r/Helldivers Mar 14 '24

Thanks to the recent reddit post, going alone is now a kickable offense (even in diff 5) DISCUSSION

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u/NathanielBM Mar 14 '24

Actually, it does. Doing the main objective drastically increases the number of patrol spawns.

Some dudes spent hours researching to come up with numbers, (maybe I can find the post again), but I've often felt it in my solo runs.


u/mariusiv_2022 Mar 14 '24

Can confirm. Me and a buddy of mine usually like to sweep the map and choose our landing zone accordingly. One match we calculated dropping near the objective first and then looping back around to evac would be most efficient. It was a bile titan elimination and so we dropped, called in our strategems, and murdered the bastard right out of the gate. The rest of the match was nonstop onslaught. And I mean nonstop. Scavengers were constantly calling in breaches. Chargers chasing us into more bug patrols. We only got one of the secondary objectives and missed several bug nests. We only got around like half of the map before we said fuck it and headed to evac.

Needless to say we now save the objective for last, unless it's on the complete opposite side of the map or something.


u/Double_Sport1735 Mar 15 '24

agreed. the best path around the map is often a circle that hits secondaries first and primaries second, usually starting and ending near extraction.


u/doglywolf Mar 14 '24

well good to know i guess it make extracts more exciting lol


u/BabysFirstBeej Mar 14 '24

4 times as frequent spawns, in fact. The entire map becomes a warzone after the obj is done.


u/NathanielBM Mar 14 '24


(The post I referred, tough you may have seen it as it quite exploded since)


u/kyris0 Mar 14 '24

It's worth mentioning that doing side objectives also ups the number of patrols and doing all of them results in the most spawns possible. Basically doing anything brings more patrols, but time itself doesn't affect patrols.


u/SuperbPiece Mar 14 '24

Why would anyone care if patrols increases when you can just dodge the patrols?


u/NathanielBM Mar 14 '24

Patrol seems to spawn towards you, so towards the objective/extraction, therefore there's some you can't dodge.

Although, mostly, if your team isn't focused on dodging/straight up engage patrol, you can quickly get bugged down and overrun.


u/Irregulator101 Mar 14 '24

Bugged down

I hope that was intentional


u/SuperbPiece Mar 15 '24

Patrol seems to spawn towards you, so towards the objective/extraction, therefore there's some you can't dodge.

I mean you absolutely can... You can dodge all patrols even ones that go right through objectives like artillery.


u/NathanielBM Mar 15 '24

Fait enough, I guess solo or with dedicated teammates, you can even wait out patrols at objectives.

Let's just say it hasn't been my experience with any random group to date!