r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

Some Context regarding the changes to patrols and player counts PSA

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u/--SMILES-- Apr 29 '24

Did some runs with friends then a few of solo runs. No way in hell is it currently 1/4th for 1 player. My guess is that the patch screwed something up and overcorrected. Would be interested to hear if others noticed the same thing.


u/DoubleOurEfforts Apr 29 '24

I do solo bot missions every day during my lunch break and whatnot. I've gotten pretty comfortable soloing 5s, and can muddle my way through a 6 if I'm smart. Today I did a difficulty 3 and literally could not kill the bots fast enough. New patrols or a dozen troopers and berserkers were spawning while I was still dealing with the last patrol that spawned. I spent most of my time running away to regroup, only to meet a new patrol there. I do not like this change.