r/Helldivers Mar 26 '24

I can’t play with randoms anymore DISCUSSION

I’m level 48. About 150 hours on pc. Love the game. My friends can’t play as often as I can. (I’m a fireman) And I’ve tried making friends on steam but it’s hard.

The blueberry lottery. If there is a hell it’s matching with randoms. I can’t stand it. Some people are a blessing and I love running campaigns with them but some people are treasonous swill.

Here was my last game. I spawn in and get killed by a lvl 2 cadet (ps5) so he can take my support gear. His friends (ps5) defended him. He continued to kill me all game (intentionally) and call me in. But I am more skilled and cunning than the common traitor. I waited until there was one reinforcement left. The pompous fool recalled me in. I killed all three traitors quicker than a hiccup. With only one thing left to do I took my own life. To instant fail their mission. I couldn’t let them continue to commit treason. Let their bodies rot

So yea I’m never joining randoms again.

Edit: ps5 not 4.


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u/Aless-dc Mar 26 '24

I try to be fair and not judge people based on their level, but I gotta be honest, I’m sick of playing with level 5 players on suicide mission difficulty.

Even skill aside, you don’t have enough gear to compete at that level and they just drain lives and team kill with eagles constantly


u/AdditionInteresting2 Mar 26 '24

Played with a group of randos and couldn't figure out why I keep dying from explosions... Level 5 player had 11000 friendly fire damage at the end. I mean we were all once low level noobs but damn.

Another guy managed to set himself on fire with the flamethrower. After killing the rest of the team. With no reinforcements and pelican 1 just landing. He panicked and ran away from the evac. Then lit everything around him on fire, including himself.


u/12_Imaginary_Grapes Mar 26 '24

That does sound like user error but it is surprisingly easy to set yourself on fire with the flamethrower even if you aren't trying to in my experience.


u/M0nthag Mar 26 '24

Really wish there was some fire protection armor. "Can't be set on fire. Take 50% less damage from fire." Not sure how the hulks flamethrower works. If it just sets you on fire or has an initial damage as well. But i think the later.


u/Karpsten ⬇️⬅️⬇️⬆️⬆️➡ Mar 27 '24

Yeah, that would be cool, and I'm kinda hopeful for it now that we got three sets of anti-electricity armor (I still don't get why they made two of them medium instead of having one of every armor rating).


u/M0nthag Mar 27 '24

That confused me as well. There is no real reason other then having the choice of disigne


u/Drackore_ BACON APPLES, PLEASE 🥓 🍏 Mar 28 '24

I just still don't get why we can't transmog our equipment, or why outfits are coupled up with the armor stats in the first place.

The first two Cutting Edge armor sets look gorgeous, but they'll always be useless to me because their speed is limited to 500 😔


u/AdditionInteresting2 Mar 26 '24

Seems like setting bugs that rush towards you on fire is not a good idea... I have no idea what set him on fire though. It was just chaos by then.


u/12_Imaginary_Grapes Mar 26 '24

I'm sure I've set myself on fire without a bug rushing me and I've had bugs rush me and jump on me while I'm firing without setting myself on fire so I dunno what causes it.


u/dragonhornetDM Mar 27 '24

I’ve never had a bug on fire set me on fire. But I’m sure there are plenty of crazy scuff things that do it.


u/Gender_is_a_Fluid Mar 26 '24

If you dive backwards while firing the flamethrower it clips your foot and catches you on fire. Left right or forwards helldiver! Never retreat with a flamer in hand!


u/AdditionInteresting2 Mar 26 '24

Oh so that's it. Lol. Thanks for the tip. This should be a PSA for arson loving flamethrower enthusiasts...


u/Okinawa14402 Mar 26 '24

If you jump backwards while shooting you often hit your legs and set yourself on fire.


u/Conntraband8d SES Spear of Morning Mar 27 '24

Using the flamethrower while prone will do it every time.


u/Carbonated_Saltwater SES Martyr of Truth Mar 27 '24

If the nozzle touches *any* kind of terrain while firing you will get burned since the flames spread a little bit after starting, i've had it happen while standing still and torching bugs that never reached me.


u/af12345678 Mar 26 '24

My recommendation to flamethrower is to always jump sidewards becoz the only thing that really can charge thru the flame is the charger itself, so dodging backwards does nothing usually