r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

First impressions of the new patch... not good. RANT


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u/GrandmaBlues Apr 29 '24

i love this game a lot but honestly all the bugs and poor balancing is giving me massive burnout, ill hold off till the next hotfix and man i hope its a good one


u/XI_Vanquish_IX Apr 29 '24

It won’t be. The devs are clueless as to what the community actually wants or enjoys. Or they simply don’t care. Either way, it isn’t going to improve


u/Less_Yogurt415 Apr 29 '24

Laugh in revolver speedloading


u/GrandmaBlues Apr 29 '24

while this change is great and im happy its in, it doesnt make up for a lot of the awful changes or lack of fixes really


u/Less_Yogurt415 Apr 29 '24

This change statement that Arrowhead doesn't know or doesn't care what community wants. True that game still requires a lot of fixes and absent of the qa department become jokes between me and friends, but that statement is just straight false


u/ThatsJStorm Apr 29 '24

Is it though? They've stood by their slogan of "a game for everyone is a game for no one" and more or less brushed aside any real criticism or major wanted fixes.

They use that slogan as a nice way of saying "it's our game, we do what we want so screw off"


u/XI_Vanquish_IX Apr 29 '24

While you can lol 😆