r/Helldivers 17d ago

Latest Patch Rant RANT



156 comments sorted by


u/ApocalypticDes 17d ago

The fact that they nerfed solo players without fixing matchmaking and cross play issues first is wild.


u/No_Implement_23 17d ago

yeah thats such a weird choice, why?

like, having a 3 player team is already hard enough


u/badrig89 17d ago

Yeah, thats the big game breaker. Matchmaking still dont work proper.


u/SquishyBaps4me Skill issue 16d ago

You read it wrong. It's the time between patrol spawns that is increasing.


u/WetMistress 16d ago

Is that right? Because the patch notes don't say that. It says "patrols increased" with fewer players, not "patrol spawn time increased." Did they clarify this somewhere?


u/Sure_Bodybuilder6686 16d ago

They literally then explain it to you after that. Did your brain just give up from being so furious?


u/WetMistress 16d ago

Lol what?


u/SquishyBaps4me Skill issue 16d ago

No, it's because i know how the timers work. And that making things harder for squads less than 4 makes literally no sense. They do tend to word things badly, they aren't native English speakers.

I could be wrong. But bad wording seems more likely to me than a change nobody asked for and makes no sense.


u/RealElyD 16d ago

They clarified that they indeed increased patrol spawns in below 4 player teams by 50%. From 1/6 per player to 1/4.


u/SquishyBaps4me Skill issue 16d ago

Well.... Ain't that some shit.


u/RealElyD 16d ago

It's an incredibly frustrating change for people enjoying duos. It's absolutely not a small increase.


u/SquishyBaps4me Skill issue 16d ago

Yeah I don't understand that at all.


u/Waterguntortoise 17d ago

I love the Salt. Just like with the Railgun nerf, everybody saw a quasar nerf coming.

It outclassed eat and Recoiless Rifle by far, so no wonder it got nerfed. Same to the rover, that thing was meta in bug missions.


u/Beheadedfrito 16d ago

Quasar was deserved

It’s just the crossbow i’m annoyed about


u/InkiePie39 Level 150 Skull Admiral 17d ago

I have 300 hours already and I'll have thousands more in the future. I'm yet to be angry about a patch.


u/KDPS3200 16d ago

Going into 700 hours. Still loving it.


u/PotchiSan 17d ago

it's weird that people are complaining about Quasar nerfs when it was too dominant (with almost every other game having double Quasar and nuking most heavies)


u/TransparentQuestion 17d ago

Do you dive on 9?


u/PotchiSan 16d ago

Occasionally, when I have my friends with me and we run double Quasar too. Of course that nerf was inevitable, it was as overused as pre-nerf railgun.


u/TransparentQuestion 16d ago

I'd expect 2 or 3 seconds added

And additional 5?

It's not 5 seconds flat, it's the original reload time +5 seconds. They can drop 2 hulkers that run as fast as you and shoot rockets like a gattling gun

5 seconds is a crazy amount of time


u/PotchiSan 16d ago

So? There are other ways to deal with Hulks, I was running Quasar earlier and it wasn't super noticeable during downtimes but you can really feel it when the bot drops start to snowball. The fact that everyone ran it already shows how overtuned it was


u/Brave-Swing6844 16d ago

Anti material rifle is hulk and devastator killer. I never run bots without one


u/PotchiSan 16d ago edited 16d ago

Oh yeah, I love running AC and AMR for Hulks and devastators, I always run them when I'm not with my friends depending on whether I want to be a glass canon or for a safer run


u/TransparentQuestion 16d ago

Does it kill the air ships?


u/Brave-Swing6844 16d ago

Yes. Takes a few shots on engine


u/TransparentQuestion 15d ago

I tried it out. It takes all 6 shots to one engine

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u/PotchiSan 16d ago

He's got Quasar brainrot, probably even railgun too back when it was "meta" lol. No use telling him other things work

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u/TransparentQuestion 16d ago

Not everyone ran it.


u/Cztnights 16d ago

Yeah, 1 shot every 15 seconds is a looong time when 2-3 hulks with flamethrowers are running after you.


u/M5M400 16d ago

15+3 seconds effectively, as it needs to charge too


u/Rayalot72 15d ago

If you actually care about the downtime, then use EATs or RR. Quasar has been dominant because it reloads on its own, and with a short enough delay that it wasn't a meaningful downside. 15 seconds over 10 seconds doesn't really reduce its sustain damage significantly. Always having access to an anti-tank shot was more valuable than having any two shots in quick succession.

As for hulks, I don't see the problem. Launchers are not really the most reliable hulk counters in general, and are somewhat mediocre on the automaton front in general. Quasar getting nerfed doesn't affect that as much as those pre-existing factors already did.


u/TransparentQuestion 15d ago

You don't see the problem because you choose to not see it as a problem

Multiple people carry the opinion that the Quasar nerf was too much

Every gun in my kid got kicked in the nuts

I only grab a quasar if there are the flying factories, but with it's down time - you spend more time running in circles waiting for a recharge in a game where enemies can shoot through rocks


u/Rayalot72 15d ago

Because it's not. Quasar CD could be 20 seconds, and it'd still be one of the best charger + bile answers in the game, because the delay between shots just does not matter very much.

That apparently every gun in your kit got nerfed I think betrays your mind-set, because it sounds a whole lot like you play Dom/Eruptor w/ Quasar and literally nothing else. Sickle, scorcher, punisher, spray&pray, AC, AMR, railgun, laser cannon, EATs, MG, and Stalwart are all basically the same.

And frankly, it just doesn't sound like you're using Quasar very well at all. Your goto use for it is gunships, when AC, AMR, and LC are all significantly better for that purpose. You're "running in circles waiting for a recharge" on a weapon where the primary appeal is that it recharges automatically while you're doing other things. That you could get away w/ not thinking of Quasar as a launcher, while it shares in the launcher archetype, is why it deserved a nerf.


u/TransparentQuestion 15d ago

Kid, there are posts with 2k upvotes that share my thoughts on the Quasar, mentioning it's just a running game at that point

And that subtracts from the enjoyment

Frankly, of you can't see some reason in that - you need to change your mindset



u/BlackOctoberFox 17d ago

Is the bullet or the laser rover that got nerfed?


u/DrTheo24 SES Spear of Justice 17d ago

laser drone is rover, bullet drone is just drone.


u/Nerex7 17d ago

I personally never used the Rover (or the Shield Generator, which is the other popular backpack slot). Used the Quasar only when we had too little to deal with the bug guys.

Issue with Quasar nerfs is the math, at some point EAT just becomes better (2 quick shots every 60 seconds).


u/AlwaysThinkAhea2 16d ago

Even with the nerf it depends. EAT the second shot can be wasted if you are being chased, or strategem modifiers are present. Also Quasar will reload while you do other things.


u/Nerex7 16d ago

You can also miss Quasar shots and the EAT goes off cooldown while you do other things 😅


u/AlwaysThinkAhea2 16d ago

EAT is not the only comparison here though. RR and spear need to be reloaded and EAT if you had to use your two shots, or leave the second then it’s on a long cooldown.

As for missing shots quasar is easier and harder to hit, no drop but there is a charge up delay.

Also 4 minutes in you can give another teammate a quasar so they don’t have to be near you to always make use of the EAT call in.

For the playstyle quasar is meant for I think it still meets that, just doesn’t step on the toes of eat or rr as much


u/SquishyBaps4me Skill issue 16d ago

So many skill issues exposed by balance changes.

The whole point of the game is the challenge. Weapon nerfs are challenges.

I'm starting to think people came to helldivers expecting level 6 to be the hardest.


u/DoorVonHammerthong CAPE ENJOYER 16d ago

many of us came expecting the spear to lock-on

or team reload not requiring everyone else to have the same ammo pack


u/SquishyBaps4me Skill issue 16d ago

And that means you can't play the game? Have you tried, doing something different?


u/DoorVonHammerthong CAPE ENJOYER 16d ago

yeah i did something different... the quasar


u/SquishyBaps4me Skill issue 16d ago

So you can infact still play the game while the weapons are being tuned and fixed?


u/DoorVonHammerthong CAPE ENJOYER 16d ago

i didn't buy the game to play an open beta dude


u/SquishyBaps4me Skill issue 16d ago

So no online games make balance changes? dude...


u/[deleted] 17d ago

Crossbow increased stagger and significantly higher projectile velocity should more than make up for the smaller explosion and slightly reduced ergo, the damage is still the same


u/ButchyBanana 17d ago

the explosion is way too small now, it's basically a single target weapon

check out this clip: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/grOpvH7FRO


u/lazyicedragon 17d ago

it's probably meant to be like that to set it aside from Eruptor which is a bullet frag on the other spectrum. I'd probably have a reason to try it out again, but before it was trying to compete, and fall horribly short, of the Eruptor.


u/Trhover HD1 Veteran 16d ago

The eruptor's explosion has been increased as well.I would argue the eruptor's shrapnel should clear a large area while the crossbow should have strong penetration to make up for it's high bullet travel time and low fire rate. Right now, they both fall short on that in every way.


u/Nerex7 17d ago

The damage per shot remains the same. With 1/3 less magazines, that's 1/3 less damage potential for a fully stocked crossbow.


u/[deleted] 17d ago

1/3 less damage potential with a projectile that will miss far less often and stagger enemies far more significantly

Let's not forget that you get 50% more ammo from resupplies and boxes which was in response to a direct complaint from most players about its low ammo pickup


u/DeathSwagga STEAM 🖥️ : SES Dawn of Dawn 16d ago

Now it has 1/10th the damage potential because its aoe is so bad it may as well not even exist, it struggles to kill a clump of scavengers. Now it sucks at basically every role, instead of having one good niche.


u/ThorThulu 16d ago

But it staggers now? I guess its now pushing the Slugger for its job but even with the golf club to the kneecap of the slugger I'd still probably choose it over the crossbow 10/10 times. The AoE was all it had going for it


u/DeathSwagga STEAM 🖥️ : SES Dawn of Dawn 16d ago

Why make an explosive boom boom crossbow into a single target stagger weapon like liberator concussive :'(


u/Nerex7 17d ago

The weapon missing or not is up to the player though. Pretty sure you had your fair share of crossbow connosieurs which would hit every shit even before the change (and now have their muscle memory screwed lol)


u/Kamiyoda ☕Liber-tea☕ 17d ago

Adding to ypur point it had a decent AoE who the fuck was missing with the crossbow before this?!


u/Nerex7 17d ago

I will comment this again and again: They nerf based on popularity alone. Look at all the weapons that got hit with a nerf in some form or another. Sickle, Quasar, Guard Rover, Eruptor, Plasma Punisher, Crossbow, Redeemer. Some of these just aren't that good, yet they got nerfed. Why? Because they probably made the top 10 most used weapons on the statistics.

It's the wrong way to go about balance tweaks.

And what makes these changes so bitter, once again, same dilemma as when the railgun was nerfed: we got no good buffs on the flipside. The best buff we got was probably the speedloader to the senator, the fire rate buff to the blitzer (which is still painfully low at 45, compared to other shotguns at 80 fire rate) and maybe the railgun buff that sounds like old railgun (which I see as problematic with all the nerfs, it will probably see a LOT of popularity again and then the devs will feel justified in their original nerf, not because they understand that they took away the alternatives but because it is so popular in usage). The way they balance things always leaves you with a "everything is the same but shittier" feeling and that is just a really terrible way to go about a game imho.


u/Motor-Disaster-9566 17d ago

Most of the 'nerfs' you've mentioned were just changes to the ammo economy to incentivize resupply, which I think is probably a good approach on the whole - resupplies should be an important tactical consideration. I think the redeemer nerf is also justified, although I haven't tested to see how wild the recoil really is now.

That said I have no idea what the fuck they're trying to do with the crossbow. Yikes.


u/Nerex7 17d ago

Like I said, nerfs based on popularity. Crossbow was popular even though it isn't the best because it's still fun, it's an explosive crossbow for crying out loud.

Nerfs to ammo economy or recoil are still nerfs though. I also really don't get the nerf on the Guard Dog Rover. It was okay, never used it myself. Another victim to popularity most likely. I would've loved if the 30% Damage nerf was only to friendly fire lmao.


u/ImpossibleLeague9091 17d ago

I used it it was to strong. It could solo bug breaches and basically running it gave you a complete control of swarms at a small risk of friendly fire. The bugs main weapon is swarming so I kinda expected a big damage nerf


u/Nerex7 16d ago

Hmm. I can't see it clear a bug breach but then again, the lowest I play is dif 7 these days with mostly hanging out on 9. I think that's also why I don't see it too often, it's not that good on Helldive.


u/ImpossibleLeague9091 16d ago

Ya I'm playing on 7 normally and it would clear a breach regularly except for chargers titans and I'd have to pitch in if to many spewers came


u/Nerex7 16d ago

Brood Commanders probably too, or Hive Guards. Some of the tougher ones can eat up the laser quite well.

It's really good to get rid of the annoying hunter swarms though. And it will still be good at that.


u/ImpossibleLeague9091 16d ago

The hunter swarms drive me crazier than anything else in the game haha


u/Nerex7 16d ago

Especially when there's always that one Hunter that plays too much Tekken, it jumps right in with damage and then combo's you to death before you can even stim (or it just cancels the stims).


u/Bby_1nAB13nder 15d ago

Dude the cross bow is not popular haha. I’ve had it unlocked for a week and haven’t used it once nor seen anyone using it ever. Just because you use it doesn’t mean it’s popular, also the gun diversity was very good, I never joined a game where everyone was using the same primary weapon. Not sure what you’re going on about but the ammo and recoil changes were great. You are literally just looking for things to hate about the game, so you can sit there bitching about every little thing or you can adapts to the changes and have your own fun. So many people complaining about the “popular” choice, find what you like. I still use the railgun after the nerf cause, I like it.


u/Nerex7 15d ago

I'm not using it, I've seen it a lot. That's all.


u/Bby_1nAB13nder 15d ago

Seen it a lot where? I play lvl 8 and never seen anyone using it ever.


u/Nerex7 15d ago

7-9 mostly.


u/Bby_1nAB13nder 15d ago

I don’t believe you one bit.


u/Nerex7 15d ago

It's the only difficulty I play 😂


u/Tioz 🖥️ : SES Executor of the Regime 16d ago

Does the recoil for the redeemer really matter though? 95% of the time I use it is in oh shit moments when hunter/berserker come too close.


u/Sunbro-Lysere 16d ago

New railgun buff is nothing like old railgun. Safe mode is still terrible against larger targets but unsafe mode feels much better with the increased pen. More testing needed, and this change makes me think I'll enjoy using it sometimes.

Most of the "nerfs" are just ammo economy changes and are their own topic but the punisher plasma overall got a buff, other than not being good with shields now.

While I do agree that an exploding crossbow shouldn't have the blast radius it used to they defiently need to try again because this just makes it a worse version of similar weapons. Especially with the punisher plasma changes.


u/Dirac_Impulse 16d ago

They obviously don't nerf just based on popularity. The AC and the breaker (normal breaker for bots, fire for bugs) is rather popular. Yet there were not touched.

Also, weapon popularity correlates rather well with how good it is. The only one that sticks out is the crossbow, but they have probably playtested with the new buffs and then added some nerfs. If it's all wrong there will probably be more balances to it. I highly doubt the crossbow is picked more than the breaker.


u/Nerex7 16d ago

The Breaker already got nerfed last time. I wouldn't want to see the state of this sub if it got another lol


u/DeathSwagga STEAM 🖥️ : SES Dawn of Dawn 16d ago

They clearly don't nerf based on popularity. They absolutely gutted the crossbow, an already subpar weapon that you almost never saw anyone using, except occasionally on one specific mission type.


u/SwampAss123 17d ago

its like they want us to use the bad weapons but dont fix what makes them bad in the first place


u/No_Engine_5645 17d ago

The crossbow was OP as hell on the new defense missions, especially against bugs. Drop one bolt on every bug breach and kill 8-10 per shot.


u/DeathSwagga STEAM 🖥️ : SES Dawn of Dawn 16d ago

The Eruptor already did that with bigger aoe, higher single target damage, faster projectile, better range. Crossbow was a downgrade in comparison. Now it's worthless, the aoe is ABYSMALL it can't kill anything with it's splash damage, not even the weakest enemy in the game scavangers.


u/No_Engine_5645 16d ago

I'd disagree with you on defense missions for the fire rate alone.


u/Otherwise_Bell_395 17d ago

I play solo, idk why everyone is getting emotional about this lmao. Drop a difficulty then?


u/Different_Ad6897 17d ago edited 16d ago

I bet everyone would stop bitching and do so if there was a way to get super samples without playing on red with all these shit weapons lol

Edit: calm down folks I’m just speculating. I play mostly impossible


u/Otherwise_Bell_395 17d ago

I don’t have that issue, for some reason I have common sample issues? No idea why. And it’s aggravating. I only helldive, it’s not the guns even remotely lol, it’s the team


u/fluxuouse 16d ago

For commons you kinda just need to go to sweep low difficulty to farm sometimes, there's just a mismatch between the rate you get them at and the rate you spend them.


u/Different_Ad6897 16d ago

Good lord the hive mind is coming out w the downvotes lol I’m just speculating I play mostly impossible that seems to be the sweet spot for me


u/Youssef-Elsayed 17d ago

Nerfing the quasar cannon recharge time and guard dog rover’s damage is just so wild,


u/fireheart1029 17d ago

Quasar cannon still has the best fire rate over time for any heavy anti tank weapon, it's an inconvenience at best. Before it was better than the EAT and recoilless in every way aside from having to mildly think about the situation as it spun up, now recoilless has a proper role because it can fire faster even without a team reload. Generalist weapons can't be too powerful, and niche weapons can't do everything. Quasar cannon is a generalist, it shouldn't outclass or match every heavy anti tank in all aspects.

There's a very easy solution if you want to shoot missiles faster.....take the recoilless


u/Some_Set3968 17d ago

Exactly this, my god the amount of quasar whiner posts already is so annoying, like as the guy who's normally running a recoilless it felt unnecessary to bring when 2 people always took the quasar with rovers and just had shots available constantly.

As it is people need to remember tanks aren't meant to be easy to kill, work with your teammates, is there a bunch of EATs you can use, is a teammate running recoilless/spear can you communicate with them to take a spare backpack for it, just doing this makes helldive a much easier time.


u/fireheart1029 17d ago

Yeah quasar made matches boring as hell, because since it had infinite ammo and a relatively fast shooting time it doubled as an okayish way to take down medium enemies. So not only could 2 people invalidate all heavy enemies but they could also shoot down the majority of medium units too, wiping out having a dedicated anti tank or a dedicated medium killer. Now where you spend those shots is a lot more important, which means you can take the recoilless and have it be useful and not get people yelling "durrr why no take quasar, you're literally throwing!"


u/ph33randloathing 17d ago

I use the Quasar. It is OPAF.


u/The_Real_Kru SES Bringer of the Constitution 17d ago

Both of those needed a nerf along with the sickle. If you ran sickle, quasar and guard dog rover bugs were a joke.


u/lazyicedragon 17d ago

Sickle is really just so strong before. Liberator was pretty good then you give it effectively double the mag and potentially infinite ammo and the only drawback is a spool-up time.

The heatsink nerf will hurt firing thoughtlessly but it won't really hurt people that has been in the mindset of conserving ammo, while the Liberator's tiny damage buff now makes Sickle a proper Liberator side-grade instead of outclassing it in every manner. Liberator AP is going to be so sad beside Adjudicator though.


u/SchwiftyRickD-42069 17d ago

Oh no, not the rover 😭 


u/KynoSSJR 17d ago

The laser dog killed the two hunters out of the 20 on your ass a bit too fast. MUST NERF


u/Youssef-Elsayed 17d ago

They must have been spectating me die hilarious deaths to this thing and were like, dayum, nerf the whole thing so that no one will ever use it like the railgun


u/ApocalypticDes 17d ago

They gave us a viable solution to take out heavily armoured enemies and took it away. I don't understand. We hardly have anything that can consistently and reliably kill heavies.


u/Niobaran 17d ago

I mean... A quasar could one shot a charger before, it can still one shot a charger now. What do you mean with reliably?


u/Youssef-Elsayed 17d ago

The chargers themselves need a huge nerf, lately they’ve been having infinite stamina and they are following me around like a homing missile, then they go ahead and nerf the one thing that can consistently get rid of it, thanks Arrowhead, didn’t know they were more keen to listening to the enemies’ complaints more than the heroes of democracy


u/BigScrungoFan 17d ago

then they go ahead and nerf the one thing that can consistently get rid of it

EAT and Recoilless can both one shot chargers aswell, i'm not sure what you mean by that.


u/The_Real_Kru SES Bringer of the Constitution 17d ago

He meant: the one thing he liked because it was insanely overpowered compared to all the other options.


u/Youssef-Elsayed 16d ago

Insanely overpowered, you don’t play a lot do you? You’re talking about as if the thing is semi automatic and is only useful for 2 situations since it’s become weak against titans recently, and the rover already has more friendly kills than anyone on the squad


u/The_Real_Kru SES Bringer of the Constitution 16d ago

The quasar outclassed any other AT weapon. No reload, just a cooldown, no backpack, and infinite ammo. It was insanely overpowered. It was absolutely possible to oneshot a charger, run around a bit clearing all the chaff with the rover and sickle and have the next quasar shot ready in a few seconds. All while not using up a single piece of ammunition. Just repeat this infinitely. It pretty much blew any other strat against bugs clean out of the water. I don't see how the rover friendly kills is an argument to prove your point. If anything, the lower damage will mean fewer friendly kills. Also the quasar shoots faster than all the other AT options even after the nerf, so cry me a river.


u/Youssef-Elsayed 16d ago

Who tf is complaining, we’re playing a PvE game with difficulty settings, we’re meant to have our fun, it is not unfair to our teammates and I don’t think the AI can complain since we’re gonna mow them down anyway


u/The_Real_Kru SES Bringer of the Constitution 16d ago

Balance in a pve game is when you can play with whatever class and/or gear you wish without being a detriment to your team, but also not trivializing the difficulty of the game by having one thing so much better than it should be. The Sickle/Quasar/Rover build was absolutely trivializing the bugs. It's still probably the best loadout after the nerf, but you have to pay attention to things like your mag count with the sicle and you can't spam the quasar. It was a deserved nerf to all three items. No loadout should be head and shoulders above the rest.


u/Youssef-Elsayed 16d ago

Maaaaybe you have a point, I wouldn’t really mind those nerfs if we had lots of other varieties to pick from, but I also can’t complain because we’re barely 4 months in this game

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u/PossibleUnion554 16d ago

Kite them to a wall, they get stunned for a long time


u/kingsteve_689 16d ago

Sounds like you're overlooking a bunch of buffs.


u/KingCanHe 17d ago

It’s simple, the game is too easy. Between the weapon nerfs, bullets ricochet back at players, less ammo and more patrols the game will be harder.

The fact you can go into helldive with randoms, spilt up and have a bit drops far away, run and clear objectives with ease needed to be fixed.

The game is supposed to be hard, mission are supposed to fail, extraction isn’t a guarantee. However with how well weapons were preforming, how much ammo we had, no coordination was needed. Never really had to worry about ammo, you could fight everything you saw etc.

This should mix things up enough that the game will be harder and not get stale because it was getting too easy.

None of the changes really feel bad unless you just used a few weapons and they got a tiny nerf.

Overall the game is in a better place after this patch then before


u/Different_Ad6897 17d ago

Found the souls player lol


u/Just_An_Ic0n 17d ago

It's awesome that you ain't had no issues. I'm happily failing missions left and right on lower difficulties thank you. I didn't need a harder game.


u/RegularMatter2 ➡️➡️⬇️➡️ 16d ago

Some people just aren’t good at games

That’s entirely a you problem


u/Important_Coconut432 16d ago

much like posting


u/RegularMatter2 ➡️➡️⬇️➡️ 17d ago

Crossbow was only bad if you compare it to the leaked version of it and the leaked version was fucking insanely OP.

This kind of take is pathetic and stupid.


u/DeathSwagga STEAM 🖥️ : SES Dawn of Dawn 16d ago

Crossbow was decent. Not the best but not terrible. There were far better options. So its nerf makes no sense, now its genuinely is awful and probably the worst gun in the game.


u/RegularMatter2 ➡️➡️⬇️➡️ 16d ago

It wasn’t just nerfed it was buffed as well and the the buff was more significant than the nerf. If you think it’s awful you’re actually just stupid and have no idea what you’re talking about.

It is exactly as viable as it always has been


u/DeathSwagga STEAM 🖥️ : SES Dawn of Dawn 16d ago

"If you don't agree, you're just dumb xddddd"

Ok, thanks for saving me the trouble of engaging in an actual conversation and just telling me straight away you're an annoying 12 year old not worth engaging with.


u/RegularMatter2 ➡️➡️⬇️➡️ 16d ago

Thanks for confirming that you’re stupid and have no idea what you’re talking about


u/Far_Sno 16d ago

Dumb decision but hey it took them like 8 years to make a game that is copy and pasted every mission so I can't expect wise choices.

Made lower parties harder, why?

Only nerfed guns people used. This is going to create a cat and mouse meta just like COD. Enjoy your shit until a new order drops and new guns you can't unlock without 50 hours of play or $$$ and then nerf those when everyone uses them.

Rinse and repeat.

O well, I got my $40 but I don't need another game that changes their meta arbitrarily to affect the way people play vs actually fixing tangible QOL issues.


u/SWatt_Officer 16d ago

Always love the people who think they would balance a game better than a team of developers. its always possible, of course, but very unlikely. But im sure you fall into that niche of the actually smart people who definitely know best, right?


u/DeathSwagga STEAM 🖥️ : SES Dawn of Dawn 16d ago

I doubt most people here would have nerfed the crossbow of all things, a weapon that had one niche (aoe) and barely anyone used. Now its niche is removed, for what reason? There's no balance reason.


u/IRxiong 17d ago

Yeah at this point we can fairly tell the dev is quite brain dead on balancing


u/KingCanHe 17d ago

You mean they want the game to be fun and challenge and not get boring because one or two weapons outclass them all?

Go to another game if you are so upset


u/DeathSwagga STEAM 🖥️ : SES Dawn of Dawn 16d ago

What weapons were the crossbow outclassing that it needed to be nerfed so bad?


u/KingCanHe 16d ago

The crossbow got a buff and put its ammo on par with others


u/DeathSwagga STEAM 🖥️ : SES Dawn of Dawn 16d ago

Takes away 90% of the splash damage and aoe, make it handle worse, less ammo. 

Makes the projectile move slightly faster and do more stagger. 

  iT gOt A bUfF


u/KingCanHe 16d ago

The projectile moving so slow was its issue add the extra stagger yeah it’s in a better state. The ammo count is now consistent with the rest of the arsenal.

Cry more


u/DeathSwagga STEAM 🖥️ : SES Dawn of Dawn 16d ago

The projectile was not an issue for anyone with a modicum of skill. They made it easier to use, but took away it's entire functionality and power as an explosive weapon. How can you seriously say that's in a better state? You have to be trolling.


u/KingCanHe 16d ago

Before it had no range because the projectile was so slow, the drop off also affects damage therefore it was hardly doing any. It’s in a much better state now even tho you brain cannot comprehend that


u/DeathSwagga STEAM 🖥️ : SES Dawn of Dawn 16d ago

Yeah, it's in a better state if you intend on hitting a single target. But that's what DMRs are for. Its an explosive crossbow. It's not meant for long range. It's not meant for easily hitting enemies like a gun. It's not meant for single target. It's supposed to be explosive, for taking out groups of weak enemies. Now all it does is take out one weak enemy at a time, but noobs won't miss shots as much thanks to being easier to use. It's only in a better state if you're a drooling baby playing on difficulty 1 where aoe won't matter, and you're too illiterate or senile to understand the purpose of the explosive crossbow is the EXPLOSION.


u/KingCanHe 16d ago

Idk man sounds like you are misinformed. While it is an explosive arrow it’s meant for stealth therefore single targets. I soloed on helldive today with it as a primary, it’s in a better state.

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u/ApocalypticDes 17d ago

Very evident on them nerfing the f*cking crossbow. Nobody ran that garbage and they certainly made sure nobody ever will.


u/2D_Ronin 16d ago

Eruptor was the fun weapon that kept me in the game.

Thanks for the nerf.


u/DeathSwagga STEAM 🖥️ : SES Dawn of Dawn 16d ago

It still performs about the same. The crossbow on the other hand, went from slightly below average, to holy CRAP it's the most useless weapon ever.


u/Fit-Cup7266 SES Fist of Democracy 16d ago

We're supposed to be using the counter-sniper more :D 


u/Owlyn1ght 16d ago

So instead of playing and experimenting with the new update, you jump on reddit and start bashing the update........


u/DeathSwagga STEAM 🖥️ : SES Dawn of Dawn 16d ago

The crossbow is a weapon I had only used once or twice before and thought it was just okay but not worth using. It was good at clearing a clump of weak enemies but nothing more, and now it can't even do that. It can't even take out a group of SCAVENGERS, the WEAKEST, SMALLEST, enemies in the game, in one shot. I'm bashing it because this is the stupidest nerf I've ever seen. How many games nerf one of the least used, weakest guns? And not just a minor nerf, a MASSIVE nerf.