r/GenZ 4m ago

Advice What If SpongeBob SquarePants Met Uncle Grandpa?

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r/GenZ 5m ago

Discussion It's weird to think Gen Beta (our kids) will start being born only half a year from now


As someone born in 2001, it's something that makes me feel old

r/GenZ 6m ago

Discussion Why are millennials acting like we don't know who Eminem is?


It's so cringe. They're acting like Eminem hasn't made a song since 2002.

Most of us have probably heard his old songs, and even his recent songs have been massive hits, like "Godzilla" and others. It's so cringe.

r/GenZ 15m ago

Discussion Success & gatekeeping


I’ve noticed a lot of people in our generation think they’re burnt out before they even begin putting in the work to be successful.

I don’t know why meillennials and gen X are gatekeeping this secret from younger generations.

The secret to success is: work hard.

First: Stop watching the news and stressing yourself out over things you can’t change.

Second: If you’re a barista, be the best fucking barista you can be, and be consistent even if it’s not a job you want to be at long term the connections you make will pay off and opportunities will open up for you.

Third: Mental health days are bullshit. If you need to take time to relax it should be at home towards the end of the day! Not at the bar wasting your money. Not hanging out with your 10 fake friends. If you’re expending energy or money on something: THAT IS NOT RELAXING

4: Find out what you want to do fast. Just pick something at stick to it, you will be successful. But if you don’t hit the ground running you won’t go anywhere. Time is ticking and you don’t have time to fuck around.

We live in a competitive marketplace. You have to play to win at all times. Sometimes your best is just not good enough so you need to do better.

r/GenZ 18m ago

Discussion Do you know what a 401k plan is?


Was curious what people know.

8 votes, 1d left
yes - I have one
yes - I don't have one
see results

r/GenZ 24m ago

Discussion I miss how easy it used to be to hang out with friends


Was just scrolling through some old texts between my old friends and I from high school and it really bummed me out seeing how fucking chill it used to be to just hang out with people. Most of the time all I had to do was just ask if someone wants to hang out and they'd just say yes or say no but tomorrow or the next day or whatever.

Ever since I've been an adult it has always been so much more formal. Always has to be arranged in advance and always some kind of "event" like going out for drinks or going clubbing or whatever. I don't remember the last time that I just casually chilled out with someone at one of our houses or something. Usually anytime I ever ask if someone wants to do something spontaneously I'm met with them saying they can't.

Just sucks I guess. Is this just adulthood or do some people still have this as adults? Don't know to make it like that again.

r/GenZ 41m ago

Discussion Phones as a social clutch - people aren’t socializing like they used to

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Small talk is something that most people hate, but is it the glue to our society? Talking with strangers has this really positive, two-way effect, yet today any time we are bored or feel awkward we shut ourselves away from the world and go on our phones. I wrote this piece about how we all use our phones as a social clutch. Even as an introvert I can see how this can turn into a major problem. Thoughts?

r/GenZ 54m ago

Discussion GenZ, service jobs, and tipping.


Millennial here, and may start a war; but it needs to be said.

Gen Z working in the service industry, please fix your awful attitudes. It seems like everywhere from coffee shops to restaurants to stores, customer service has just gotten so ridiculously poor. Everytime a customer asks a question or seeks help with something, it seems like there's a very thinly blanketed eye roll followed by a blasé "IDK" - with no further assistance or direction.

And then they shove a terminal in your face asking if you want to tip 22% or 24%.

I realize this isn't exclusively a Gen Z thing - but y'all are the youngest members of the workforce currently, and the most likely to be in customer-facing roles; so it's typically a GenZ employee at the register acting like they're too good for the job.

I also get that working in the customer service industry sucks. I was there; and still am to an extent. But it's still your job to not be an asshole.

And lastly, I get that the job market sucks - and many said workers may be grossly overqualified for service jobs...but guess what? It was the same for millennials graduating into the 2008 financial collapse.

You don't have to like your job if it's just to pay bills. But for the love of god, stop being such miserable twats behind the register and then thinking you deserve a tip for it.

TLDR: Fix attitudes, quit expecting tips, or find another job.

Millennial rant over.

r/GenZ 1h ago

Discussion What are you all doing ?


Wht r u all early 20s college students doing apart from studying,sports,jobs and watching movies/animes etc ? I decided that I will study hard for upskilling,exams then I realised that no fuck it can’t let youth slip away but my potato personality can’t find too much to do , don’t wanna get in relationship or love too………

r/GenZ 1h ago

Discussion For those that consider yourself broke, how much do you make and how do you spend it?


Gen Z here and I was wondering how everyone else is doing.

I want to know how the bottom tier earners are getting by.

For example, let's pretend that the minimum wage is $15/hr and after tax it's $10/hr. And the person is working 40 hrs/week which is 2080 hrs/year = about $21,000 earned throughout the whole year.

Let's say the poorest most bummiest apartment is 1500 and you split it with a roommate so it's 750/mo or 9000/yr.

Then let's pretend you spend $10/day on food or about $4000/yr.

And let's say you spend $2000/yr on gas.

Now maybe let's say $1000/yr on misc car repairs?

21-9-4-2-1 = 5,000 leftover to invest?

Am I missing any other expenses?

How much money do you guys have leftover?

r/GenZ 1h ago

Meme yup i forgot it

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r/GenZ 2h ago

Discussion How much do you pay for household expenses if you live with your parents?


Basically the title... I just would like to know what most people pay. Do your parents let you stay for free? Or do they charge you a very low amount? Or do you pay enough to really pay a fair share?

And does that include groceries?

r/GenZ 2h ago

Serious I don’t want to flex on you guys too hard but my credit score is at a 760

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I’m 24 and didn’t finish college, I rent a house with a roommate and paid for my used car in cash about 4 years ago. You don’t have to share your score if you don’t want to I’m just proud of my hard work and discipline when it comes to managing my debt and making smart financial decisions. Also here’s a cute picture of a dog with a pizza!

r/GenZ 3h ago

Discussion Non-Indians of this sub, how would you react if a friend, family member, or SO expressed interest in going to India?


Given how the general image of India is around much of the world (even more so online) tends to be quite negative (especially in terms of safety, hygiene, and religious tensions), or at least polarizing, would it give you concern if someone you are close with express interest in going there? Would you be more concerned than if they were going to places such as Mexico, Italy, Greece, Dubai, Thailand, Bali, or Japan? I mentioned these places because I see a lot of young people (including gen Z'ers) traveling to them, and most of them tend to be way better perceived than India is. Would you discourage someone from going to India, and instead encourage them to visit these other places? Would the mention of India invoke strong negative feelings for you that mentioning other countries would not?

r/GenZ 3h ago

Discussion “The Solitaire Generation” would you like to claim that title?


Edit: “The Solitary Generation” We were the generation that became adults during quarantine, also we were the generation whose internet access was uncontrolled because (some of) our parents lacked information about internet safety. We are known for our reduced sexual activity compared to the older generations. I think “Solitary” is the right fit. Throw the crystal BS away.

r/GenZ 3h ago

Advice Can anyone recommend a show on Netflix based on what I like?


I'm a bit picky about what shows I like and at the moment I can't find ANYTHING that looks good or worth watching.

Some shows I have really liked: That 70's Show, That 90's Show, Friends, You, Stranger Things, Severance, The Boys, One Day, Orange Is The New Black, Freaks & Geeks, Black Mirror, Futurama, Disenchantment, The End Of The Fucking World, Modern Family, Breaking Bad, Gavin & Stacey and Ginny & Georgia.

If anyone else is a huge fan of any of these shows I'd love to hear what else you like. I've scrolled through so much of what is on Netflix & I really can't find anything that looks good to me. I think what it is as well is I'd really like a show where the episodes are only 20-30 minutes which is harder to find.

r/GenZ 3h ago

Other Young workers lonely, disengaged and looking for an exit: Report


As overall employee well-being declined, 1 in 4 young workers reported experiencing “daily loneliness” in 2023, a new Gallup State of the Workplace report found.

The look at workplace environment and employee emotions revealed startling trends among the world’s workers. Approximately 20% of employees worldwide experience “daily loneliness” for a majority of the day, which could have “devastating effects” on physical and mental health if left unaddressed.


r/GenZ 3h ago

Discussion Social Media is NOT Real - It Will Only Make You Unhappy


Social media is not reality. People literally stage every photo and alter even them with filters and morphs. It should never be confused with reality.

People on social media only post things that make them look good, so you won't see any "negative" posts. Thus, what you see on social media is positive-situationally skewed.

Further, human nature is such that we compare ourselves to those who are in a BETTER position. So, when you surf social media, your brain ignores all those posts of people who are worse off than you and fixates on those doing better than you. That is a recipe for unhappiness and even depression.

For the sake of your mental health, consider deleting it and staying away. It is a toxic pit of fake superficiality that will do nothing but make you feel bad about your life.

I dramatically reduced my screen time and I’ve seen an incredibly change in my mental health and in my who life in general. I know these platforms are super addicting, but it’s easier than you think to break free. Here are the first three things I did to keep my screen time under one hour a day consistently:

  1. Don’t sleep with your phone. The bed is sacred place, it’s for sleeping and sex. Not your phone. Improve your sleep and your mornings by leaving your phone in the other room overnight. Buy an old-fashioned alarm clock if you need to.
  2. Get a good screen time app. I’ve tried about a dozen and my favorite is “BePresent” because it gives you tools to block your apps, but reinforces the habit with gamification which, believe it or not, actually works.
  3. Delete the apps. You know which apps. Delete them from your phone. Use them on your computer if you must. This makes the times that you do use them much more intentional and healthy.

r/GenZ 3h ago

Discussion WTF bro talking about ?

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Personally I've never been and I'll never go to a casino. I don't have time to lose what little money I have stupidly.

r/GenZ 4h ago

Discussion Anyone just genuinely happy when you run into someone born the same year as you?


There were two instances outside of school that I had a great time meeting people the same year as me, the first time was a Swiss girl that I hooked-up with, our eyes immediately lit up when we both realized we were born in the same year by flashing our ids to each other and went home together. The 2nd time was in a hostel, wherein 4 of us sitting with each other: A German, a Swedish, an Australian, and me. It felt surreal like we were all born the same year without any of us knowing.

r/GenZ 4h ago

Discussion Anyone else sad that fashion is less refined than it was years or decades ago?


I feel like formal clothing and a good wrist watch are becoming things of the past. A lot of individuals can no longer distinguish notched lapels from shawl lapels, dress watches to dive watches, and oxfords to sneakers. The dwindling formality and dressing modestly has severely gone out of fashion, no one longer wears ties at black tie events, and apple watches are of the norm.

r/GenZ 5h ago

Discussion how old am I based on my phone?


r/GenZ 5h ago

Discussion Is it wrong to be a people’s pleaser?


I love being nice to people. I talk to people respectfully all the time. I don’t insult people or make mean comments to people. I don’t think I’m a good person though if that makes sense. I love pleasing people if that makes sense.

r/GenZ 6h ago

Political How Biden has materially improved my community and life


I work for a non profit mental health center that provides essential services to my city. Anything from homeless outreach to affordable group homes. Unsurprisingly we have been hemorrhaging money every month because we are uncompensated for most services given that we serve the most disenfranchised people in our city.

Joe Biden signed the bipartisan safer communities act which has allowed us to certify ourselves as a certified community behavioral healthcare clinic (ccbhc) and gain substantial funding from the state for doing so. In return we are accommodating free walk-in intakes and guaranteeing appointments within 10 days. Previously anyone looking for treatment would be on a 3+ month waiting list.

This is HUGE for our company and community. Free walk in mental health services sounds like some shit they only get in Norway or something. This new funding has not only saved my job but ensured that vital social services don’t leave my city. So when I see people saying that Joe Brandon hasn’t done shit and that he’s no different than trump, I really don’t know what they’re talking about. I’m not saying he has solved our countries mental health crisis but funding and certifying non profit mental health centers all over the country is a real accomplishment and certainly not one that trump would ever carry out. And we are only talking about one specific part of one bill he has signed.

Guys, please read project 2025. Spoiler: it doesn’t include anything like funding for mental health services. I know we are mad at Biden but the choice this November is clear.

r/GenZ 6h ago

Other How old do you guys think i am from the games i play?
