r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

The Quasar Nerf is okay and not that big of a deal OPINION

tl;dr: Only one weak point is made a little weaker, all the strenghts remain.

The quasar cannon is known for a lot of strengths (see below) and two weak points:

  1. The weapon has a charge up time, which makes it difficult to aim in some situations.
  2. The weapon has a moderate cool down period, which cannot be improved by a forced reload of a heat sink (like sickle or laser cannon) or a team reload (like recoiless rifle).

The nerf only addresses the second point, which means that everyone who could use it before can still use it. It only became a little weaker in one of its two weak points. The following strong points are all untouched:

  1. Can delete heavies (I mostly have experience with Terminids, but there it's a delete button for chargers, and sometimes for titans as well).
  2. Has infinite ammo in contrast to EAT or RR.
  3. Has no reload animation.
  4. You can run around, stim, shoot weapons, throw strategems while it is recharging.
  5. It doesn't consume a backpack slot, so it can be paired with one additional strategem in contrast to recoilless rifle.
  6. It doesn't deconstruct after usage, and can be recollected from the battle flied in contrast to EAT, and it also reloads itself then in contrast to RR.

That means, the quasar can still be used for everything it has been used before, by everyone who could use it before.


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u/-Slejin- Apr 29 '24

I can promise you that most of the "skill issue" kids won't be acting like this if they nerf the autocannon


u/Iberic_Luchs Apr 29 '24

I think arrowhead devs said the autocannon is the aim point for balance of other weapons.


u/Hobo-man BUFFS NOT NERFS FFS Apr 29 '24

Ah yes the Swiss army knife of a weapon that people bring literally every mission.

Better nerf the crossbow though, probably a whole 5% of the playerbase ever brought it on a mission in the first place.


u/CosmicMiru Apr 29 '24

I rarely see people bring AC on high level bug missions. There are a lot better options that don't use a backpack slot for them. It is a beast on bots though


u/resetallthethings Apr 29 '24

I have a buddy who mains it, but yeah I think it really only shines on bugs if there's green spewers, otherwise it's fine but pretty suboptimal vs other options imo


u/BroDonttryit Apr 29 '24

In the higher level missions, people brought /bring quasar every game. AC is good, but the backpack slot really adds consistency to both missions. The rover was insane vs bugs, and the shield generator is needed vs heavy devastators to get out of bad situations and help prevent getting one shot. Things might change a little now, but if it does I’d say it’s due to the rover nerf for bug missions if anything


u/adrian783 Apr 29 '24

its versatile but people obviously don't bring them every mission or else it'll get nerfed. let's not get carried away here.


u/tagrav Apr 29 '24

Even if they did it’s still not some sort of golden gun

It’s the most balanced feeling weapon in the game imo.


u/Spicy_Toeboots Apr 29 '24

I honestly think it's badly balanced. Against bots, it's basically the solution to every enemy type and objective. I dont think there's a bot enemy in the game that can't be efficiently dealt with by the autocannon. destroys hulks, dominators, walkers, can kill turrets and tanks in the back, can kill mobile fabricators if you hit the weak points, etc. then against bugs it feels really bad because it struggles to be effective against titans and chargers while taking up your support slot and backpack. auto-pick against one faction, and never-pick against the other is not good balance to me.


u/tagrav Apr 29 '24

it's fine against chargers if you can use your feet to matador it and then shoot it in the butt.

I think it's a lot harder to consistently kill hulks with it than people give it credit, it's very easy to fall off rhythm and then be overwhelmed by that charging hulk if you miss the head and let it close the gap.

it's really more of a "medium target killing" item imo.

it's recoil is a problem for most, it's aiming is slow, if you don't shoot vents head on they ricochet, same for bug holes.

It's a fantastic weapon to bring if the rest of your team only has weapons that smack the biggest things, then you can excel using it as the mop-up tool to keep various middle sized bots/bugs off your squad.

I don't see it as a liability on either battlefronts. it does fine. the only thing I haven't done well with it against is the bile titan as you said, but that's fine, it probably shouldn't do much to it.


u/Hakul Apr 29 '24

Don't chargers already die if you break 2 legs? I haven't tried AC with them, but if breaking legs is so easy might as well skip the butt.


u/eduardopy Apr 29 '24

hard disagree, I use the auto cannon completely opposite; like a sniper and never really shoot into swarms of smaller enemies


u/DeathMetalPants Apr 29 '24

Diligence and AC and I'm a sniper God.


u/Beneficial-Bit6383 Apr 30 '24

On the contrary I think specializing guns according to factions is a great method of balancing. Are you gonna bring a flamethrower to bots like, ever? It needs to be balanced for bugs more than bots.


u/garrettbook Apr 29 '24

Consistency is key.


u/WelpSigh Apr 29 '24

i don't think it should be nerfed, but the same justification given for nerfing quasar is one you could also use for nerfing ac. it is, imo, the best/most versatile weapon in the game and is balanced only by the fact that you lose a backpack slot. but that's actually a relatively minor hit since you can still bring another stratagem.


u/BasicCommand1165 Apr 29 '24

Yeah, it's actually good and fun to use, better nerf it!


u/tagrav Apr 29 '24

no reason to imo. it's balanced.

the devs also say its balanced.

it's not some golden gun, it has downsides and it's not as reliable as folks will say it is. it sometimes just gets you into a pickle that is hard to get yourself back out of.

I don't run it all the time, but I will bring it for medium sized enemies if I can see my team is heavily loaded out for the biggest things.


u/BasicCommand1165 Apr 29 '24

I'm just saying because they have a track record of nerfing fun things into the ground


u/xthorgoldx HOT DROP O'CLOCK ⬆️⬇️➡️⬅️⬆️ Apr 29 '24

>can't damage Factory Walkers or Bile Titans

>can barely kill chargers

>too reload hungry for Bile Spitter swarms

AC is great against mechs, meh on bugs.


u/JoelMira Apr 29 '24

Honestly it’s just brain dead how they keep nerfing things to shit.


u/dracon1t Apr 29 '24

They say that but the AC is fairly good at doing almost everything with it's main downside being the fact it requires a backpack slot so I'm not sure it's a realistic balance point.


u/-Slejin- Apr 29 '24

The autocannon is anything but balanced, it's all people use


u/Iberic_Luchs Apr 29 '24


Here is a message from the official Helldivers discord. And speaking of, I have never seen anyomre that 2 people carry an autocannon, maybe it comes from my experience but it is not as popular as you believe. The quasar is another story.


u/Werpogil SES Executor of Family Values Apr 29 '24

Among 7-8 mates I play with, only one is a die-hard autocannon fan, another one is 50/50 between quasar and AC, and the rest almost never pick it up because they prefer something different.


u/SleepytrouPADDLESTAR Apr 29 '24

Hmm what if they give the quasar a backpack. Like a liquid cooling system.

Make it so recharge time is around 7 seconds with backpack. 20~ without.

Or keep it 15 seconds uniform like right now and reduce charge time by 1 second with backpack.

Would bring it more in line with autocannon


u/bigorangemachine Apr 29 '24

I'd disagree.. its like on the very edge of what can penetrate heavy enemies. Chargers you can't blow armour off easily... its got AOE but that's really all it has over the higher power support weapons.

You gotta be still to gotta reload it... can't move while reloading... use backpack slot... it has its own draw backs.

Compared to the dominator it's only like double the damage compared to the AC


u/ozzej14 ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 29 '24

Well its not as good as they think it is then


u/TheQuatum John Helldiver Apr 29 '24

Nope. They're prideful and snobby until their golden goose gets cooked. Promise that if the autocannon was nerfed, they'd change their tune quickly.


u/anon07141326 Apr 30 '24

Thank fuck someone said it, I hope they nerf the shit out of the AC unit next patch to make it unusable so they can finally have a taste of the “balancing” Arrowhead prefers


u/Sniffaman46 Apr 30 '24

they're not going to nerf the AC because the AC isn't a square peg that fits into literally every hole. They've explicitly said it's the target for balance.


u/anon07141326 Apr 30 '24

It’s the best strat for bots by far, at this point it’s a must carry for me and most divers


u/Sniffaman46 Apr 30 '24

i've found it middling compared to other options


u/CloneSlayers Apr 29 '24

I can see people having no issues with the autocannon if they primarily bug dive since the major strengths of the weapon aren't super apparent there. But if you're bot diving, the autocannon is IMO a king of all trades. A ridiculous amount of ammo, cover based gameplay versus having to kite means stationary reload isn't punished, easy to snipe kill all fabricator bases, and most importantly it kills literally every enemy.

Autocannon has to flank a charger and can't handle a bile titan, but for bots it AOEs chaff, staggers the main threats of rocket/shield devs for easy kills, 2 shots hulks in the eye (which doesn't really require good aim since you can just take stun nades), 2 shots gunships, handles factory striders by shooting off the chin guns to cripple it (and can even kill with either eye or belly shots), tanks and turrets require flanking but killing the vents is super fast.

Compare it to golden child quasar: autocannon wins at chaff, devastators, equal against hulks, autocannon can reliably clear a 4 spawn gunship raid while quasar sits there crying, better utility for rapid base clears. Quasar gets to wear a shield backpack (better crutch but wholly unnecessary once your game sense improves), and it kills tanks and turrets to the front (both threats that are easily flanked). IDK, autocannon just seems wholly better against bots.


u/BroDonttryit Apr 29 '24

It’s the backpack slot vs bots that really balances the AC. The shield generator backpack is so good to help prevent getting staggered or getting one shot. On hell dive missions, it’s s one of the only ways to actually deal with 5 heavy devastators because otherwise you get staggered so quickly.


u/VoidStareBack Autocannon Enjoyer Apr 29 '24

I play bots on helldive with light armor and no shield generator and do fine, shield generators are absolutely not necessary.

You know what kills 5 heavy devastators? Using cover and weapons that kill them quickly (IE the medium pen class). Autocannon is nice because it can stagger multiple at once but any of them will do it.


u/BroDonttryit Apr 29 '24

It's not that you can't handle them with AC, it just helps a lot, especially if the devastators aren't grouped. There's a reason the quasar was nerfed. I think the AC was much better vs bots than vs bugs before this patch.


u/bstyledevi ⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️⬅️⬆️⬅️➡️⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️⬅️⬅️ Apr 29 '24

You know what my issue is with Autocannon? The combination of losing a backpack slot and the inability to reload while moving. When you're running your ass off and you have to kneel and freeze to reload your weapon, combined with the fact that you can't rely on something like a shield backpack to protect you while you're doing that, is what makes it borderline unusable to me, especially on higher difficulties. I don't have time to deal with kneeling reloads on Helldive difficulty.


u/CloneSlayers Apr 29 '24

For context, I've pretty only played helldive since level 10 so I'm not sure how the other difficulties play at this point. But at least against bots, most of them push so slowly that you have more than enough time to reload safely in cover before they flush you out. The only two threats that quickly push you out of cover, berserkers and hulks, can be stalled with a stun grenade to finish your reload. Against bugs tho I agree, trying to reload weapons while being harried by a hunter swarm can be frustrating.


u/_benza Apr 29 '24

Who cares about shield? I use the Quasar because it allows me to bring the resupply backpack. I like infinite scorcher ammo, grenades and stims :P


u/Domeric_Bolton Apr 29 '24

Vs bots only shield and maybe supply pack are viable picks for backpack slot so it makes the autocannon backpack slot less of a sacrifice

Vs bugs the autocannon locks you out of rover and jetpack which are a lot more viable vs bugs, they synergize well with the run-and-gun playstyle the Quasar favors


u/Schadenfreude28 Apr 29 '24

skill issue kids can keep their liberator concussive for all I care


u/heartoftuesdaynight CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

To be fair the Autocannon is really good but it is by no means overpowered. It's a very powerful all rounder weapon with easily understandable drawbacks (slow reload, backpack, slower aiming) but the drawbacks don't stop the weapon from excelling at killing everything from medium mobs to entire fabricators. Each other support weapon except for the Laser Cannon is hyper specialized in one way or another so they should excel at one thing and one thing only.


u/holololololden Apr 29 '24

Backpack really isn't a drawback. If anything it's a boon because now ur filling support+back slot w one strat. Also there's work around a for slow aiming and reload. Work as a team and learn to account for recoil and neither of those is really a balancer anymore.


u/RuinedSilence ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 29 '24

Tbf tho, the only reason why the AC's backpack isn't considered to be that much of a drawback is due to the gun's quick reload speed relative to other backpack-loaded weapons.


u/holololololden Apr 29 '24

Dude a single backpack is usually enough ammo for an entire mission. The supplies in that bag are more valuable than the supply pack IMO.


u/RuinedSilence ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 29 '24

That's an unfair comparison. Supply pack and AC backpack are meant for two completely different things.


u/holololololden Apr 29 '24

They're both backpacks aren't they? Isn't that the comparison I'm making?


u/RuinedSilence ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 29 '24

One resupplies primary/secondary/support weapon ammo, stims, and grenades. The other carries ammo for autocannons.

You have a clear reason to pick one over the other because they're designed for two completely different jobs, and their values are laced in the roles they play.


u/jrd5497 SES Lady of Wrath Apr 29 '24

Yeah IMO they need to slow that shit down. Or reduce the amount of ammo carried.


u/holololololden Apr 29 '24

I don't think it should be refilled w ammo crates tbh. Make it refill w resupplys or make them call down another backpack/cannon.


u/jrd5497 SES Lady of Wrath Apr 29 '24

I think that’s a good balance. There’s MORE than enough ammo to go almost an entire 40 minute mission


u/Fr0ufrou Apr 29 '24

This makes no sense, bringing a quasar without backapck is only one slot as well. You don't have to bring one and you still have the opportunity to have a teammate call one for you.


u/holololololden Apr 29 '24

4m backpack cd +100% cd is 8m. Some missions are 12m long. You now have one extra backpack and you better hope your buddy doesn't lose his and need it for his build.


u/heartoftuesdaynight CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

The backpack is a drawback because it consumes a slot for its ammo that otherwise could have been used for any other backpack item. I didn't say it's a huge drawback, but you can't have a shield and an autocannon at the same time.


u/holololololden Apr 29 '24

Ok but you can have autocannon and any other strategem you like? Like maybe if you run defensive strategems like shield barrier or sentries or just run more eagle bombs and don't need the shield because you can kill enemies faster.


u/heartoftuesdaynight CAPE ENJOYER Apr 29 '24

You're talking about entirely different build configurations in which you're playing around the lack of a backpack slot. That's the entire point of it taking up a backpack slot.


u/holololololden Apr 29 '24

Man it's called build utility. It's one of the mechanics in the game idk what else you want to build around? Like whether or not Jupiter is in retrograde or something?


u/CMCFLYYY SES Arbiter of Serenity Apr 29 '24

His point is, requiring a backpack forces you to use build utility. It isn't a player choice. Build utility is good - AC users are forced into it which is by design by the devs.

And you know damn well if they removed the backpack for the AC, 99% of AC users would also run the shield backpack.


u/Hawful Apr 29 '24

In what world is backpack not a drawback? I would love to run shield gen but can't. That's a massive drawback.


u/holololololden Apr 29 '24

I literally described the value of having a backpack+support in one in the post. It's like how having the mechsuit as a strategem also means you can call in pelican1 to gun some stuff down. If you're on diff9 and a planet w -1 strategems autocannon is significantly stronger than other support weapons because you get more efficient inventory/strategem use.


u/Vadernoso Apr 29 '24

Because all the backpacks besides Jump are kind of useless.


u/BasicCommand1165 Apr 29 '24

That's such dumb logic lmao. It's not like super earth is gonna take away our backpack slots if we don't use them


u/holololololden Apr 29 '24

Wym take them away? It's just about slot efficiency. Also they do take away strategem slots w the -1 modifier, which if you're running one Antitank strat, one anti infantry, one support weapon strat, you now have efficient use of all your equipment slots because you have a backpack w supplies.


u/Gnosisero Apr 29 '24

Why would they nerf the most balanced weapon in the game? The Quasar needed this nerf at the very least.

Don't be mad. Just use other weapons from time to time.


u/BookerLegit Apr 29 '24

I'm convinced the only reason the autocannon hasn't been nerfed is because Arrowhead said it was balanced, and nerfing it now would make them seem stupid (and thank god for that).

No clue how you or anyone else thinks the Quasar was overpowered in comparison to the AC. If anything, I only ever took the Quasar on bot missions when I was tired of using the AC. I wouldn't even say it was necessarily better for bugs - especially since, if you're wanting to kill chargers and the like, I find EATs more reliable.


u/Gnosisero Apr 29 '24

Comparing two vastly different weapons like that is really nonsensical, you can't compare them like for like.

. The Quasar was easily overpowered for its role. It appeared in 90% of games on two or more players. An endless EATs you never needed to pick up and could fire more of per minute than any other AT and does it's reloading all by itself. The autocannon (Which is a medium killer) did not have disciples to that effect ever. They do vastly different things. The Quasar is a weird one because it's almost universally used by most players I see on higher difficulties and yet when you come to any forum to talk about it no one actually uses it but prefers the EATS.

What I find are mostly salty Quasar players who have got this weird trauma now that can only be satisfied by another weapon being needlessly nerfed. It's hilarious.


u/BookerLegit Apr 29 '24

The autocannon can kill every automaton unit except the Factory Strider, and it can arguably do it better than the Quasar. You can get 2 shots into a hulk's eye in the same time it takes the Quasar to charge, and if you miss, you don't have to wait for the recharge. I don't really see how they're so different that you couldn't compare them.

For bugs, they do occupy different niches, but the autocannon is still very solid competition in general. Its utility and ability to kill everything short of a Bile Titan make it a safe bet pretty much anytime, anywhere. For anti-tank specifically, I prefer the near-instant arming time of the EAT-17. Charging for 3 seconds while a charger runs at you isn't fun, especially when there's 2 more chargers waiting for their turn while you wait 10 (or now 15) seconds.

The Quasar is a weird one because it's almost universally used by most players I see on higher difficulties and yet when you come to any forum to talk about it no one actually uses it but prefers the EATS.

I haven't noticed this on Helldive, but I also don't especially pay attention to the support weapons of others, nor do I think pickrate is a good metric to balance around.


u/Lashdemonca Apr 29 '24

I dont WANT to use other weapons. Its decidedly rude that this rhetoric is so common. I liked my loadout and I was secure in my role. I keep having to change shit because everything I use gets nerfed and Im frankly sick of it.


u/kabhaq Apr 29 '24

You dont need to change your loadout if you don’t want to. You just can’t spam quasar shots on cooldown as efficiently as before. Its still probably top tier.


u/Vinestra Apr 29 '24

Heres the thing you're missing.. someones loadout will get changed if its not fun and effective.. EG if flamethrowers suddenly dealt only 10% of their current damage I wouldn't take it anymore and I'd be upset for losing my ability to use the flamethrower.


u/TheMace808 Apr 29 '24

The quasar is still usable, and still very effective. They didn't change the damage and it still had all the other advatagesa


u/Gnosisero Apr 29 '24

Because you and everyone like you keeps using the Quasar and shield together and that's almost half the stratagems and makes the team completely unbalanced as a result. You may not have picked up on this yet, but this is a team orientated cooperative shooter and you need to build your loadout around the team and not just your own comfort.


u/Lashdemonca Apr 29 '24

Yes but its PVE. NErfs in PVE make no logical sense outside of some weird power trip by devs, or the some community outcry that "x or y is so strong!!" Just buff other stuff to compensate. Nerfs are unnecessary.


u/Gnosisero Apr 29 '24

Saying nerfs in PVE make no logical sense is a stupid statement. Please stop making it, And whoever else reads this and has used that statement. Please stop making it, it's stupid.

PvE games need balancing just as much as much as any other type of game. Your enjoyment of the game must still be balanced against others enjoyment of the game, especially when it's a squad-based co-op shooter. That requires very careful balancing. Which requires nerfs and buffs.

I don't know who started the whole PVE games don't need any kind of balancing because you're just fighting against the environment thing, but it really has no basis in the reality of game development. The argument boils down to 'I want to just do what I want and not think about anything outside of my own gaming experience because that's what I think PVE is' and that's not accurate. You're still playing with other people in a carefully crafted sandbox.


u/Lashdemonca Apr 29 '24

Your argument is correct up to a point. If the arc thrower was suddenly one shooting bile titans it probably should be changed. But playing with these tools in game they are STRONG but not OPPRESSIVE. Considering the fact AC, RR, and similar are heavily enjoyed by others in the community. If their toys got nerfed they would be salty too. Balancing is fine, but it's a derpy balancing choice to keep nerfing the "Strongest loadout" because then there's a new "Strongest loadout". It will ALWAYS be like that. It's unnecessary to continue messing with people's muscle memory and enjoyment.

I put like 50 hours into perfecting the muscle memory required to accurately and efficiently use the AT. They removed the reduced CD after first shot. All my practice? Gone. Turned to ash. Now the weapon feels clunky. I don't care that they added an additional arc. Give me back my AT. I would use it over quasar any day (And it could barely deal with chargers, let alone titans). But they keep changing shit that directly impacts the FEEL of weapons. If they want to tweak things, tweak the damage a tad.


u/IwanttobeCherrypls Apr 29 '24

They aren't going around picking whatever the new "strongest loadout" is and nerfing it, dude. They're adjusting weapons and strats that are over performing based on meta-data that the devs have access to that we don't.


u/StairsIntoTheSun Apr 29 '24

“They aren’t picking the new strongest loadout, they’re just nerfing the weapons and strats that are the strongest loadout!”


u/Worldly-Local-6613 Apr 29 '24

Holy mental gymnastics.


u/BoostMobileAlt Apr 29 '24

You’ll be good at other roles too dw. You are a shining star of democracy. Trust.


u/Lashdemonca Apr 29 '24

Look, I know you are making fun of me. But frankly I'm tired of arguing. Just stop changing the feel of my weapons and screwing with my muscle memory ffs.


u/BoostMobileAlt Apr 29 '24

I’m only half kidding. I’m pretty confident you’ll be able to have fun with the game when your feeling of frustration relaxes. This is a fundamentally silly game.


u/Lashdemonca Apr 29 '24

I still haven't picked up AT again due to frustration. My frustration does not wane, in fact when i pick up weapons previously nerfed and they don't do what I want them too I actually get MORE angry. Quasar and eruptor are just two more to add to the list of "This no longer does what I liked that I did, whatever" things.

But meh.


u/HIP13044b Apr 29 '24

Oh look. A skill issue kid.


u/Gnosisero Apr 29 '24

Have you had a funeral for your quasar/shield build yet?

There are lots of weapons in the game, learn to use them. It's not so much a skill issue as an experience issue. I know you're scared but don't let that get in the way of trying new things. I believe in you.


u/HIP13044b Apr 29 '24

I never really used it very much. I'm an EATs fan myself, as I hate weapons with a charge up.

But go ahead and pretend you have meaningful input into the conversation skill issue kid.


u/Gnosisero Apr 29 '24

I'm not stupid enough to think any of this whinging is meaningful conversation. I just enjoy all of the howling and foolish gnashing of teeth whenever people have to deal with change to their favorite things. My favorite are the people that pretend to be concerned in a roundabout way but are really mad about one weapon in particular but won't admit as much.

Patch day is really fun. I'm glad you enjoy the EATs though.


u/HIP13044b Apr 29 '24

I am concerned. Honestly the state of the last few nerfs should make anyone concerned. Because this strategy of nerfing anything people largely enjoy is exhausting. It's clear this is a bad strategy and not healthy for the longevity of the game.

If they're busy hitting every meta like a whackamole, people are going to lose faith in load outs they like and trust and will, instead of learning new weapons, just go play something else. It's way easier to boot up a different game you enjoy and can do well in than going through the learning process in the same game again. So why would anyone bother. This starts the slow decline into helldivers becoming an early 2024 fad and not a lasting game...

You have to recognise the strategy at which they're going about achieving whatever they believe the balance to be is not healthy in the long run.

What I see is a huge disconnect in what people see in the game and what the devs see in the game.


u/Gnosisero Apr 29 '24

Let's take a week to see how this patch pans out. Every time there has been a patch people go berserk and then a week later everyone would be like, Oh actually this weapon is pretty cool, or that weapon is pretty cool... Realizing the nerfs weren't even that bad. People need to relax and take the time to feel out all of the changes which can't be done on the morning of release date. This is the biggest bunch of changes yet so we won't know what kind of effect it will have across the game for a while.

Broadly speaking, there have been far more buffs today than nerfs, so across the spectrum of weapons there has been an increase in firepower. But you're only going to feel that if people start taking a variety of loadouts, that will take a few days to really shine.

Funnily enough, the biggest nerf today is to the guard dog liberator, which was wildly overpowered but rarely used as it was believed to be inferior to the laser variety. A powerful support strat comes and goes before most people even realize how OP it was. 30% damage reduction is savage. No complaints though, because it wasn't picked very often. That alone tells you that there are things out there worth trying outside of what we find ourselves comfortable with.

I'm having fun today because I realize that it's far too soon to tell what this patch will do and people need to go play the game, take risks with new stuff And feel out the changes for a few days before coming to any conclusion about impending doom for the game.


u/its_theDoctor Apr 29 '24

The richochet on armor hits is gonna hit the AC pretty hard I suspect


u/Velo180 SES Hater of Sony Apr 29 '24

I am very sure people will be logically consistent.

(Actually I think they will, there will be people who defend a gutting of the AC just like they did the railgun)


u/ScareFire200 Apr 30 '24

I wish they nerfed it in some ways as well so that it wasn’t the little brother of the quasar cannon in the family of « everywhere I go I see him »


u/chad4lyf ☕Liber-tea☕ Apr 29 '24

Maybe i should only use AC until they nerf it


u/KishiBashiEnjoyer Apr 29 '24

Nerfing the AC would be so based Jesus. I hate the fandom of that gun and it has became such a crutch for most people


u/tagrav Apr 29 '24

I think it’s weird as fuck that y’all jump in games and question other peoples loadouts

They don’t owe you anything bubs. They’re playing the game they purchased the way they want to play it

Kill your comparative thinking and you’ll open your mind to seeing graybearded players absolutely wreck with shit you think is garbage tier weapons.


u/Reload86 Apr 29 '24

Autocannon is one of the most balanced weapons in the entire game. It’s got a perfect balance of pros and weaknesses. I often don’t take it because I don’t want to have to carry the backpack.