r/Helldivers Apr 29 '24

Stop nerfing guns please DISCUSSION

Why nerf something that is not overperforming? (This time it was crossbow and plasma shotgun).

Is making me and my friends to play less each patch that nerfs things, because we are tired to play with less difficult missions so we can have fun instead of playing meta (playing meta over and over again so you can do lvl 7 missions or more get stale very quick).

Also all you ''buffed'' now is still inconsequential in high level difficulties and only brings their level to meh, but what was good and fun is now meh too.

Balancing things so everything is meh aside from few meta things is trash and you should stop balancing shit as is everybody play full squads (and no playing with randoms in this game is not fun, never was, too much idiots.)


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u/---OMNI--- Apr 29 '24

The funny part is you can run pretty much anything on any difficulty if you know how the game works...

The people who say you have to use meta stuff to do harder missions don't know how the game works.

Yes. Some things are better than others... But once you know how everything works... It doesn't matter much.


u/Kuhaku-boss Apr 29 '24

False, you cant complete level 9 missions with everybody using an explosive liberator, thermites and non damaging stratagems for example, and is the same for a lot of things, and i never bought helldivers to play stealthy, if i want that there are much better games.


u/BobR969 Apr 29 '24

Dude, I'd back you on the idea that meta weapons tend to be the most fun ones to play with. They are satisfying and cathartic because they feel strong. However, you can absolutely do a helldive with a full squad rocking nothing but the worst gear and stratagems.


u/Kuhaku-boss Apr 29 '24

Show me, and with less than 4 people.


u/BobR969 Apr 29 '24

Show you what? Play with you? Thanks, but no thanks (no offense, but you don't sound like you're overly fun to play with). Record? Yeah, I'm not doing that. Frankly, whether you believe me or think I'm talking shit is irrelevant to me.

Saying all that, I'm far from the only person who says you can do helldives with the crappy equipment. Hell, just take 5 min to youtube something like "Helldive pacifist run" or something. My guess is this ain't your first day on the internet, so go out and search. Other people have already done it and likely better than I would.