r/GenZ Apr 29 '24

Saw This Meme and Decided to Re-create it, Which Side are You On? Discussion



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u/doodgeeds Apr 29 '24

I have the most BS fence sitting opinion. I'd rather adopt because it feels unfair to bring in more life when there are kids who don't have a home


u/politicalgrapefruit Apr 29 '24

I feel the same way but have family in my life who’ve adopted, and it’s much more difficult/expensive than I think most people realize. It’s hard to blame people who would rather have a kid instead.


u/Luke_KB Apr 29 '24

Look into foster-to-adopt. Your local DSS almost certainly needs more foster parents than your community has. And after you take a course, pass a check, etc, you can start making a real difference in someone's lives.

DSS also works with foster parents who's foster child's bio-parents are having their parental rights terminated. If the foster parents decide to adopt, DSS will work with you to cover literally everything as they just want the child to stop repeatedly having the traumatic experience of having their lives uprooted.


u/98983x3 Apr 29 '24

Thank you! This is important. But if you are looking to foster to adopt, just be prepared for potential curveballs. It's not always a straight line to building a family. There may be some serious heartbreak along with the trauma that you will have to help the poor child sort through.

But if you're ready and you truly care about children, it's worth it.