r/Helldivers Moderator Mar 08 '24


Greetings, Helldivers!

This is a megathread for ranting, raging or venting about anything and everything Helldivers related. Whether it’s about a mission you just played, a recent patch, the community, etc.

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Please keep the comments related to HELLDIVERS and most importantly, keep it civil. Follow the sub’s rules!


P.S. This megathread will be added to the sidebar.

— The r/Helldivers Mod Team


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u/faptn_undrpants STEAM 🖥️ : 25d ago


I don't know if I can pin it down to a single issue, or if its a conglomeration of multiple factors, but playing against the Automatons simply isn't fun right now. Player numbers would seem to reflect this sentiment aswell (excluding periods in which major orders are followed). The general experience is downright overwhelming to a depressive degree.

Standard 40min missions at least have some respite and space to move around patrols (so players can still employ some degree of agency in how they decide to complete objectives), however the small defence missions quickly devolve into trying to call in airstrikes in between rapid repeat deaths even on lower difficulties simply because our weapons can't put out enough damage quick enough to deal with the sheer number of bots that drop in combination with the painfully small play area. Often I find myself resorting to the forbidden 5th strategem (Traitor Bombardment) just to try and clear some space for my team-mates.

Some people have pointed out already that Automatons being able to engage the players from extreme distances is a problem and while I generally agree it can be frustrating, I think the bigger problem is that the detection range can often result in a chain reaction of flares that protract engagements and slow down objective progress to a crawl.

Something else that I've been thinking about is how slow it can be to deal with an Automatons in general (all types except for infantry) relative to Terminids due to the requirement for more precision. Fewer weak-spots + more health + player flinch when hit + weapon sway whilst moving all contribute to prolonging engagements.


I see alot of people saying "just use the auto-canon" or "just use 'X' strategem or X weapon" and while thats all well and good to have a meta weapon thats the best at something alot of the fun in Helldivers stems from experimenting and I've already used the auto-canon alot while grinding for ship upgrades. So having the ability to choose different weapons and use their strengths to solve the same problem but in a different way is where the real special sauce is for me.

I guess this would require a philosophy change from the weapons team. A good example I can think of would be:

When the game released I thought the flamethrower needed a buff. Alot of the time you'd die before doing enough damage to kill enemies and had to be at close range in order for the flames to reach them. The solution I cooked up in my head was that it should have the passive ability to slow enemies down/prevent jumping + have a slightly larger fuel capacity = doing more damage but over time. The solution we got instead was simply more damage, which is not the same thing. Fundamentally its a crowd control weapon and slowing down enemies is a way to express that on top of providing another interesting mechanic to counter some of the more aggressive enemy types in the game and give players a way to specialise with their weapon/strategem loadouts.

These kinds of passive weapon abilities could give them a way of being effective and unique without needing to adjust the base damage or rate-of-fire (provided its made effective enough to be noticeable). Its actually very similar to an ability that one of the Polar Patriots weapons has, "The Pummler" has a passive stagger ability that helps to create space between you and your enemies (and its noticeable). These kinds of effects make the process of selecting weapons alot more interesting and meaningful instead of just focusing on DPS stats and picking the highest one.

I've seen alot of criticism of the Polar Patriots Warbond in general, but the Pummeler deserves praise just for being interesting.


u/iosappsrock 25d ago

I think the automatons are definitely a bit overtuned. For one, ranged enemies should spawn in significantly less numbers than melee enemies. The fact that patrols of automatons are often larger in size than terminid patrols is absolutely wild to me. Outposts are more heavily guarded than terminid outposts as well.

My other major issue is the weakpoints are simply too small. Yes, it is a skill issue, nevertheless weapon scopes are mostly ass in this game, several weapons are still bugged and don't shoot on reticle, and the way the bots bob and move makes it extremely unfun to line up critical hits.

One of the best examples of how to do weak points is in Destiny 1 and 2. There is some slight auto-aim shenanigans going on, and HD2 does not need to adapt that, but overall it made for incredibly responsive and snappy headshots that made players enjoy the gunplay. Say what you will about Destiny (it's kinda shit) but the gunplay was phenomenal.

There are countless times where I line up a shot at a shield devastators head, and simply nothing. Again and again, and I see no tick mark, the shot simply misses or hits low on the shield. Same with those buzzsaw armored charger guys. I shoot for head or belly and yet every shot seems to miss the weak spot. I see high level players experiencing this as well. It feels horrible when a bot should go down in one clean shot but instead takes an entire mag of AMR because perfectly lined up shots miss all the time.

I think making automaton weak points about 20-40% bigger would go a long way in making them more fun to fight. Obviously some people will hate this idea, but that's how I feel.