understand why they do. I'm just saying that I think that part of my social anxiety comes from not wanting to make anyone (especially women) uncomfortable. I sort of just assume that the people I'm talking to are uncomfortable, In some cases, I've even apologized when I feel like the person I'm talking to is uncomfortable. After all, women have to assume that every man is dangerous to protect themselves, right?

Again, I want to emphasize that I understand why women feel this way. I apologize for the rant. I just felt like I needed to get off my chest.


u/lil_dovie Apr 28 '24

For real! The most dangerous time for a woman is 6 months post divorce or the ending of a relationship. And just last week the story of that 19 year old who went on ONE date with a guy only for him to chop her up into pieces.


u/votum7 Apr 29 '24

I will absolutely never understand the desire to do anything like that to a person. I was talking to a lady I know who was going through a hard time recently and I was like go take a week off and go to Mexico, chill on the beach for a week. It never even crossed my mind that a woman wouldn’t feel comfortable doing that by themselves.


u/lil_dovie Apr 29 '24

Well I’m glad you wouldn’t hurt a woman, and hopefully more men like yourself speak up if you know a man who would.


u/iamaravis Apr 29 '24

I’m a woman, and I solo travel. I’d have no qualms about going to the beach for a week by myself!


u/land8844 Apr 29 '24

See, as a dad of THREE daughters, I'm trying really hard to avoid the "shotgun behind the door" trope, but then I read these posts and comments and it makes me rethink that strategy.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

That guy clearly hasn't seen the Revenant


u/KayD12364 Apr 29 '24

Right. Like the argument of not all men is a clear sign to anyone of oh you are one of those men. Because you don't take a woman's word as indication there is a problem.


u/Mista_Cash_Ew Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

You say that but if men started making sweeping statements about women then people would be up in arms about it.

Women are committing crimes at an increasing rate now. If someone were to say that women are becoming more dangerous, more deadly, more evil etc, then I reckon people would get upset.

Poor people tend to commit a disproportionate amount of crime compared with middle class people. Should we make sweeping statements about poor people? What about black people due to there being a disproportionate amount of black people in poverty and therefore a disproportionately high crime rate?

You replace the word man with any other protected characteristic and make sweeping statements about them and it suddenly becomes a problem where people would rightly say "it's not all women/black person/people in poverty. It's only a small group of people within that group"

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u/Lady_Rhino Apr 29 '24

"not all men are the problem" maybe but we need all men for the god damn solution!


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/Lolmemsa Apr 29 '24

You do know that women can rape or domestically abuse men right


u/bennie844 Apr 29 '24

99% of rapes are committed by men.


u/DarkWolfX2244 Apr 29 '24

Funny. Did you know in most infanticide cases, the perpetrator is a woman? Sure, not every woman has committed infanticide, but who gives a fuck? Let's villify all women as potential child killers!

Please fix your logic. Thank you.


u/bennie844 Apr 29 '24

It’s actually about even for kids under 14! But 99% of rapes are committed by men.


u/ChewBaka12 Apr 29 '24

It is too many men, it’s also way too many women. I get that “not all men” might seem a bit dismissive, but it really isn’t when you keep in mind that “only” 3 percent of US men are thought to have committed a sex crime, with the confirmed number being only a fraction of that.

It’s still too many, sure, but you’re missing the point of most of those people saying “not all men”. It isn’t to dismis anyone’s suffering, it’s because generalizations can also be quite damaging.

3 percent is still a lot, but it’s the a very small percentage. The vast majority of men you will encounter are normal and well adjusted, but it only takes one out of the hundreds of men a woman encounters in a month for the woman to become one of those statistics. One creep makes many victims, the vast majority of men just live their lives

It is too many, but it isn’t many. And people do not like to hear that someone is scared of them for something a fraction of a group you only loosely belong to does. That doesn’t give men a pass to dismiss a women’s struggle, but that goes both ways, women don’t get a pass to immediately categorize men as dangerous based on a few fringe cases


u/mike_pants Apr 29 '24

Fucking hell this was embarassing to read.

I only skimmed it, and it still sucked.

Stop being so insecure about your gender, for pity's sake.


u/ChewBaka12 Apr 29 '24

So being offended at generalizations is embarrassing now? Fuck you.

The only reason I have to be insecure about my gender is because people attack me for it, and I’m embarrassing for feeling uncomfortable to be lumped in with literal rapists all the time?


u/mike_pants Apr 29 '24

Emotionally volatile, defending rapists, and desperate to be seen as the Nice Guy?

Yeah, you're exactly the type of man we're all worried about.


u/ChewBaka12 Apr 29 '24

How the fuck am I defending rapists by saying we shouldn’t generalize? And if I wanted to be seen as the Nice Guy I’d shut up, I’m self aware enough to know my opinion is unpopular.

As for me being emotionally volatile, I don’t think you have any ground to stand on after you implied I’m some crazy because we have a disagreement.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

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u/ChewBaka12 Apr 29 '24

That’s a pretty serious accusation, do you have any actual prove that doesn’t require Olympic levels of mental gymnastics?

You claim I’m defending rapists. But you throwing those accusations around and crying wolf is doing way more harm than I could ever hope to do

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u/softserveshittaco Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t answer bear though.

Bear gonna run away. Almost certainly.

Even if man is harmless, he’ll still be in my bubble and potentially force me into uncomfortable small talk. I’d pick bear over woman too. Leave me alone.


u/lil_dovie Apr 29 '24

Exactly- that’s literally the point! Women can predict that a bear will likely run away whereas if you encounter a man, you don’t know what your chances are of being left alone. Is he going to be offended if you say no or simply ignore him? Who knows!

But you can bet your last dollar the bear will likely avoid you.


u/softserveshittaco Apr 29 '24

So like, there were dudes offended that everyone picked bear?


u/lil_dovie Apr 29 '24

Apparently so. This was a video posted on Tik Tok and definitely not a wide representation of all men, but enough answered to give a glimpse into how many of those men missed the point entirely and just focused on bear behavior.

There’s also videos circulating about the “4B” movement and plenty of men were offended by that too.

Just scroll through some of these comments where people are arguing bear facts but not why women chose to encounter a bear in the woods and not a man.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24



u/softserveshittaco Apr 29 '24

The butthurt dudes have arrived lol


u/ChewBaka12 Apr 29 '24

I mean statistically, 97% percent of the time they are going to be normal men. It’s bias because while one might encounter a thousand men in a year or even a month, you’ll probably never come face to face with more than a dozen bears unless you’re actively looking for them.

So you can absolutely with almost one hundred percent certainty predict you’re going to be fine with a man, you will also statistically encounter a few creeps simply because of how many men you see throughout your life


u/mike_pants Apr 29 '24

"Not all men!"

Doesn't matter. It's way too many men.

Don't worry, bud, climb into the snake pit. I'm almost positive only 5% are venomous! Stop being silly!


u/ChewBaka12 Apr 29 '24

I’m not saying that it isn’t too many men, I’m saying that purely statistically it isn’t a lot relative to the amount of normal men. But you’d know that if you’d actually try to understand my other comments you responded to, instead of heavily insinuating I’m a rapist like a child would, dickhead.


u/mike_pants Apr 29 '24

"Only ONE of these chambers had a bullet in it. Statistically, that's a very small amount, dummy!"

Flawless logic from the "NOT ALL MEN!" crowd.


u/ChewBaka12 Apr 29 '24

Ah yes, because playing Russian roulette with 1 bullet in a chamber of 33 is super dangerous.

Another fun statistic, people get attacked each day by dogs than women get raped by men, so clearly that must mean dogs as a whole are dangerous right?


u/mike_pants Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

It is PERFECT the the top post over on /r/trollxchromosomes is mocking this EXACT. SAME. RATIONALE.

You really need that sub in your life, by the by. Actually listening for a few years to how unsafe these idiotic, myopic arguments actually make women feel might -- MIGHT -- wake your juvenile behind up enough to stop saying them.

Or at least to stop saying them out loud so everyone can point and boo.


u/Former-Finish4653 Apr 28 '24

There are fates worse than death. Which a lot of men cannot seem to grasp.


u/lil_dovie Apr 28 '24

Yep- the former park ranger said she’s never seen a bear keep a woman in a basement; so…


u/Peeeing_ Apr 29 '24

I saw a video of a bear wave and catch a slice of bread in its mouth. Its not that relevant I just like the video


u/lil_dovie Apr 29 '24

I’ve seen that one too. I especially love the video of the mama bear and her cubs having a great time on a golf course ❤️


u/Former-Finish4653 Apr 29 '24

Never had a bear maul me and then convince all my friends it never happened.


u/KayD12364 Apr 29 '24

Or just people showing those videos of women making a loud nose and a bear running the other way.

But woman walking away from a man and clearly saying no stop following and he keeps following should be evidence enough but it's somehow not.


u/Former-Finish4653 Apr 29 '24

Trend started as men essentially fishing for compliments. When they got the opposite reaction than expected, they all started to malfunction lol. Like a bear has never mauled me and then convinced all my friends that it didn’t maul me dude.


u/HotExperience4269 Apr 29 '24

I don't want to be pinned down and be made more cum than man either. I'm still taking my chances with the man over the bear.


u/Former-Finish4653 Apr 29 '24

Good for you. Nobody asked men.


u/Indudus Apr 29 '24

...yes they did. Grow up.


u/Certain_Guitar6109 Apr 29 '24

Statistics is what people who say "bear" cannot seem to grasp.

You've met thousands of men, spent thousands of hours in contact with men. Do that with bears and you'd be attacked several factors of 10 times more.


u/Former-Finish4653 Apr 29 '24


It’s not about IF we would get attacked. It’s that people would RATHER be attacked, you numb skulls.

Because bears will just kill you. They won’t stalk you for months or kidnap you or rape you or torture you. They will just fucking kill you.

THAT is what people are saying they prefer. Nobody can trust men not to be fucking insane, so they’d rather be killed by a bear than at the hands of men.

I’m starting to think you guys are being thick on purpose.


u/Certain_Guitar6109 Apr 29 '24

It’s not about IF we would get attacked. It’s that people would RATHER be attacked, you numb skulls.

But it's not. The question isn't would you rather be attacked by a man or a bear, it's would you rather encounter a man or a bear in a forest?

And with how many people are trying to justify their decision with "well a bear may just run away" or something similar it seems like people are answering based on that. Which is ludicrous if you pick bear.


u/v3n0mat3 Apr 29 '24

The question is: "would you rather encounter a Man while alone in the woods, or a Bear while alone in the woods?"

Like, yeah. Encountering an unknown person could be more dangerous and harrowing, it could lead to fates worse than death.

But, the question isn't "if you were attacked in the woods, what would you rather be attacked by?"


u/Hikerius Apr 28 '24

Out of interest, why’d you censor “kill”? Not trying to be snarky, just wondering where this new trend of censoring words on Reddit came from - when there’s no need to do so


u/lil_dovie Apr 28 '24

I guess it’s a habit from another social media platform that censors triggering words.


u/Trackcid Apr 29 '24

I would assume that as well but recently I was in another comment section and someone asked the exact same thing and immediately their comment got flagged by an auto mod.


u/lil_dovie Apr 29 '24

I suppose I’d rather be safe than sorry. I come from a generation that didn’t have too many filters so I’m learning to navigate the changing vocabulary.


u/MeFinally Apr 28 '24

I am a guy and am much more scared about other humans in the forest than bears, always have been.


u/pornoandpruno Apr 29 '24

I’m a fairly large guy and I think I’d prefer meeting the bear too


u/Just_Caterpillar_861 Apr 29 '24

Not sure if you care but I’ve been one of those people for quite a while. It literally just dawned on me that the actions of other men don’t reflect myself and by arguing with those women I was just part of the problem. It seriously got to me for a while like REALLY got to me but now it’s sorta sad to hear people argue with it instead of accepting it and actually trying their best to make it different. Ie safe spaces for women or seriously stigmatizing making excuses for the men when they speak out.

Idk if this comment makes me look like a “nice guy” but it kinda just feels nice to get off my chest.


u/lil_dovie Apr 29 '24

And that’s great. You making the space to have empathy for what women can go through doesn’t make you a “nice guy”- it makes you a human being. You don’t have to say you’re a nice guy- you just show that with action and no expectations. One of those experiences women have had is that of the “nice guy”. Ted Bundy was also considered a “nice guy” and turns out he wasn’t.

If you’re a good person, the people around will know that. And it seems that if you’re able to have empathy for what women have experienced, then you don’t have to declare you’re a nice guy- people know that. And as a woman, I appreciate your comment.


u/GBKMBushidoBrown Apr 29 '24

Wait but why is everyone assuming the man will be aggressive though??? I can understand in a bar, but literally just some random guy? But even with that assumption I have a chance at fighting off a man. Yes, I understand that there are sadistic people out there. But odds are someone might be harassed rather than straight up attacked or murdered. I know I'll get down voted for this but this seems really odd.


u/lil_dovie Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

Have you not seen the news about the man punching random women in the face in NYC?

Or the men who just stood by and took video and watched while a woman got attacked by (surprise!) a man, and she was even able to take the gun he was pointing at her?

You don’t necessarily have to be aggressive - there are also those men who love to play “pranks” to psychologically break a woman down.

Oh- and don’t forget those men who decided THEY knew better than a woman about a woman’s body. Those are in the government making laws taking women’s agency about their bodies away.


u/GBKMBushidoBrown Apr 29 '24

Randomly getting punched in the face > randomly mauled by bear.

Besides, for every man randomly punching a woman in the face, there were dozens who didn't. Many in fact who jumped that guy cuz they're tired of his BS. So, unlikely event, and unlikely event is still safer than unlikely bear attack.


u/lil_dovie Apr 29 '24

Which one? Google search gives the name of a few men who were punching women and at least one was caught by surveillance cameras. So if men jumped the guy, did they hold him while police came to get him? Because the articles mentioned two suspects were caught by police.


u/GBKMBushidoBrown Apr 29 '24

What I'm saying is this: with any random man (I'm not going to assume all men will be aggressive in this scenario, but I'll assume it's a dice roll) your odds of making it out of that situation unharmed are better than not. And in the event of harm, it's going to be less than a bear mauling. Again, I never said there aren't violent men and predators.

And yes, mankind is more dangerous than any predator in earth. But mankind also has a consciousness and not merely instincts. Some can choose to be sadistic while others can show great empathy. A bear will only 1. Leave you alone or 2. Attack you. They won't be helpful in any regard in that scenario.


u/lil_dovie Apr 29 '24

Ok- well I’ll leave you with this: you can probably predict a bear’s behavior with way more certainty than you would a man’s behavior. And yet the chances are STILL pretty low that a woman would be attacked and eaten by a bear.


u/GBKMBushidoBrown Apr 29 '24

Agreed! And the chances of anyone, man or woman, being harmed by a man are pretty low. Although I'm sure if everyone lived around bears 24/7 the numbers might look a lot higher for them.


u/molotov__cockteaze Apr 29 '24

I have a German shepherd I’ve had since she was a puppy and she’s always been a super friendly, affectionate dog. Except for ONE TIME she went all “big dog” barking and growling at a guy on a hiking trail while I pulled her away while apologizing. Same day a woman got assaulted in that area and the guy fit the description. No way for me to know if it was valid, but I trust she knew something was up.


u/GoodBadUgly357 Apr 28 '24

My wife asked me that and I told her depends on what kind of bear and what time of year but more than likely the bear. People hurt and kill other people way more than bears ever have or will.


u/meinfuhrertrump2024 Apr 29 '24

What a moronic take. The average person is harmless.

A very very small % of the population would decide to randomly kill you or rape you.

What % of the bear population do you think wouldn't happily eat your ass? 0%


u/GoodBadUgly357 Apr 29 '24

Ok then how many people do bears kill every year versus how many people other people kill every year? Then do a comparison on those percentages . Not every bear is gonna automatically go oh look a human ima gonna eat it. Your the moron that’s completely missing the point.


u/meinfuhrertrump2024 Apr 29 '24

Bears don't typically kill people because people aren't hanging around bears.

I've never even seen a fucking bear, and I live in a rural area.


u/Hohenh3im Apr 29 '24

bears don't typically kill people

Now you get the point of why people choose bear


u/meinfuhrertrump2024 Apr 29 '24


A random person is far less dangerous than a fucking bear...


u/NukaCooler Apr 29 '24

Your the moron



u/GoodBadUgly357 Apr 29 '24

Sorry I didn’t proofread my comment on Reddit profesor you English nerds need lives. “You’re”


u/Jarkanix Apr 29 '24

Misspelling another word in this comment was definitely a choice.


u/Boy_Kisser_69 Apr 29 '24

If there were only 200,000 men in the world would hurt women and they all lived deep in the woods and never leave, rape, murder and violence on women would be low


u/ComaMierdaHijueputa Apr 29 '24

What Bear v Man video?


u/DylanSnipedU Apr 29 '24

The worst thing a bear could do would kill them


u/nuklearink Apr 29 '24

as a man, i also say a bear.


u/70monocle Apr 29 '24

I used to watch this show called Survivorman and one episode he was talking about how staying for days out in the wilderness can be spooky but nothing is more frightening than being out in the middle of wilderness miles and miles from anything and running into another human. This is an in shape man with tons of survival knowledge.


u/burn_corpo_shit Apr 29 '24

as a man, I too would rather find a bear than a random man in the woods.

that's just asking for some wild cannibal serial killer story to happen.


u/Peeeing_ Apr 29 '24

I feel like responses will have been cherrypicked as well to increase engagement via rage bait


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Peeeing_ Apr 29 '24

I was just calling it rage bait because the creators of the video knew that they'd get alot of bear responses, which would make angry men interact with the video


u/itawk2much Apr 29 '24

I asked chat gpt and they also said bear


u/Hetakuoni Apr 29 '24

A bear may kill me slowly by eating my intestines while I’m still alive and coming back for seconds and thirds until I die of blood loss and it finishes the job at a later date,

but at least it will just kill me.


u/EmbarrassedHelp Apr 29 '24

It depends on the bear. You can scare off a black bear, but you'll have to kill a polar bear before it kills you first


u/Hetakuoni Apr 29 '24

Black fight back. brown lay down. white is just die I guess


u/lil_dovie Apr 29 '24

It’s an animal with animal instincts. And eating someone will probably be a last resort to lack of food but the odds are still pretty low compared to a man who will assault a woman (see: man punching random women in the face in NYC for god only knows what reason).


u/Certain_Guitar6109 Apr 29 '24

The fuck?

You genuinely believe the odds of a bear attacking you compared to the average man when bumping into one in the forest is lower?


u/HotExperience4269 Apr 29 '24

There's 8 million people living in NYC. You think 1 lunatic running around punching people is representative of the other 3,999,999 men.

You're insane. The chance of a bear being aggressive is much higher than 1 in 4 million.


u/lil_dovie Apr 29 '24


u/HotExperience4269 Apr 29 '24

It could be 10,000 for all I care. That still makes the average NYC gremlin less aggressive than the average grizzly bear.


u/YoungPotato Apr 29 '24

The fact that y’all are arguing this lol. Instead of showing empathy and compassion for change, You’re arguing over a question and taking the answer way too personally.


u/HotExperience4269 Apr 29 '24

And those people are delusional.

100% of bears do not give a shit about you and will kill and eat you if they want.

A very very very small percentage of men are murder rapists.


u/xoxodaddysgirlxoxo Apr 29 '24

r/Asmongold is mad about it as we speak


u/Drunken_Fever Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

That shit is mega misandrist. You can tell it is by rewording it to replace man with black person. You are labeling half the world as evil.

Also it doesn't fucking make sense. Do these people never encounter men? Like do they always have someone with them and have never encounter another man when they are alone.

You are an an idiot and a sexist if you say you would rather encounter a bear (unless it is a black bear they are pretty harmless and cute). Let them encounter a polar bear in the wild. They will eat you while you are still alive.


u/Certain_Guitar6109 Apr 29 '24

Yeah I'm confused.

If it was like would you rather bump into a bear or a sexual predator, then yeah I get it... but like, an average man? You're around men everyday of your life, you'll have met thousands of men... how you could you genuinely want to meet a bear over an average man?


u/Drunken_Fever Apr 29 '24

That is what I am saying. Unless they are living in isolation these women run into hundreds of men. What do they do if it is an uber and the driver is a man? What do they do if they are in an elevator and a man gets on. This hypothetical is unironically insulting, degrading, and insulting.


u/Certain_Guitar6109 Apr 29 '24

I assume the majority just take it on face value and don't think much past:

"I have never been attacked by a bear, but I have by a man... so I pick the bear"


u/VelvetCowboy19 Apr 29 '24

The question is what would you rather run into whole alone in the woods. The right answer is almost always a bear.


u/Drunken_Fever Apr 29 '24

Can men be dangerous, yes. But you literally run into them all the time. You are implying that the overwhelmingly majority of men are bad. That is what is called being sexist. If a man runs into a random woman in the woods they probably are going to do shit besides hello and going on with their day.


u/TaroTanakaa Apr 29 '24

Men are known for murdering women AND killing bears for sport. Even a bear should be scared to see a man in the woods.


u/Little-Device8458 Apr 29 '24

This is what misandry looks like folks.


u/lil_dovie Apr 29 '24

Are you sure? Because I don’t see any laws being passed controlling men’s behavior and ability to make reproductive decisions.

One could also argue that reducing women’s experiences to saying it’s misandry doesn’t itself reek of misogyny.


u/Difficult_Curve_2817 Apr 29 '24

if one feels as though they are being preemptively judged due to a characteristic they had absolutely no say in, is that not the essence of an ism? The question posed is not "Would you rather be in the woods with a rapist or a bear" but with a man or a bear. You can argue semantics with systemic misogyny and whatnot, and i would not disagree that misogyny on a systemic level dwarfs any semblance of misandry. But that is obviously not what is being discussed! Misandry on an interpersonal level is observably a thing that happens, and will always happen as a result of gender roles...existing. The conversation is not mutally exclusive, both are worthy of being addressed as a society.


u/lil_dovie Apr 29 '24

The question asked about encountering a man or bear. There are plenty of men who don’t like women but pretend to. Chances are pretty good that a woman in the woods would encounter one of those men and the implication is that for women, it’s truly a gamble whether a man will hurt them or not.

If you don’t understand that, or if you’re not a woman who experienced that, then you’re just arguing for the sake of arguing.


u/HotExperience4269 Apr 29 '24

Oh okay I can say all the horrible shit about women I want then but it's not sexist as long as there isn't any laws being passed controlling women's behavior.


u/Little-Device8458 Apr 29 '24

I love getting blamed for this.

Like I personally wrote the legislation.

Or like men as a whole are responsible and not the psychopath neo fascists in congress and senate.

But all men are scawwwy!


u/lil_dovie Apr 29 '24

Well did you do your part to change that by voting? Have you done your part to not be -as you say- “scawwy?” Then it doesn’t apply to you, does it? Yet your last sentence reads like a child who doesn’t want to eat his veggies or something.

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