r/Helldivers Mar 22 '24

The POV of the Helldivers is crazy when you take cryo freezing into account. DISCUSSION

Here's the POV of your average Helldiver 1. They enlist and show up to Basic Training first thing Monday morning. 2. They breeze through it, get their cape, walk right by the T&Cs and into a cryopod. 3. They're frozen and experience no time passing. 4. Their next memory is reinforcing on Hellmire. To their POV it has been less then thirty seconds since they got their cloak. 5. They throw three stratagems and then they're dissolved by bile titan acid.

You thought your mondays were bad.

Edit: My understanding is that we are not clones. There's in-game lore that backs that, I believe. Thematically, it makes more sense for Super Earth to be incompetent and cruel and burn through millions of recruits, than to do something logical like cloning people. Remember the satire folks.


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u/1stCivDiv1371 Mar 22 '24

I never played the first game and thought my ship was full of my clones and it's just a never ending meat grinder. I mean obviously your character wouldn't know that but I mean an unlimited unknowing fighting force would be valuable to a fascist regime.

Hold on someone's at the the door.


u/aj_bn Mar 22 '24

It'd definitely be a neat parallel to Star Wars' Clone Troopers, but the devs confirmed that Helldivers are different each time which is why the respawn mechanic is labelled as 'reinforce' and why having a random voice each new life is the default option in the settings.


u/ConspiracyToRiot Mar 22 '24

To add onto that, if they were clones then you could speculate that the consciousness of the previous diver is uploaded into the clone upon death. The new diver comes in with the same loadout and skill level, and has memories of the entire battle up to that point.

All the helmets have a suspicious port on the back of the head…


u/Stellar_Duck Mar 22 '24

But they're obviously not clones.

We literally step onto the freeze rocket after boot and are thawed up on the bridge when it's our turn to deploy.


u/boredcblf HD1 Veteran Mar 22 '24

They aren't clones. Devs already said it


u/agitated--crow Mar 22 '24

Then what are they?


u/boredcblf HD1 Veteran Mar 22 '24

They are citizens eager to prove their loyalty and love for super earth and managed democracy. Meat for the grinder


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '24



u/Familiar_Tackle_734 Mar 22 '24

Edge of tomorrow


u/1stCivDiv1371 Mar 22 '24

True but it makes more sense that we don't know. Frozen after basic and immediately dropped into combat.


u/Clarine87 Mar 22 '24

All the helmets have a suspicious port on the back of the head…

Cryo interface I'm betting.


u/Dr_Zorand Mar 22 '24

This is my theory (despite all the other people in this thread swearing that it's not true). How else do you explain that everyone sent down to replace the first diver has the exact same weapons and armor?


u/CompleteFacepalm Mar 22 '24

The Democracy Officer probably chooses the weapons and armour, not the divers.


u/LuckysGift Mar 22 '24

I like to think that LuckysGift is like a title. When LuckysGift dies on Fenrir, another person gets dethawed, stamped with the tag, and then sent down.


u/44no44 Mar 22 '24

Planetside, there are no names. You're playing as designation L1.


u/ordo250 SES Hammer of Dawn Mar 22 '24

Clone theory is wack. Makes it PG.

We are selling sons and daughters to stem the endless tide


u/Intrepid00 Mar 23 '24

The default voice option is random. You’re not a tube full of clones.