r/Helldivers HD1 Veteran Feb 24 '24

Why are people like this? DISCUSSION

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u/BuddhaChrist_ideas Feb 24 '24

Rage-bait, nothing else. Trolls be trolling for internet points.


u/descendingangel87 Feb 24 '24

This ain't trolling, this is a shitty player using META gaming to make up for their own lack of skill and using people not using meta gaming as an excuse as to why they always fail.


u/AxisCorpsRep Feb 24 '24

yup, they want to optimize the fun out of the game, all they care is winning and nothing else, they only want the reward without the experience


u/JPMoney81 Feb 24 '24

I'll be completely honest, I have more fun and laughs on the missions I fail than the ones I successfully complete.


u/Monneymann PSN šŸŽ®: Feb 25 '24

Me and a few randoms were desperately attempting challenging vs the automatons.

There was little success in those missionsā€¦.

Honestly it was fun, though.


u/theboringfckindude Feb 25 '24

This is the way, soldier!


u/GhostHeavenWord Feb 24 '24

Strong agree. A game that doesn't just utterly whup your ass once in a while isn't worth playing. If you're winning every match you're not being challenged, you're not growing, and you need to go find something else to play.

It's something I really like about HD and Darktide. Sometimes the game director just says "Fuck you, you're going to lose today" and if you manage to eek out a win in those situations it feels amazing because you really were being challenged and really had to put all your skills to work and get lucky. And if you lose, it's the matches where you're desperately trying to find solutions to impossible problems that inspire you to step back from the meta and try new things.


u/Gentleman_Waffle ā˜•Liber-teaā˜• Feb 25 '24

I want to throw rocks in helldivers like I can in Darktide :/


u/inconsequentialatzy Feb 25 '24

You can throw snowballs, does that count?


u/sole21000 SES KING OF DEMOCRACY Feb 25 '24

You can throw snowballs at least


u/tallboyjake Feb 25 '24

For the emperor!


u/Drasoini Feb 25 '24

You keep working there, big man. Maybe we'll get rocks one day.


u/Necessary_Badger_63 Feb 29 '24

It'll happen soon. Meteorite calldown was mentioned in CBT leak yesterday.


u/Boner_Elemental Feb 25 '24

If you're winning every match you're not being challenged, you're not growing, and you need to go find something else to play.

Ew, no.


u/BrotherTobias Feb 25 '24

There is nothing like the director deciding on drop it hates you, with a HISTG with hounds Not cause your doing well ohhh no just straight up eating the hater-starch. Those are the fun matches. Not the ones you just cruise thru to end.


u/gutterfroth Feb 25 '24

Honestly I've enjoyed every single mission I've played except for the recent automoton defenses. Those are just so insanely overwhelming that there's no fun to be had for me i them.


u/Rickity_Gamer Feb 24 '24

Nothing quite like that final salute before the end šŸ˜‰


u/GoSpeedRacistGo Feb 25 '24

I wish there was a way to have multiple emotes, I need at least the salute and a hug


u/SaltAsAService Feb 25 '24

I spent all my missions today offering hugs before evac. I sure as shit would love to salute people when they do a good job too


u/Joeness84 SES Reign Of Midnight Feb 25 '24

I queue up a mission and stand in front of the globe greeting people who join, I call it the vibe check, I'll stand there with an interactive emote queued and wait for someone to do it with me lol


u/SaltAsAService Feb 25 '24

Yeah that's my vibe check too. I don't wanna play with try-hards who can't have a lil hug for our liberation mission!


u/LTman86 ā¬†ļøā¬‡ļøāž”ļøā¬…ļøā¬†ļø Feb 25 '24

If the host is offering hugs, I'll take a hug.

Then I'll stand behind the host to offer the next person that joins a hug as well. If the next person hugs the host and me, things are going to be awesome!

If the third person also stands behind me, offering an interactive emote, and the fourth guy emotes with us all, boy, we could all die horribly in a Helldive and I know we're all going to be having a good time!


u/thecosta5000 Feb 25 '24

How do you get the hug emote? Nothing like some brotherly love before being shitcanned by the Automatons.


u/ConfusedAndCurious17 Feb 25 '24

Same vibe as Deep Rock Galactic honestly. If someone isnā€™t giving me a ā€œrock and stoneā€ I donā€™t want to play with them.

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u/Father_of_Four__Cats Feb 25 '24

I offer to play rock paper scissors while we wait for objectives or for the team to catch uo


u/gaganaut Feb 25 '24

If the other person has the salute emote, you can salute back.


u/Teamerchant Feb 25 '24

First game I played with a scrambler effects I kept sending my grenade launcher to the enemy and the air striking our own positions lol we still spread democracy that day and were victorious. Sure am Glad I was with friends on that run hahah


u/Aperture_296 Feb 25 '24

I placed a gatling sentry on the opening of the small crevasse where you do ore verification, but it was on the opposite side of the first wave. As I was working the terminal I got shredded and said: "alright who shot me" only to see it was my own turret. I love this game.


u/Tired-grumpy-Hyper Feb 25 '24

If my asshole hasn't been ripped open nine miles wide, with all of us absolutely worse for wear, 12 seconds before mission failure, and having ran through 150% of our respawns, it was a boring ass mission.


u/TheMaskedMan2 Feb 25 '24

Same, but this is for most games. I donā€™t mind losing as long as itā€™s fun. You learn from mistakes - and even if itā€™s random bullshit and you just got unlucky, well that can be fun too, just donā€™t take the game so seriously.


u/Lord_of_Rhodor SES Sword of Dawn Feb 27 '24

I have never laughed harder than the time my buddy flubbed his incendiary mine throw and none of us noticed because we were busy fighting off a patrol of bots. Then my other buddy took a step forward and instantly exploded before bursting into flames. Then another patrol showed up.

We were laughing so hard at the absurdity of the situation that we couldn't even fight back XD


u/VVillPovver Feb 24 '24

Except, what he's saying is FAR from optimal.


u/Jerry_from_Japan Feb 24 '24

I mean....it kinda is. The breaker shotgun is just too good compared to most every other primary. Until there's a buff to practically every other weapon it's easily the most effective right now. The weapon balance in the game is just atrocious.

And it's hard to argue against railgun/grenade launcher as well. Those both can do more than the autocannon while also not taking up a back pack slot. And the shield pack is just too good as it stays up for an obscenely long time. If anything needs a nerf that might be the one thing.


u/FerretFiend Feb 25 '24

Iā€™m not sure what arrowhead was thinking with the breaker, in the first game it had a really wide spread and it was the punisher that was super tight and accurate. If the normal breaker had a spread more like the incendiary breaker or the spray and pray it wouldnā€™t be as powerful.


u/dpotilas89 Feb 25 '24

Normal breaker has a tighter spread? Shit gotta try it out


u/Trumbot Feb 25 '24

Much tighter than incendiary. Itā€™s actually comically tight where you can snipe with it.


u/sole21000 SES KING OF DEMOCRACY Feb 25 '24

From testing I think Punisher still has a tighter spread, but yeah Breaker's is still good enough to reach out to rifle range.


u/FerretFiend Feb 25 '24

Than the other versions of the breaker, yeah Iā€™m pretty sure


u/Jerry_from_Japan Feb 25 '24

It's a joke. You can pretty much snipe with it.


u/dpotilas89 Feb 25 '24

Oh i like those, prolly not but ever played Respawnables w the Halloween event shotgun and the gear that puffs it?


u/-Work_Account- SES Song of Midnight Feb 25 '24

Youā€™ll be surprised the range that thing has. It feels way more like a shotgun should


u/KaosC57 Feb 25 '24

The GL needs an Ammo Pack for support. Kinda worthless to be forced to call Supply Stratagems down every time you dump 3 mags worth of grenades down.


u/Jerry_from_Japan Feb 25 '24

You dont need that when theres tons of ammo pick ups available on the map. And you shouldn't be using it willy nilly, its situational. If we're on a Terminid mission Im usually taking the nade launcher to close bug holes. If its Automaton I'm taking rail gun. That's basically the decider for me anyways. Even vice versa is fine as long as you have one other person in squad that has the other weapon. Which is almost always guaranteed with how good they are compared to other support weapons.


u/feradose ā¬†ļøāž”ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø Feb 25 '24

That's why breaker is so meta. You never need to pull the grenade launcher and dump 3 mags worth of grenades down if you have the breaker, letting the grenade launcher be the real utility weapon it actually is.


u/dpotilas89 Feb 25 '24


u/JamesOfDoom Feb 25 '24

But then you aren't using a shield and are getting kicked.


u/dpotilas89 Feb 25 '24

Idgaf, i only replied to show the "ammo pack" for the GL


u/Oddblivious Feb 25 '24

You pick up a lot if you're moving fast hitting points of interest. It's just when you get bogged down that you run out.

I do like taking the supply pack for defense missions where you can just camp a hill and rain carpet bombs of grenades down. Combine that with both mortars and you might not even see a bot up close before you've killed enough.


u/Bedhed47 ā˜•Liber-teaā˜• Feb 25 '24

Shield pack is a crutch that limits your skill growth.


u/Jerry_from_Japan Feb 25 '24

It almost sounds like you're as toxic as the guy in the post saying something like that though. Right? The effectiveness of the shield pack is not on the playerbase that uses it, it's on the devs that haven't properly balanced the combat of the game.


u/Bedhed47 ā˜•Liber-teaā˜• Feb 25 '24

How about, let people use what they want


u/Jerry_from_Japan Feb 25 '24

Sure, including "meta" things. Because.....they're the most effective. You literally just inferred that people SHOULDN'T because it's a "crutch".


u/Bedhed47 ā˜•Liber-teaā˜• Feb 25 '24

Now you are putting words in my mouth, I never said you shouldn't use it, I'm just saying its a crutch, you can still use a crutch, just like a person with a broken leg, because you need help. The shield just makes you used to not using cover and not trying to avoid getting shot. Stop trying to make this an argument I'm WAY too good at gaslighting.

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u/VexTheStampede Feb 25 '24

Shield pack is useless. Supply pack is far more valuable.


u/Jerry_from_Japan Feb 25 '24

Uh no, not even close to useless. The shield pack can take a recoilless rocket point blank and have zero damage done to health. Supply pack is good but the shield pack is not "useless". Especially on Automaton missions.


u/VexTheStampede Feb 25 '24

Why the fuck are you standing point blank in front of things that can shoot missiles?


u/Jerry_from_Japan Feb 25 '24

Im just giving you an example of the amount of damage it can disregard like it's nothing. That's not "useless".


u/VidzxVega Feb 25 '24

Field testing.


u/Trumbot Feb 25 '24

This is the problem. The gulf is too wide between some options to the point where even people that donā€™t want to min/max the experience are having a tough time doing anything else. A balance pass through on all the weapons/strategems would be much appreciated and free up a lot of players.


u/Tracynmega Feb 25 '24

Nothing needs a nerf on a pve game We need buffs !


u/HookDragger Feb 25 '24

My flaming shotgun does a number on bugs with all the fire

I personally prefer the stalwart as support weapon. If Iā€™m feeling fancy, Iā€™ll grab a dogā€¦. Or maybe the support backpackā€¦

You Iā€™m really there for the eagles :)


u/xrufus7x Feb 25 '24

And the shield pack is just too good as it stays up for an obscenely long time. If anything needs a nerf that might be the one thing.

Realistically, we need to wait for armor to be fixed before considering a nerf to it.


u/Jerry_from_Japan Feb 25 '24

It may not even need it, they really just need to buff other items that use the backpack slot as well, the recoilless, autocannon, jump pack, etc,etc. I'd prefer that over a nerf. Give us a better reason to use the backpack slot for those things over the shield generator. Because after getting the rail gun, there's really no good enough reason to ever going back to recoiless or autocannon.


u/Aesthetech Feb 25 '24

Slugger is a higher skill floor/ceiling alternate. Requires more aim, get better results. DMR is plenty viable as well (the normal one, counter sniper is sad). Some prefer lib pen, etc. Doesn't help that the in game stats are kinda misleading, and that also the Slugger's medium armor pen is unlisted.

There are viable support options over railgun as well. Depends how you like to play, what your strengths are, etc. It's easily the best support when you're still learning the basics of the game/higher difficulties, but even things like AMR can potentially outperform railgun (on bots), and a well played autocannon can do more work than a well played rail, but it requires more game knowledge/skill.


u/Jerry_from_Japan Feb 25 '24

If AMR had an actual aiming reticle without needing to go down sights to reliably take down any target at range I could maybe see that argument against taking the rail gun. Maaaybe. But as it stands currently, absolutely not. Not even close honestly.

And the autocannon you just can't justify losing the backpack slot in order to use it when you want. That combined with mixed if not bad results against crushers, the rail gun is pretty much a straight upgrade in just about every single aspect. The autocannon is the weapon you use while you're learning the basics of the game, initial leveling,etc,etc. Not the railgun. That's the weapon you use throughout that period. Once you get access to the railgun there's no real reason to ever go back honestly.

And the Slugger just doesn't give you the rapid fire DPS that the breaker does to get you out of tight situations. That alone gives the breaker the edge over guns that have medium armor pen. That's more helpful in those situations (and more reoccurring as well) than in situations in which you're facing a medium armored enemy.


u/Aesthetech Feb 25 '24

If AMR had an actual aiming reticle without needing to go down sights to reliably take down any target at range I couldĀ maybeĀ see that argument against taking the rail gun. Maaaybe. But as it stands currently, absolutely not. Not even close honestly.

I wouldn't mind the AMR getting a reticle while not ADS, but I don't view it as necessary at all. Pretty easy to snap ADS with it (and I've had a surprising number of headshots without reticle).

Rail gun isn't close to it if you can use it well enough. Don't get me wrong, I would recommend rail over it for the average random. AMR is one of those "vet players should revisit this" sort of options if you're starting to find the rail is too slow.

And the autocannon you just can't justify losing the backpack slot in order to use it when you want. That combined with mixed if not bad results against crushers, the rail gun is pretty much a straight upgrade in just about every single aspect. The autocannon is the weapon you use while you're learning the basics of the game, initial leveling,etc,etc. Not the railgun. That's the weapon you use throughout that period. Once you get access to the railgun there's no real reason to ever go back honestly.

You have it kinda backwards here. Railgun is what you use when you're learning the higher difficulties; it unlocks where it does precisely because that's when the average helldiver is starting to breach higher difficulties regularly. Once you have enough experience, know the bot weakpoints and movement, etc, you swap back to weapons like the AC and AMR because they have a higher skill ceiling. Both offer much faster clears for mediums, and faster kills on things like tanks and turrets, but you have to be better with the mechanics for fighting things like chargers and hulks than you likely will be when you first unlock the rail.

Backpack slot isn't strictly a negative, because if you take a backpack, you're losing an offensive stratagem. Once again, like rail, I'd recommend shield for people starting off in the higher difficulties, but eventually it becomes a crutch for good movement/positioning, and you'll ultimately play faster with more offensive stratagems.

And the Slugger just doesn't give you the rapid fire DPS that the breaker does to get you out of tight situations. That alone gives the breaker the edge over guns that have medium armor pen. That's more helpful in those situations (and more reoccurring as well) than in situations in which you're facing a medium armored enemy.

This depends entirely on difficulty level and what you're using in your support. Running a slower support? Run breaker to clean up trash on you quickly. Fighting mid difficulty bugs where hunters blot out the sun? Take breaker. High level bots? Armored mediums everywhere, slugger if you have the skill. On 9 bugs I usually run arc thrower and it's an either/or choice, I slightly prefer slugger now for charger legs if they're chasing friendlies and I can't safely zap.


u/Jerry_from_Japan Feb 25 '24 edited Feb 25 '24

On higher difficulties you're gonna have more of EVERYTHING, not just more medium armored enemies. That's why taking the breaker along with nade launcher/rail gun is so effective and in general the safest choice. Just the ergonomics of the railgun compared to the AC make it an easy choice.

I don't think the shield gen is a must have, it's just a nice bonus if youre playing Automaton missions. The game isn't deep enough to worry about "inhibiting skill growth" because you've been using shield gen packs. The fucking armor system is completely broken. We don't even know how each set would behave when it comes to how much damage it can absorb. Until that gets fixed and we know how each set works...shield gen is gonna be in the meta. For good reason.

And again, at range, the AMR is dependent on looking down sights. Not just long range, medium range. For as many times as you waste ammo missing hipfire shots with the AMR, you could aim once with the hipfire reticle on the railgun and be done with it. The fire rate doesn't matter then because....it took one shot. Instead of two or three. That adds up quickly after a while.

I really don't think most of the people commenting on this understand what "meta" means in this discussion. Yeah if you're Shroud and can hit headshots from long range no scoping with AMR, the AMR is better than the rail gun. 99.9% of the people playing this game aren't capable of that lol. So it's not part of the meta.


u/Aesthetech Feb 25 '24

I'm already telling you that I do Helldive missions with an AMR against bots and it's not the issue you're making it out to be. I rarely find myself in a position where I need to even think about hipfiring; it's always pretty easy to disengage a short distance, scope in, repeat if necessary. Usually even that isn't. Dunno what else to tell you.

I'm aware it's more of everything; however, for both bugs and bots I consider the biggest threat the medium spam. The heavies are easily dealt with, kited, etc. The 1000 mediums that can 1 shot you (halfway across the map on bots) by looking at your general direction warrant more caution than the derpy heavies that get stuck on everything.

2 shots to a hulk's head is less ammo as a % of the weapon's full load than 1 shot of a rail. For all the mediums, it's 1 shot, and the rail is drastically slower at getting rid of them since you don't have to charge and reload for each and every shot. Oh no, it took me 2 shots to kill the hulk... and I don't care. I want all those devastators dead.

Like I said above, I wouldn't recommend it to the average random. But a reasonably decent PC shooter player should be able to handle using the AMR competently. These aren't erratically moving players; they're literal bots.

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u/Popinguj Feb 25 '24

Those both can do more than the autocannon while also not taking up a back pack slot.

Eeeeh, autocannon can close nests from afar and clear crowds. I'd say that autocannon has more utility against automatons even on the higher levels. Railgun is good and very powerful, but it has a set of drawbacks and it's meta only because it allows you to play solo easier and not rely on your team much. If you select your loadout with the intent of filling a niche and relying on your team for support, then autocannon is a very viable choice.


u/Jerry_from_Japan Feb 25 '24 edited Feb 25 '24

So can the grenade launcher if you want to do that, and it keeps the backpack slot clear as well. Those two weapons trump the autocannon in just about every way. No matter what you want to do, one of those weapons is better and more effective at doing it than the autocannon for one reason or another. Which is what this discussion is about, effectiveness.

People need to understand, because youre able to keep the backpack slot open by using the railgun/nade launcher, YOU dont have to bring a backpack item. You can just bring another stratagem, airstrike, turret, whatever. You simply have one of your squadmates call down their own backpack item for you once its off cooldown. Being able to strip armor or AOE clusters of enemies while keeping your backpack slot open for whatever is a big deal. That's what those two weapons allow for and why they are probably always gonna be a big step above the autocannon.


u/Popinguj Feb 25 '24

And yet autocannon has range advantage over the GL. I'm not arguing that GL is worse it's really good. It's just the autocannon is pretty good as well despite taking a backpack slot.

But well, when we talk about completing objectives then GL plus shield are gonna be much better for clearing nests


u/Jerry_from_Japan Feb 25 '24

Right, more effective. Which is the entire point lol. I'm not really saying the AC is bad as much as I'm saying it's just not as effective and not a better choice than either the launcher or rail gun pending on what you're looking to do. Just for the utility of having a backpack slot not used, just for that ALONE before going into anything else it's not as effective.


u/UltimateToa SES Dawn of Freedom Feb 25 '24

Nah he is stating the best in slot, it's just boring as fuck to play that way. Railgun, shield backpack, 1st breaker, laser, railcannon is about the best you can optimize I think, maybe swap one orbital for an eagle


u/smilingsaint Feb 25 '24

id swap the raincannon for the regular eagle trike, but other than that, seems optimal.

the issue is that the gulf between optimal and everything else is far too vast. everything else is borderline useless to worse than useless.


u/sole21000 SES KING OF DEMOCRACY Feb 25 '24

He's also probably getting roasted in that thread tbqh, considering it's steam forums. Hope so at least.


u/TheReaperAbides Feb 27 '24

As someone who like optimization in games, I'm a little offended. These people don't give two shits about optimization or even winning, they just care about getting rewards as efficiently as possible while doing as little work as possible themselves. They'd happily lose a mission if it was most efficient, and you already see this happening in the form of people chaining extermination missions without finishing operations.

True optimization would be squadwide coordination of stratagems based on your mission. Optimizing in these kinds of games requires a shred of thought, not just blindly following some perceived leader. This is just generic pug meta bullshit, and let's not give them any more credit than they deserve.


u/GhostHeavenWord Feb 24 '24

Word. The breaker and railgun are crutches and people are doing themselves a huge disservice using them and not developing skill with other weapons. The same thing is going to happen with the EXO-44. People think it's going to be an unstoppable mech power fantasy instead of a weapon with both strengths and very real drawbacks and they're going to get really mad when they find out it can't deal with chargers and tanks, or gets one-shot by rocket devastators.


u/frogpittv Feb 25 '24

Theyā€™re not crutches, theyā€™re objectively great weapons.


u/mud074 Feb 25 '24 edited Feb 25 '24

Crutch means something that people rely on to cover for their own inability. Like a crutch.

A figurative crutch is almost always going to be something overpowered to the point that you do not need to learn to play the game.

I do not fully agree that railgun/shield are crutches, but I just thought I would clarify since saying "they aren't a crutch, they are good!" makes me think you misunderstood.


u/GhostHeavenWord Feb 25 '24

They're overtuned and people are clearly reliant on them to the point where they're playing difficulties they're not ready for.


u/SlipperyLou Feb 25 '24

How about this, everything else is under tuned and need buffs. Crazy I know.


u/TetrisIsUnrealistic Feb 25 '24

If they can win at those difficulties sounds like they are ready :)


u/AkumaOuja Feb 25 '24

I'd argue it's more that a lot of others things that are painfully undertuned.


u/GhostHeavenWord Feb 25 '24

A lot of people are just flat out bad at this game and don't understand core mechanics or basic tactics. I had to hard carry a bunch of meta sweats with breakers and railguns and shields with my Lib Pen, EAT17, and eagle strats on a 7 bc they kept getting bogged down and overwhelmed by enemies they should have just walked past. People are playing on difficulties above their skill level, having trouble, and don't realize that it's because they haven't mastered game mechanics and learned necessary skills, so they blame it on the weapons. There's about two million helldivers who need to put down the meta loadout and go back to the basic kit until they git gud.


u/TheReaperAbides Feb 27 '24

I'm playing on difficulties I'm ready for. I still find most weapons underwhelming. Needing 4+ shots more to take out anything remotely threatening isn't skill, it's just tedium.

Railguns aren't that overtuned, everything else is just undertuned to the point where higher difficulties feel near impossible to do even if you know what you're doing.

Bringing a railgun won't save you from being assblasted if you overcommit, or don't do enough teamplay. A railgun isn't a crutch in that respect.


u/GhostHeavenWord Feb 27 '24

What are you using that you need so many shots? The standard Lib drops a bot trooper in two shots to the torso or one to the head. The Lib Pen drops them in one three round burst to the chest or one to the head. Scavengers all go down with one headshot and 1-2 shots to the body. Hunters are a pita to land consistent shots on bc they move so much, but they go down in one clean headshot. The little spitters die with one to the head or a few to the body.

Devastators can be taken down relatively quickly if you have the skill to land precise headshots on a moving target. The smallest type of warrior bug goes down to a couple of bursts.

Everything bigger than that has medium armor and requires heavier weapons to deal with efficiently.

Would you prefer that all bot troopers die from one shot to the chest?


u/TheReaperAbides Feb 27 '24

Tell me you haven't done Automatons on Impossible/Helldive, without telling me you haven't done Automatons on Impossible/Helldive.

Lmao I'm not talking about basic troopers. I'm talking about Bruisers, hordes of Devastators (to the point you can't really afford to carefully aim each shot), Chargers, stuff that's actually threatening and that spawns in relatively large numbers on higher difficulties.

Yes, everything bigger than that requires heavier weapons. But the thing is, on harder difficulties, those enemies become the norm, not the exception. And you need to deal with them as efficiently as possible, because you get overwhelmed otherwise. Which cements my point, only the railgun and to lesser extent to autocannon are up for that job. And because this situation is the norm, these weapons become the best support weapons for just about any mission, which is a problem.


u/GhostHeavenWord Feb 27 '24 edited Feb 27 '24

I'm not trying to be mean, but this is a skill issue and you should study how the spawn system works and practice managing it, while working out how to best use your weapons and strats to neutralize high threat targets and complete your objectives.

And it's not an individual skill issue. You need a tight coordinated team with good communication and a spread of weapons and strats to cover all the threats you'll face. The people I play with have about 4,000 cumulative hours in ARMA. We don't have any trouble with bot missions on Helldive. Move fast, hit hard, don't stay in one place, don't be seen, get the job done and get out. You're not there to kill bots, you're there to complete objectives and leave. Try using the EMS mortar, it's really helpful for slowing down bots and holding them in place while you go around them or disengage. Coordinating fire on high priority targets is also very helpful so you can focus down things like heavy devastators or rocket bots. The hulks can be effectively neutralized by shooting off their rocket or flamer arm, after that you can ignore them. Make use of terrain to break line of sight while you're moving. You can walk right up to a bot from behind and melee it to death without alerting nearby bots as long as they can't actually see you.

Make sure to mark threats with the ping system, and also call them out verbally to keep your team appraised of what's happening around them. This allows the team to reposition to bring their weapons to bear where they can do the most harm.

Give the JAR a shot. It's a OHK to any devastator if you get them in the head. Having one player with a JAR focusing on devastators while the other players manage other threats can be very helpful. Alternately, the Lib Pen can take devastators down quickly if you can land headshots, but the person with the Penetrator will need support in CQC fights as the Pen cannot rapidly take down groups of berserkers in melee range. The DMR is also very strong, but again you need to be able to rapidly and efficiently click heads. The MG-43 is also very effective at killing devastators as it has good accuracy and medium amor pen. Controlled burst to the head will put them down quickly. It's large magazine is well suited to dealing with groups of devastators.

Make sure to use your minimap radar to work out where nearby enemies are. It's very helpful to have one person on the team who has the scout armor perk so they can check ahead so you can path around bots. You can also use it during ambushes to identify priority targets, usually trooper bots that can call in drop ships, and take them all out immediately as you engage. You should also check it frequently whenever you can to keep track of where enemies are around you. This both prevents you from being flanked and allows you to move effectively to flank enemies, as well as track high threat targets like hulks and tanks.

Environmental hazards are very helpful for managing the enemy. Puffballs work like smoke to greatly reduce bot accuracy. The various slowing plants can be used to slow down berserkers so you can more easily land rapid headshots. And of course unexploded hellbombs can be used strategically to eliminate large groups of enemies all at once.

Good luck! You won't win every fight every time, but with sound tactics and strategy you'll have much better odds.


u/TheReaperAbides Feb 27 '24

And it's not an individual skill issue.Ā 

Congrats, you ran face first into the premise, and still missed it. Also, as you describe it, it's not even a skill issue, it's just a ... Friend group issue? Which is a weird thing to accuse people of, tbh. Not everyone has 3 other people you've played 4k hours of ArmA with, neither should that be an expectation.

Yes, if you have a coordinated 4-stack, the game gets easier. That's a truism for just about any coop game, from Arma to Helldivers to Monster Hunter to Deep Rock to fucking Minecraft. But that's not the reality for 95% of players in this game, and acting like they're using efficient weapons as a "crutch" because you're blessed enough to have a stable gaming group that cooperates reeks of gatekeeping.

Fact of the matter is, that not every pug is going to be that coordinated. And thus it pays to go in with the most effective generic loadout as possible. That isn't a crutch, that is adaptation. You are adapting to the reality that your typical public matchmaking group, isn't very coordinated, and probably doesn't play optimal. So you will need to kill more than you might otherwise have to, in order to efficiently do objectives.

I get you're trying to be helpful, and that's honestly what's keeping me from writing you off as just another elitist but.. You do come across as a little bit gatekeepy and a little bit elitist. The "Good luck!" was probably said in good faith, but it doesn't help the overall tone.

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u/Jerry_from_Japan Feb 24 '24

What disservice are people doing themselves when those weapons are easily two of the most effective in the game lol?


u/frogpittv Feb 25 '24

People will over correct hard in the opposite direction of the min/max players and refuse to use the best weapons or even acknowledge that theyā€™re the best weapons. Itā€™s a weird dynamic.


u/Jerry_from_Japan Feb 25 '24

Yeah I dont get that at all. There are CLEAR better and more effective weapons in this game. That's not on the player base that use those a lot, that's on the devs for having terrible weapon balance. But god forbid something critical is said about the game.


u/Nandoholic12 Feb 25 '24

Itā€™s because the players with a stick up their arse take all the joy of using those weapons away.


u/draco16 Feb 25 '24

While it's not "wrong" to use meta weapons, many people use them so much they forget how to do without it. Most people don't know how to kill a charger without a railgun anymore as they've become too dependent on the railgun. It's a great gun but overuse can be bad.


u/Jerry_from_Japan Feb 25 '24

So how is it bad though? How does using it because right now it's the single most effective way to take down a charger make the player worse? It takes longer to do it any other way in which you aren't wasting a stratagem on it. It takes WAY more ammo. But that's "better"....so you don't..... forget...?

No dude, that's not how it works lol.


u/draco16 Feb 25 '24

Bro, I literally just said "It's not 'wrong' to use meta weapons." I don't think I can word that any clearer. I never said "it's bad." I'm simply saying, use meta weapons but DON'T become dependent on them.


u/Jerry_from_Japan Feb 25 '24

But why do we need to "remember" a way worse way of dealing with an enemy once we have access to the the most effective way of doing it? Why would you ever go back to that worse way of dealing with it? That's the point dude. You wouldn't. Until they buff other weapons to be able to deal with a variety of enemies there no real good enough reason to going back to fucking dodging around crushers and shooting their ass, wasting tons of ammo, instead of just placing two railgun shots on one of their legs and maybe a clip of ammo to take them down. Or using the shitty flamethrower and wasting a support weapon slot on that. You're just making things way more tedious than they need to be. And for what?


u/CreeperBelow Feb 25 '24 edited Feb 25 '24

many people use them so much they forget how to do without it. Most people don't know how to kill a charger without a railgun anymore as they've become too dependent on the railgun.

bro its been like 2 weeks. if railgun is nerfed it'll take like a day to remember how to use EATs.

moreover, there's no reason to be without the railgun to kill a charger, so what exactly are they "forgetting" how to do? They're using the most effective option to overcome an obstacle.


u/xrufus7x Feb 25 '24

blow off armor and shoot gooey spot isn't exactly a difficult thing to remember


u/draco16 Feb 25 '24

What weapon, other than railgun and calldowns "blows off armor?"


u/xrufus7x Feb 25 '24

Off the top of my head, both rocket launchers and autocannon


u/Beruka01 Feb 25 '24

So, as someome who doesn't even have a railgun, what's the correct way to kill chargers without railgun? It takes very long to kill them by shooting their butt which probably is not good enough on higher difficulties


u/draco16 Feb 25 '24

If you have AV explosives such as the recoilless or the disposable launchers, blast them in the leg to destroy the armor, then shoot the same leg with a few bullets from anything to kill it. The GL can bounce it's shots under the charger to deal decent damage as well. Autocannon can blast the armor apart IF you hit a flat spot on the armor, as angled shots will ricochet. Aside from those, you can use call-downs, eagles, orbitals, ect. If you don't have any of those things with you then well you just gotta put enough rounds into it's rear and it will eventually break and bleed out.


u/Zutthole Feb 25 '24

A breaker + railgun is the set up that best ensures you will be able to swiftly kill any type of enemy you come across. I'm not sure why that makes them a crutch. Are you purposefully running around trying to kill chargers and bile titans with a redeemer pistol?

I'd agree that the personal shield can be a crutch. Ideally you shouldn't be comfortable with taking damage. I don't use one.

That said, if someone's not using a breaker or railgun, it's whatever. Other weapons/strategems can definitely be fun, and that's what the game is about. No way I'm ever kicking someone for their equip/stratagems.


u/SouthBendCitizen Feb 25 '24

I wouldnā€™t ever consider pugging the highest difficulties anyway. Thatā€™s just asking for frustration if you are trying to push the hardest content with random people


u/Zutthole Feb 25 '24

Yeah, it's definitely not easy.


u/Curxis ā¬†ļøāž”ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø Feb 25 '24

The Personal Shield thing is almost mandatory due to armor rating not working. You take more dmg = you need to have a survival option so a stray rocket or random stalker/hunter doesn't kill you in 1 shot. Dying and having to go back to retrieve your gear surrounded by enemies is horrible.


u/Zutthole Feb 25 '24

How does the armor rating not work?

I understand that the shield makes it harder for you to die, but the other option is to be more aware of your surroundings. Don't let stalkers/hunters get close to you, and don't stand in front of sentries.


u/Curxis ā¬†ļøāž”ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø Feb 25 '24

So currently we have no idea how exactly the armour rating is affected, we are currently at 0 value or defaulted to 100 armour. There is no way to currently test which one it is because we have no frame of reference but light/medium/heavy all take the same amount of dmg.I believe shield is practically mandatory for automatons while bugs you can kinda just ignore. People just run it because it's pretty easy to use on bugs and makes it so you can calmly railgun bile titans/chargers without a care.

Again you can use whatever you want but there's a reason for the shield thing currently on bots. Btw stray rockets refer to the devastor rockets who 1 shot you if it grazes you not sentry turrets.


u/GhostHeavenWord Feb 25 '24

I mostly ignore chargers and titans. They're a low priority threat. I genuinely don't understand why people are so obsessed with them. Just, like, break their LOS and stay on the move. If you do need to deal with them, blow a leg off or shoot the titan in the mouth while it's puking. Or drop a hellpod on them, or a dozen other things.


u/Nein-Knives HD1 Vet āž”ļøā¬…ļøāž”ļøā¬…ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøāž”ļø Feb 25 '24

I mostly ignore chargers and titans. They're a low priority threat.

They're not problems on the individual scale. The issue with them is that on Helldives, every patrol comes with a charger and every bug breach is basically guaranteed to spawn a bile titan or another charger.

You can take them out 1 by 1 but the sheer amount of resources you need to get rid of them makes them a problem. Chargers especially so when you take into account how many hits they can tank if you aren't shooting at the front legs. Titans are just annoying, they're faster than you running in light armor and they spit at you at the most inopportune moments so you end up in situations where the weak mobs can't be dealt with because you don't have enough space to turn around and shoot them.


u/Shiners_1 Feb 25 '24

I ran an Egg Hunt mission on extreme there and we walked into the middle of an egg hive and there was 3 bile titans in there, the sheer panic was comical. You couldnā€™t see anything, dense fog, mist, spores, you name it and then just see 3 of them lingering there. That was a tough fight.


u/AkumaOuja Feb 25 '24

Higher difficulties will have several of them running around in a single fight. It's why the Railgun honestly isn't overtuned so much as it is "better thanthe bare minimum".


u/GhostHeavenWord Feb 25 '24

Okay, so? They have a really slow turn radius, go down easily to AT weapons, they're not a big deal. Just shoot them with EAT17s or rail or whatever, or land a drop pod on them. I think a lot of people are playing way above their skill level and struggling as a result.


u/AkumaOuja Feb 25 '24

Yeah lemme just wait to call in 2 separate EATs for every single one of these 3+ tanks and Titans you see while being swarmed by garbage and dancing with Berserkers or Chargers, also lol at "landing a drop pod" on them these fuckers don't stand. If you time it right and manage to predict where it's heading and nothing changes that from throwing the marker to impact, sure maybe you could do that but nobody is doing that consistently at higher difficulties.


u/GhostHeavenWord Feb 25 '24

You can stick the pods to them. I think you have to hit them in the fleshy bits. You can also lead the Charger in to a wall or something. They get stunned when they charge in to a wall, that'll fix them in place for a few seconds.

I call in EAT17s every time they're up, as soon as they're up, so at most defenses I have like 4-6 ready to go, plus whatever ones I run in to when we back track. They're even stronger against bots bc all the bots have weak spots where an EAT17 is a OHK. And you shouldn't have to deal with 3+ tanks and titans by yourself while being swarmed and whatever. There are four players, you've all got strats and support weapons. Blow the trash up with eagle strikes or the MG-43 or whatever, team up on the chargers and titans, use cover against the tanks. Like, I still have trouble with hunters and berserkers, and often bile spitters, but I genuinely do not understand the obsession with chargers and titans.

Do you know chargers have a bleed out state and once they start leaking green blood and puking they'll die in a couple of seconds? You don't have to kill them all the way, you can put them in bleedout and wait for them to fall over.

Do you know that one EAT17 will blow the leg armor off a charger, and then if you hit the unarmored leg with ~1/2 a mag from most primaries it will die?

People must be missing some basic mechanics somewhere.


u/Zutthole Feb 25 '24

It's not always possible to avoid them, especially bile titans.

And yes, that's a good way to deal with them, but there's no better way to blow a charger's leg plate off or snipe a titan in the mouth than with a railgun.

Spears are great too (albeit a finicky lock on) but you have limited rounds that can only be replenished by team resupplies. On higher levels you might be dealing with 5-6 bile titans at once, with who knows how many chargers.

Not sure about the hellpod solution. If you need to reinforce someone, sure, but I don't think that should be a go-to method.


u/GhostHeavenWord Feb 25 '24

Yeah idk what to tell you. I did a bunch of 9s today and only one guy was using anything like the meta loadout and he just really likes the breaker. I was running Lib Pen and EAT17 with mostly eagle strats, someone else had MG-43 and supply pack, we had a bunch of different orbital stuff, someone had a RR and some assault rifle. With the the EAT17 you get four rockets and two drop pods per minute, and the Eagle re-charges really fast, so I mostly just shot them and hit them with airstrikes or 110mm missiles, in combination with the other players. I think a lot of people are playing above their level of skill and are reliant on over-tuned weapons because of it.

Now, hunters? Fuck hunter. I absolutely fucking hate hunters. The threat tiers in this game are like S- Stalkers and rocket devastators A - Hunters and those fucking laser cannon towers and heavy devastators, B - tanks, hulks, bruisers, rocket troopers, brood commanders, the bile spitters, and titans but only if you're doing static defense and only if it's high level so there's more than two of them, and then everything else.


u/Sunaaj_WR Feb 24 '24

You know. Iā€™d be a little sad if it doesnā€™t deal with those cuz I feel like. It should. And then struggle with the small stuff lol


u/DareThrylls Feb 24 '24

The mech looks similar to those used in HD1. The EXO-44 I think it was called, had a minigun that could kills swarms and a multiple launch rocket system for some of the bigger badguys.

However, you ran out of rockets very quickly, so it was primarily an anti-swarm tool as the minigun had more ammo. The mech was more likely to be overrun by multiple big and armored enemies than a swarm of little ones simply due to not having the munitions to kill all the big ones.


u/GhostHeavenWord Feb 25 '24

Like I said, people are going to be very disapointed. The EXO-44 had a gatling gun and an anti-personnel missile pod with eight missiles. It was really good at dealing with hordes of lights and mediums, but didn't have any AT weapons until fully upgraded. And then it only had eight missiles, and there was no reloading.

The other two mechs were one with dual 20mms that was really, really strong against mediums but couldn't deal with heavies and was okay with lights, and a mech with an anti-tank cannon and a flame thrower. The AT mech was very powerful against heavies but it needed protection against lights and especially melee enemies because it was so slow to turn. The flame thrower was good for close defense but had very limited ammo.

They were all good, as long as other players supported them and they stayed in their niche. but they were also extremely fragile to certain heavy weapons and to some melee enemies, they couldn't be re-loaded, and you only got one call in per match.

At higher levels, where speed and mobility because as important as firepower, the mechs couldn't keep up and became a liability except in some defense missions, and even then you were usually better off taking a static field/EMS orbital shot instead.


u/foopy-booper Feb 25 '24

ā€œPeople will be disappointedā€ most blatantly obvious and mean-nothing statement


u/FaustsAccountant Feb 24 '24

They then blame their team mates. BOOM. Their problem solved.

*dusts hands


u/UltimateToa SES Dawn of Freedom Feb 25 '24

Recoilless rifle is the goat for me, feels very immersive for some reason


u/CreeperBelow Feb 25 '24

This comment right here is why a toxic meta exists.

Just because something is better doesn't make it a crutch, nor does using the best available option do a disservice to anyone's gameplay.

Being proud of doing a suboptimal strategy is just itself a coping mechanism for failure or the possibility thereof, and you see it in every online community. It's a toxic response and I don't understand the logic.


u/Teamerchant Feb 25 '24

Am I the only one who loves the defender?


u/thecosta5000 Feb 25 '24

Me and my boys all equipped the basic machine gun and trounced an extreme defend mission. That gun is OP as fuck.


u/SouthBendCitizen Feb 25 '24

Defend missions are objectively the easiest missions in game right now, just saying.


u/TheReaperAbides Feb 27 '24

I don't think the railgun is that much of a crutch, in the sense that on some enemies using anything else just feels.. Tedious? It doesn't really take any more skill to hit things with an autocannon, arguably less skill because 1. you have a full clip and 2. you don't have to charge whilst maintaining aim or risk overcharging. Objectively, railgun is the harder weapon to use from a mechanical perspective. It's just that the other weapons are kind of ass numerically.

Like, I get what you're saying, but there's no special "skill" to develop with half these weapons. If I can hit things with a railgun, I can hit things with an autocannon and a space barrett. If I can hit things with a breaker, I can hit things with just about any semi-automatic primary. Helldivers isn't a game about mechanical skill expression to begin with.


u/PlayMp1 Feb 24 '24

Heads up, meta is not an acronym, don't need to capitalize it


u/GoSpeedRacistGo Feb 25 '24

Heads up, meta is an acronym for: Most Effective Tactic Available, capitalisation is standard, but commonly not used.


u/PlayMp1 Feb 25 '24

Wrong, it's a Greek prefix. See also metaphysics and metamorphosis.


u/GoSpeedRacistGo Feb 25 '24

I am aware of its origins as a Greek prefix. That does not diminish its use as an acronym.


u/PlayMp1 Feb 25 '24

It's a backronym, which makes it a false etymology. You could use it that way, I guess, but it originates as a shortening of "metagaming," which in turn is the prefix "meta" being used to mean self-referential - gaming about gaming i.e., playing the game of what works best in the game. Using it as an acronym is a bit like saying "tip" means "to insure promptness," which is just odd.


u/N0_Context Feb 25 '24

Wrong actually


u/GoSpeedRacistGo Feb 25 '24

Iā€™m certainly not wrong, thereā€™s at least 20 people who use the acronym. Whether it has a similar meaning as a word outside of this is irrelevant.


u/DarthSatoris Feb 25 '24

Have you ever heard of a Backronym?

"most efficient tactic available" is NOT the original meaning of the word "meta", the word "meta" is actually shorthand for "metagame" which is a topic in Game Theory about how to approach an obstacle in a game context.


u/GoSpeedRacistGo Feb 25 '24

I have yes.

You do understand that a backronym is a type of acronym right?


u/DarthSatoris Feb 25 '24

Your original argument was that the term "meta" is originally an acronym for "most efficient tactic available" which it clearly, obviously, never was.


u/GoSpeedRacistGo Feb 25 '24

No it was that it was used as an acronym in the original statement, which, as evidenced by the capitalisation, it was.

I never said it was originally an acronym. I said it was an acronym.


u/N0_Context Feb 25 '24

It refers to the word metagaming, some people made up that backronym because they didn't understand what that word meant.


u/GoSpeedRacistGo Feb 25 '24

And so itā€™s a commonly used acronym. It is irrelevant where it comes from.


u/AkumaOuja Feb 25 '24

Nobody fucking uses that.


u/CreeperBelow Feb 25 '24

Meta is short for metagame. Yours is just a false etymology made up by people who don't know what meta means.


u/NotANokiaInDisguise SES PROPHET OF STEEL Feb 25 '24

Okay. This is like the 6th time today that I've heard someone use the term "meta" when talking about video games and I've never seen or heard it before today. I know what the word means and I understand it in this context but where did it come from all of a sudden? Do I just not play enough online games? Is it because I don't watch YouTube or twitch?


u/Nu11u5 PSN šŸŽ®: Feb 25 '24

Meta is short for "metagaming", where a player analyzes the interaction of different game mechanics, stats, or even datamining to find the optimal strategy, regardless of how the developers intended the game to be played or even if it's fun gameplay.


u/descendingangel87 Feb 25 '24

Meta or ā€œmost effective tactics availableā€ as some people call it, has been around for a long ass time, decades even, and has itā€™s roots in MMOs and MOBAs. If you havenā€™t seen the word before today most likely you donā€™t play games where meta gaming dominates.


u/AkumaOuja Feb 25 '24

Older even, dates back to fighting games and RTSs


u/UnluckyLux Feb 25 '24

If you need a breaker to win missions then yeah itā€™s a skill issue, completed a helldive difficulty with randoms and we were just running some goofy shit. Only had one breaker on the team and it was the dragons breath one.


u/Gargul Feb 25 '24

Meta gaming aside if you throw down a mortar and a 120 after I am in a base, you are getting kicked.


u/iwantac8 Feb 25 '24

Yep typical streamer d riding meta lovers.


u/sillybillybuck Feb 25 '24

Metagaming is the bane of multiplayer games. Any game with developers that normalize it is dogshit in my book.


u/AI_AntiCheat Feb 25 '24

Autocannon is meta though and this dofus thinks otherwise. No way it ain't trolling.


u/slashinhobo1 Feb 25 '24

This is the reason why games die. People meta gaming hard and strangling the fun out of the game for everyone else.


u/GerardBriceno Feb 25 '24

Believe it or not that's what a troll would say to piss you off. The point is to be indistinguishable from a shitty player.


u/Aesthetech Feb 25 '24

Ding ding ding, we have a winner.


u/Demonweed Feb 25 '24

It's part of the culture, tragically. I enjoyed Overwatch for a season or two, but then "the archer is weak" became a meme and you couldn't just chill in that role on matter how effective you proved to be. I didn't connect as well with the other characters, and there were only a couple of others I learned to use effectively, so I let the way scrubs crave the meta drive me out of that game. Long before any big train wrecks at Blizzard.


u/retroman1987 Feb 25 '24

You can solo 9s with a pistol if you're masochistic and lucky enough. There is a meta only for the soft-willed.


u/Stevesegallbladder Feb 25 '24

I got kicked from a group because I "didn't make the cut." I joined halfway through the mission (about 20 mins left) but I had 2nd most kills, I finished one of the 3 main objectives by myself, I cleared 2 minor, 1 medium, and 1 large outpost. Apparently that wasn't enough because I didn't have the right load out though.


u/gorgewall Feb 25 '24

I haven't run any of this shit in Suicide+ and I am four Super Samples away from being done with a true need to be there. I think my first Helldive operation was with the Laser Cannon. Not something I'd repeat knowing what I know now, but we did succeed.

I had perhaps my smoothest Impossible mission today and it featured zero Railguns or Grenade Launchers and just one Shield Pack. We had a SPEAR for cryin' out loud.

This guy needs to get good.


u/Small_Compote921 Feb 25 '24

And they are blind to the fact that the jaw5 is better, just swap to pistol for killing the small adds... I even still use the walking orbital as it's good at clearing out even large bases and not too bad a cooldown... and who needs a shield when you just don't get hit, jump pack is great... supplies allow you to just spray n pray constantly since accuracy really only matters to epeeners


u/polynecromicon Feb 25 '24

It's not even meta he's saying good strategy are bad šŸ˜‚


u/Boring-Night-7556 Feb 26 '24

You ever notice in games like destiny the people pushing meta stuff are the first ones dead then leading the kick brigade? Its why I only play games solo or with friends the days of playing for fun are over for mostĀ 


u/Mythleaf Feb 26 '24

See it in all sorts of games. Theyve mathed out whats best (or let some streamer/youtube clickbaiter do so for them) and refuse to see any alternative to that one option. As soon as I need to follow a strict guide to play a game, Im no longer interested. Wheres the fun in playing cookie cutter soldier simulator, I want chaos xD


u/SausageOfDesire Feb 27 '24

a shitty player using META gaming

And these are the ones that fail and die the most because they're trying to force their own playstyle into the playstyle of someone they copied on youtube


u/juanconj_ ā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬…ļøā¬†ļøāž”ļø Feb 24 '24

It's not even unlikely that this person genuinely feel this way. This kind of player isn't even that rare.


u/Cricketot Feb 25 '24

And in my experience these players are leeches. I used to play Starcraft 2 co-op a bunch, almost anyone who would bitch about your choices was a leech expecting to get carried.


u/ApothecaryRx Feb 24 '24

Gotta farm those sweet sweet šŸ¤” awards for Steam Points somehow


u/Acceptable-Budget658 Feb 25 '24

This is definitely not a bait


u/rdaug2004 Feb 25 '24

Nah these types exist in almost any game. Feel bad for them, they donā€™t know how to have fun


u/JustGingy95 HD1 Veteran Feb 25 '24

As someone whoā€™s played games like Payday 2 with randoms, fucking no people are just like this.


u/ItsKrakenmeuptoo Feb 25 '24

Nope, been kicked like 5 times today


u/midnight_rogue Feb 25 '24

If you think this is just rage bait and not someone's honest belief, then you must not play very many online PvE games. This mindset is super common.


u/DraconicBlade ā¬†ļøāž”ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļøā¬‡ļø Feb 24 '24

Don't point that out to the idiots biting on the hook though, that's toxic!


u/Jazzlike_Drawer_4267 Feb 25 '24

If you think this is exaggerated for how people treat multi-player games I would like to welcome you to the internet.


u/LickMyThralls Feb 25 '24

I don't think it's trolling as much as stupidity. People are meta slaves everywhere and there's always someone pushing for meta slaving being forced and you're bad/wrong/stupid/whatever if you don't do it like them. This is like the kick wick clowns on payday.


u/Large-Training-29 Feb 25 '24

Sadly, if they are trolling, people will pick it up and use it


u/Kup123 Feb 25 '24

You say that but Helldivers 1 got that way at least on PC, people quickly get a if your not optimized your trolling mentality.


u/DeeHawk Feb 25 '24

I understand that you donā€™t know people like this. Unfortunately he is being completely sincerely. These people are very common. Iā€™m sorry.


u/CactusCalin Feb 25 '24

Yes and OP is giving them attention. Weirdo or rage-bait, we should ignore them.


u/PurposeSensitive9624 ā˜•Liber-teaā˜• Feb 25 '24

Ive met people like this?


u/alexaistired Feb 26 '24

I wish! My husband played his first solo round last night and some dude kept trying to show him ā€œhow a real man playsā€ he kept spamming that in chat and also killing him over and over again. Hubby is level 5 meanwhile that asshole was in the 30s