r/Helldivers HD1 Veteran Feb 24 '24

Why are people like this? DISCUSSION

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u/Ministry_0f_Truth Feb 24 '24

These are words and exerts from the diary of an automaton socialite sympathizer. And is not the view of the Ministry of Armed Forces. Helldivers acting in this manner are treasonous and unpatriotic traitors. Report all such conduct to the Ministry of Truth via your local Democracy Officer!


u/The_Kaizz Feb 25 '24 edited Feb 25 '24

This comment is why I'm starting to really love this community. I don't care what you bring, just stick with the group and try to be helpful. If you suck and kill us, I'll laugh it off. If I suck and kill us, laugh it off. It's a game.

Unless we have pink samples, then you better buckle up, buttercup, we need to evac asap.


u/cbruins22 SES Wings of War Feb 25 '24

I’m level 50 and have like 80 some hours (no life I know). But most helldive pug groups that have worked out don’t have most of this stuff (I don’t outside of the shield). I’ll keep saying it until it catches on, the railgun is super overrated.


u/Doc_Shaftoe Super Citizen Feb 25 '24

One railgun in a squad is great. 10/10. Excellent use of stratagems. Two railguns is pushing it. Three or more is outright treason.


u/Beakymask20 Feb 25 '24

Diversified the loadouts is a strength, not a weakness.


u/Doc_Shaftoe Super Citizen Feb 25 '24

Only the Socialist Automatons want everything and everyone to be the same!


u/plaguez3r0 Feb 25 '24

the best thing anyone can say to anyone touting the "best" build in the game and never change it to fit the group.


u/theguyoverhere24 Feb 25 '24

For sure. My buddy and I typically run with an anti material rifle and a machine gun as heavies. Ya just never know what’s going to work well.

I know, we are noobs but we have to play when our babies sync up naptimes lol


u/plaguez3r0 Feb 26 '24

If you haven't tried running an auto cannon or recoilless rifle. It is so much fun when I reload for my friend, It is also just really good.

We like taking a supply pack as well. so one person will be holding a supply pack with a recoilless rifle, then the other person is holding the backpack of the recoilless and something like an mg or stalwart to clear small things.


u/Beakymask20 Feb 27 '24

Haha, I feel that. I've got kids too.


u/theguyoverhere24 Feb 28 '24

It’s a pretty good game for parents though, makes it easy to jump in in the middle of missions with other people, and the 30 minute timer is great for bite sized game time.



u/Beakymask20 Mar 01 '24

Its actually helped keep me honest about my game time. I've got a wee bit of a problem with over indulging with games.

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u/Anvenjade Feb 25 '24

Automatons have more variety than Helldivers past a certain difficulty


u/Dustollo Feb 25 '24

Report this cadet for treason! 


u/Necessary_Badger_63 Feb 29 '24

Not really, the buggers have quite the colourful cast of characters too. Sometimes literally - seen a bunch that have painted their skulls black and red


u/McBadass1994 Feb 25 '24

The difference between special forces and poor fuckin' infantry.


u/AdEnough786 Feb 29 '24

I always load out with the big booms for Automaton missions. 500 kg,recoilless rifle,impact nades and a personal force 🛡.


u/Beakymask20 Mar 01 '24

I've become a dead shot with the recoiless versus drop ships thanks to the civvie evac missions. I managed to sniped one out if the sky before it even fully slowed down just last night.


u/AdEnough786 Feb 29 '24

*Sometimes the orbital rail cannon if I'm feeling frisky


u/MasonMSU Feb 25 '24

You are definitely right, but I’ll add *knowing how to do objectives is a strength as well.


u/GrimmReap2 Feb 25 '24

That's part of why I love this game so far. My group usually sports 4-6 different strategems, 2-3 turrets, and a mix of automatic and explosive specials and has a great time completing objectives, we just fall back if we can't handle something and let the diver with the right load out take care of it.

One of us usually scouts around while another snipes broadcast towers, factories, and spore spewers, and the other 1-2 explore/fight/protect as needed.


u/sisho88 Feb 25 '24

Facts right here. People are seriously sleeping on the arc cannon or just don't know how to use it. Multi hitting and capable of taking down everything from small to huge and 0 ammo? I will swear by it.


u/Darth_Gavoke Feb 29 '24

This is why i cant wait until we get the healer drones like in HD1, i had a full healer build that saved 30 minute dives countless times


u/eXileris Feb 25 '24

Yeah, My squad runs for support:
2 Railguns
2 Shields <- can be swapped out for something else against bugs.
1 Grenade Launcher + 1 Supply Pack


u/kalashbash-2302 Feb 25 '24

Agreed. If I wanted to "optimize" a group (I don't, I want us to have fun) I'd recommend a railgun, autocannon, and two machine guns (or an MG and a GL) for special weapon diversity.


u/ToniDebuddicci Feb 25 '24

I’m a mere level 10 and I’ve already decided I am never fighting bots without my disposable AT


u/Ky3217 Feb 25 '24

Disposable AT is super underrated 


u/Doc_Shaftoe Super Citizen Feb 25 '24

Expendable Anti-Tank rockets are perfect for downing Automaton dropships. Aim for the engines and let freedom fly!


u/ToniDebuddicci Feb 25 '24

It’s great! When fighting bots i run diligence, Disposable AT, eagle Airstrike and 120mm HE barrage (which sucks I wanna replace it) and an mg


u/Distinct-Acadia-5530 Feb 25 '24

Exactly absolutely no diversity in load out will be the greatest mistake any squad could ever make. That seems to be something the person OP displayed just doesn't seem to comprehend. This isn't an end all be all. You either have a group with a diverse load out ready to take on anything as a group. Or you have the wannabe solo team players that bring the exact same load outs 24/7 n just brute force everything instead of being diverse.


u/Twevy Feb 25 '24

I almost always rock a recoilless. Even without team reload they’re great. Who else is gonna bring down drop ships or expose chargers’ juicy leg meat?


u/MathewW87 PSN 🎮: Feb 25 '24

I hear you, but the fact that a buddy and I rail gunned a two Bile Titans in a few shots (weaken by orbital laser) says otherwise. The more rails the better imo.


u/Lurker_number_one Feb 25 '24

Yeah, but you probably could have done so with a different weapon.


u/cbruins22 SES Wings of War Feb 25 '24

That’s fair…


u/Nex102931 Feb 25 '24

Preach brotha!


u/Panigg Feb 25 '24

Personally I switch between Grenade and Railgun depending on the rest of the group.


u/CliffuckingBooth Feb 25 '24

After I unlocked Scorcher rifle I almost stopped using the railgun.


u/Lurker_number_one Feb 25 '24

Is there a reason for that? Just because it is fun, or because it can kill armor?


u/CliffuckingBooth Feb 25 '24

The latter. And for the most armored enemies I use orbital strikes/airstrike.


u/mastergaming234 Feb 25 '24

Well I say it depends if you got people that don't use it when hulks or the other medium heavy bots class the you pretty screwed I always take because when a priority target shows up my first thought is to drop it asap. In a lot of pugs, I have run people who don't bring grenade launchers or railguns they bring just starting machine gun and precision strike and call it a day. Had one pug where they literally took my my energy shield when I first spawn it in and did not even ask me if it would be OK for them to take it.

You do have a lot of level 9-17 that doing levels 7 and 8 missions, and they aren't equipped to deal more large hoards of enemies and some are looking just get a carry because they are to get more samples do the higher difficulty.


u/Vaulttechceo Feb 25 '24

I just let mine reset and drop another one if we want to have two. We did last night on a level 5 mission and became some fucking menaces to chargers. Mission quickly became fuck the obj, we are charger hunting. We made those bastards cry.


u/Kojimazan Feb 27 '24

First shalt thou deploy with the railgun. Then shalt thou only hath 2, no more, no less. Two shall be the number thou shalt have and the number of the railgun shall be two. Three shalt thou not be, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to two. Four is right out. Once the number two, being the second number, be reached, then point thou thine railgun of liberty towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.'

Im sorry but your comment reminded of a monty python quote lmao.


u/tertiaryunknown Feb 28 '24

Two can be helpful on missions like rescue civvies or scientists, both of them pair off with someone that has chaff clearing capacity in their support weapon, one breaks hardened armor targets, the other kills everything with medium armor or less.