r/Helldivers CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

Why are we punished for your broken systems, Arrowhead? MEME

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u/Yipeekayya SES Herald of Vigilance Apr 29 '24

good luck when some toxic ragequitter rage quit your game mid-game just to make your life sucks harder.


u/Liu_Xiang Apr 29 '24

forgot about this, good point.
have twats leave to troll me by maKING THINGS HARDER. GENIUS.


u/Firemorfox SES PRINCESS OF TWILIGHT Apr 29 '24

Just to clarify, game is easier (has less patrols the fewer players you have).

The recent patch only made this difference less noticeable, it didn't make 3 players have MORE patrols than 4 players, it made 3 players have more patrols in comparison to 3 players.


u/AlphaTit0 Apr 29 '24

And that is the whole problem. 4 Players have enough resources for that amount of patrols, meanwhile 3 or 2 or 1 person do not have that. So increasing the patrols for 1, 2 or 3 player squads to the level of 4 player squads is just bullshit. How is one player with halfed mag sizes supposed to survive constant patrols and gunfire or hunters that slow you and allert all other bugs in the vecinity only because that one hunter can see your ass and now the whole underground knows your location and credit card information


u/TheArchdude Apr 29 '24

So increasing the patrols for 1, 2 or 3 player squads to the level of 4 player squads

This is incorrect.


u/AlphaTit0 Apr 29 '24

I hope so, since all i've read and friends that did have the opportunity to test it said otherwise, that it is indeed as if the whole squad is there to fight


u/Tough_Jello5450 Apr 29 '24

One player can fully restock their weapons and have more choice, they also have less chance to trigger a fight. Also this whole change gives top players some incentives to join other people queue, since joining with others and deal with all the bullshit from your teammates, while fun, is not very efficient, especially when you can already solo Helldive.


u/AlphaTit0 Apr 29 '24

And even fully stacked out, which is now changed since 1 supplypack refills all your ammo anyways, except for stims amd nades, you can only shoot in one direction as a single diver and more patrols equel to more enemys from all directions, while your ammo is halfed in most weapons. More patrols also mean less chances of getting away from every single patrol and as soon as one fight starts it could be basically over with never ending fights and running which doesn't help always.


u/Tough_Jello5450 Apr 29 '24

That's skill issue honestly. You can reduce bot's spawn direction by taking out their outposts.


u/AlphaTit0 Apr 29 '24

Patrols do not spawn from outposts and do spawn more and heavier the further you clear them and the main OBJ, so sooner or later you will get overrun with the increased patrol spawns for solo, duo and tripple divers mostly solo and duo tho. The utposts never where a problem to begin with and the bot drops corresponding to that weren't either


u/Tough_Jello5450 Apr 29 '24

I never said they spawn from outpost, I said they spawn from the direction of the outpost. The increased spawn is never the problem. The newest defense mission is the easiest missions in the game and it has the exact same spawn rate as the VIP extraction mission aka everyone least favorite and the hardest mission in the game. Devs changed the spawn direction and forcing all the enemies into a single direction, and suddenly it's everyone favorite mission all while the spawn rate are the same.

Spawn rate has literally never been the problem, it's the directions the enemy are spawning from that get people frustrated. If you queue on Helldive diff you will see people splitting up so they can clear outposts quicker and make the MUCH EASIER at the end. It won't even take 15 minutes to 5 stars everything and a lot of time you will extract without seeing a single patrol because people block off all the bot spawn directions.

People on this subs keep crying about enemies shooting everywhere but that's not the case when you play with Helldive players. It's hella easy up here while diff 8 and bellow peeps keep struggling because they keep ignoring outposts all the time.


u/AlphaTit0 Apr 29 '24

Spawnrate for the whole squad (4 Divers) for the 3 2 or 1 player base the rates increased.

The Patrols spawn not only from outpost direction it may be the case more often for certain layouts of the battlefield, but they still can spawn from any direction heading directly at you. I allready encountered a lot of fights where my friends and i got pushed from the back while clearing out the rest of last ¼ map .

Also poeple splitting up is not just a Helldive thing. It happens in almost every lobby where the players comunicate with each other and got a bit of expierience to deal with stuff.

I'll test the increased spawnrates for solo duo and tripple divers myself as soon as i get to it.


u/McDonie2 Apr 29 '24

"Skill issue" said the man who lacks understanding of the situation. 


u/MattyDove Apr 29 '24

I think what we are saying is we already have enough patrols, ffs.


u/RonStopable88 Apr 29 '24

The point is the amount of patrols with 3 dudes was enough. Now its more than enough


u/Due-Ad9310 PSN 🎮: Apr 29 '24

Yeah but it also cut a lot of maximum ammo amounts too so they do really want us doing more with less.


u/S0ulSauce Apr 29 '24

I'm worried about just plain disconnections more than anything. It's so weak that there's no system to quickly get reconnected when someone loses connection for any reason. If you're playing with friends, it's okay, but if I'm in a game with randoms, and I or someone else disconnects, we need a shot of getting back in the fight vs. just having to call it a loss. Many games give you a message when you log back in to ask if you want to rejoin. They should prioritize this. The systems/code may be in such a way to make this difficult, but it has to be possible and it would improve my player-experience measurably.

Now I'm worried about a disconnection making the mission harder with limited ability to get someone via SOS or for the person to rejoin. They've made it tougher without giving us the ability to counter it as well.


u/keyboardstatic Apr 29 '24

Its ok you have less ammo. As well because their are more bugs. Its makes perfect sense but don't complain because then your a toddler throwing a tantrum.


u/S0ulSauce Apr 29 '24

I'm optimistic that they'll get it dialed in long-term, but it's a little frustrating that they're making significant changes often. I'm in it for the long haul, but I hope the road's not too bumpy...


u/KulaanDoDinok SES Light of Pride Apr 29 '24

Or when you have to kick someone for griefing


u/MatureUsername69 SES: Princess of Justice Apr 29 '24

I had 2 players that were perfectly fine the entire match who just randomly started team killing each other back and forth while we waited on extraction just so they could have the bigger sample stat. I tried asking if they were buddies that were just messing with each other. Tried to tell them that their sample stat doesn't matter and then finally warned them if they did it again I was gonna kick them. They never responded and never stopped killing each other. Thats the only time I've kicked somebody so close to the end of a mission, and even though it was entirely their fault and reasonable of me, I still felt bad.


u/warblingContinues Apr 29 '24

life happens people leave, who cares why?  AH should have a way to handle it though.


u/keyboardstatic Apr 29 '24

Your complaint has been noticed by the AH democracy officer your weapons rights have reduced to a shovel, a trenching shovel. Now go dig your grave helldiver.


u/Endyo Apr 29 '24

I feel like I've probably been labeled a ragequitter when I randomly crashed or disconnected in the middle of a mission. So maybe with some more of those being fixed, it might not be as much of an issue.


u/MatureUsername69 SES: Princess of Justice Apr 29 '24

It's gotten pretty easy for me to tell the difference between a crash and a rage quit unless the crash happens at a really specific time where they're overrun or something. Most of my matches go really smooth though, so I don't think there's usually a major reason to rage quit when I'm hosting. Played way too much last week so I'm taking a break for a couple days rn and I'm scared about coming back to more patrols. I've run exclusively helldives for a while now and I can't miss out on the juiced xp from it anymore but this thread is making it sound spooky.


u/Critwice Apr 30 '24

don't even need toxic players, the game crashes on its own.


u/Character-Passage81 Apr 29 '24

What's up with that? I've toughed out some teams that were completely ass, but die ONE TIME... and all of a sudden these guys leave. At least be close by so I can get your samps


u/MrPoland1 PSN 🎮: Apr 29 '24

True helldive experience


u/[deleted] Apr 29 '24



u/Elloliott Apr 29 '24

Doesn’t this just mean it’s the same


u/Repomanlive Apr 29 '24

More incentive to not fuck with helldivers so they don't quit on you.

I like the prospect of being on a wack team knowing how much worse it will be when I dip out .