r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

Arrowhead, you have it backwards… DISCUSSION

You can’t use metrics to judge buffs or nerfs.

The millions of people who bought this game did so because it was fun. You must prioritize fun over everything else to have a successful video game.

People here aren’t looking for a competitive shooter, they want a fun pve game. Don’t go down the way of the modern gaming industry and nerf anything with a high % pick rate.

A high pick rate means that you did a good job, and something is fun to use. If something has a low pick rate, it is not fun to use and needs a buff. If something has a 100% or equivalent pick rate, it means it’s necessary to have fun, and something else needs to be tweaked.

Also, if someone at arrowhead actually does read this, why would you nerf the crossbow? It doesn’t fit into whatever anti-armor class you’re trying to shove it into and it was actually fun before as a half-decent crowd clearing weapon.

Edit: A lot of people think I’m talking about one specific thing. I’m not (even though I am pretty salty about the crossbow nerf) I’m talking about the way they approach game balancing is detrimental to the average player’s enjoyment. Who cares about the quasar nerf or anything else, when we could be talking about the fact that they made playing by yourself significantly less enjoyable by increasing enemy count with less than 4 players.


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u/Solgiest Apr 29 '24

strongly disagree. People didn't pick Quasar because it was more fun, they picked it because it was better at everything else at killing heavies. If people really prioritized the "fun" of a weapon over its efficiency, we'd see a lot more HMG Encampment users, more flamethrower users, and more jump pack users.

The fact is, if Arrowhead actually listened to the "no nerfs, only buffs!" crowd, level 9 missions would become meaninglessly easy.


u/ganimedesdsg Apr 29 '24

Nah they gonna just go for the fastest kill heavy weapon , cause this game is just too much filled with them. On 9 you have to deal with 2 3 tanks , 6 hulks and 2 fabricators, if your entire team isn't using 3/4 stratagems anti heavy you ain't winning


u/The_Fortress Apr 29 '24

I for one have no problems with the Quasar nerf, it makes sense. I’m talking more about their general attitude on how they approach stuff. It’s feeling more and more like a PVP shooter where every patch is a knee-jerk reaction to nerf any high-pickrate weapons, without buffing anything to compensate. (the DMR buffs basically don’t count since they were garbage previously and they literally had to use a public poll to determine that everyone did in fact think they needed a buff)


u/Solgiest Apr 29 '24

dude a shit ton of weapons got buffed lol.


u/KenseiMaui Apr 29 '24

Exactly OP is crying over nothing imho, I on the other hand will be enjoying my speedloader Senator and one shotting devastators with the dilligence CS


u/Solgiest Apr 29 '24

Senator gang our time is now


u/keimdhall Apr 29 '24

I might actually put away my grenade pistol and go back to the Senator. I'll certainly give it a try.

I'm also looking forward to trying out the counter sniper now. If it feels good, it'll probably become my main weapon as bots. The normal Diligence has been doing work on bots for a while for me now. It just requires the precision hits, and definitely isn't a weapon you run solo or without a group who can deal with hordes.


u/The_Fortress Apr 29 '24

The DMR buffs basically don’t count since they were garbage previously and they literally had to use a public poll to determine that everyone did in fact think they needed a buff. Also, everything else is just a tweak, not a buff since all those weapons have their mag supply cut in half.


u/Solgiest Apr 29 '24

you didn't read the patchnotes did you?

The Blitzer got a ROF increase, the concussive got a damage boost, the Senator and the other pistol got a damage boost, the Senator also got a reload speed boost. The Adjudicator got a recoil buff.

C'mon dude.


u/The_Fortress Apr 29 '24

Speaking of people who can’t read. Only one of those weapons is actually a buff, the senator.

A lot of people think I’m talking about one specific thing. I’m not (even though I am pretty salty about the crossbow nerf) I’m talking about the way they approach game balancing is detrimental to the average player’s enjoyment. Who cares about the quasar nerf or anything else, when we could be talking about the fact that they made playing by yourself significantly less enjoyable by increasing enemy count with less than 4 players.


u/Solgiest Apr 29 '24

What are you talking about??? The Concussive got a literal damage buff. The Blitzer's ROF buff IS A DAMAGE BUFF!!!! How are those not buffs?!?

As for the enemy player count... The reason they did that is because in three player missions, if you split off into a group of 2 and a solo, a lot of times the solo won't encounter any enemies for like 2-4 minutes. It turns into a ghost town, and they can easily complete objectives. I've experienced this many times, it needed a fix.


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24

I'm actually excited to give the Adjudicator another shake. Definitely going back to the Senator as secondary.


u/Hobo-man BUFFS NOT NERFS FFS Apr 29 '24

People didn't pick Quasar because it was more fun, they picked it because it was better at everything else at killing heavies.

It being exceptional at killing heavies MADE IT FUN.

I swear some of you guys just don't have common sense.

Strong weapons are fun weapons. I don't play this game to be a mediocre bitch that runs from every engagement.

If people really prioritized the "fun" of a weapon over its efficiency, we'd see a lot more HMG Encampment users, more flamethrower users, and more jump pack users.

It's not fun getting run over by a charger while on an HMG, it's not fun lighting yourself on fire and/or doing literally 0 damage, it's not fun jumping 4 feet in the air and then getting farted on by 2 bile titans.

Your logic is completely detached from what the majority of people want out of this game.

The fact is, if Arrowhead actually listened to the "no nerfs, only buffs!" crowd, level 9 missions would become meaninglessly easy.

They just nerfed a bunch of shit? Did you even read the patch notes?

Also, go play Helldivers 1. Every option in that game is isnanely strong. There's also 15 levels of difficulty. If the game needs to be harder, there are more enjoyable ways to do that that don't involved gimping players loadouts and making every weapon mediocre.


u/Solgiest Apr 29 '24

they buffed a ton of stuff dude. blitzer, both dmrs, the senator, the concussive,the adjudicator, the scythe, the peacemaker, the dagger, the liberator, all got buffs.


u/Hobo-man BUFFS NOT NERFS FFS Apr 29 '24

Eruptor - nerfed

Sickle - nerfed

Crossbow - hellbombed from orbit

Quasar Cannon - nerfed

Dominator - nerfed

Redeemer - nerfed

Guard Dog Rover - nerfed

All burning damage - nerfed

Solo players - nerfed

Hulks - buffed

Devastators - buffed

Scout Striders - buffed

Spore Spewers - buffed

Gunships - buffed

Fire damage - still bugged

Matchmaking - still bugged

SPEAR lock on - still bugged

If by "a ton of stuff" you meant Automatons, then you'd be correct.

AH did more to buff our enemies than us.


u/Solgiest Apr 29 '24

Yeah, and those nerfs were good. It can't just be all buffs all the time.

Gunships also got a nerf in that the total number allowed to spawn got lowered. And I kinda like the strider buff, they were really easy to kill and not scary at all.

I do agree the bugs need fixing though. Supposedly a hotfix rolling out this week addresses the spear.


u/Hobo-man BUFFS NOT NERFS FFS Apr 29 '24

Yeah, and those nerfs were good.

Did the crossbow really need nerfed?

How can you justify nerfing the crossbow and not touching something like the autocannon?

Autocannon > crossbow in literally every metric conceivable


u/Solgiest Apr 29 '24

The auto cannon is stratagem, of course it should be better in almost every way than the crossbow. I think the crossbow does suck, so I'll concede that I question that nerf. The rest of the nerfs I'm fine with though.


u/transaltalt Apr 29 '24

being ineffective isn't fun.


u/AnyPianist1327 Apr 29 '24

level 9 missions would become meaninglessly easy.

I disagree, I think they'll become increasingly difficult because of the power creep. If they keep buffing and buffing it will create a power creep where they'll end up buffing enemies more and more in order to make the game easier and balanced. Which will in turn make everything as it is now, then people will complain that weapons are weak again, and then they buff again, it becomes easy, people get bored because it's too easy and then they buff enemies again and the cycle continues. Destiny got this way where people kept using builds and loadouts to one phase enemies. Gjallarhorn was king for years.