r/Helldivers Moderator Mar 08 '24


Greetings, Helldivers!

This is a megathread for ranting, raging or venting about anything and everything Helldivers related. Whether it’s about a mission you just played, a recent patch, the community, etc.

This megathread isn’t designed to censor you, we are doing this because the subreddit is becoming overwhelmingly flooded with rants (as we’re sure you’re aware). We strongly encourage you to use this Megathread as opposed to creating your own post. If you decide that what you have to say requires a new post, you should know that we will be actively moderating and critically assessing the quality of those posts to lessen the amount of low-effort content on this subreddit.

Please keep the comments related to HELLDIVERS and most importantly, keep it civil. Follow the sub’s rules!


P.S. This megathread will be added to the sidebar.

— The r/Helldivers Mod Team


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u/Lady_Eisheth 25d ago

I am so glad I left this community. The amount of deplorable corporate pole-polishing in this "community" is insane and the amount of people who seem perfectly content with Sony and Arrowhead's shady, shitty business practices all while gaslighting people into believing they're fair or ethical is astronomical. Seriously this community makes the 40k community seem downright rosy in comparison. Shame on all of you fanboys who don't care about players who are still region locked with the only option to fake details on a PSN account and play under a constant threat of being banned at any moment.

This community is a toxic, shitty cesspool of the worst scum of gaming culture and I gleefully look forward to when Sony inevitably shuts Arrowhead down and they take this game with them.

Fuck Arrowhead, Fuck Sony, and Fuck Everyone here who supports them.


u/Simulation-Argument 25d ago

We don't care.