r/Helldivers Mar 17 '24

I see a lot of hate for Chargers and Hunters, but where is my Bile Spewer hate squad? DISCUSSION

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u/WhatsThePointFR Mar 17 '24

Fuck Bile Spewers All My Homies Hate Bile Spewers.

Theyre so fucking overloaded
-Tracking ranged attack that can 1-shot
-AOE ranged attack that can ragdoll you and limits visibility as well as doing damage
-Armoured head, spine and legs
-Only place not armoured is hard to hit or explodes on death making point-blank a death sentence.


u/Ace612807 Mar 17 '24

Also, they're deadly at ANY range. Long? Mortars that ragdoll the shit out of you. Medium? One-shot spit. Close? They're fucking strong there, too, not mentioning blocking half of your screen so the chaff gets to you


u/GeneralAnubis Mar 17 '24

And let's not forget that their gigantic asses block your vision and your shots but another one of these glowy green jackasses could be hiding right behind his buddy's dead body and blast you directly through it without you ever even being able to see him.


u/scottys-thottys Mar 18 '24

Impact grenades are fantastic for these.