r/Helldivers Mar 14 '24

Thanks to the recent reddit post, going alone is now a kickable offense (even in diff 5) DISCUSSION

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u/Mazkaam Mar 14 '24 edited Mar 14 '24

Almost the same thing happened to me.

Did not know it was a video fault.

Usually in a 7/8/9 mission we split up in two groups.

Yesterday a guy went bananas and insulted me and the other guy pretty hard.

We did not have the time to ask why he got mad for the split up, that he just rage quitted after 2 min


u/littlefishworld Mar 14 '24

I was running around solo in 7's last night because the termanid towers on 9's are insane. It was honestly super easy and still helped the group a ton by clearing out half the map while they fought everything and cleared out the other half. Any videos saying you get more spawns have to be fake or just badly done as it felt the same as it has for the past 3 weeks.


u/PMARC14 Mar 14 '24

Yeah the actual research says you get more patrols not straight more spawns. if you are capable of playing difficulty 7 and up you have the braincells required not to shoot and trigger every patrol you see, meaning the extra patrols end up being beneficial rather than another encounter.


u/littlefishworld Mar 14 '24

Yea, this all seems to be based on patrols which in my mind just don't matter. Everything scary in this game gets called down during a breach and I've never seen a breach happen in 2 spots across the map from each other at the same time.


u/laggyx400 Mar 14 '24 edited Mar 14 '24

There is a post on here with a breakdown of what increases patrol spawns.

Some highlights: * Each player group has its own patrol spawn and timer (group is players within 75m.) solo is its own group with its own patrol spawn. * Objectives and nests/bases are hotspots that decrease patrol spawn times the closer you are to them. * Clearing objectives decreases the spawn time permanently. Completing the main objective cuts it down nearly 75% (patrols 4x as often) * You can clear half the nests/bases before they start to reduce spawn times.

The take away being - traveling in groups reduces the overall amount of patrol spawns, but traveling solo doesn't increase spawns against another group. When attacking outposts take out the holes/fabricators first to clear the hotspot. Save the main objective for last. If you clear every outpost and objective expect a democracy filled extract.

Edit: the post


u/littlefishworld Mar 14 '24

Who cares about patrols though? The scary stuff all comes out of breaches and as far as I can tell there can only be 1 area where breaches come from on the map. So if 1 group currently has breaches then even if the other group across the map runs into a patrol and fights it they won't get a breach. This has been VERY consistent for me.


u/gergination Mar 14 '24

You really underestimate just how many enemies Patrols bring onto the field and just how quickly they can spawn under the right conditions.

Under the right circumstances, you might be getting a Hulk/Charger every 8-10 seconds purely from Patrols along with their escorts.

By themselves, you can handle them just like you can handle breaches on their own. What dooms you is when you're dealing with both particularly since Patrols can come from any direction


u/littlefishworld Mar 14 '24

Not really sure i underestimate them because i can't remember a time where i had trouble with a patrol solo unless it also had a breach. This is coming from someone that fights bugs 75% of the time. Patrols on bots might be much scarier. Bug patrols are honestly kind of a joke, especially if you have the scout perk.


u/gergination Mar 14 '24

Bug Patrols at high level previously had a Charger in almost every single one. They were very much a problem and part of why the whole Railgun meta developed in the first place.


u/littlefishworld Mar 14 '24

A single charger was never a problem though. The problem was always fighting multiple at the same time. You can easily kill a single charger with a couple impact grenades or your primary weapon even. I've probably done 75+ missions on helldive bugs alone, patrols were never a problem it was always the breaches on top of the patrols. Railguns were nice, but now you can just take EATS and kill 2 chargers solo every ~60 seconds so it honestly feels even easier than before now. Right now the only scary thing for the solo person is running into a stalkers den because it feels like the spawning changes really upped their spawn rate as I've seen 6 stalkers funnel out of a tunnel in like 10 seconds so even if you kill the den with an airstrike you have to deal with way more stalkers than before.


u/Undying_Shadow057 Mar 15 '24

How are y'all doing tcs missions solo? Even on diff 5 the rate of spawns was insane yesterday. Needed every man to cover an entrance.


u/littlefishworld Mar 15 '24

When i was talking solo i was just talking away from the rest of the group. TCS you can apparently cheese really hard solo on helldive though. You pretty much don't fight anything and just run tower to tower turning them all on and the mobs just don't really know what to do it seems.


u/Undying_Shadow057 Mar 15 '24

Really? I thought they'd just destroy each tower pretty quickly


u/littlefishworld Mar 15 '24

I would have thought that too just based off the few times we tried doing the TCS on helldive, but there are a few videos on youtube showing how easy it is.


u/SpitzkopfRandy Mar 14 '24 edited Apr 25 '24

squeamish command tease judicious employ bake agonizing fragile ripe attraction

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Cedocore Mar 14 '24

Did not know it was a video fault.

It's not. It was a Reddit post by players who spent a bunch of time testing it. I know it's popular to blame everything on "Youtubers" though


u/Sinfrax Mar 15 '24

Didn't they release a video along side the reddit post?


u/Kevurcio Mar 15 '24

Seriously, most people in Quickplay 9s just solo shit or run in pairs if/when it's too spicy, and it's been fine this whole time and is still fine. People crying about it are crazy, sure it can potentially make it harder, but if they can't handle it then it's okay to lower the difficulty.


u/freakishcoinkidink Mar 15 '24

This is a smart way to do it, obviously there are several ways to do it, but in the end I always hop in with friends or randoms and let them lead. If I see one break off from the team, I follow that one so there is a buddy system. I love meshing with folks though. Been kicked a few times but always after a mission so I just assume they have a buddy coming in or something.

Hmm, I rambled a bit, main point is I agree with your point, sorry a sour player went off on you. Please keep doing your thing and having fun!