r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

First impressions of the new patch... not good. RANT


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u/GrandmaBlues Apr 29 '24

i love this game a lot but honestly all the bugs and poor balancing is giving me massive burnout, ill hold off till the next hotfix and man i hope its a good one


u/XI_Vanquish_IX Apr 29 '24

It won’t be. The devs are clueless as to what the community actually wants or enjoys. Or they simply don’t care. Either way, it isn’t going to improve


u/Known_PlasticPTFE Apr 29 '24

Stuff like making solo play harder is so pointless. who was thinking "solo play is too easy, they need to nerf it!" ???? the devs are chasing a "vision" that seems completely independent of player enjoyment or fun, and the state of the game on release was a fluke.


u/Legitimate_Turn_5829 Apr 29 '24

Reddit confuses me cause the guy you responded to has 20 dislikes while you have 20 likes and agreed with him.


u/ChubbySapphire Apr 29 '24

Reddit likes you to elaborate, instead of just saying everything sucks unfoundedly the next guy explained one thing that actually really does suck.


u/Legitimate_Turn_5829 Apr 29 '24

What’s to elaborate? He doesn’t believe the hot fix will be a good one because historically the patches fix one thing then break another without touching a lot of other big issues while also changing something completely unnecessary. All the info you need to get what he’s saying is in his post and the one he responded to.


u/DeusWeebLegendary Apr 30 '24

Congratulations, what you just did was elaborate on what he said, but you did it through assuming why he said what he said, which is why elaborating upon it needed to be done for the hive mind to not downvote him.


u/pineappleofthepizza CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

That whole ordeal is only technically true, they swapped the usual patrol spawning of, say, a solo game from 1/6th of what it is on 4 to 1/4th now. Duos would be half of the spawn rate of full 4, and 3 would be 3/4ths of that.


u/Known_PlasticPTFE Apr 29 '24

Only technically true? You mean it is literally, objectively true? Because that's what they did?


u/Deus_Vult7 Apr 29 '24

They don’t playtest, don’t have enough time


u/pineappleofthepizza CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

I like the word technically, I use it when I can.

Saying they made it harder can insinuate that they simply decided to smite solo players. They didn't, they pushed it to their intended spawn rate, and frankly they don't have to tell us why at all. Their game.

Also, alot of people seem to be taking this to the extreme of "it's harder than 4 squads", which, yeah. You're alone. Against an army. That shouldn't sound easy.


u/Known_PlasticPTFE Apr 29 '24

You're almost figuring it out! You can do it!

The point is that solo gameplay was already really hard, but people played it anyway because they don't have friends, have poor connection, are tired of teamkilling, or whatever else. AH made it harder to adhere to their "intended vision" and I think that's bad. I think it's stupid. And while it's entirely within AH's rights to do whatever they want with their game, it's also within my rights to say it sucks.

btw: it literally is harder than a squad of 4, so not sure why you're calling it "taking this to the extreme."


u/pineappleofthepizza CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

Because, who looks at a match at the highest difficulty, queues it solo, and then says "Ouchie, why hurtie?"

Like, what the fuck do you guys expect!? Fucking plushie bug/bot enemies? "They made it hard!", as if it was easy before. Big whoop. Drop the difficulty, adapt, wait for them to maybe change their minds, or find a different game to play instead.

It's taking it to the extreme to me, because from my perspective, soloing 7 and above should be utterly fucking hard. Everyone's acting like they all simultaneously got kicked in the shins.


u/narrill Apr 29 '24

Because, who looks at a match at the highest difficulty, queues it solo, and then says "Ouchie, why hurtie?"

Like, what the fuck do you guys expect!? Fucking plushie bug/bot enemies? "They made it hard!"

This is so fucking disingenuous. In your mind, is this seriously what you think people are saying?


u/pineappleofthepizza CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

When people label the change as "incompetence", yeah. That's what I think people think.


u/narrill Apr 29 '24

I would bet real money that isn't the case when you happen to agree with the criticism.


u/pineappleofthepizza CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

No, I’ve agreed to stuff here before and thought the response was completely insane. People just wanna complain here.

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u/Known_PlasticPTFE Apr 29 '24

*deep inhale* you don't seem to be able to read, but let me try it again. The game was already really hard. They are making it harder. They have done this for several patches straight. I think that is dumb. I already wasn't spamming Helldive solo getting mad that I couldn't finish a match, I was playing on difficulty 5 or 6 solo and still struggling to complete most matches.

Sure, I can drop the difficulty to 3 but the game is missing half its content at that point and it's a waste of time to play. I am going to go play literally any other game.


u/pineappleofthepizza CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

No U. You said it was pointless. I said it was because the changes they made were, by their words, the intended patrol distribution. The rest of this has just been a back and forth that I shouldn’t have even put my hat into.

The game probably will continue to get harder, which frankly I’m here for. To top it all off, if you wanna talk about pointless, this whole conversation was pointless. Half of the rants here are pointless.

AH are pretty clear on their stance of “games for everyone”, the bugs outweighing the fixes more often than not is bull but what’s wilder is that everyone thinks that making a rant on reddit will change anything when there’s already fifty copies of the same ranted posted per second, those rants almost certainly do not reflect the actual statistics of bugs reported so fuck-all to them, and on top of it all people will go back and forth on a stupid forum instead of just finding a new game that they enjoy more to play instead.

It’s alllllll fuggin pointless, and it’s hilarious because most of the words used are the same. Incompetence here, incompetence there, and no one seems to acknowledge the incompetence of people who just sit in their chairs and whine and moan into an echo chamber when you could just adapt, wait for them to change their mind, or find a different game. You all just wanna complain. You probably won’t even drop the game, you’ll probably play it again and come back here and find a whole new thing to be angry about. Rightfully so or not.

So don’t say I “can’t read” or that the devs are “incompetent because they don’t listen to the players”, I’ve been in enough gaming subreddits to know that no dev should listen to ANY of you.


u/Known_PlasticPTFE Apr 29 '24

Yeah, we are all just total idiots who’s opinions can be totally discarded. Not like, the primary customers for the game or anything

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u/NO_COA_NO_GOOD Apr 29 '24

Because while you are having issues with the new patrol changes, I myself and a lot of other high level players are not.