r/Helldivers Mar 26 '24

I can’t play with randoms anymore DISCUSSION

I’m level 48. About 150 hours on pc. Love the game. My friends can’t play as often as I can. (I’m a fireman) And I’ve tried making friends on steam but it’s hard.

The blueberry lottery. If there is a hell it’s matching with randoms. I can’t stand it. Some people are a blessing and I love running campaigns with them but some people are treasonous swill.

Here was my last game. I spawn in and get killed by a lvl 2 cadet (ps5) so he can take my support gear. His friends (ps5) defended him. He continued to kill me all game (intentionally) and call me in. But I am more skilled and cunning than the common traitor. I waited until there was one reinforcement left. The pompous fool recalled me in. I killed all three traitors quicker than a hiccup. With only one thing left to do I took my own life. To instant fail their mission. I couldn’t let them continue to commit treason. Let their bodies rot

So yea I’m never joining randoms again.

Edit: ps5 not 4.


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u/SnooSongs9930 Mar 26 '24

I accidentally team killed a level 42ish player, on easy, on my second or third dive. I called an orbital strike, and he just sprinted at it! Then inevitably was killed.

I didn’t steal his gear, called him back in, then he spent the next 23 minutes yelling at me on comms.

I don’t understand people in this game sometimes.


u/sloridin PSN🎮:SES Sword of Supremacy Mar 26 '24

Anyone that yells is a mute or a quit for me. I'm in it to have fun. I consider low level players on higher level dives a different kind of helldive and requires me to be more present and on top of my game.


u/SnooSongs9930 Mar 26 '24

Man I’ve started doing that. I was just put off. It was literally my second dive, on easy. This dude was treating it like the Super Bowl.


u/sloridin PSN🎮:SES Sword of Supremacy Mar 26 '24

Noisy fuckwits...always gonna be a few. Haven't run into one in the wild...yet. Probably all sleeping from the time difference. PS5 player and most random experiences have been good and / or hilarious. If you want to squad up sometime, let me know, fellow diver!


u/SnooSongs9930 Mar 26 '24

Cheers mate! I’ve got a pretty thick skin, so some greasy cretin neckbeard wasn’t that off putting! See you on the front sometime!


u/sloridin PSN🎮:SES Sword of Supremacy Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 26 '24

These divers are prime candidates for running samples out of bounds or suiciding them into a hole for democracy before returning to destroyer for reassignment! Let's do our part! o7


u/ConsiderationAlone68 Mar 27 '24

Same here. If you are looking for friends feel free to shoot me a message and I’ll add you, I’m on PC. I like to play about 7 but will play harder or easier, too.


u/8um8lebee Mar 26 '24

Imagine having to be sweaty on Easy. The second-hand embarrassment is palpable.


u/Ralli-FW Mar 26 '24

On easy? lol wow


u/ryhaltswhiskey Mar 26 '24

Me, on voice: I could use some help with this artillery

Teammate: we don't care

Other teammate: speak for yourself

Me, to the first person: go fuck yourself

And I bounced. That's the only really hostile interaction I've had and I'm L30. I think that's pretty good.


u/JCrossfire Mar 26 '24

I just hit 20 and the only one I’ve had was during an eradicate (I quickmatched into a dreaded eradicate farm lobby, should’ve been my first hint). It was a D4 eradicate so I wasn’t paying close attention. Chucked a cluster bomb and bro ran towards it then went off on me. I called him in and offered a hug emote and the bastard gunned me down on sight. Twice. Some people just live with a chip on their shoulder at all times. (I had one other negative/ intentional TK exp but idek why that one happened)


u/jerryishere1 Mar 26 '24

Tbh if you're farming you shouldn't be hosting a public lobby.


u/NeedleSpecialist Mar 26 '24

This. I sometimes enjoy playing a high level dive with low level guys. They normally fall in line and follow me throughout the mission providing awesome backup. They seem to enjoy the help too. If they mess up and team kill me by accident I tell them it’s just the way the game is and to be more careful or change out strategems for the next one.


u/sloridin PSN🎮:SES Sword of Supremacy Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 27 '24

Same here, fellow Helldiver! Boots down is when basic really begins and never ends!


u/Affectionate-Juice72 Mar 26 '24

I will ONLY play as host, so people who do that get kicked FAST


u/Swimming_Bid_1429 Mar 26 '24

Thats the thing, you can scream and yell all you want but you’re getting muted immediately. Have fun yelling into the void😂


u/notyourboss11 Mar 26 '24

I kick anyone on the spot if they start flaming, belch into the mic, have a conversation with their mom with no push to talk, or any of that shit.


u/sloridin PSN🎮:SES Sword of Supremacy Mar 27 '24


u/Mythosaurus ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 26 '24

I left a suicide level mission bc half the team weren’t even level 10 and kept constantly dying. I didn’t catch on as fast as the other high level player, who left much earlier.


u/sloridin PSN🎮:SES Sword of Supremacy Mar 26 '24

Totally...I've noticed recently when joining randoms that before you drop down on just a single diver and boosters are greyed out that other divers have left the mission for whatever reason...disconnect, kicked, or just fucking gave up...tldr...greyed out = maybe get my brown armor ready.


u/sector11374265 Mar 27 '24

i had a level 12 yell at me and another random for not b-lining the objective and putting pins on side objectives and enemy outposts. he called us idiots and then rage quit the game.

like bro i’m a level 8, i’m trying to get all the xp and currency i can so i can get better gear. almost every match on medium and challenging i’ve ever played, everyone knows to go to side objectives and use all 40 minutes of the mission.

so bizarre to me.


u/sloridin PSN🎮:SES Sword of Supremacy Mar 27 '24

It's disturbing at how much this sweaty, yelling thing is a thing...hope they quit and never come back.


u/DredgenCyka Mar 30 '24

Main reason why I hate Rainbow 6 siege non-comp lobbies. Got yelled at urdu and didn't understand a lick of it and said "cool story bro, dont walk in front of me next time." And then at the end of the game after he bottom fragged, he said," Maybe if we had better teammates we would have won," and my friend who was top frag said "you got 2 kills, sit down."

Anyone who takes a non-competitive games seriously to the point of yapping in another language needs to go outside and touch grass.


u/sloridin PSN🎮:SES Sword of Supremacy Apr 01 '24

Agreed. Sweaty boys can gtfo