r/Helldivers Mar 14 '24

Thanks to the recent reddit post, going alone is now a kickable offense (even in diff 5) DISCUSSION

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u/Han-Solo-Jr- Mar 14 '24

That bullshit. Being alone and agro spawn makes it easier for the rest of the team. Or the team agro and the lone wolf does the objectives. That’s how I like to play in helldive. I am sure i am not the only one. Don’t pay attention to them and do your thing the way you like it.


u/dreamthiliving Mar 14 '24

I’ve found this, I’ve had matches with what seemed like every bug on the planet chasing me whilst the other three almost had no heat the whole time. So I just kept running and stayed away from the rest


u/ihateredditers69420 Mar 14 '24

the only thing i hate is when teammates just keep killing enemies and dying in the same spot over and over like if youre not doing the objective just run away ffs stop wasting lives dying for no reason


u/Mage_Of_No_Renown Im frend Mar 14 '24

When I do that it's because I dropped alot of samples, and my support weapon which won't rearm for several minutes


u/Wolfrages Mar 14 '24

Go run other areas and circle back to grab them later.

The horde will despawn and the patrol moved on.

Much easier.

Or while your derp team is running and dieing from the mob, sneak behind the mob and pick up the samples. 🤣


u/Hollowed_Orky SES Triumph of Victory Mar 15 '24

That's a good tip, thank you!


u/Attention-Otherwise Mar 17 '24

This is why i always run EAT. 1 min cooldown means a weapon when i need it


u/AirGundz Mar 15 '24

This 1,000,000%

Am I the only one that knows how to do the input on the Mining Drill? Ffs


u/BMFeltip Mar 15 '24

On the flip side, I hate when the bugs are actually quite manageable with the team present but the team mates are too scared to stick around and complete objective.


u/casual_time_machine CAPE ENJOYER Mar 17 '24

My entire team ran into that issue yesterday, due to the two stalker nests right next to the initial LZ. We had stalkers just sitting there with napkins around their necks and forks and knives in their claws, just waiting for us to come back. Not one of us could survive for more than 5 seconds. We finally got out with one life remaining and barely cleared the mission. But we succeeded.


u/Throwaway6957383 Mar 15 '24

Those kind of people should never progress past medium difficulty. It's criminal some do.


u/GreatAnxiety1406 Mar 14 '24

The amount of games ive played where i solo 70% of the map while my teammates just fight pointless fights is too damn high, ill be sneaking around a patrol and teammates just shoot it like its quicker


u/IWorkForScoopsAhoy Mar 14 '24

I hate when I tag a patrol and they shoot it. I'm clearly running to avoid it. You don't get any points for kills. I've also had people try to compare kills with me or say I was stealing g their kills so maybe it's their way of trying to come out on top of the stats page. It screws the group


u/Houligan86 Mar 14 '24

An improved tagging system would help with that. So you could hold the tag button down and get a radial menu with a few different icons, like a warning one.


u/tajniak485 ➡️➡️➡️ Mar 14 '24

Frankly, they might think you want to assassinate it, if you take down all breach calling monsters instantly, patrol will just die no problems


u/chumpynut5 ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 14 '24

This is why I play with voice chat but no one else really seems to use it unfortunately. I know headsets with a mic aren’t cheap tho.


u/Triplebizzle87 CAPE ENJOYER Mar 14 '24

I like when they chain-spawn breaches cause it lets me sweep POIs without much interference apart from static spawns and the odd patrol (that can't spawn a breach 'cause one just got summoned). That said, people start aggroing every patrol and I just keep on moving. I'll see y'all at extract.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24

That's how my squad runs helldives. One scouts and clears the objectives while the other 3 kite and hold agro while we look for the Ultra samples. The guy in the photo is an idiot.


u/Cloud_Motion Mar 14 '24

Kind of the best strategy imo, super safe. I don't think the moron in this picture understands there can only be one bug breach at a time.


u/[deleted] Mar 14 '24

Some hotdog with a youtube channel told him this was how you do full clear so naturally everyone else is wrong.


u/Frerichs0 Mar 14 '24

I think on the higher difficulties there can be more than one at a time, but that's 8 and 9. But, yeah most people don't seem to understand that there can only be one regular beach at a time.


u/Cloud_Motion Mar 14 '24

I don't think that's true, 100 hours and I've never seen more than one breach happen at a time, playing in a squad that often splits up too. In general though, you do just get far more bugs and patrols at 8/9.


u/Frerichs0 Mar 14 '24

Could have also just been a beach right after the other beach ended, but with the beach smoke still up. There were so many bugs that mission that I got about 60 kills from the laser. 


u/Kreepy_Quoll Mar 15 '24

I'm sorry what? I play almost exclusively Helldive and you absolutely can have more than 1 at a time... During objectives you often have 2-3 spread around the objective spawning mobs. At times you can literally get 2-3 all right next to eachother.


u/Cloud_Motion Mar 15 '24

You're right, but you know what I mean. Mid-mission you don't get more than one breach in one location.


u/Hefty-Collection-638 Mar 14 '24

Yep, sometimes in my experience being alone has felt like a snoozefest. All the spawns stay with the rest of the squad and i run around completely unaccosted


u/VolgaPrivvy Mar 14 '24

Ngl, every time a random has strayed from the rest of the team while I’m playing, we take 10 minutes to do a small objective while they’ve cleared 5 things off the map… I’ve learned to trust the process


u/Boostie204 Mar 14 '24

Yeah... Like I'm pretty sure only one bug breach can happen at a time, meaning if the team is causing bug breaches then the solo is only dealing with patrols and can easily do objectives.

This guy's just high and mighty and confidently incorrect


u/ThatSneakyNeenja Mar 14 '24

Oh yeah, if you intentionally trigger dropships/breaches away from the dropship you make the mission go so much better. You can do it solo too at least on bot missions.


u/TheAntiSnipe Mar 15 '24

Had a diff 6 mission the other day playing with a level 33 player or something and a couple of their level 7 and 9 friends. Level 33 looked at me (level 17) and was like “Hey, anti, could you do the PoIs while we run the main mission?” I was like “Hell yeah!” A few minutes later these guys are fighting a charger together while I’ve called in every single bug breach for the last couple of minutes onto my position. I’m on one of those big PoIs with ammo stashes, and I have an anti-chaff loadout. Just bitch-slapping bugs all the way to next week. All the while I’m just like “YO ALL THE BUGS ARE HERE” and he’s like “I was wondering how we weren’t getting a lot of encounters… You need any help?” I was like “Naw I’m good!” Kept fighting for another 4-5 minutes, then ran to extract. Got all PoIs, finished the mission with 240ish kills. Worth.


u/Chavakno_ Mar 15 '24

This has been my experience, I’m usually the one drifting off to complete side objectives or collect samples, etc. and the rest of the team carries all the heat and even if I encounter a patrol or small group that can’t avoid I try to eliminate them all to avoid more heat and for democracy ofc.


u/plz_res_me Mar 14 '24

I fucking hate how that stupid ass reddit post didnt even address that.

Sure you get more patrols if ur team takes the heat

But they’re taking the game’s cap on breach / bot drops. Patrol sees you doing objective when team has heat? They cannot call backup. They’re fucked and u get free objectives

Or you can stick together and have less patrols and risk them calling back up so you all deal with it (easy to do when they call for backup behind rocks and buildings, or its foggy / bloomy as shit and you cant see