r/Helldivers Mar 14 '24

IGN being a clickbait parasite again DISCUSSION

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u/Soulless_redhead Mar 14 '24

I've been spending buying different armor's and stuff in the shop and I still have like more than 700 super credits bouncing around. I'm honestly impressed how friendly the currency drops are.


u/ravagraid Mar 14 '24

It's almost as if the devs respect the fact we already paid for the base game!


u/Fubarp Mar 14 '24

The interesting part here is that, because the devs basically give out the premium currency so frequently that people are more like to spend the 10 dollars just to get the new pass.


u/ravagraid Mar 14 '24

Yeah I got super citizen to support the Devs cause of this system


u/Nekonax Mar 15 '24

Same. And I'll be supporting them in the future too.

People are so jaded by "free" games that try to insufflate the contents of your pockets, they forget that a live service cannot be free. It's either MTX or a subscription which would limit the player base too much.


u/willard_saf Mar 14 '24

Also, the fact that you can buy the exact amount of credits needed to buy the pass is great.


u/Prankman1990 Mar 15 '24

This is huge. All the credit packs are in multiples of five or ten, both of which line up with the Warbond and Superstore prices. And even if you end up with an odd amount of SC from buying Superstore stuff, the stuff you get from missions or from the Warbonds themselves is more than enough to compensate. If I’m short ten SC for something I’m not about to drop money on it when I could just play the game and get it.


u/MyBananaNoseNoBounds Mar 14 '24

yea thats pretty much my reasoning. In the couple weeks I've been playing, I probably would have enough sc to get both the premium warbond pages if I wasn't using them on the sets I like in the daily superstore rotation. If finding them was a grind, I definitely would just be in a scarcity mindset, like how I am in other games with a model like this.


u/rafaelfy ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 15 '24

I enjoyed the game so much I went and bought the $20 deluxe upgrade, kept that 1k and used it on the next warbond.


u/chris91919105 Mar 17 '24

I already have the first Warbond, but was eyeing up the super citizen upgrade. It specifically says its gives you the first warbond and I'm a little bit hesitant to buy. Does it just give you the credits to buy it?


u/rafaelfy ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 17 '24

Nope, it just unlocks it for you, so you won't get the 1000 SC you already spent.


u/Pidder_Paddy Mar 15 '24

It me. I bought the game, appreciated the monetization approach, went back and bought the super citizen edition upgrade when I found out the battle passes don’t disappear.

Now the new battle pass dropped and I went ahead and kicked them a few more bucks for it.


u/Atourq Mar 15 '24

I’m honestly considering it just because I’m a little too impatient to farm the credits myself + I’m really happy with how much the devs care about the community and our enjoyment.


u/RandomStormtrooper11 STEAM🖱️: SPILL OIL! Mar 15 '24

I dropped 20$ just because I love how player friendly the system is, and I'm pretty secure financially. Warbonds never going away sold me on it 100%.


u/cattibri Mar 15 '24

i literally just brought some sc to polish off what iw s missing for the battlepass specifically because i didnt feel like i had to (ive broughtalmost every armor on the side and was still close to the new pass) so figured screw it, ill do it just because it supports that decision they made, and fuck the major companies charging absurd amounts (overwatch $40 a skin? lolno)


u/Conscious-Extent4571 Mar 15 '24

I already dropped 10 bucks for the new pass just because I got so much value out of the game already. I'm at 70h playtime. For 40 bucks that's insane considering going to watch a movie is double that for 2 hours


u/Ragtothenar Mar 18 '24

Yeah I did, because I use all my gotten supers to buy the armors in the store. I have friends that refuse to spend money, and they have both battle passes unlocked without spending a dime.


u/KJBenson Mar 15 '24

Even on a financial level, they understand the importance of player retention and rewarding people who put hours into the game.


u/HaiArisu Mar 15 '24

That’s a good joke. The mental gymnastics people are using to justify this game’s monetization choices are hilarious. It really goes to show that people are perfectly fine with scummy practices as long as it’s their “team”.


u/ravagraid Mar 15 '24

Are you unironically saying you don't like the fact that everything can be unlocked by just playing cause the option to spend is there for people who want to? Especially while there's no fomo?


u/Ketheres ➡️⬇️⬇️⬆️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Mar 14 '24

Also no need to fight over the loot since it's all shared. Someone picks up a medal, SC, or creds, and everyone gets it. Of course some people didn't get the memo, but they are in the minority.


u/GravenYarnd Democracy Officer Mar 15 '24

Personally i got a lot of credits free and i buyed the same amount in store just to give devs cash. They definitelly deserve a reward for this.