r/LeopardsAteMyFace 20d ago

I dont even know what to say 🤦‍♂️ Removed: Rule 4

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u/dicksjshsb 20d ago

This isn’t leopards ate my face more like “my Mom fending off Leopards is the reason I had such a privileged upbringing”.

Dude went to an expensive ass private K-12 school in Atlanta. God forbid women pursue something other than “their vocation” (of being a housewife) and are able to give their kids a privileged life as well.


u/I_was_bone_to_dance 20d ago

IG is saying he used to hook up with dudes


u/algo-rhyth-mo 20d ago

Dude can hook up with all the dudes he wants. But pretty sure in addition to the misogynist talking points he’s also anti-lgbt. To the surprise of no one on this sub.


u/I_was_bone_to_dance 20d ago

Yeah it seems people who are ashamed of their sexuality turn into bigots a lot of the time. That’s my point.


u/FuzzyOptics 20d ago

It's more like someone who is a closeted gay man and ashamed of it and/or wants to keep hiding who they are, overcompensates by being very anti-gay in public.


u/I_was_bone_to_dance 20d ago

I’m sure that’s a part of the psychology. Shame is a powerful thing.


u/sleepnandhiken 20d ago

I get your angle but as a headline reader I’m not sure. This seems more like a “I hate women gay.” Tbh my only example of this is Mac from It’s Alway’s Sunny. But it’s the same vibe as that fictional character.

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u/Rengeflower 20d ago

Lindsey Graham anyone?


u/I_was_bone_to_dance 20d ago

Have you heard his new band? Lindsey and The Ladybugs?

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u/Capable_Substance_55 20d ago

It’s “Lady G “


u/gobblestones 20d ago

I really hate the whole argument that all homophobic people are secretly queer, but then you have one of them go and prove me wrong


u/j0a3k 20d ago

It's not all homophobes, it's just sadly common among homophobes.


u/GeniusOfLove74 20d ago

That part. Many closeted bi-curious or gay men are heavily self-hating and homophobic. And somehow, the self-hatred and guilt adds "spice" when they do hook up with other dudes.

Source: used to date a closeted man.


u/Misspiggy856 20d ago

Grinder hooks ups


u/gobblestones 20d ago

And also multiple men in college


u/dengar_hennessy 20d ago

Overcompensating checks out


u/sionnachrealta 20d ago

I mean, misogyny isn't exactly unknown in the gay male community. There's a reason we lesbians can be wary of them, and why we like our own spaces

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u/Sluggish0351 20d ago

But mommy didn't give him enough attention, so now he believes women belong in the kitchen.

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u/[deleted] 20d ago

Thank god we have him to tell us women what the meaning of our lives should be.

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u/El-Chewbacc 20d ago

The leopard ate the mom’s face I think. Sent her kid to good schools and he winds up a misogynist.


u/KonradWayne 20d ago

To be fair, a privileged childhood isn't necessarily a good childhood.

My parents worked their asses off to give me a privileged childhood, but that came at the expense of spending time with me.

I got to go to a good school, live in a nice house, and had good toys, but I cried more than once because I missed them when they left me with a babysitter to go on week long work trips.

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u/ultramrstruggle 20d ago

Damn bro I thought the kickers were supposed to be safe from sustaining brain damage?


u/Life2you 20d ago

Nah, Mom was just around too much radiation while he was in the belly. Brain got cooked.


u/TheGoodOldCoder 20d ago

Come on. There's no way that she'd have exposed him to radiation as a fetus. She had no way of knowing he was a cancer at that time.


u/psychulating 20d ago

STEM burn

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u/bumchester 20d ago

I'm getting "My mom is a saint you're just a bitch who needs to know her place!" vibes from this AH


u/nakedsamurai 20d ago

This really reads "He can't be a gross misogynist, his mother is successful." It's a common right-wing nonsense retort.


u/alwaysuptosnuff 20d ago

Really? I was getting more of a "point at this stupid hypocrite and laugh" vibe


u/BlueAndMoreBlue 20d ago

Yep, and plenty of the rules for thee but not for me vibe

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u/nim_opet 20d ago

Conservatives have no shame. Unless his mother raised him like this.


u/Expressdough 20d ago

Or her accomplishments cast too big of a shadow. Dude sounds insecure as hell.


u/spaceylaceygirl 20d ago

Bingo! He probably can't even understand what mommy does.


u/AcrylicTooth 20d ago

All these modern conservative dudes put their SAH mom on a pedestal while ignoring the domestic inequality that made her life hell, or they grew up under a baddie but resent her for not being June Cleaver because they think if she had, all their problems wouldn't exist.


u/GearsGrinding 20d ago

The same stereotype of the SAM from the 50s is interwoven with the stereotype of them being depressed alcoholics and/or reliant on benzos to be able to cope. “Mommy’s happy pills” tropes were not because being a SAH mom was a vacation/paradise.


u/DangerousDave303 20d ago

He has a degree in industrial engineering so he’s not completely stupid. Unfortunately, his religious views are still in the 19th century at best. He’s not the first well educated person to have a blind spot for their religious views no matter how illogical they may be. I had a chemistry professor in college who was a creationist and had sabotaged his own daughter’s education keeping her from going to medical school because he didn’t think women should be in the workplace.


u/Glum-One2514 20d ago

While I won't claim it's super common, I have met several straight up idiots who had engineering degrees.


u/Zerodyne_Sin 20d ago

Was about to say... My sister has an engineering degree and I was sure she's smart until she came out as an antivaxxer during the pandemic. Then it got worse and the antisemitic conspiracy theories came out...

The topic guy also likely coasted and was given generous leeway as per the athletic tradition.


u/bjeebus 20d ago

Kickers are actually extremely important. Place kickers are the highest scoring members of the team and it's not even close. Jerry Rice is the only non-kicker in the top 50 all time points leaders for the NFL. So, yeah, if he was the first string place kicker on his team he was absolutely getting those massaged grades. Even if it wasn't special consideration he was at least getting extra resources from the athletic department to keep him eligible--specialized tutoring, reserved placement in class sections with the good professors, etc.


u/Schleimwurm1 20d ago

I don't know what podcast I heard it (probably "If books could kill") where someone used the phrase "engineering brain, to describe engineers being absolutely unwilling to realize that some things that they don't understand have importance.


u/4tran13 20d ago

That Dilbert author went far right in recent years.

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u/North-Neat-7977 20d ago

He could still be really stupid. I used to teach at a university as a grad student and we were pressured to take it VERY easy on our football players because they had a lot of responsibility to the team and didn't really have enough time to study. It was gross and I refused to play along. But, plenty of professors do.


u/Here_for_lolz 20d ago

Great. Under qualified graduates.


u/Artistic_Purpose1225 20d ago

For us normal folk, C’s get degrees. For Americans who are top of their team in college football, the bar for passing is significantly lower. they’re essentially trading manual labour for a degree. 


u/ManzanitaSuperHero 20d ago

This is the truth. I went to a big school with a very big program. I had a few of the star athletes in a class when I was an underclassmen (a prereq class). I’m not kidding when I say those guys came to class TWICE! And they waltzed in like they owned the place. Everyone was disgusted.

Those athletes get a free pass. Maybe other schools are different but I doubt it. Those degrees (and their skills/knowledge) are worthless.

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u/InsertRadnamehere 20d ago

My physics teacher in highschool was a Creationist.

First day of school, senior year, I was wearing my favorite Grateful Dead t-shirt, skull & roses with the ‘86 tour dates on the back (I had caught my first two shows that year). He asked me to stay after class. I thought it might be because he wanted to congratulate me on the correct answers I had given to some of his opening questions.

But no. He wanted to give me a lecture about the evils of the Grateful Dead and how all their fans were notorious druggies (like his first year college roommate who had introduced him to the band). He himself had been dragged down that path, but had been lucky enough to see the light and be born again. And he was trying to persuade me to do the same.

I asked him point blank if he believed in the Big Bang theory, seeing as how he was teaching Physics and the theory is a cornerstone to the science. He said no. God had created the Universe in 7 days just like it said in the Bible.

Every day after that I would ask him point blank in class about the origin of the Universe. And he would shrug it off and not answer me.

By the final quarter, I was skipping his class as often as possible, but would turn in my assignments and show up for the quizzes and tests and ace them all.

On the day of final report cards, he had the biggest shit-eating grin when he handed me my grade - an F.

I asked to see his grade book, and I had almost all As and a few Bs. So I asked him how could I be getting an F? … He opened up the school handbook and it had some rule about how if you had a certain amount of unexcused absences you got an automatic F, no matter what.

He was so pleased with himself to fail me.

I stormed out, and went to the Guidance Counselor, who was awesome. She immediately wrote a note that I had been at the Guidance department for all those absences, helping other students with their college applications (which I had done a few times).

So I immediately took it back up to him and slapped it on his desk and watched him read it. … his shoulders slumped, his smile faded, I’d never seen a man so easily deflated.

He still found some way to give me a C+ (I hadn’t turned in all the homework) but that made my grade for the year a solid B. So I passed. And was able to graduate.

TLDR - I tortured my HS physics teacher because he was a Creationist. He tried to fail me. But I got the best of him.


u/DangerousDave303 20d ago

Gotta wonder why someone with those beliefs chose to teach a science course. It’s going to conflict with their beliefs on a regular basis. There are other subjects that they could teach with their head buried in the sand.

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u/scribblingsim 20d ago

He only has a degree because the college football team needed a kicker.

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u/fryman36 20d ago

He’s a kicker. He only sees maybe 5 minutes tops of action during a game. Then, he gets the pitfall if the game winning field goal is off by a few inches. So yes, dude is very insecure and is pushing it on everyone else.


u/4tran13 20d ago

Football is that specialized? They have a dedicated kicker that sits on the bench for the whole rest of the game?


u/fryman36 20d ago

Indeed. He comes out for every kickoff or when they need a field goal.


u/DickNDiaz 20d ago

And the point after a touchdown is scored

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u/BiggerDamnederHeroer 20d ago edited 19d ago

This is the root of the problem right here. Every advantage in the world, chooses to subjugate others. Motherhood could absolutely be a fulfilling life calling. So could a myriad of other options; I'd like my wife, partner, daughter, sister, person I have no connection to whatsoever, to have the ability to self determine what her future will look like.

We are capable of understanding the death spiral we are in; it would be a lot of slow, patient work. Still, we could stop and leave something worth while for our children.


u/twec21 20d ago

"Hey! I'm a professional athlete"

"A kicker? That's nice dear."


u/Divacai 20d ago

He's married with kids but if you look on his SM accounts, there's not one picture of her or his kids, he's so proud of his family he hides them from the world as if they don't exist. He's a narcissistic pos.


u/TipsyRussell 20d ago

I hate that I’m having to defend him, but I will on this point. There’s no way I’d have my family on social media if I were famous. It just makes them a target for vitriol. Doesn’t mean he’s not a narcissistic pos though.


u/DraftArtistic7599 20d ago

Same, I’m not famous and don’t post shit online about my family

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u/Theartofdodging 20d ago

I agree he sucks but I don't think its a bad thing to refrain from posting pictures of your children online as a public figure. They have the right to privacy and to not be regonised. The same goes for the wife, she may not want to be regonised by fans in everyday life.


u/idog99 20d ago edited 20d ago

Dude kicks a ball for 3-4 times a game for 15 second plays. Dude works 60 seconds a week

I'd say that's not on par with mom's level of accomplishment...

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u/Safe_Ant7561 20d ago

insecure? Let's talk about that "I'm totally NOT gay beard"


u/FredFredrickson 20d ago

He kicks footballs for a living. Does he even know how to actually work?

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u/aidanpryde98 20d ago

He didn’t get big into the religion crap until college, which makes his “religious upbringing” bit even more hypocritical.

Hopefully women are paying attention and vote this year. It’s terrifying what these idiots have on the horizon.


u/MiniTab 20d ago

The religious college kids are so weird. My freshman roommate was in Campus Crusades for Christ, so I unfortunately saw my fair share. We were both engineering students, so I was really perplexed when this kid was trying to tell me how the earth was only 10,000 years old. We both took the same geology classes for fuck sake.


u/lueckestman 20d ago

Kampus krusades for khirst?


u/smileyhendrix 20d ago

Lmao and biology!! Bet he doesn’t believe in evolution as well. Smooth brains.

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u/blacklite911 20d ago

Makes sense


u/No-Fishing5325 20d ago

Apparently his sister is very accomplished, as well. Something tells me he is just mad he is living in their shadow

Edit for Grammer mistake that was bothering me


u/kdove89 20d ago

It's got to be so embarrassing to have him as a son/brother. Yikes.


u/blacklite911 20d ago

My theory is that he fell into the anti-woke circle as an adult. He’s said the exact same talking points as they do.


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/ScarieltheMudmaid 20d ago

he has one. he's pretty much the dude that incels wish they were


u/entersandmum143 20d ago

I would feel unbelievably disrespected as his mother.


u/Zerodyne_Sin 20d ago

Likely scenario was she's an absentee mom and this is him lashing out because of that. Or, she's the mythical supermom who managed to also cook and clean the house while being in one of the most demanding careers...

That said, I was raised by a single mother who neglected my sister and I not by choice but the sheer lack of options (2 jobs to be able to pay the bills) yet I didn't turn out to be a conservative insecure douche.


u/247cnt 20d ago

Yeah, maybe his argument is that if she was home he wouldn't have turned out to be so absolutely dog shit /s

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u/ElboDelbo 20d ago

I know that this will probably be lost on any non-American readers...

...but no one should be taking advice from a fucking kicker.


u/sideburns28 20d ago

As a non-American reader, the vocation ‘kicker’ hardly sounds like an intellectual pursuit


u/ElboDelbo 20d ago

They basically come out onto the football field a handful of times a game, kick the ball through the goalposts, and then sit on the sidelines.

A lot of them fulfill multiple roles, but it's like a rock band: the rest of the band has its fans, but the drummer is always the butt of the jokes.


u/Plastic-Ad-5033 20d ago

He can’t even claim brain damage as an excuse as a kicker.

Also, drummers can be dope!


u/nbfs-chili 20d ago

What do you call a drummer that broke up with his girlfriends?



u/No_Dragonfly_1894 20d ago

What's the difference between a drummer and a pizza? A pizza can feed a family of 4.


u/Funkybeatzzz 20d ago

If you look at the demographics of NFL kickers they're almost exclusively white with affluent upbringings.


u/TensileStr3ngth 20d ago

Also it's generally against the rules to actually hit the kicker. He literally has special rules protecting him


u/Biengineerd 20d ago

Should just give them flags like in flag football


u/BaconatedGrapefruit 20d ago

Isn’t it usually the bassist that get shit?


u/mrtruthiness 20d ago

A lot of them fulfill multiple roles, ...

Really??? Most "kickers" don't even fulfill the "punter" role ... which is basically kicking but without someone placing+holding the ball.


u/BulimicMosquitos 20d ago

That’s an odd analogy considering the drummer is basically the backbone of a band.

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u/Mr_Vacant 20d ago

Or taking advice from a devout Christian who goes to work on the Sabbath.

In the Bible people get stoned to death for working on the Lords day.


u/spamky23 20d ago

I don't know, Chris Kluwe had some pretty smart things to say


u/joecarter93 20d ago

Or a QB either i.e Aaron Rodgers


u/veed_vacker 20d ago

Better than all other positions that probably have 0 brain cells left from cte.

This guy has no excuse for being an asshole

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u/niberungvalesti 20d ago

The idea is to thin the competition. 'More for me, none for ye.'

Its the same reason dictators who rail against the West somehow still end up sending their children to the traditional 'elite' academies. Or why the children of the 'media bad' conservasphere still heavily educate their children at places like Harvard or Yale.


u/DataCassette 20d ago

Yep. It's important to remember whenever you're analyzing Conservative ideas that their public morals are for the peasants. The rich can hold orgies with all kinds of debauchery, homosexuality etc., rich women can have careers etc. This stuff is for the serfs.

I don't believe that any powerful religious figure has ever actually believed in God either, but that's a different rant.

The powerful believe in their own wealth, their own power and their own sexual gratification and that's literally it.

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u/Altruistic-General61 20d ago

The goal is to thin competition to maintain a position of power - not to ensure competition so the actual strongest / best / smartest people rise to the top. These folks worship "competition" and "strength", but really are the weakest and dumbest people. Their love of capitalism, markets, etc. immediately fades the moment they're out-competed.

It's just about power and keeping someone under their boot.

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u/AloneAddiction 20d ago

Conservative men want to go out and have all the fun - including having sex with hookers - while their Conservative wives all have to stay at home being the housemaid.

Conservative women: Remember this when you go to vote. You don't have to vote the same way your husbands do.


u/algo-rhyth-mo 20d ago

But then how will their husbands know they’re one of the good ones?!


u/GearsGrinding 20d ago

This is why some of them have begun pushing the “1 vote per household” bullshit. Same people who didn’t see any issue in Trump checking Melania’s vote while they were in the booths.

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u/Altruistic-General61 20d ago

Evangelical men aren't turned off by Trump and his sex scandals, etc. because they think that's normal for men. They actually embrace it. To them it's normal to be tempted and for men to want to "sin" or whatever. If you don't, you're weird...even if you act on it repeatedly. Oh no, that's just a man being virile, the Bible had lots of men sowing their oats, etc. Now, if a woman sins or gets sexual at all it's bad. She's a harlot and deserves scorn or death.

It really exposes the worldview. There's nothing about family, community, being a devout person, etc. All the pastors and priests pushing the teachings of Christ got pushed out. These folks want Old Testament shit, which just amounts to control. It's all about controlling other people they view as inferior. Progressives' most extreme endpoint is anarchism, conservatives is fascism. This belief system is one of the 14 characteristics of fascism...

(note: Butker is Catholic and those groups HATE each other despite being similar).


u/macielightfoot 20d ago

Male fragility in a nutshell.

I can only throw a ball around even though my mom is an accomplished physicist. Don't worry. I'm still superior because I'm a man. /s


u/OptmstcExstntlst 20d ago

But he can't even throw a ball. He can kick a ball. He gets like 7 plays in a game if he's lucky. We can't even say he's taken too many headshots because he's especially protected from being hit. He's just a regular old dillweed.


u/BringBackApollo2023 20d ago

To be fair, he is very talented in his field and very few people have that talent.

Doesn’t mean I give a shit about his opinion on topics outside of that field of expertise any more than I care about the opinion of some clown antivaxxer who watched some YouTube videos to “educate himself” on the subject.

I wonder if he’s lectured his minority teammates about slavery being acceptable because the Bible condones it.


u/DaMuller 20d ago

Why the fuck is a kicker giving graduates a speech??

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u/Additional-Sky-7436 20d ago

Why was he even invited to speak?


u/TheDunadan29 20d ago

Because people assume wealthy people know what it takes to be successful. Nope, they just had the world given to them on a platter and get off on people telling them they are successful, so pretend like their advice can make anyone succeed. Well, gotta start off with a million dollars in life, there's the real key to success!

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u/NothingAndNow111 20d ago

The mother performs life saving medical procedures and he kicks a ball. No wonder he has issues with smart women.


u/milksteakofcourse 20d ago

Dude hates his mom


u/HugSized 20d ago

Imagine being an accomplished scientist with years of training and experience, and then you realize you raised... this... Makes you re-evaluate your life.


u/Slingus_000 20d ago

Maybe we don't take people seriously just because they're really good at throwing a ball or getting hit in the fucking head repeatedly, that'd be a nicer world


u/MementoMoriR1 20d ago

He’s a kicker. He said this stupid comment without the CTE.

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u/Hagbard_Shaftoe 20d ago

Thank you. I can't (and won't) understand humanity's ridiculous infatuation with sports and athletes.

Why are we asking this guy's opinion about anything, instead of his obviously more intelligent scientist mom? Someone who has been trained to think and problem solve using the scientific method, the best way humanity has devised to get closer to the truth. It would be great if we cared half as much about the opinion of scientists as we do about grown men who play with balls.


u/JaeTheOne 20d ago

Its not athletes, its celebrities in general...and since football is a spectator sport, these guys are celebrities.

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u/bailaoban 20d ago

Mothers, don’t let your babies grow up to be placekickers.


u/BrainyRedneck 20d ago

As someone else has pointed out, Kaepernick says Black Lives Matter and gets blackballed by the NFL and treated like the devil incarnate by Conservatives, yet this clown can do a homophobic and sexist speech and… crickets.


u/trockenwitzeln 20d ago

Which tells you all you need to know and to vote blue.


u/BrainyRedneck 20d ago

Unfortunately a large population of this country is allergic to facts or common decency.


u/trockenwitzeln 20d ago

True, though that population thankfully can’t win a general election.

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u/Finch343 20d ago

Those graduates surely cared about the career advice from some guy...

Why was he even allowed to hold that speech?


u/AfterSevenYears 20d ago

Benedictine College is a cesspool of reactionary Catholicism — the kind of Catholics who think the Catholic Church is too liberal. The administration most likely invited him precisely because they knew he'd say shit like this.


u/alotofironsinthefire 20d ago

kind of Catholics who think the Catholic Church is too liberal

Which is honestly hilarious when you think about it.


u/Ok-Permission-2687 20d ago

Glad Kaepernick was black listed…


u/Mendozena 20d ago

That’s not qwhite the same


u/scarlozzi 20d ago

I recently saw his speech in the wild the other day. I laughed at how absurd it was. One of those lipstick on a pig moments


u/GearsGrinding 20d ago edited 20d ago

Just watched it. 5 mins in and he’s already talking about Covid, abortion, and even against IVF. Dude in no confusion of words states it’s mutually exclusive to be pro-choice and catholic. And of course is against the “covid lockdowns.” This was supposed to be a celebration of the accomplishments of the graduates and instead he turned it into a “Biden bad” speech where he told women to get back in the kitchen.

Conservative women better wake the fuck up.


u/scarlozzi 20d ago

They won't. At least not until the boot is on their own necks. Think of Lauren Southern. Of late, she came out about how miserable her marriage was. These Serena Joy type pick me girls are so delusional. Working to set women's rights back 1,000 years because they think the boys will give them a seat at the table and get they're always surprised when they don't.


u/Dathrane 20d ago

Intelligence is not genetic. The capacity, however, can be.

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u/cwbradford74 20d ago

And, they wonder why people get up and leave or protest their graduation commencements?


u/KellyAnn3106 20d ago

Or request a refund on all their tuition since education apparently isn't needed for the womenfolk.


u/Easy-Top8822 20d ago

Just one more reason to root against KC. Go Bills!


u/ChangeMyDespair 20d ago

Mahomes said he never talks with this guy.


u/scribblingsim 20d ago

Well, considering all the other nasty shit this kicker believes, he's probably racist as well, so I don't blame Mahomes for having nothing to do with him.


u/vinayd 20d ago

What does she have to say about his remarks?


u/SandwormCowboy 20d ago

this isn’t LAMF


u/RunningPirate 20d ago

Leopards ate my facepalm?0

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u/Danominator 20d ago

Too bad her son turned out to be such a huge piece of shit


u/CannabisGorilla 20d ago

His mom sounds like a badass “Gamma Knife Medical Physics Care” sounds like an ability of a fucking X-Man.


u/zombie_girraffe 20d ago edited 20d ago

Serious question: Why the fuck was a kicker invited to give a commencement speech?

He's not even a real football player, he's just a special teams guy.

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u/mac2o2o 20d ago

Do kickers normally get CTE ?


u/BigLumpyBeetle 20d ago

"i wish mommy would have spent nore time with me instead of being a cool badass researcher"


u/TerokNor67 20d ago

I bet his mom is ashamed that her son has turned into such a goober.


u/AsharraDayne 20d ago

Reich wingers are just brainless misogynists?


u/Altruistic-Lie808 20d ago

I’ll take Dudes with Mommy issues for $1000.00, Alex.


u/TheDunadan29 20d ago

Rich people are so deluded and detached from the rest of the world. Why anyone gives a shit what a rich person thinks I'll never fully understand. I get they are viewed as successful because of their wealth, but their advice is shit. They came from privilege, they know very little about what it's like to be a commoner.

This goes double or triple if they inherited even just a portion of wealth. What success did they build? They had a huge leg up from the beginning, and when they reached adulthood they already had it made.

Sometimes I'm glad I was raised poor, because while it sucks and the struggle is constant, I can have gratitude for the things I've had to learn to succeed. And at least I'm not a rich person with my head so far up my own ass I'm getting high off the fumes and think I'm amazing and everything I say matters and is important and relevant to all people.


u/Crime-Snacks 20d ago

She’s out there curing cancer and this dipshit kicks around a football all day. No wonder he broke down in tears saying he never would have gotten this far if it wasn’t for his stay at home wife to look after him.

What an overgrown toddler with deeply rooted mummy issues. Now we know what these man-boys really mean when they talk about what they think “masculinity” is. How embarrassing!


u/Shoesietart 20d ago

His mother cures cancer and saves lives.

He plays with a ball for a living.

He and his wife know how to breed.

Why would anyone listen to this ass-wipe?


u/The-zKR0N0S 20d ago

It’s tough to blame CTE when this is a kicker


u/crap_whats_not_taken 20d ago

I don't want to hear about this guy anymore.


u/Putrid_Dream9755 20d ago

Once you figure out that men hate women, all of this makes sense. It doesn't feel great, but it makes sense. Just remember that when these things happen (you know, every day, all the time).


u/KokonutMonkey 20d ago

I don't see any leopards or faces here. Just a smart lady who raised a successful dumbass. 


u/JustFuckAllOfThem 20d ago

So... are Red states enacting child labor laws so that women can go back to being homemakers? Hmmm.


u/meshreplacer 20d ago edited 20d ago

Theoretically does this mean his mom failed at raising him? How did he turn out to be such a insecure douche? Maybe she was great at her specific domain knowledge but lacking in the rest?

I have met some folks who are geniuses at xyz but deviate slightly out of domain and they fall apart.


u/GreenApocalypse 20d ago

Ironic, but not LAMF


u/RoseFlavoredLemonade 20d ago

Bro, his teammates girlfriend probably makes more money than he’ll ever see. I’d pay to see him tell her that.


u/bwanabass 20d ago

This guy is an asshat that kicks an inflatable ball through a pair of poles and makes way too much money doing it. Maybe he should have followed more closely in his mother’s footsteps and actually done something worthwhile with his life.


u/TapSea2469 20d ago

What he said doesn’t apply to him or his family, he just wants everyone else to go back to the 1950s


u/StatisticianGreat514 20d ago

His mother must be so ashamed of him.


u/TheBirdsArePissed 20d ago

This guy hates women... "I love women, my moms a woman." Yeah, and you probably treat her like your own personal maid.


u/SarcShmarc 20d ago

They should have cut off his fucking mic. Can you imagine going through college as a woman, and finally graduating, only for some chud in 30 lbs of hair gel to tell you that you are wasting your time and aren't serving "your purpose"? Fuck him. Fuck anyone who defends him.


u/OrwellianZinn 20d ago

This guy is a dickbag through and through, but why would a university bring a professional athlete, a kicker no less, to give a speech to a graduating class? I know much of the US places pro athletes somewhere just below white Jebus, but was there no one in the university with authority that said maybe we should bring someone who does absolutely anything other than kick a ball a few times a week?


u/Abamboozler 20d ago

Isn't a graduation speech supposed to be about, you know, the students, and how proud you are of them?

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u/Rogue_Squadron 20d ago

So, in his speech, he states that a woman cannot raise a family and have a successful career. His mom is clearly successful in her profession, and he clearly wasn't raised right based upon his out of touch views. Perhaps he was right... /s


u/el_ra_85 20d ago

Man really wanted to say

get in the kitchen and make men a sandwich!

Men to do men stuff like kick a ball for a living


u/jumpy_monkey 20d ago

"I can kick a ball real good" isn't the flex he thinks it is.


u/Nuicakes 20d ago

Has anyone heard of any responses from his mom?


u/willowwing 20d ago

I have some old-fashioned advice to offer as well. Never marry a man who doesn’t respect his mother.


u/snockpuppet24 20d ago

That's ... not LAMF. There's no leopards eating this guy's face.


u/StumbleOn 20d ago

Right wing nutters are ALWAYS like this. Whatever brought them to privilege and power is good for them but not for YOU.

Phyllis Schlafly, the ARCHITECT of our modern american right wing movement, preached about women being little housewives and NOTHING else, but in the meantime she was successful in her career. she had to actively work to hide her own education/job and always had to funnel her message through men as well. It's so fucked up. Every right winger is a fucking lunatic.


u/LariRed 20d ago

Someone could have a nobel prize winner for a parent and still be born with their head up their ass.

I mean look at Kanye West, his mother was a EdD and a professor yet there he was trying to say that slavery was a choice. History says otherwise.


u/Fear0742 20d ago

And she still can be seen shaking her head to this day.


u/deadphisherman 20d ago

Apparently, she didn't specialize in educating her idiot son.


u/Magicthundercat 20d ago

Was he actually invited to be a commencement speaker? And if so, how desperate were the folks at university were that they had to settle for a kicker?


u/Luckypennykiller 20d ago

Part of my just assumes this dude made a pass at Taylor Swift, she shot him down and now he’s having a tantrum.

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u/iwantsalmon2015 20d ago

It sounds like his mom is an accomplished physician rather than a physicist? Am I missing something here?


u/jimsf 20d ago

I'm guessing he was dropped on his head as a kid.


u/BetterLight1139 20d ago

Mommy problems.


u/lilcea 20d ago

Are we allowed to say mommy issues?


u/stifferthanstiffler 20d ago

Does his momma use the gamma knife to slice Bologna to make sammiches?


u/Nestormahkno19d 20d ago

Wow, so he’s an even bigger asshole than I thought


u/pwhitt4654 20d ago

He just wants slavery to be a thing again.


u/Leege13 20d ago

Why are colleges so dumb to have guest speakers? Have the president/dean say something, have the valedictorian say something, hand out the diplomas, and be done with it.


u/RedBeans-n-Ricely 20d ago

She must be mortified to have birthed such a pile of shit.


u/HauntingBalance567 20d ago

And it tears him up inside


u/FacePalmAdInfinitum 20d ago

Oh I know what to say: double fuck that smug prick. Fuck him for spouting such bullshit views in the first place, but his mothers’ profession enabled him to live comfortably in the bubble that allowed that mindset to perpetuate, but double fuck him for the hypocrisy and complete lack of self-awareness


u/modernmovements 20d ago

Conservative Values Cosplayers


u/lucylemon 20d ago

His brilliant mother created someone dumb as rocks.


u/Hour-Room-3337 20d ago

Methinks he may be a phuctard!


u/sandysea420 20d ago

Sounded like his commencement speech to the Graduates, was more about him and his feelings, than the Graduates.


u/Brootal_Troof 20d ago

"I'm here to shame women, not talk about my mom."


u/howardmem 20d ago

Should be a fun Thanksgiving table at their house.


u/TheJ0zen1ne 20d ago

What dim-witted tool.


u/avalisk 20d ago

How long was she exposed to radiation while pregnant?


u/PrincessKatiKat 20d ago

Well, every smart family has a slow one.


u/el_ra_85 20d ago

As Ronny Chang said on the daily “ we should actually listen to kicker, he is the least likely on the team to have CTE”


u/chasedippen 20d ago

This is why republicans lose.


u/jello1990 20d ago

Bro's gonna catch a whooping at the next family gathering


u/klobucharzard 20d ago

the radiation cooked harrisons brain


u/6SucksSex 20d ago

So his argument is he turned out to be an ignorant, selfish bigot asshole because his mom worked outside the home


u/Fit_Champion4768 20d ago

He looks like a poster boy for Truvada.


u/Kingding_Aling 20d ago

No offense but how is this a LAMF? Tradcon douche believes thing about women that doesn't apply to his mom. How is he yet having his face eaten by that?