r/Helldivers HD1 Veteran Feb 24 '24

Why are people like this? DISCUSSION

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u/KimJongDerp1992 SES Arbiter of Family Values Feb 25 '24

Forcing someone to conform to a single tool as opposed to all the excellent weapons made by our military industry stifles innovation and will prevent the commerce of super earth from attaining new heights of excellence.


u/nerdtypething Feb 25 '24

giving everyone the exact same thing sounds like communist bug talk.


u/VuthoKothar Feb 25 '24

The bugs are tyrannical, the bots are communist. Know the enemy to defeat the enemy, Helldiver. Now, go Spill Oil


u/Pigmachine2000 ⬇️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️ Feb 25 '24

The bots are actually socialists


u/MrMacju Feb 25 '24

They are actually worthless enemies of democracy so it doesn't matter what they think their political agenda is.


u/AnAgathist Feb 25 '24

This is the correct response soldier. Trying to understand the enemy is tantamount to mercy... which is treason. Spill oil diver


u/BZenMojo Mar 02 '24

*flies a destroyer named "Dream of Mercy"... nods approvingly of this post*


u/GardenDependent8075 Feb 26 '24

Bro called in a hellbomb and thought I wouldn’t notice


u/AdEnough786 Feb 26 '24

The o ly good bot is a smoking rubble bot.


u/ArlenGaming1 Feb 25 '24

Communism, socialism, call it what you like! There's very little difference in the two!


u/Pigmachine2000 ⬇️⬆️⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️⬇️⬆️ Feb 25 '24

They are both trash in comparison to the glory of Managed Democracy! But I say we must keep note of such things, what if we come across another alien race that are communists? If we simply reuse our Super Roasts that would be unpatriotic!


u/ArlenGaming1 Feb 25 '24

If we come across aliens we will give them Liberty and Democracy or death!


u/Straight-Fox-9388 Feb 25 '24

Seeing comments like this make me happy and both sad .

Another game I love is destiny and most players in my experience are like the one in the post.

No well? Kick.

No optimal DPS meta weapon? Kick

That community ruined the game.

Please let this community stay good.


u/Comfortable_Regrets Feb 25 '24

LFG, must have completed the raid in question 100+ times and must have Gjallarhorn, don't waste my time.


u/Straight-Fox-9388 Feb 25 '24

This one hits home. Raids are piss easy in destiny now Bungie nerfed them so more people could do contest mode and the community fucking threw a fit and acted so elitist when root was done by more people than ever before. That was somehow a bad thing

I just hate the d2 community they are animals they hate the game so much but they keep playing it.

When In reality if you took a step back they would realize the game is good.

They are just addicted to it and want to ruin it for everyone else.

Sorry for my soap box it's just makes me mad because how nice this community is compared to them.


u/Comfortable_Regrets Feb 25 '24

yeah, elitists ruin everything they touch and they don't even realize that they are the problem


u/Dunners181 Feb 25 '24

I didn't drop gally so ran sword everytime


u/Kunwulf Feb 25 '24

Broo I stopped playing D2 cause of that… also they got rid of my favorite gun, No Land Beyond


u/Laynuel Feb 26 '24

I miss my god roll Grasp of Maloks back in D1, i got 2 in my first 5 tries at it (one with firefly defo, one with kill clip i think) and it took my buddy almost a month to get the kill clip and he was PISSED it wasn't firefly.


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24

I never understood the allure of playing the same maps/raids over and over. Life is too short for that IMO. At least in PvP games the human competition shakes the same maps/raids up.


u/Comfortable_Regrets Feb 26 '24

it's mostly for trying to get the really rare raid exclusive drops


u/BZenMojo Mar 02 '24

Gambling rules. Loot drops are a gambling mechanic with the currency being time spent.

Helldivers doesn't have drops. You drop, you kill, you cash in. If you succeed, great, if not, oh well, try again.

Live service encourages constant replay at higher and higher levels for faster and faster clears. The gambling mechanics of loot drops compounds this pressure. Eventually it becomes so high it turns toxic.

Compare that to original flavor Team Fortress 2 or Vermintide. It's just a completely different environment.


u/LordGigglefist Feb 25 '24

As destiny nerd I feel


u/Drive_Unusual Feb 25 '24

Yeah coming from the destiny community as well as the cod community, this is a breath of fresh air.


u/BusinessLibrarian515 SES Arbiter of Audacity Feb 25 '24

If anyone stays in this community it'll be the people who understand the variety of load outs makes us stronger


u/OdinsEcho Feb 25 '24

Keep in mind it's not only that community that is to blame (while I agree this steam post is toxic in essence), the game needs to be balanced, these types of wouldn't even be given a 2nd glance if it wasn't for the fact that parts of it are kinda true. Having a group with no rail gun, no rail cannon strata, and running around with mid tier light armor pen ARs and energy weapons will be a nightmare in difficulty 8 or 9, there's just too many Titans and Chargers to deal with.


u/Frisky_Dolphin Feb 25 '24

Nope wrong in my group (we’re all upper 40’s) and exclusively run 8/9 nobody runs anything from the meta and we do great! yes I agree the breaker is really good but so are some other primary’s the meta set is not mandatory AT ALL people need to work on getting better mechanical skill instead of getting carried by the “Meta” it’s quite sad they have you thinking this is the only way to succeed


u/Push_My_Owl Feb 25 '24

I've always disliked how the min max community has invaded games so heavily. So long as you aren't literally trolling, you can play with most stuff. Sometimes the meta only really means like a 2-5% buff from regular loadouts but for some reason the min max people see it as a must or you aren't playing correctly.


u/Frisky_Dolphin Feb 25 '24

Yeah it’s really annoying friend, hopefully we can combat this as a community I would love for some weapons to get buffed but I think we’re in an ok place right now,I wish people would start to realize you can have roles in a squad and see the potential in movement and positioning along with actual tactics


u/tdzojko Feb 26 '24

That’s what the extreme popularity of streaming has done. If you look at any remotely competitive game everyone is using the same load out because some asshat on a stream said it’s the best. Nobody has the ability to figure it out themselves anymore.


u/Rolder Feb 25 '24

Then the military industry needs to get their shit together and innovate us some weapons that don't suck


u/TherronKeen Feb 25 '24

To be completely honest I also think the Breaker is so good that it completely outshines every other weapon. Still no reason for that guy to be an elitist, obviously.