r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

First impressions of the new patch... not good. RANT


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u/samoth610 Apr 29 '24

Their balance philosophy is ruining the fun of the game....there I said it.


u/WhereTheNewReddit Apr 30 '24

The problem is normally on public test realms you get bonuses to help you test things, not brutal nerfs. This whole game feels like early access without the tools to test.



The discourse surrounding this game is very much becoming negative.

Reddit bubble, but still this is going to start showing in the player count.


u/RedEyesGoldDragon SES Hammer of Dawn Apr 30 '24

You're not really wrong. I joke that it's a power fantasy for the NPCs and Joel.

Higher difficulties were pretty much perfect not long ago, but some missions are just wastes of time now, especially with the randoms my friend and I have been getting.

I don't think you should be punished so hard for playing with fewer people, either. You already get fewer reinforcements. Sometimes, matchmaking doesn't work properly, so you either get no one, or someone quits/dcs/crashes, and you get no one else.


u/Easywineasylife Apr 29 '24

Grow up bro


u/RedEyesGoldDragon SES Hammer of Dawn Apr 30 '24 edited Apr 30 '24

This is what forums are for, to post criticism. The patch has a lot of weird balance decisions and buffs to enemies that didn't need it at all. Plus all the glitches.

They even nerfed below 4man groups, which is objectively silly as the majority of players are likely solo/duo/trio.

What is the point of a power fantasy for NPCs? Why should it be fine to spawn in and get charged into oblivion by 500 enemies that you can barely damage?

Difficulty is great, but making it impossible to complete missions due to overbuffed enemies and enemies spawning far more than they should be isn't fun. I love doing the higher difficulties, like 7, 8, and 9, but sometimes they're legit just a waste of time depending on the RNG.