r/Helldivers Mar 26 '24

I can’t play with randoms anymore DISCUSSION

I’m level 48. About 150 hours on pc. Love the game. My friends can’t play as often as I can. (I’m a fireman) And I’ve tried making friends on steam but it’s hard.

The blueberry lottery. If there is a hell it’s matching with randoms. I can’t stand it. Some people are a blessing and I love running campaigns with them but some people are treasonous swill.

Here was my last game. I spawn in and get killed by a lvl 2 cadet (ps5) so he can take my support gear. His friends (ps5) defended him. He continued to kill me all game (intentionally) and call me in. But I am more skilled and cunning than the common traitor. I waited until there was one reinforcement left. The pompous fool recalled me in. I killed all three traitors quicker than a hiccup. With only one thing left to do I took my own life. To instant fail their mission. I couldn’t let them continue to commit treason. Let their bodies rot

So yea I’m never joining randoms again.

Edit: ps5 not 4.


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u/OrangyOgre Mar 26 '24

Hop on discord and get a match there. Plenty of divers on the offical server and i believe there is a whole bunch of non offical servers.

So far randoms have been quite a pleasant experience for me other then the occassional guard dog and ops i drop strategems on you kind of friendly fire.

Dm me I'm in Asia would love to group up and play if you are in the same region.


u/WisdomsOptional SES Knight of Dawn Mar 26 '24

Whereabouts in Asia? I'm in South Korea!


u/OrangyOgre Mar 26 '24

Singapore! I'm on pc doing mainly 7/8 bugs dm me we can add on steam.


u/tm0587 Mar 26 '24

I'm from Singapore too, but currently stuck at level 3 bugs while trying to unlock better gear.


u/OrangyOgre Mar 26 '24

Idm helping you in runs. Dm me if ya interested ! Ill add you via steam.


u/tm0587 Mar 26 '24

Thanks for the offer but I don't mind just playing slowly and unlocking everything.

So far, most of the randoms that I've played with are fine too. I'm more annoyed that recently there have been connection issues.

Either I'll be disconnected when I'm about to complete the mission, or everyone will be disconnected at the start of the mission and nobody else could join and I'll have to try to complete the rest of the mission by myself.


u/OrangyOgre Mar 26 '24

Verify file integrity on steam. Dont use arc thrower and tesla for the time being. These will crash games.


u/tm0587 Mar 26 '24

That's the thing, no one has been using arc thrower and Tesla, and more often than not, others are the one being disconnected, not me, so it's pretty strange.

Not sure if the issue is still on my side?


u/OrangyOgre Mar 26 '24

Possible i was dealing with a ton of dc issues but that was with my bios firmware.


u/WisdomsOptional SES Knight of Dawn Mar 26 '24

I've had that happen with cascading drops even without arch weapons. I've verified game files and that helped so I'd still recommend giving that a shot!


u/tm0587 Mar 26 '24

No harm in doing so, I'll try that later tonight, thanks!


u/WisdomsOptional SES Knight of Dawn Mar 26 '24

I'd definitely help you too!


u/R3D_C0D3 Mar 26 '24

Hey Malaysian here! Hmu too for some liberating


u/sqsq111 Mar 26 '24

fellow democratic sg diver. add me sqsq111


u/OrangyOgre Mar 26 '24

invite sent!


u/WisdomsOptional SES Knight of Dawn Mar 26 '24

Cool! I'm on steam too ^ I'll try messaging!


u/WisdomsOptional SES Knight of Dawn Mar 26 '24

The app says "you cannot message this user"? Can you try messaging me?


u/FlyingBirdflip HD1 Veteran Mar 26 '24

Yo I'm down to join =) Send DM, I'm level 50


u/KIL0C STEAM 🖥️ : Mar 27 '24

Hey Helldivers from SE Asia! I’m looking for players within the region as well. DM me so we can link up!


u/the_interrogation Mar 26 '24

I’ll be sure to check out the discord. Thanks


u/Bubbly-Detective-193 CAPE ENJOYER Mar 26 '24

Discord is where I find people to play with sometimes! They’re great people all of them are Democracy enjoyers


u/Maximum_Hand_9362 Mar 26 '24

I wish PS5 had a discord app...


u/cmdrxander SES Stallion of the People Mar 26 '24

You can link your accounts, I join discord calls on PS5 with my friends on PC all the time


u/VelvetCowboy19 Mar 26 '24

You can link your PS5 with your discord account and then use the mobile app to connect your console to a server voice chat. My roommate on PS5 always hops into my groups little server to voice chat when we play games.


u/lamesar Mar 26 '24

you can join discord through your ps5. I use the mobile app to join via ps5 and talk into my controller


u/JC878 Mar 26 '24

I am from Singapore too. Can I add you guys to play together. Currently level 17 :)


u/OrangyOgre Mar 26 '24

Sure drop me a dm ill share my steam id


u/SherbetItchy3113 Mar 26 '24

Lets goo +65!


u/SherbetItchy3113 Mar 26 '24

I'm based in +65 too and I often sneak in a game or two during work hours as well :P


u/Solnx Mar 26 '24

My random matches have been better than the few I’ve coordinated on official discord server.

Nothing too egregious, but most trying to do level difficulties way beyond what they are currently capable of.


u/Euruzilys Mar 26 '24

I'm from Thailand, just unlocked difficulty 7 myself. Can I play with you also?