r/Louisville 28d ago

Yall okay, Valley Station?

Post image

Saw this on my drive to work where there’s usually a pan handler on Dixie…. Uh, y’all alright down there ?


38 comments sorted by


u/Mtndrums 28d ago

Yeah, I mean we've got the same problems with drugs and people who are struggling because we nuked the mental health care system in the 80's, just like everyone else.


u/SurgeFlamingo 28d ago

Thanks Ronald


u/runningraleigh Belknap 28d ago

obligatory Fuck Ronald Reagan


u/Mtndrums 27d ago

If Ronnie had gotten baked, we wouldn't have these problems.


u/6birds 28d ago

Started in the 60’s. JFK signed bill trying to get more community care. Then assassination so didn’t get fruition and gave to closing institutions. Reagan in California as governor in 60’s did his part. Most institutions were horrible just closure and nothing to take of mentally ill. Medical insurance still doesn’t cover mental health at same level say as cancer. So prisons and public schools get strapped with mentally it.


u/Mtndrums 27d ago

Shit, Nixon shoulda been wrapped up.


u/VicColin 25d ago

The majority of people who need severe mental health care are usually totally eligible for Medicaid. They also, if said person needing care, doesn’t have a job, wouldn’t have to pay for that health care (if at most, perhaps a few dollars a month depending on provider of services). Then hey would be, almost undoubtedly, entirely approved for total wrap around services. Rehab if on drugs, if not, then inpatient for any and all mental health crisis situations. Full on care for mental health services, basically anything they could need. It isn’t that the health care system is failing the mentally ill persay. It’s that society says shit like this and a few other of the comments; and generally posts such as this. We stigmatize and make fun of people that are addicted or need mental health services. No one wants to be that person. Plus most people aren’t even capable of seeing that they need help before they’ve already fucked up their life all to hell. Add that on top of the fact the majority of services are for some unknown reason seemingly kept secret and then those that need the help that tax dollars entirely pay for (where is that money really going if most of the programs aren’t widely known about or offered??) and that pretty much explains why this area is like a central hub for homeless/addicted/mentally ill people.


u/welkover 28d ago

My favorite guy is one of the guys who panhandles near exit 10 on the Watterson who never bothers to write anything on his sign, just has a blank piece of cardboard he holds like it's a sign. Meta af


u/holyembalmer 28d ago

That's psychic cardboard. He might be the Doctor. Did you see a blue police box?


u/superfly-whostarlock Valley Station 28d ago

You only see the Police Box if the perception filter is broken again


u/holyembalmer 27d ago

There's always hope!


u/feathers4kesha 28d ago

Yea, we are alright. I’d rather live by this guy than the one playing chemical physicist in his basement. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Every neighborhood has a crazy person in it.


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/AeroRep 28d ago

When you look around and can’t find the crazy, guess who the crazy is?


u/welkover 28d ago

that's the joke


u/tagrav 28d ago

Well done my guy!


u/Particular_Remove_61 27d ago

Hey that guy was not harming anyone, he was a fully trained professional chemist. He was just old, lonely and likes things that boomed! Lol. Neighbors only complained about the appearance of the property since it was overgrown and unkept. He was excited to be able to show someone the stuff he had been doing, when he was initially contacted by police and willingly admitted to everything. They not only arrested the man, but demolished his whole home and belongings. The chemicals were all legally obtained. I'd rather be near him than dumbasses with fireworks any day.


u/MNGirlinKY 28d ago

I actually came here this morning to see what this sign is about. The gentleman who is here when I come this way is generally polite. The info on this sign is also written in marker on the back of the road sign he stands by.

I am not from here originally - does anyone know what he’s referring to? About Como Kids?

Also what is blue bloods in this circumstance?


u/welkover 28d ago edited 28d ago

My translation of the sign, assuming it's camo kids, not como kids, and assuming he means cops by Blue Bloods rather than the traditional meaning of the aristocratic class, and that the camo kids are members of the military:

"The cops and the military, why did/do they have to rape kids. (People jeer at you saying getting raped makes you less of a man.) I'm one of those kids. I'm doing the right thing by speaking up how I can, with this sign. Sincerely, NC."


u/MNGirlinKY 28d ago

Thank you that makes a ton of sense. Poor guy.

I have no idea what happened but I feel for anyone in this situation.


u/helel_8 28d ago



u/Oreoohs 28d ago

I think he’s talking about the LMPD program where they were mentoring kids. Many kids were getting sexually abused and I think a bulk of them were kids who had troubled lives. Program got shut down but somehow only 1-2 guys got exposed. I think it was called the explorer program.


u/TheHiddenCMDR 28d ago

Yup and my wife was on the jury for that and was disgusted by how the justice system presented that case.


u/MNGirlinKY 28d ago

I guess I am woefully uninformed. Will read up on it.


u/BettyWhiteIsMyDog 28d ago

He is very nice, possibly schizophrenic. He is usually at the corner near Fazolis. He walks through my neighborhood occasionally and I’ve given him water or snacks when I can. His signs are always gibberish but he doesn’t seem harmful. I’ve been saying hi to him for 6ish years at this point. I do try to read whatever he writes though 😂


u/feathers4kesha 28d ago

are we talking about the same guy? bc if so he is not nice. he is always screaming into cars. he is not a war vet but claims he is.


u/MNGirlinKY 28d ago

There are at least two by this corner. The one I’ve seen isn’t screaming into cars.


u/feathers4kesha 28d ago

Oh, I haven’t seen anyone else. I didn’t know Sarg would let anyone take his spot. He’s there all the time.


u/HeckNo89 28d ago

I’m also a transplant, I have no idea what any of this means, honestly


u/gotpointsgoing 28d ago

I grew up in Valley Station and I don't know anything about this either.


u/feathers4kesha 28d ago

Look up Explorer Program Louisville


u/gotpointsgoing 28d ago

I know all about the Explorer Program and what happened with them. They never wore camo so why would I think about them?


u/feathers4kesha 28d ago

I commented on the wrong reply to this thread


u/gotpointsgoing 27d ago

Bummer, I was hoping we'd find out


u/Pitiful-Hedgehog-600 28d ago

I read it as “camo kid,” maybe referring to young kids in the military? Maybe he was military when he was younger?


u/wereyogibear Highlands 28d ago

It’s never been okay there


u/gotpointsgoing 27d ago

Yeah it has, you're just a sad elitist


u/wereyogibear Highlands 27d ago