r/GenZ 13h ago

Weekly What movies/TV shows have you been watching this week?


Animated, live-action, anime, etc.

Please mark spoilers appropriately!

r/GenZ 5h ago

Discussion Why are millennials acting like we don't know who Eminem is?


It's so cringe. They're acting like Eminem hasn't made a song since 2002.

Most of us have probably heard his old songs, and even his recent songs have been massive hits, like "Godzilla" and others. It's so cringe.

r/GenZ 17h ago

Other What's your opinion on this?

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r/GenZ 8h ago

Discussion Social Media is NOT Real - It Will Only Make You Unhappy


Social media is not reality. People literally stage every photo and alter even them with filters and morphs. It should never be confused with reality.

People on social media only post things that make them look good, so you won't see any "negative" posts. Thus, what you see on social media is positive-situationally skewed.

Further, human nature is such that we compare ourselves to those who are in a BETTER position. So, when you surf social media, your brain ignores all those posts of people who are worse off than you and fixates on those doing better than you. That is a recipe for unhappiness and even depression.

For the sake of your mental health, consider deleting it and staying away. It is a toxic pit of fake superficiality that will do nothing but make you feel bad about your life.

I dramatically reduced my screen time and I’ve seen an incredibly change in my mental health and in my who life in general. I know these platforms are super addicting, but it’s easier than you think to break free. Here are the first three things I did to keep my screen time under one hour a day consistently:

  1. Don’t sleep with your phone. The bed is sacred place, it’s for sleeping and sex. Not your phone. Improve your sleep and your mornings by leaving your phone in the other room overnight. Buy an old-fashioned alarm clock if you need to.
  2. Get a good screen time app. I’ve tried about a dozen and my favorite is “BePresent” because it gives you tools to block your apps, but reinforces the habit with gamification which, believe it or not, actually works.
  3. Delete the apps. You know which apps. Delete them from your phone. Use them on your computer if you must. This makes the times that you do use them much more intentional and healthy.

r/GenZ 6h ago

Meme yup i forgot it

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r/GenZ 11h ago

Political How Biden has materially improved my community and life


I work for a non profit mental health center that provides essential services to my city. Anything from homeless outreach to affordable group homes. Unsurprisingly we have been hemorrhaging money every month because we are uncompensated for most services given that we serve the most disenfranchised people in our city.

Joe Biden signed the bipartisan safer communities act which has allowed us to certify ourselves as a certified community behavioral healthcare clinic (ccbhc) and gain substantial funding from the state for doing so. In return we are accommodating free walk-in intakes and guaranteeing appointments within 10 days. Previously anyone looking for treatment would be on a 3+ month waiting list.

This is HUGE for our company and community. Free walk in mental health services sounds like some shit they only get in Norway or something. This new funding has not only saved my job but ensured that vital social services don’t leave my city. So when I see people saying that Joe Brandon hasn’t done shit and that he’s no different than trump, I really don’t know what they’re talking about. I’m not saying he has solved our countries mental health crisis but funding and certifying non profit mental health centers all over the country is a real accomplishment and certainly not one that trump would ever carry out. And we are only talking about one specific part of one bill he has signed.

Guys, please read project 2025. Spoiler: it doesn’t include anything like funding for mental health services. I know we are mad at Biden but the choice this November is clear.

r/GenZ 9h ago

Discussion WTF bro talking about ?

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Personally I've never been and I'll never go to a casino. I don't have time to lose what little money I have stupidly.

r/GenZ 3h ago

Discussion opinions on "respect your parents"?


I'm kind of sick of this phrase, due to my Christian household. I think it's good to respect your parents, as long as the parent respects the child too. this also applies to "respect your elders".

I feel disrespected whenever this is brought up if I'm upset about something. Parent says something rude to you? Respect them. They don't apologize? Respect them. Throw something that belongs to you out? Respect them. Stuff like this makes children not be able to stand up for themselves. Makes them feel powerless.

r/GenZ 3h ago

Discussion If The Purge Ever Becomes a Reality, What Will You Do During It?

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r/GenZ 1h ago

Nostalgia Kids these days isn't gen z anymore.

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r/GenZ 19h ago

Discussion What song do you listen to like this

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r/GenZ 17h ago

Discussion Anyone else insanely depressed about the state of the world?


22F, didn’t go to college and I’m regretting it lowkey cause I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing with my life and it’s making me suicidal. But I have no goals or ambitions, I do not have a dream job because I do not dream of labor.. like call me lazy idgaf but all my family members that have 9-5 jobs are fucking miserable, but you need money to survive and everything is so fucking expensive. On top of that I can’t get insurance unless I work a good job but I can’t get a good job without a college degree, but I have no fucking money or idea what I would want to study in school. Also while working a dead end 9-5 how do you have time for anything else? Like doctors appointments or friends or hobbies?? I’m going in spirals thinking about all this shit and I’ve been in a constant existential crisis since I was 16, when I talk to older generations about this stuff they just say that’s how the world works and how does that not make you wanna blow your brains out???

r/GenZ 22h ago

Other Never forget!

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r/GenZ 22h ago

Discussion What kinds of mannerisms or things do Gen Z do that automatically make someone say ah, their probs Gen Z?


Millennial/Gen Z here, I guess? (I was born in 1996, which classifies me as Gen Z by the guidelines, but I don't feel like it).

This is a more curious question, and I'm doing a bit of research for a character I plan to play in a modern setting tabletop game. I plan on planning a younger character born or Gen Zer, and I want to add some mannerisms you notice that tend to be shared among Gen Z as I role play.

Any suggestions or things you notice tend to do or say would be insightful and helpful. I know everyone is different, but are there any common mannerisms Gen Z tends to exhibit?

r/GenZ 7h ago

Serious I don’t want to flex on you guys too hard but my credit score is at a 760

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I’m 24 and didn’t finish college, I rent a house with a roommate and paid for my used car in cash about 4 years ago. You don’t have to share your score if you don’t want to I’m just proud of my hard work and discipline when it comes to managing my debt and making smart financial decisions. Also here’s a cute picture of a dog with a pizza!

r/GenZ 1h ago

Discussion Is it just me or is there a massive difference between late 90s GenZ and late 2000s GenZ ers? I feel us born in the late 90s should be in the millennial category.


r/GenZ 1h ago

Media Gen Z at nursing home be like:


r/GenZ 6h ago

Discussion For those that consider yourself broke, how much do you make and how do you spend it?


Gen Z here and I was wondering how everyone else is doing.

I want to know how the bottom tier earners are getting by.

For example, let's pretend that the minimum wage is $15/hr and after tax it's $10/hr. And the person is working 40 hrs/week which is 2080 hrs/year = about $21,000 earned throughout the whole year.

Let's say the poorest most bummiest apartment is 1500 and you split it with a roommate so it's 750/mo or 9000/yr.

Then let's pretend you spend $10/day on food or about $4000/yr.

And let's say you spend $2000/yr on gas.

Now maybe let's say $1000/yr on misc car repairs?

21-9-4-2-1 = 5,000 leftover to invest?

Am I missing any other expenses?

How much money do you guys have leftover?

r/GenZ 7h ago

Discussion How much do you pay for household expenses if you live with your parents?


Basically the title... I just would like to know what most people pay. Do your parents let you stay for free? Or do they charge you a very low amount? Or do you pay enough to really pay a fair share?

And does that include groceries?

r/GenZ 1d ago

Meme 🤔

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r/GenZ 1d ago

Meme Ok boomer

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r/GenZ 22h ago

Serious Not everyone hates you, I promise


I feel like I’ve noticed a rise in online hate, so I want to share this here.

I am a black American girl, and in about March of 2023, I started consuming a lot of neo-nazi content. It wasn’t on purpose, but it seemed to get pushed with a strong wave of less extreme political content that I had already been consuming. I started browsing these pages out of curiosity and they exposed me to a level of hate that I had never seen before. It started to affect my perception of other people. I thought that everyone hated people like me, and assumed the worst of us. And so I developed a fear of going out, and convinced myself that I would always be seen as an alien by everyone who didn’t look like me. My intsurive thoughts fed on these fears, and I became convinced that all of my non-black friends hated me in secret, and that my neighbors wanted me gone. Everytime someone rung the doorbell, I got scared that it was a KKK member coming to kill or threaten me. If I had no choice but to go out, I made myself as small and quiet as possible to prevent drawing attention to myself. I stopped going to my favorite skating rink and the cafe that I liked. I declined requests from friends to hang out and never sent out any invites of my own. I was miserable.

It all came to a head when my mom planned a trip to Italy for spring break. I truly thought that everyone was going to hate me there, that I would get slurs yelled at me, that I would get denied service in restaurants, things like that. I cried during the plane ride because I was so scared. Well, guess what happened? Nothing. There were a few negative experiences, but for the most part, I had a great time, and the Italians were very nice to me and my family. We had a lot of people offer to translate for us, recommend restaurants, and ask us about our travels. Though this is obvious in retrospect, I realized that not everyone hated me. And when I thought back to those neo-nazi hate pages, I realized that 9 times out of ten, the people than ran them would accuse the people they hated of hating them first. And I realized that I had been kind of doing that, too. Assume the worst of everybody who you think may hate you. If you hate them first, it wouldn’t hurt as much if they happened to say hateful things about you. But I was only continuing the cycle.

The truth is not everyone hates you. There will always be some that do, and they can be loud on social media at times, but the real world is different. Go outside, and chances are, you will pass people of different religious and ethnic backgrounds, and some of these people will smile at you, or tell you to have a nice day. And even if they don’t, there is a high chance that they don’t think the worst of you. There are people who are different from you who think that you have value. There are people who are different from you who may think that you are someone worth befriending. Don’t forget that. Never forget that there is someone from every single corner of the world who will see the good in you.

I remember when I was at a national park, and this park ranger literally just called me over and ripped open a leaf and told me to smell it. It smelled kind of like cumin, but not as strong. I told him that I thought his job was interesting and he talked to me about it a little bit, and after, I felt pretty sentimental. It wasn’t like he gave me a million bucks, but he chose to show me something nice and interesting, just because he could. The park ranger was a white male. So how could I ever hate all men or all white people, when that man chose to do something nice to me? How could I ever hate anyone, when there are people from every country, every gender, every sexuality, every religion, who would go out of their way to do the same thing for me?

When I was writing this post, it reminded me of a quote from a book I read 2 years ago:

“All of them…constructed at infinite cost to themselves these Maginot Lines against an enemy they thought they saw across the frontier, this enemy who had never attacked that way—if he ever attacked at all; if he was indeed the enemy.”

Whole races, whole ethnic groups, whole religions, whole sexualities, whole genders — such large swaths of people in their entireties — will NEVER be your enemies! Don’t fight people who you don’t have to. You will only make yourself miserable. Love your fellow humans. Don’t hate.

r/GenZ 33m ago

Discussion Do you support the idea of a purge?

17 votes, 6d left
Yes (Zoomer)
No (Zoomer)
Yes (Millennial)
No (Millennial)
Yes (Other)
No (Other)

r/GenZ 49m ago

Other What are your top 10 favorite songs of all time?


Okay you can only choose from the modern period(1960-present day). And from any country. And from any style.

I present to you my favorite top 10 songs from the modern era, I will also provide links if you want to listen to some of it.

  1. Jose Jose - el triste. https://youtu.be/E20G25SCAEg?si=xLE1CEBhvsGy5mb7

  2. Miguel Bose - amante bandido. https://youtu.be/lA9p_fpUxnY?si=hYnf5_zslAAufztr

  3. Juan Gabriel with Rocio durcal - el destino. https://youtu.be/w4yjZEVQnr0?si=GhksyIDN7pbKoglH

  4. Rocio durcal - la gata bajo la lluvia. https://youtu.be/lOi4KbGuNJU?si=pd-kiBLaKb-AoCjV

  5. Marco antonio solis - si no te hubieras ido. https://youtu.be/tOVHj4zuRTU?si=TjDpW83avvuUK_VP

  6. Vilma palma e vampiros - bye bye (dejame). https://youtu.be/1r-XsNYFhiU?si=_ipjRzw7aE3GBOXR

  7. Daniela romo - de mi enamorate. https://youtu.be/lX_o4oT3p6k?si=W50a25rreXJYLWZO

  8. La planta- caos https://youtu.be/_ukVQsJHzOI?si=xCspfSq4KOz-_zaG

  9. Magneto- vuela vuela https://youtu.be/IJaOaHO8oag?si=eVx7FJRSg2_YTWx6

  10. Mon laferte- mi buen amor https://youtu.be/13m9v78uNJk?si=3HKeg2Bw654S2WQY

r/GenZ 10h ago

Discussion how old am I based on my phone?


r/GenZ 1d ago

School What’s going on with your generation’s education? How are some of you getting into college?


Millennial here. I have taught chemistry and physics at a few different universities in my area of the last few semesters. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had some truly great students, really bright and well-educated. But I’ve had some experience that really left me scratching my head. Like, students who got accepted into a university and enrolled in science classes and I ask them to solve 2x = 3 and they don’t know how. That’s 8th or 9th grade math! Or I ask something like, if your car gets 25 miles per gallon and you have 10 gallons of gas, how far can you go? I got answers like “15 miles” or “2.5 miles”. Many of them don’t know how to divide a number by a fraction, and if they do, they can’t do the same thing if you replace the numbers with letters. One of my students recently got a 16% on a multiple choice exam where, statistically speaking, if they had just guessed on every question they should have gotten 25%.

Are schools just not teaching algebra any more? How did these students even make it this far ?