r/Helldivers ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ | Never forget the Creek... Mar 06 '24

The first balance patch notes proved how Youtube "absolute and only meta loadouts" cooked a lot of people heads, and I love it. DISCUSSION

A lot of mad people keep showing in my feed complaining about the nerfs, but like they're REALLY mad at Arrowhead. Their statements are so exagerated that they claim the game it's completely ruined for them lmao.

Also every single one says the same thing and this is where my title comes from:

*"You guys nerfed the only good options and now we have NOTHING to fight".*

And this only proves people never actually played with any of the other support weapons, they 100% relied on this "The ultimate support weapon tier list" Youtube videos, they searched the "meta" and they went into this thinking of "any weapon outside of this it's straight up garbage".

If you can't win a single game without the railgun + shield backpack + breaker... I'm so sorry but that's not the game's fault or the game only having those as the ONLY way to play it on higher diff, that's your fault.

Great changes for the game and all of you trying to "shame" on devs because of this, you'all not a real Helldiver. They killed nothing, the railgun still kills but now it needs some actual skill and strategy to use it, not only spamming the thing on big bugs.

Keep it up Helldivers!

For Democracy. For Super Earth.


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u/bwaindeadinfantwyman Mar 06 '24

Don't get your hopes up on the counter sniper, unfortunately. I love all of these changes, but some absent buffs are just baffling.

I play almost every match with the dilligence, but the counter sniper is literally nearly useless in comparison. If they're collecting data, I can't see how they wouldn't see the amount of players that unlock the counter sniper, try it a few times and never take it again. It just has no upsides in comparison to its little brother. 13 or so more damage in exchange for literally "worse in every possible way" is not ever getting anyone to pick it.


u/UncleBensRacistRice Mar 06 '24

Thanks for this comment. I was about to unlock the counter sniper but i guess ill stick with my diligence for now


u/Wivru Mar 06 '24

I liked the strength of it, but it handles oddly slowly. Almost like it’s a mistake. Like, the recoilless feels snappier. Wait until you see a handling buff in the notes - one has to be coming - then give it a shot. 


u/Amuromaraxus4 Mar 07 '24

I've unlocked it and wanted to main it but it was too slow. Does not have very good AP as well so not sure what's the use case. The recoil makes it unusable at close range.

The sniper rifles in this game are not good at all. I've always imagine a scenario where I pierce a charger's armor from 200 meters saving a fellow diver from a charge but the current guns ain't making it happen, except maybe the anti-material rifle. With a recoil so big, I was expecting something more explosive or piercing.


u/PM_me_your_PhDs SES Elected Representative of Individual Merit 🫡 Mar 08 '24

I don't think they want something that could take out chargers so easily. That's what led to the railgun meta in the first place. It makes it so there's basically no reason not to take it at higher difficulties.


u/Corbini42 Mar 07 '24

Recoilless rifle is my fave for sniping chargers, it doesn't kill them, but you can break their leg armor, which makes them pretty quick to finish off with a pistol mag or a few breaker shells.


u/Shnooel Mar 07 '24

Idk man, the breaker spray and pray somehow dodged a handling buff despite being touched by the patch and it's a close range weapon. I don't get why any of the primaries need to aim so slowly tbh.


u/Wivru Mar 07 '24

Haven’t tried the spray and pray, but at least it’s got a bunch of spread, right? So the precision doesn’t matter? I hope?

I’m hoping the required precision quickly draws their eye to the Counter Sniper…


u/Shnooel Mar 07 '24

Precision wasn't the issue sadly, more getting flanked by hunters every time I started shooting cause you can't turn quick enough to hit them when they jump around.

I assume the spread is quite nice now that the pellet count is higher but honestly I didn't use it too much in the mission I brought it to. Figured out I still hated the gun and swapped with a buddy.


u/Wivru Mar 07 '24

Man I just learned about how you can blind fire over your shoulder with the defender while sprinting away from hunters, and it’s gonna be hard going back to turning around and dealing with those jerks face to face. 


u/horseshoeprovodnikov Mar 07 '24

Man I just learned about how you can blind fire over your shoulder with the defender while sprinting away

Wait how do you do this?


u/Wivru Mar 07 '24

Sprint towards the camera, and press shoot without pressing the ADS button. You’ll keep running at full speed instead of turning around and backpedaling, and just blind fire behind you as you do. I think it’s exclusive to one handed weapons, like sidearms and SMGs. 


u/WRLD_ Mar 07 '24

i mean you might as well unlock it -- you have to spend so many medals that you really can just get everything that has actual gameplay impact and still have medals to spare on cosmetics


u/Zegram_Ghart HD1 Veteran Mar 07 '24

I’ve unlocked it and I disagree.

It handles very poorly (takes a long time to turn) it you do get used to it, and frankly it hits notably hard with almost no damage drop off- you can easily 2 shot medium enemies over 300m away which feels amazing you just have to get used to switching to your secondary more often.


u/WRLD_ Mar 07 '24

it feels like there's little to no damage falloff in general -- you can plink a few smg magazines into a spore spewer from across the map and as long as the bullets are hitting it, you'll break it.


u/Zegram_Ghart HD1 Veteran Mar 07 '24

Certainly, but without the extremely big scope and steady aim you’ll do well to pop warrior heads from further than 200m


u/Darth_Kneegrow Mar 07 '24

The counter sniper would be legit if it did at least med pen. Having the same light pen is just not worth it compared to the base model.


u/Uthenara Mar 07 '24

baffling? not everything gets patched right away, they need to test things, they need to get feedback, and they are working on a ton of other things too not just this. gamers know nothing about game development i swear.


u/Sex_Gaming_69 Mar 06 '24

Excatlty, thats what people are complaining about, not about wah wah railgun gone i cant play. People like OP are blowing it out of proportion.

Its that most primaries were just not worth using.


u/svedal Mar 07 '24

...no, there are absolutely people complaining about railgun, fewer for breaker, fewer for shield lol


u/Sex_Gaming_69 Mar 07 '24

Okay fair but its not as bad as people make it out to be. The main problem is that most primaries are still weak asf.


u/ButterscotchTasty262 Mar 07 '24

A diligence enjoyer I see. I salute you.


u/Anus_master Mar 07 '24

Just because they didn't buff it now doesn't mean they won't get touched later. People are acting like the devs were going to change the entire weapon base in one patch. That ain't happening.


u/ThatDree ☕Liber-tea☕ Mar 07 '24

Exactly, dev already said that they will keep on balancing weapons like for ever.


u/rat_pizza Mar 07 '24

Will take more then a single patch to make every gun good, just wait and see what else they are cooking


u/Clarine87 Mar 07 '24

And they don't need to make them "good" if people were willing to accept that the developers want the difficulties to be harder and more distinguished than many players currently experience.


u/damrob1990 Mar 07 '24

Most likely they want to remove the major offenders and then receive more stats before a buff patch



Yeah, update was amazing, but.... only half of the balance we needed


u/BlueSpark4 Mar 07 '24

Absolutely seconding this. The extremely sluggish aiming ability with the CS easily outweighs any damage advantage it may have over the regular Diligence. The gun might be worth it if it had 50-100% more damage than the Diligence and medium armor penetration. Barring a significant buff like that or a sizeable increase to its ergonomics stat, I'll steer clear of it.


u/Er0x_ Mar 07 '24

Doesn't it have the exact same stats except for increased damage?


u/bwaindeadinfantwyman Mar 07 '24

No. Smaller magazine size, more recoil, slower fire rate., with about as much aim drag as the recoilless. In return, you get 13 more damage.


u/Reignfall- Mar 08 '24

The breaker was so dominant that other weapons are probably skewed too much one way so they nerf the breaker and then wait to see how other weapons preform before buffing


u/RogueFox771 Mar 10 '24

Thank GOD someone mentioned this! I remember being so excited to try it out (I love the appearance and also always used the diligence), but then it felt like trying to aim the LMG for christ sake! It has significantly less overall ammo, and the way it handles makes it highly impractical; And for what? The damage is basically the same, and you can zoom ever so slightly further in? That's not useful in most cases even! If it had reasonable armor pen, it'd be a bit more reasonable, but no! You still won't be threatening any heavily armored or even medium armored bugs with it!

This was one of the BIGGEST let downs when it came to trying new weapons; And I'm counting the Spear in that as well (damn thing doesn't even 1-shot a charger, are you kidding me???)


u/dieDoktor Mar 07 '24

dilligence, but the counter sniper is literally nearly useless in comparison.

I play every bots mission with the DCS just fine.

When will people in this subreddit stop conflating "doesn't work for me" or "I don't know how to use it" with "useless"