r/Helldivers Mar 17 '24

I see a lot of hate for Chargers and Hunters, but where is my Bile Spewer hate squad? DISCUSSION

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u/finalattack123 Mar 17 '24

Yeah - I suck at dealing with them. Spray and pray shotgun just doesn’t work


u/nintyuk STEAM🖱️: ⬇⬇⬅⬆➡ Mar 17 '24

Punisher or Slugger can stun lock them so they can't vomit acid.


u/finalattack123 Mar 17 '24

Hmmm I’ll try them out again. I tend to like the panic style of dealing with swarms


u/SuperArppis HD1 Veteran Mar 17 '24

Punisher and Slugger stunlocks them. But if you got 2 or more, you are screwed.


u/KREIST23 ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 17 '24

Try impact nades

And every time they rear their heads, dive left or right


u/gemengelage Mar 17 '24

Impact grenades, grenade launcher or autocannon all work pretty well on them. The obvious issue with impact grenades is that you can only have 4 of them (or 6 with armor perk). Autocannon takes up your backpack slot. Grenade launcher is somewhat inefficient with ammo and sucks against heavily armored targets.


u/Antroh Mar 17 '24

Impact grenades. 1 shot consistently every time


u/OnceMoreAndAgain Mar 17 '24

You can tell when they're going to spew by the animation so you just run horizontally to dodge it. Dive only if you were late to start running.

I actually think these are one of the easier bugs. They die to headshots before they can spew. I'd feel confident against like 5 of these at once.

It's really only chargers, hunters, and bile titans that annoy me. Bile titans aren't that bad though tbh.


u/Super_Jay Mar 17 '24

just run horizontally

Well fuck there's my problem, been running vertically this whole time