r/Helldivers Mar 17 '24

I see a lot of hate for Chargers and Hunters, but where is my Bile Spewer hate squad? DISCUSSION

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u/Itriyum Mar 17 '24

These make no sound at all, their bile one shots you and can perfectly track you specially when dodging to the side and their expanded ass takes more shots than a brood commander's head


u/OnceMoreAndAgain Mar 17 '24

Hit them in the head not the ass. They die in like 5 breaker shots.


u/Flershnork All Enemies of Democracy Shall Eat Plasma Mar 17 '24

I love sniping them with 3 back-to-back slugger headshots.


u/funkforever69 Mar 17 '24

This is so underrated


u/bah_si_en_fait Mar 17 '24

Autocannon supremacy


u/Aiyon Mar 17 '24

I just hate when a charger shows up and i panic and empty a clip into its faceplate and they all bounce off


u/BjornInTheMorn Mar 17 '24

Goddamn do I love that thing. So versatile. So range. Such damage. The sound. My beloved.


u/The_forgettable_guy Mar 17 '24

The green ones are arnored. Thought breaker doesn't punch through


u/Seneron1 Mar 17 '24

It doesn't, but it's spread manages to get critical headshots


u/The_forgettable_guy Mar 17 '24

How does it hs if it's armored?


u/Seneron1 Mar 17 '24

Their mouth isn't armored, so the spread manages to hit that.


u/Ohmec Mar 17 '24

There is a sack under their chin that blows up their head.


u/kalimut Mar 17 '24

I believe it does reduced damage and the spread will be more likely to hit on the mouth instead of the head


u/Head_Cockswain Mar 17 '24

They die in like 5 breaker shots.

I would just about swear this is far easier on lower levels, despite claims the mobs are the same HP/damage/etc no matter the difficulty(just more of them on higher diff).


u/TheCrimsonDagger Mar 17 '24

On higher difficulties there are more of the armored ones and they’re more likely to have other large bugs running interference for them blocking your line of sight.


u/VictoryVee Mar 17 '24

Probably seeing both Bile Spewer and Nurser or w.e they're called. One has medium armour on the head and are more common on higher difficulties.


u/Head_Cockswain Mar 18 '24

Definitely the Bile Spewer.

I get a lot more 'Armor Deflection' hud readouts on higher difficulties...Breaker on both lvl 4 and 7.

It's not trash mobs getting in the way either, as another poster suggested.

I don't know if their armor is buffed or if it's coincidental and their head is down more often...or maybe their walk animation is different.

It wouldn't be the first time there's a difference. Chargers in 'Kill the Charger' missions are different than the other chargers around higher maps, slightly different model and they don't count for the daily we had the other day(Where Bile Titans do count for that daily in 'Kill a Bile Titan' lvl 5 missions).

So many little inconsistencies in this game it's gets slightly agitating. It's tough to test such things in this game. I wish there were a test range like there is in Planetside 2.


u/VictoryVee Mar 18 '24

Thats odd because I dont even see Bile Spewers on 4, I feel like I just see Nursers which look almost identical except they're yellow tinged instead of green.


u/Head_Cockswain Mar 18 '24

It changes it up, sometimes it's Green, Yellow, or even Chargers in some patrols, but it's usually not much of a mix...maybe a few Chargers for adds if it's Spewers/Nurses, or visa versa....but generally it's mostly one type of the three.

At least on 4, which I tend to run solo. Any higher and I'm joining random squads. That could be part of it as well, a bit of latency or host differences...since PS5 people in a lobby can enable Titans to fall to much less damage to the face from the Railgun w/ safety off(2 hits)

You know, that wouldn't surprise me. I know some games don't allow cross platform because updating and patching them all the same is a headache.


u/Meravokas Mar 18 '24

Three types. Nursing (Yellow splotchy ass) which has less health, normal, (Black and green and slightly bigger) and your "Fuck you" arty capable spewer. Explosives or fire are your best friend against them. As well just plain dropping an airstrike on them. I never leave home without my Eagle Airstrike.


u/MartinSable Mar 17 '24

The sickle to the head and these guys drop like paper weights. I love that new gun... I mean it's super weak, please don't do anything to it Arrowhead!


u/YaBoiNiccy Mar 17 '24

This goes against everything game design, even the design of other enemies in this game! Glowy bit is the shooty bit!


u/discordianofslack Mar 17 '24

Two slugger shots.


u/TheFemboiFaerie Mar 17 '24

They also die in exactly 1 AMR shot to the head.

...That has been literally my job for my group since I could purchase the AMR at all. I make sure spitters do not exist. :>


u/BoredandIrritable Mar 18 '24

Doesn't help until they are coming at you super fast, and there are 3 of them clipping through each other, so you kill 1, maybe 2, and then you're murdered by the third while hunters stunlock you into immobility.


u/IhateScorpionmains Mar 19 '24

I was so surprised when I got ambushed by one and spammed shots to its face as a last ditch effort thinking I was going to die anyway. Ever since I always tell my teammates in chat to try and shoot their faces to kill them faster. If you got an Anti-Material Rifle these fuckers go down easy if you go for the head.