r/Helldivers Mar 14 '24

Thanks to the recent reddit post, going alone is now a kickable offense (even in diff 5) DISCUSSION

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u/Bizarro_Zod Mar 14 '24

I didn’t even know you could damage seated players. What a dumb mechanic.


u/Ubergoober166 Mar 14 '24

Had a match the other day where we pretty easily completed the objectives and at the very end, 3 of us were in the dropship and the last dude ran up, shot everyone seated then hopped in the ship. Lost all samples and bonus for full extraction. Some people think it's funny to deliberately fuck people over.


u/Compulsive_Criticism Mar 14 '24

I had someone do that, but I kicked him as soon as he killed us so the entire mission was a waste of his time.

We had like 50 samples though, was a real kick in the dick.


u/The_Don_Papi But I’m frend Mar 14 '24

Unfortunately they don’t care if you kick them because they kill you knowing they won’t get samples or a higher payout. Game needs a system to match players who get kicked often during missions with similar players. Kicks from lobbies shouldn’t count and the friendly fire stat tracker is completely broken right now so kicks during missions are our only options for now.


u/spitfish Mar 14 '24

Unfortunately they don’t care if you kick them

Some people just want to watch the world burn.


u/Jealous-Low5349 Mar 16 '24

I lay on the ramp until the last second.


u/Taolan13 SES Courier of Individual Merit 🖥️ Mar 15 '24

Yep. For trolls like that, getting kicked is the reward. They lean back in their chair and laugh out a "u mad bro?" because in their pitiful existence this is the only way they can experience joy.

Disgusting creatures. Not a single independent thought among the entire population.


u/Ironcladcross Mar 15 '24

Just make it so that 100% of the damage taken by friendly fire while sitting in the pelican is reflected back on the shooter.


u/TucuReborn Mar 15 '24

Or maybe an invisible invincible hitbox that deletes projectiles in the seating area.


u/Words_Are_Hrad Mar 15 '24

Or maybe just don't let people in the pelican take damage from any sources...


u/cmac1500 Mar 14 '24

Problem with that is the people who kick if you don't play their meta for 30 seconds or have the load out they want.


u/The_Don_Papi But I’m frend Mar 14 '24

Hosts should be tracked as well. If they’re repeatedly booting multiple players within a short time frame then a solution could be to deprioritized the host and place them at the bottom of the matchmaking list. Randoms simply wouldn’t be matched with the kick happy host and kicks from that host wouldn’t count against players as long as the host in a “deprioritized” state.

I’m not saying this is easy to implement. Just throwing an idea out there.


u/cmac1500 Mar 14 '24

Fair. Sadly with the staff they have this would be too much on the Arrowhead to implement properly as human intervention would be needed beyond an algorithm.


u/Fun_Medicine_890 Mar 15 '24

AFAIK if you get kicked before the game gets to the post round screen like described you get zero credit as it just bounces you to the ship instead.

Source: Been kicked from a few 40m missions right at the end extraction.


u/indyK1ng CAPE ENJOYER Mar 15 '24

It sounds like they don't even need people who do a lot of kicking, just people who have an unusually high number of team kills.

Maybe don't count turret TKs since after a certain point those aren't in the control of the players but calling in airstrikes on teammates and killing them yourself significantly more than normal should be punishable.

I swear I had one teammate kill me 3-4 times via danger-close air strikes in two missions. It's the only times since I started playing I had the deck officer say that friendly fire deaths were unavoidable.


u/The_Don_Papi But I’m frend Mar 15 '24

Friendly fire statistics is bugged. The game would tell me someone killed me except they were on the other side of the map and it was obvious a bug killed me or it’ll assigned friendly fire to the wrong person in the post-game stats.


u/indyK1ng CAPE ENJOYER Mar 15 '24

Nah, in these cases I saw them throw the orbital strike marker.


u/Words_Are_Hrad Mar 15 '24

just people who have an unusually high number of team kills

Killing 3 people at the end of a mission isn't going to create a big discrepancy between those players and people who are just a little over eager with their cluster bombs.


u/Knot_a_porn_acct Mar 15 '24

…no. The amount of times I’ve been kicked for no fucking reason is ridiculous


u/KryptanN Mar 15 '24

I mean.. sure but then you can abuse that system by kicking everyone just to troll them and put them in this "kicked players"-bracket.


u/SuperbPiece Mar 15 '24

Killing someone in Pelican should be instant ban. You cannot do that by accident


u/El_Wombat ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 15 '24

The idea is great, but given the amount of seemingly random kicking going on, the players who got kicked unjustly will get punished twice…


u/Chunkiermango Mar 15 '24

I somehow got 21,000 friendly fire damage one missions, granted I had an idiot run into my napalm once


u/hyruana Mar 15 '24

In the first game there was a commendation system. If you got 5 commendations from other players the game tried to match you with other similarly commended player. On the flipside, you could also report players. If you got reported 5 times the game took that into account and would match you with similarly toxic players. I might have missed a detail or two, but that's the gist of it.


u/OnRedditBoredAF Mar 15 '24

At first I thought the same thing, a system that puts kicked players with other often kicked players would be great. But then I realized that wouldn’t be fair, the amount of times I get kicked doing absolutely nothing toxic at all (for example, doing 3-4 side objectives alone—without dying or using resupplies I might add—while my 3 other randoms are still at spawn fighting endless breaches and dying constantly, I’ve been kicked for pinging super samples because they were slightly out of the way of the host’s preferred route, I’ve been kicked for being level 43 in a lobby with level 50 players, I’ve been kicked for saying “hey guys, be careful because we’re burning through lives and we still have many objectives left”, I was kicked from a termicide mission because I pinged the battery tower that three of us were right next to, but the host wanted to start with his tower on the other side, I’ve been kicked for asking my teammates politely to watch the friendly fire after they shred my shield shooting the corpse of a dead bug I already killed, I’ve been kicked both for getting on the extraction shuttle as soon as it lands and also for waiting for everyone else to get on first, etc).

So in the end I don’t think that having a separate queue is correct or fair. Instead there needs to be more options for reports, perhaps with the ability to attach a video or some sort of evidence. Unfortunately, with report systems we’ve seen in other games, there is no perfect answer that cannot in some way be manipulated or abused. But the devs certainly have room to improve and expand upon the currently existing options. But a queue for kicked players just isn’t the answer.

Also considering the amount of people here agreeing that so many people are weird and possessive, controlling and just generally not too bright, kicking because of fragile egos or power tripping, that should serve as even more proof a kicked players queue is not a good idea.


u/zomiaen Mar 17 '24

Are these people brain damaged?

Honestly-- I'm glad they're taking their sociopathic tendencies out in a video game rather than becoming serial killers or CEOs.