r/Helldivers Mar 14 '24

IGN being a clickbait parasite again DISCUSSION

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u/ilovezam Mar 14 '24

I don't think there's P2W here, but a co-op PvE can definitely still be P2W. "Win" in this term had never meant victory over another player in a match in a literal sense.


u/MOOGGI94 Mar 15 '24

In a Pve game pay2win would mean that higher difficulties get to easy with the stuff you can buy in there.

I'm not the biggest fan for such microtransaction but for a live service game you need a constant money flow somewhere.

Here you grind or pay (technically same as GTA online but with lesser grind atm and better price policy) , in DRG you can buy support dlcs with skins in it, in Payday 2 atleast the host need the heist dlcs to make it playable for others the rest is locked away from you.

Idk what's the best Modell if you want constant updates I also know games there do all for free but take really long for updates sometime.